[Music] [Music] yeah Shalom in Yeshua I am a teacher me of Hebraic Heritage ministries and we are doing a teaching series entitled Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation and this is the second part of this series so let's continue with the second part of our teaching we are looking at Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation when the children of Israel came out of Egypt they came out by grace through faith in putting the blood of the lamb on the doorpost and after they were saved by grace through faith then they came to Mount Sinai and they were given Commandments on how to live their lives as a redeemed people we're going to look at that in this session in addition to looking at what is the difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion that is a couple of things which we're going to be examining in this session to begin with let's look at Exodus and chapter 3 in verse 21 it tells us that the grace of the God of Israel was upon his people to bring them out of Egypt as it is written it and I will give this people favor or grace in the sight of the Egyptians and it will come to pass that when you go you shall not go empty even though the grace of the God of Israel was to redeem his people out of Egypt did all the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost did all the Egyptian households put the blood of the lamb upon the doorpost of course we know that the answer is no because even though the grace of the God of Israel was present to redeem his people it required something in addition to grace and that is face what was the face that the God of Israel required to come out of Egypt it was putting the blood of the lamb on the doorpost in Exodus in chapter 12 and verse 3 it is written speak unto all the congregation of Israel saying in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb for a house verse 7 and they shall take of the blood of the Lamb and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of the houses wherein they shall eat why was this an act of faith well first of all faith is believing in doing what the God of Israel has instructed to do in through Moses he instructed that to escape the plague of the death of the firstborn which was the tenth plague it required putting the blood of the lamb on the doorpost secondly in Egyptian culture in society that lambs or sheep were regarded as Egyptian god so it would have been politically incorrect in Egyptian culture and society to kill what your neighbor may regard as one of their gods so you better be sure when you killed that lamb and put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost that you were hearing from the God of Israel and that's exactly what he wanted you to do what we can see then is the way in which the children of Israel came out of Egypt it was by grace through faith so therefore being delivered or redeemed by grace through faith is a Torah concept that the New Testament affirms is so so when we look at Ephesians in chapter 2 and verse 8 where it says for by grace are you saved through faith it not of yourselves it is the gift of God that is not a brand new New Testament concept that is something that the New Testament affirms as being true which was established first in the Torah I want you to notice the picture that we have here first the children of Israel were saved by grace through faith and it was a people saved by grace through faith who came to Mount Sinai and were given Commandments on how they were to live their lives as a redeemed people now we look at Romans in chapter 3 and Paul establishes in verse 30 seeing it as one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision by faith that all are saved by grace through faith then Paul asked this question in Romans chapter 3 and verse 31 do we make void or do away with the Torah through faith or because we're saved by grace through faith in the mindset of most in traditional Christianity somehow they got the thought or the perspective that it was Paul who taught that in believing that Yeshua is the Messiah that a non Jew does not need to express his faith in Yeshua as the Messiah by following the Torah but the irony of that is that Paul asked the question here in Romans chapter 3 verse 31 do we make void or do away with the Torah through faith and here is his answer god forbid no we do not we establish the Torah Paul went on to say in Romans in chapter 7 and verse 22 for I delight in the Torah of God after the inward man what is the inward man that he is speaking of it is the one who has received the New Covenant in Yeshua and has the indwelling Holy Spirit he delights in the tour of God after the inward man because the inward man through the help and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit has the Torah written upon his heart and if the Torah is written upon your heart you will want to follow the Torah well did the God of Israel when he brought his people to Mount Sinai and gave them Commandments on how they were to live their lives as a redeemed people did Yahweh Yeshua then tell Moses Moses I want you to set on one side all the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob because I have quite a few Commandments to give them and it's gonna take a little bit of time and then did he say well then separate on the other side the non-physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob because I'm gonna make it a lot easier for them I've only got to give them two Commandments that you're supposed to love me and love everyone else does that what he did of course you know that is not what happened in numbers in chapter 15 and verse 15 it is written one ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation that is the native born and also for the stranger that sojourneth you in ordinance for ever as you