Cadillac Plastering in Wet Areas

Jul 22, 2024

Cadillac Plastering Technique in Wet Areas


  • Mastery requires practice and understanding.
  • Series of tutorial videos provide a broad overview.
  • Practice all steps and techniques before starting a project.

Materials Required

  • Limestrong base plaster.
  • 8 litres of water per bag (approx. 2 gallons).
  • Masking tape (1-inch) and drop cloth.
  • High-speed drill and mixing paddle.
  • Hawk and trowel.
  • Sponge float.
  • Neoprene float.
  • Scraper.

Mixing the Plaster

  1. Initial Mixing: Start with less water, then adjust consistency.
  2. Step-by-Step:
    • Add ⅓ of the bag and mix well.
    • Scrape dry plaster into the mix.
    • Continue until the bag is empty.
    • Adjust with small amounts of water if needed.
  3. Final Mixing: Mix at high speed for 3 minutes.

Application of the Base Coat

  1. Masking
    • Use a strip of 1-inch tape at the plaster interface.
    • Re-mask between coats.
  2. First Coat
    • Remove high spots/ridges with a broad scraping knife when key coat is cured and dry.
    • Use coarse sandpaper for corner details.
    • Apply generous coat to cover key coat texture.
    • Smooth with a damp sponge float when semi-dry.
    • Allow to dry overnight.
    • Scrape high spots; sand corners if needed.
  3. Second Coat
    • Apply evenly at about 1/8 inch thick.
    • Ensure an efficient workflow to maintain a wet edge.
    • Use corner tools for crisp corners.
    • Smooth with a damp sponge float when semi-dry.
    • Flatten with a neoprene float when ~70% dry.
    • Smooth with a trowel before fully dry.
    • Ensure to compress and knock down sand grains.
    • Allow to dry completely before Tadillac finish.

Key Techniques

  • Consistency Check: Adjust water as you mix.
  • Edge Details: Re-mask to avoid redoing entire job.
  • Smooth Finish: Use floats progressively (sponge, then neoprene).
  • Timing: Monitor drying stages for optimal smoothing and flattening.