Concerns Over Modern Eugenics and Economics

Dec 10, 2024

Blaming the 'Defective' People - Lecture Notes


  • Discussion on societal concerns during economic downturns.
  • Fear of the resurgence of eugenics - blaming societal issues on 'bad genes'.

Historical Context of Eugenics

  • Eugenics: Belief in improving the human species through controlled heredity.
  • Historical instances:
    • Great Depression era: Immigrants, mentally disabled, and incarcerated blamed for societal problems.
    • Advocated sterilization of those deemed 'defective'.

Modern Concerns

  • Current economic downturns raise concerns about a resurgence of eugenic-like ideas.
  • Paul Lombardo's perspective:
    • Bigotry and scapegoating persist.
    • Eugenics might reappear in a new form if economic conditions worsen.
    • Example: California political campaigns focusing on immigration restrictions.

Historical Legislation and Cases

  • Indiana's 1907 law on involuntary sterilization.
  • 1913 laws against interracial marriages.
  • 1927 Supreme Court case - Buck v. Bell: Upheld sterilization of the 'mentally defective'.

Criticism and Scientific Context

  • Criticism existed even in the past but was overshadowed by the supposed scientific basis.
  • Genetics was seen as progressive due to advances in animal and plant breeding.
  • Eugenics provided a scientific veneer to prejudices.

Modern Genetic Science

  • Completion of the human genome map elevates genetic science.
  • Fears of 'neo-eugenics' - attributing negative behaviors to genetics.
    • Garland Allen's critique of baseless genetic claims.

Societal Implications

  • Economic downturns may exacerbate inequalities:
    • Wealthy exploiting research breakthroughs.
  • Ethnic diversity today complicates scapegoating.


  • Debate on the potential return of eugenics.
  • Mixed opinions on the impact of economic conditions on modern eugenics.
  • Scientific community's potential role in preventing compulsory state policies.