are so shall the stranger be before you one Torah in one manner shall be for you and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you everyone who is a part of the house of Jacob is given the same Torah from the lawgiver Yahweh Yeshua in the commentary on the Torah by Moses knock mama D's or the ROM bond on page 376 he explains the following Moses commanded us a law and this will be an inheritance of the congregation of Jacob a rabbis interpreted that he did not say an inheritance of the house of Jacob or the seed of Jacob they stated the congregation of Jacob in order to suggest that many strangers or sojourners would join them that is the native-born descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Torah will all is be an inheritance of Jacob and all who congregate to him these being the strangers that join themselves to the Lord therefore we have seen in this part of our study that the children of Israel were redeemed out of Egypt by grace through faith and they were given the Torah oh and this was instruction on how they were to live their lives as they saved or a redeemed people and the same Torah was given to the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as well as the non-physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who were strangers sojourners and they were grafted into the Covenant that was made with the house of Jacob next we're going to see as believers in Yeshua as the Messiah realizing that the name of his family is the house of Jacob that we are instructed to see ourselves as if we were saved a redeemed or delivered out of Egypt in first Corinthians in chapter 10 and verses 1 through 4 it is written moreover brethren I would not that you be ignorant Paul here is writing to primarily a non-jewish audience and in order to catch their attention on what he is going to be explaining to them he professes his statement by saying don't be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea and that they were all baptized or immersed unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea they all eat the same spiritual drink they did all eat the same spiritual meat they did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Messiah I want you to notice here that Paul uses the word all five times how that all our fathers were under the cloud they all passed the seed they were all immersed under Moses in the cloud and in the sea they did all eat the same spiritual meat they did all drink the same spiritual drink in the Torah or in the Bible itself if the God of Israel wants to make an important point he emphasizes it by repeating the point where here the word all is not just repeated it is repeated five times to amplify that this happened to all of our fathers but wait a second you realize that my father and grandfather did not literally come out of Egypt and your father and grandfather did not literally come out of Egypt and Paul's father and grandfather didn't literally come out of Egypt well if our father and grandfather did not literally come out of Egypt why is Paul writing and saying primarily to non-jewish believers in Yeshua as Messiah to not be ignorant that all of our fathers did come out of Egypt well Paul here is communicating to us a Torah concept or a Torah principle in first Corinthians chapter 10 verses one through four Paul is actually teaching from the Torah itself and he's making a reference to Deuteronomy in chapter 29 and verses 12 through 15 in looking at these verses it says in Deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 12 that you should enter into covenant with the Lord your God and into his oath which the Lord your God makes with you this day that is speaking about the event of mount sinai that he may establish these today for a people unto himself that he may be unto you a god as he is sworn unto you and as you sweat on your father's to Abraham Isaac in Jacob verse 14 neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath but to covet my oath which is being made at mount sinai is being made verse 15 with him that stands here with us this day before the Lord our God and also with him that is not here with us this day I want you to notice that the Covenant at Mount Sinai is being made with two groups of people it's being made with those who are there and also with those who are not there which means even though you were not there you are regarded as if you were there that is if you are in covenant relationship with the one who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt so if you have accepted Yeshua as your Lord and your Savior because he is the one that made covenant with Abraham and the children of Israel came out of Egypt on behalf of the Covenant promise that was made with Abraham then the God of Israel sees as if he brought you out of Egypt in Exodus in chapter 13 in verse 8 regarding the celebration of Passover and in celebrating Passover which is the celebration of the coming of Egypt that one of the 613 commandments is to instruct your son from exodus chapter 13 verse 8 and tell him that that event happened to him on a personal level and on a personal basis as it is written and you shall show your son in that day well what period of time is in that day in that day is in the future you shall tell your son in that day or in the future in that day also refers to the Messianic era because the celebration of Passover will be done in messianic times in Ezekiel beginning in chapter 40 but we have a description of the temple of the Messianic era and it says in Ezekiel in chapter 45 verse 21 during the messianic era that in the first month and the 14th day of the month you shall have the Passover a feast of seven days unleavened bread shall be eaten so we are going to be celebrating Passover in messianic times and that is why you were to tell