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Australia and Indonesia: Bonds of Independence
Oct 2, 2024
Lecture Notes: Australia and Indonesia - Trade and Independence
Overview of historical connections between Australia and Indonesia.
The impact of war on ocean contacts, specifically World War II.
Esperance Bay
ship's journey in 1945, marking a new beginning for Australia-Indonesian relations.
Key Events in 1945
Departure of
Esperance Bay
1400 Indonesians left Australia for Java.
Australian government ensured they would not land in Dutch-controlled ports.
Significance of the voyage
Represented solidarity between Australian workers and Indonesians in their fight for independence.
Flag Presentation
Symbol of support from Australian trade unions to the Indonesian Republic.
Cultural Connections
Long-standing friendship between Australians and Indonesians.
Shared experiences and cultural exchanges during the war.
Celebration of Indonesian independence in Australia, showing unity across cultures.
Indonesian Independence Movement
Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.
Key principles of the new government:
Freedom of organization, assembly, expression, and press.
Oath of loyalty by Indonesians in support of freedom.
Economic Context
Highlighting the colonial history:
350 years of Dutch colonial rule exploited Indonesian resources.
Indonesian workers had been denied rights until coming to Australia.
Post-war economic aspirations of the Dutch to reclaim resources in Indonesia.
Labor Movement Response
Strike Actions
Australian workers refused to man Dutch ships carrying arms against Indonesia.
Labor solidarity from Australian workers in support of Indonesian independence.
Broader union actions:
The establishment of a black ban on Dutch ships.
Support from various international unions, including American and Canadian labor movements.
Global Solidarity and Support
Leaders from various nations supported Indonesian freedom:
Indian, Soviet, and Filipino voices raised against Dutch imperialism.
Reports of successful actions taken by Australian labor:
Ships denied passage, symbolizing the collective stand against oppression.
Celebration of Solidarity
Indian sailors' significant act of refusing to carry arms for the Dutch.
Recognition of international brotherhood among workers.
Continued support from various ethnic and national groups for Indonesia's struggle.
Emphasis on the importance of solidarity among oppressed nations.
The impact of collective action in promoting freedom and independence.
Reflection on the ships that didn’t sail—symbolizing labor's commitment to justice and support for the Indonesian Republic.
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