Yeshua: Journey from Genesis to Revelation

Oct 2, 2024

Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation: Part 2


  • Series Title: Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation
  • Focus: Understanding the journey of the children of Israel and the parallels with New Testament teachings.

Key Concepts

Exodus and Faith

  • Exodus: Israelites left Egypt by grace through faith (blood of the lamb on doorposts).
  • Mount Sinai: Received commandments post-redemption.
  • Mount Zion vs Mount Sinai: Examines contrasts between these two spiritual mountains.

Grace, Faith, and Salvation

  • Exodus 3:21: God's grace favoring Israelites in Egypt.
  • Acts of Faith: Required to apply the lamb's blood.
  • Ephesians 2:8: Salvation by grace through faith, affirming Torah principles.

New Testament Affirmation

  • Romans 3 & 7: Establishing the Torah without voiding it.
  • Paul's Perspective: Faith establishes, not abolishes, the Torah.

The Role of the Torah

Given to All

  • Numbers 15: One Torah for Israelites and strangers.
  • Moses Nachmanides' Commentary: Torah is for the congregation of Jacob and all who join.

Spiritual Application for Believers

  • 1 Corinthians 10: Believers should see themselves as part of the Exodus story.
  • Deuteronomy 29: Covenant includes future generations.
  • Passover Celebration: Remembrance of deliverance is continuous.

The New Covenant

Heart Transformation

  • Ezekiel 36: Removal of stony hearts, giving of heart of flesh.
  • Hebrews 10: Torah written on hearts in New Covenant.

Stony Hearts

  • Characteristics: Receive word with gladness but falter under trials.
  • Example: Israel's initial eagerness at Sinai and subsequent disobedience.

The Spirit's Role

  • Guided by Spirit: Holy Spirit helps obey Torah.
  • Truth and Torah: Holy Spirit guides in truth, equated with Torah.


From Egypt to Zion

  • Spiritual Journey: From Egypt (bondage) to spiritual Jerusalem (peace).
  • Ultimate Fulfillment: Messiah's reign and teaching of Torah from Zion.

Marriage Covenant

  • Mount Sinai: Spiritual marriage between Yeshua (bridegroom) and Israel.
  • Adultery and Exile: Breaking of covenant led to curses akin to those on adulterous women.

Yeshua's Sacrifice

  • Fulfillment of Penalties: Yeshua's crucifixion mirrored penalties of an adulterous woman.
  • Unity with Israel: Through marriage, Yeshua identified with Israel's punishment.

Future Hope

  • Messianic Era: Reunification of Israel, teaching of Torah from Jerusalem.
  • Ultimate Peace: New Jerusalem in the New Heaven and Earth.