your son even in that day and that's the end times the following that this is being done that is the celebration of Passover because of that which the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt but wait a second do you realize that the son in that day or in future generations or even during the messianic era did not literally come out of Egypt then why is it commanded that he did is because he is to see himself as a part of a covenant people a part of the community of Israel and the community of Israel is to be seen as one people then Exodus chapter 13 verse 9 is a commandment to always have in your mind in your remembrance that you came out of Egypt not just to remember this at Passover time but you are to remember it on a daily basis as it is written and it shall be a sign unto you upon your hand and for a memorial between your eyes that the Lord's Torah may be in your mouth for with a strong hand has the Lord brought you out of Egypt well after bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt bringing them to Mount Sinai the Covenant was broken there in the wilderness it was broken by the building of the golden calf but even as Israel continued in that generation they were disobedient and even when they got sent into exile into the nations of the world they went after other gods and were disobedient so the Torah that was given at Mount Sinai was broken the principle of what the God of Israel intended when he brought his people out of Egypt is found in Deuteronomy in chapter 6 and verses 22 and 23 as it is written and the Lord showed signs and wonders great and sore upon Egypt upon Pharaoh and upon all his household before his eyes and he brought us out from there that is Egypt that he might bring us in that would be the Promised Land to give us the land which he sware unto his father's well he didn't intend just to generically bring them into the Promised Land there was a specific place in the promised land which was the destination of the journey out of Egypt and that place is Jerusalem Jerusalem when David United all twelve tribes was called Zion or Mount Zion so the purpose of coming out of Egypt is to go to Jerusalem in Jerusalem in Hebrew means the Lord sees peace Egypt means to be constrained to be in bondage that you have constraints but Jerusalem is the opposite Jerusalem is Shalom Jerusalem is peace when you arrive to Jerusalem spiritually the heavenly Jerusalem and what is that peace that we are to have when we come to Jerusalem it's the peace of knowing the Messiah it is having the Torah written upon our heart it is dying to the self and having the power of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit leading and guiding in directing our lives in service to the one that brought us out of Egypt even Yeshua the Messiah that Mountain Zion is your sins being forgiven being brought to the New Covenant so this is our journey in coming out of Egypt it's to go to Jerusalem and Mount Zion so we come to Mount Zion on an individual personal basis when we accept Yeshua as our Messiah and receive the forgiveness of our sins by repenting of our sins and we enter into a new covenant relationship with Yeshua this new covenant is Torah based in the New Covenant brings us spiritually or enables us to spiritually to go to Jerusalem or Mount Zion in Hebrews in chapter 10 and verse 16 it says this is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days says the Lord I will put my Torah in their hearts and then their minds will I write them so Mount Zion is heart surgery that the God of Israel performs upon us because of the stony heart that we had in breaking the Covenant at Mount Sinai so he performs heart surgery upon us he gives us a new heart he puts his spirit within us that enables us to go to Mount Zion and have the Torah written upon our heart what is the difference then between the original covenant the one given at Mount Sinai and the renewed covenant let's look at Ezekiel in chapter 36 in verse 26 where it says a new heart will I give you a new spirit will I put within you I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh want you to notice what he's doing he's read moving the stony heart and he's replacing it with the heart of flesh the removing of the stony heart and giving you a heart of flesh is giving us heart surgery so Mount Sinai is associated with the Torah being received upon stony hearts this was prophetically foreshadowed in the fact that the Torah itself was written on tablets of stone the tablets making a reference to the hearts of the people who had received the Torah Mount Zion or the New Covenant is the Torah written upon a heart of flesh and the heart of flesh is a soft heart that we're given instruction will strive to the obedience to the instruction that they're being given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and where they have departed they have the heart to want to repent and to restore the relationship with the one who they sinned against what is a stony heart we can see the definition of a stony heart from zechariah in chapter 7 in verses 11 and 12 it is written but they refused to hearken and they pulled the shoulder they stopped their ears that they should not hear so refusing to hark and refusing to hear them and stopping your ears is verse 12 a stony heart they made their hearts as an adamant stone unless they should hear the torah the torah in the words which yahweh of hosts has said any spirit by the former prophets in order to understand the process in the kingdom of God by which we hear and receive the Torah for the word of God Yeshua gave us a parable regarding it in mark in chapter 4 and we're going to see how this parallels with the children of Israel coming out of Egypt in receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai mark in chapter 