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Lecture on Dream and Vision
Jul 23, 2024
Lecture on Dream and Vision
Recording will be posted on Jump at noon.
Discussion on a recent dream experienced.
Comments on the dream provided though not typical.
Dream Sequence
Hospital Nursery
Hospital nursery filled with cribs:
Hundreds of babies, many crying, some sleeping.
12 to 15 nurses overstressed, running everywhere.
Nurses saying they need more help.
Man in white coat
(often seen):
Dressed as a doctor.
Says, “The harvest is full but not enough for helping.”
Signifies a major revival on the horizon.
Need for committed individuals to disciple new Christians.
Importance of staying open, faithful, and ready.
Washington D.C.
Two F-16s
circling the city boundaries.
Flying in opposite directions, equipped with sensors and missiles.
Pilots monitoring airspace.
Capitol Building:
Congressmen and senators shoveling stacks of $100 bills into furnaces without wood/fires.
Money blown away by wind, unreachable to people on the ground.
Capitol Balcony
30 congressmen and senators barricaded:
Some visibly abused.
Surrounded by an aggressive police unit.
Demand for explanation:
Senator hit with rifle butt for questioning.
Former President
Standing where State of Union address is given:
In handcuffs, one ear bleeding, the other bruised.
Sergeant-at-arms holding him up, whispering in his ear.
President in visible pain, barely standing.
Speaks out: “It’s not me they hate; it’s you.”
Rushed out, new congressman hits gavel, breaks it.
Commands, “Let’s get the rest of them because it’s our house now.”
Man seen often:
Stands among the 30 leaders.
Says loudly: “I never said to stop bracing.”
Helps leaders to their feet, exits with them.
Final words: “Stay braced for his name's sake.”
Coming persecution, major revival.
Call to action:
Aggressively and specifically pray.
Prepare for persecution and censorship.
Church’s role in discipling and preparing new believers.
Importance of preaching and teaching the gospel truth.
Persecution and Censorship
Censorship as persecution:
Examples with social media bans.
Legislative concerns:
Watch bills like domestic terrorism bill, NDAA.
Church’s role:
Stay true to preaching the gospel.
Closing Thoughts
Implications for the church:
Potential criminalization of truth.
Call to disciple, teach, and train believers.
Pray about the dreams and their meanings.
Interpret with caution, not politically driven.
Urgent messages:
Stay in the word, repent, stop playing games.
Prepare for hardships against the church.
Continue to brace oneself as advised.
Final Reminder
Quoted Guidance:
“Stay braced for his name's sake.”
Full transcript