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Effective Morning Routine and Habits for Students
Jul 5, 2024
Effective Morning Routine and Habits for Students
Addressing the unrealistic expectation of waking up early and doing extensive routines.
Presenting a simple and effective morning routine aimed at improving grades, attractiveness, and confidence.
1. Alarm Trick to Get Out of Bed Quickly
strategic self-regulation
Set two alarms: the main alarm at your wake-up time (e.g., 7:00 AM) and a secondary alarm 30 minutes earlier (e.g., 6:30 AM).
Snooze the first alarm on purpose, enhancing cognitive function without increasing fatigue.
Slide the phone away, ensuring you have to get out of bed to stop the second alarm.
2. Sleep on Half of Your Bed
: belief in your ability to achieve goals.
Reinforcing this belief starts by making your bed immediately.
Sleep on one side of the bed, keeping the other side always tucked.
3. Eliminate Bad Odors
Proper showering technique using different methods:
: Not ideal, as hands themselves have germs.
: Better exfoliation, but collects bacteria after a couple of uses.
Silicone Body Scrubber (PMD)
: Best option, as it scrubs better, cleans pores, and is antibacterial.
4. Protein Hack for Gaining Muscle
Importance of high protein intake between ages 16-22 due to high HGH and testosterone levels.
Simple recipe:
Ingredients: 1 scoop protein powder, 1 egg, ½ tsp baking powder, 2 tbsp water.
Microwave for 40 seconds.
5. Study the Art of Taking Exams
Three types of students
One who doesn't try.
One who works hard but not strategically.
One who strategizes and views exams as a game. Be this student. -Daily practice: Study practice exams during breakfast for better grades.
6. Untangle Your Mind by Brain Dumping
Technique to reduce stress and anxiety:
Use a notebook or laptop to write down thoughts, worries, and what you want to achieve.
Helps clear the mind and prepare for the day.
7. Five Backpack Essentials
Items with strategic value:
Clean white T-shirt
: For emergencies like spills or sweat.
: For fresh breath and confidence.
: Boosts confidence and attracts attention.
iPhone charger
: For personal use or to assist others.
Good pen
: For academic tasks and social interactions.
These seven habits will give a significant advantage in school, enhancing performance and confidence.
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