4 and verse 3 says hark and behold there went out a sower to sow verse 4 and it came to pass as he sowed some fell by the way side and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up verse 5 and some fell on stony ground well is Yeshua really teaching about ground he's really teaching about how his Torah or his word is received by people in their heart so this is referring not to ground itself but it's meant to teach you about stony hearts and we begin to see a picture of what is a stony heart in mark chapter 4 verse 6 it says a stony heart has no root and so it withers away continuing on in mark chapter 4 verse 14 where Yeshua explains the parable he says that the sower shows the word or the Torah of God verse 15 these are they by the wayside where the word was sown when they have heard Satan comes immediately to take away the word that is sown in their hearts this is an eternal principle of the kingdom of God that the Bible says in Romans in chapter 10 in verse 17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God in order for us to build up our face we need to hear the word of God believe the Word of God and allow it to be settled in our hearts but when we hear and receive the Word of God we're told that Satan will come to speak to take away the word that was sown in our hearts how does he come to take away the seed that is sown in our hearts there'll be circumstances in our lives that will challenge the promise or the Word of God that we receive into our hearts because it is a test to see what our hearts are made of mark chapter 4 verse 16 it says these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground or stony hearts so he's going to explain the characteristic of a stony heart in verse 16 it says who when they have heard the word they immediately receive it with gladness so a stony heart will receive the Torah or the Word of God with gladness but verse 17 they don't have root in themselves so they only endure for a time and they endure until affliction or persecution arises for the word sake or to test the word that is in their heart and because the affliction of the persecution which is circumstances in their lives that challenge the Word of God in your logical mind trying to convince you that the Word of God or the promise of God is not true that those with stony hearts they become offended let's see how the principle of a stony heart applied to the children of Israel a stony heart will receive the word with gladness did the children of Israel received the word with gladness Exodus chapter 19 verse eight the answer is yes where it says and all the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken we will do in the Hebrew it says we agree to do before we have even heard well if you were so eager to love the God of Israel and to be obedient to him that you're willing to do whatever he wants you to do before he fully explains what he wants you to do that is a good heart that is a good heart attitude however in the wilderness affliction arose to test the word that was received in the hearts of the children of Israel numbers in chapter 14 and verse 2 we see how the children of Israel responded by being offended by their circumstances as it is written and all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and this is how the people responded after the ten spies came back with an evil report saying that they are not going to be able to take the land because of the Giants in the land even though they reported that it is a good land verse two goes on to say would God that we had died in the land of Egypt or would God that we had died in this wilderness so a heart that is offended by the word they will want to go back to Egypt the problem with the stony heart is that a stony heart can overcome the flesh in the sin nature and natural eyesight so the God of Israel wants to take away that stony heart he wants to put his spirit within us and give us a new heart a heart of flesh in this heart of flesh not only loves the Torah but the Torah is written on your heart he gives us spiritual eyes to see he gives us faith to believe his promises and in doing so we can bear fruit in our lives and fruit for his kingdom let's look at the renewed covenant Ezekiel in chapter 36 and verse 26 it says a new heart will I give you a new spirit will I put within you I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh I want you to notice what the purpose of the indwelling Holy Spirit is why he puts his Holy Spirit in our hearts ezekiel 36 verse 27 it says i will put my spirit within you and what's the purpose of putting his spirit within us to cause you to walk in my statutes and to keep my judgments and do them the purpose of the indwelling Holy Spirit is to cause us to follow and observe the commandments of the God of Israel or to keep his Torah or to follow his word in John chapter 16 and verse 13 the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth as it is written when he the Spirit of Truth or the Holy Spirit has come he will guide you in all truth the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth and he's going to guide us or lead us in all truth but what is truth psalm 119 and verse 142 says your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your Torah is the truth psalm 119 verse 151 all your Commandments are truth John in chapter 8 and verse 31 and 32 this is what Yeshua said to those who believed on him and seek to follow him he said if you continue in my word then you will be my disciples indeed and you will know the truth the truth is his word the truth is his Torah you will know the truth or the Torah or the word and that truth will make you free Yeshua prayed in John chapter 17 in verse 17 sanctify them through the truth Your Word is truth what then is the role of the Holy Spirit in the renewed