an and now guys it's time for our session number six yeah session number six which is about the use of ABC model in answering your pnla questions so I know that we are all familiar with the ABC model since first year basically it's the airway breathing and circulation pattern in health emergencies okay it's not only used in nursing okay as a concept but it is also used generally in uh Health okay in health education and also in Allied uh health no Allied Health Concepts such as your medicine as well in your uh Midwifery uh also in other Concepts so most students miss this model when answering prioritization questions particularly in subjects like Med surge okay in your medical surgical nursing concept okay we oftenly forget that a breathing circulation um model can be used in answering uh questions such as see for example in your np3 to np5 questions in your uh p&le okay so now uh specifically or such just say for example when you are an ER nurse immediately think of use on things that are uh needed to be prioritized you say for example your Airway okay then Airway then that's the time we will proceed to the next um the next part of the pattern which is your breathing and then the last part will be your circulation okay so basically again it's your ABC when you say a Airway B for breathing and then C for circulation in our basic life support trainings no or your basic life support concept and that's very very true okay so I will be giving you here some example and this session will be very short I think this will be the shortest okay as we all know this thing the pattern of your ABC or your Airway breathing and circulation pattern okay so let's have an example question here a patient was rashed to ER due to hyperventilation okay uh and okay sotic appearance now the patient has wheezes yeah that's a pathognomonic sign there and it's known to be asmatic actually your wheezing wheezing most of the time particularly know the question should be about asthma what should be the first nursing action I will be highlighting this one what should be the first nursing action so simp ventilate okay so the patient hases additional when I say cues those are your signs and symptoms or those are your markers which gives us the real situation okay my hyperventilation my cyanosis my wees known as you should know by now that the patient is asthmatic okay what should be the first nursing action a provide oxygen support immediately letter B start IV infusion quickly letter C prepare epinephrine letter D start a resolation okay guys this question is actually level one question to this talks about your knowledge but of course this needs our critical thinking over here okay now this is the right time for us to use the ABC model OKAY in health care okay so let's um identify each question I mean each item whether they are of air way there have breathing and there have circulation okay letter A provide oxygen support immediately oxygen oxygen when you think of oxygen we're giving that because of an that is for breathing okay that is for breathing of the patient so letter B breathing letter A that's breathing letter B start IV infusion quickly intravenous infusion so that's what we call as your okay that's an intervention for your circulation okay so letter B is circulation letter C prepare epinephrine epinephrine what's the use of epinephrine here okay the use of epinephrine here is of course Thea Yan okay that's also for relaxation of your Airway and that's also no for the pumping of the heart so however we need to uh take note here that your epinephrine okay that your epinephrine is an end or the last resort in healthcare emergencies we need to remember that one okay so letter D start a resolation so when we say start start a resolation what I'm trying to say here most most of the time guys students would not answer those options that they don't know but that's actually something that's in Reverse okay most of the time those things that you don't know are actually okay most of the time those are the correct options so letter A that's breathing letter B that's circulation letter C reer epinephrine that could be an ay that could be in circulation however that's the last result letter D start a rization that's actually um okay you will start rizing the patient or is your nebulization okay by use of your Bronco dilator such as your um salamol hyperium okay so the best answer for this one guys is of course the patient as is non asmatic you need to start idolizing to open the airway okay Airway priority most of the time students here fail to fail to get the right answer because they immediately think okay so immediately but take note of this one guys okay you cannot or the patient cannot actually get the right amount of oxygen open Airway the very reason why whees it's because that Airway is too narrow okay okay so inflamed or bronos spasm Airway so that's the very reasones oygen but let's put uh something in the question question so I have added here some additives no in the question itself what if a patient was rushed to ER due to hyperventilation and CTIC appearance the patient has wheezes and is known to be asthmatic after opening the airway what should be the next nursing action so that's the time wherein D would be wrong start a rization after opening the airway so you already did the option letter D that's why it's already wrong so the best answer for these ones is of course to open or I mean or to provide oxygen support to our patient okay so that's the ABC pattern that's how we use or how we utilize the ABC pattern in answering your pnl questions okay so let's have another example here a more complex uh example three patients was simultaneously brought to ER Sil uh I mean dalala okay while you were on duty which of the following patients should be prioritized okay so letter A a 44 a 45 5year old man with 3 Ines hacking wound consistently bleeding y yells and is drun Su okay patient consistently and is yelling letter B six-year-old dehydrated patient who eagerly drinks dry skin is noted weak but responsive letter C 43 year old uh on wheelchair suspected to have swallowed her Dentures at sleep and doesn't want to lie on dead letter d a 12-year-old boy who cries in pain after falling from 2 meter and is suspected uh to have a fracture in lower arm so most of the time your answers would be letter A because D no so actually uh let's try to label each of the options no so that we would know what um what in the ABC model are they falling into okay okay so letter A let's try to analyze that's actually circulation that's focusing the problem of the patient is focusing on circulation okay may three in hacking wound tapos my bleeding an bleeding is simply circulation letter B most of the time also or majority would be answering this one cuz who my dehydration B weak but is responsive okay now remember that when the term eagerly drinks in dehydration is there remember that it is moderate dehydration okay so letter B is talking about circulation letter D fracture bed could be internal or external if the fracture is open or closed okay so again it talks about circulation now letter C among the patients but remember very important cues here on wheelchair suspected to have swallowed her Dentures at sleep [Music] so Dentures or however we are not still sure okay and doesn't want to lie on probably it's that's why doesn't want to lie on bed remember that the patient is just on wheelchair so the patient is probably okay having difficulties in breathing now uh we still don't know here but theuse is there humig okay so there is a problem now on Airway okay so the best answer for this one actually this is a level for question for the P what I'm trying to say is that is level four so the best answer for this one is of course you answer letter C okay an so we're trying to exercise our minds okay utilizing this um technique here let's have another example when caring for adult patients in the word which of the following conditions should be given the highest priority okay letter A anorexia nervosa letter b mixa letter C Parkinson's disease letter D epiglotis an so Poss uh we will be talking about or we will be thinking about Mi because uh it may lead to mix demo yeah so you we need the knowledge and we also need the critical thinking here we use the ABC model and we will be very uh happy with the results because we will land in successfully okay into the correct option so let's try to analyze option letter A anorex nervosa that's actually circulation letter Bonia that's breathing tuberculosis problem also is breathing epiglottitis yes breathing breathing problem however you need to remember that your epiglotis is actually the structure between your um digestive system and your respiratory system that flops okay whenever open digestive track it's the airway that's closed okay digestive trackway close so now you need to remember that your epiglotis is not functioning well because it is swollen okay uh swelling in your epiglotis so consideration the highest consideration that we will be putting here is that the patient is okay Poss Airway obstruction so the priority here is of course the best answer for this one okay is letter G okay you need to remember that one okay so I know you have those questions in your mind so is the model applicable applicable all the time the answer is no in OB nursing always think for the baby as the highest priority during pre and artum however while postpartum the Mami is the priority that's why we take note for b b bleeding and um uterine atony we are trying to prevent that one to occur okay so carefully treat each question with tactfulness to avoid the misuse of the technique okay so just like what we did in our examples we are trying to uh carefully distinguish whether it is Airway breathing and circulation so that we would be able to land into the most correct answer yeah so so thank you for being with me in this session see you guys on our next session and that would be our session number seven