Effective Morning Routine and Habits for Students

Jul 5, 2024

Effective Morning Routine and Habits for Students


  • Addressing the unrealistic expectation of waking up early and doing extensive routines.
  • Presenting a simple and effective morning routine aimed at improving grades, attractiveness, and confidence.

1. Alarm Trick to Get Out of Bed Quickly

  • Use strategic self-regulation:
    • Set two alarms: the main alarm at your wake-up time (e.g., 7:00 AM) and a secondary alarm 30 minutes earlier (e.g., 6:30 AM).
    • Snooze the first alarm on purpose, enhancing cognitive function without increasing fatigue.
    • Slide the phone away, ensuring you have to get out of bed to stop the second alarm.

2. Sleep on Half of Your Bed

  • Understand self-efficacy: belief in your ability to achieve goals.
  • Reinforcing this belief starts by making your bed immediately.
  • Sleep on one side of the bed, keeping the other side always tucked.

3. Eliminate Bad Odors

  • Proper showering technique using different methods:
    • Hands: Not ideal, as hands themselves have germs.
    • Washcloth: Better exfoliation, but collects bacteria after a couple of uses.
    • Silicone Body Scrubber (PMD): Best option, as it scrubs better, cleans pores, and is antibacterial.

4. Protein Hack for Gaining Muscle

  • Importance of high protein intake between ages 16-22 due to high HGH and testosterone levels.
  • Simple recipe:
    • Ingredients: 1 scoop protein powder, 1 egg, ½ tsp baking powder, 2 tbsp water.
    • Microwave for 40 seconds.

5. Study the Art of Taking Exams

  • Three types of students:
    • One who doesn't try.
    • One who works hard but not strategically.
    • One who strategizes and views exams as a game. Be this student. -Daily practice: Study practice exams during breakfast for better grades.

6. Untangle Your Mind by Brain Dumping

  • Technique to reduce stress and anxiety:
    • Use a notebook or laptop to write down thoughts, worries, and what you want to achieve.
    • Helps clear the mind and prepare for the day.

7. Five Backpack Essentials

  • Items with strategic value:
    • Clean white T-shirt: For emergencies like spills or sweat.
    • Gum: For fresh breath and confidence.
    • Fragrance: Boosts confidence and attracts attention.
    • iPhone charger: For personal use or to assist others.
    • Good pen and headphones: For academic tasks and social interactions.


  • These seven habits will give a significant advantage in school, enhancing performance and confidence.