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What is the significance of the different Hebrew words for 'hardened' used in Exodus 7:13 and 10:1?
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They reflect different conditions of Pharaoh’s heart, which is a lesson for believers to incline their hearts towards Yahweh's commandments.
What is the ultimate call to action in terms of the identity and role of Israel, as concluded in the lecture?
The lecture calls for bringing Ephraim and Judah together under the Melchizedek priesthood and returning to a biblical identification of Israel.
What is the 'Kazar Theory' in relation to modern Israel?
It suggests that many modern Jews are descendants of Khazars, not true Israelites.
What are the two options debated regarding the true identity of Israel?
Option A: Any descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Israel. Option B: Those who accept Yahusha as Messiah and follow his Torah.
What distinction is made between 'physical' and 'spiritual' Israel in the lecture?
Physical Israel is equated to carnal descendants, whereas spiritual Israel refers to those spiritually awakened and redeemed.
What criticism is leveled against political Zionism in the context of biblical prophecy?
Political Zionism is critiqued as a false fulfillment of biblical prophecy that believers should avoid.
How can non-Israelites become part of Israel according to the lecture?
Non-Israelites can become Israelites through faith, being grafted into the vine of Israel.
What is the common misconception regarding the duration of Israelite slavery in Egypt?
The misconception is that Israelites were enslaved for 430 years, while they were actually enslaved for 210 years.
What is emphasized by referring to 'Spiritual Israel' in the lecture?
The emphasis is on understanding physical Israel as a prerequisite to grasping the concept of spiritual grafting as mentioned in the Bible.
In which biblical books can one find references discussing the spiritual grafting into Israel?
These references can be found in Romans 9:6, 2:28, and John 1:13.
What did the 430 years mentioned in the context of Israelite history actually refer to?
The 430 years refer to the period from the promise to Abraham to the breach of that promise at the Golden Calf incident.
How is Talmudic Judaism portrayed in the context of Israel's identity?
It is portrayed as a counterfeit of true faith, alongside Zionism.
What does Paul’s writings in Romans and Galatians say about the concept of Israel?
Paul discusses the distinction between physical (carnal) and eternal (awakened) Israel.
Why is the Levitical priesthood viewed as inadequate for administering the land covenant?
Because historically, even under King David, the land covenant could not be fulfilled under the Levitical priesthood.
Under which priesthood was the covenant made with Abraham administered?
The covenant with Abraham was administered under the Melchizedek (Maled) order, not the Levitical priesthood.