covenant well it's to give us the power to overcome the sin nature of the flesh or the Jewish people refer to the sin nature as the evil inclination Romans chapter 8 in verse 2 the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to yield spiritual fruit in our lives Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 through 25 tells us what the fruit of the Spirit is and then the Holy Spirit will teach us how to love you show up follow his Torah and keep his Commandments John chapter 14 in verse 15 now let's look in greater detail of the difference between Mount Sinai that is the Torah written upon a stony heart and Mount Zion that is the Torah written upon a heart of flesh Mount Sinai is the Torah written on tablets of stone which prophetically foreshadows the Torah written on stony hearts Exodus in chapter 24 in verse 12 it is written and the Lord said to Moses come up to me into the mount and be there and I will give you tables of stone in the Torah and Commandments which I have written that you may teach them Mount Zion is the Torah written on hearts of flesh Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 a new heart will I give you a new spirit will I put within you I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh Mount Sinai is the Torah written by the finger of God Exodus in chapter 31 and verse 18 and he gave unto Moses when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai two tables of testimony tables of stone written with the finger of God Mount Zion is the Torah written by the Spirit of God second Corinthians in chapter three and verse three states the following for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Messiah ministered by US written not with ink wherewith the finger of God but with the Spirit of the Living God that is the Ruach Hakodesh or the holy spirit not in tables of stone which is what happened at mount sinai but in fleshly tables of the heart now sinai is associated with the letter of the law and in building the golden calf in breaking the Covenant in Exodus in chapter 32 we see that 3,000 are slain Exodus chapter 32 and verse and the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men Mount Sinai is the spirit of the law it is salvation Redemption or restoration we see on the day of Pentecost or the day of Shaba out in X in chapter 2 and verse 1 that as a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Acts chapter 2 and verse 41 we are told that then they that gladly received the word were immersed in the same day that was added unto them about 3,000 Souls Mount Sinai is the letter of the law Deuteronomy in chapter 27 and verse 26 it is written cursed be he that confirms not all the words of the Torah to do them and all the people shall say Amen you see the curse is for disobedience Mount Zion is the spirit of the Torah and as we read in 2nd Corinthians in chapter 3 and verse 6 we're going to see that the letter of the law kills but the spirit of the law gives life 2nd Corinthians in chapter 3 and verse 6 but the letter kills but the Spirit gives life Mount Sinai is associated with the earthly Jerusalem or the flesh the stony hearts and the flesh is associated with Hagar in Ishmael and this is the analogy that Paul makes in Galatians in chapter 4 and verse 25 where says for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answers to the Jerusalem which now is Mountain Zion is the heavenly Jerusalem it is after the spirit not after the flesh Hebrews in chapter 12 in verse 18 it is written but you are not come under the mount that might be touched and that was burned with fire nor under the blackness and darkness and Tempest that is referring to Mount Sinai but Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 you've come unto Mount Zion now because traditional Christianity had not understood the difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion that Mount Sinai is associated with the Torah written upon a stony heart but mountain lion is the Torah written upon a heart of flesh we have interpreted Hebrews chapter 12 verse 18 what said you've not come unto the mount that might be touched that somehow he's doing away with the Torah he's not doing away with the Torah he wants to do away with the stony heart and he wants to replace that stony heart with the heart of flesh which he does by giving us his holy spirit so that he can write the Torah upon our heart therefore we have the personal individual application of coming out of Egypt and then coming to Jerusalem or Mount Zion that is accomplished by doing away with the stony heart in giving us a heart of flesh through repentance of our sins and our sins come about from a stony heart we receive the one who died on the tree for the forgiveness of our sins and in doing so we're giving and New Covenant the Holy Spirit then is given to us and we are then by yielding to the holy spirit able to be in obedient people that yields spiritual fruit in our lives for the kingdom of God and we allow the Torah to be written upon our heart but in another application the children of Israel when they broke the Covenant at Mount Sinai they as a community of people were exiled into the nations of the world let's see how breaking of the Covenant is associated with exile into the nations of the world we can see this from Leviticus in chapter 26 in verse 14 as it is written if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these Commandments Leviticus 26 verse 33 says I will scatter you among the heathen and your land shall be desolate in your cities waste the restoration from being exiled in the nations of the world is the end of the exile in the uniting of the 12 tribes of Israel and the uniting of the 12 tribes of Israel is associated with bringing you to Zion Psalm 147 in verse 2 it is written the Lord builds up Jerusalem Jerusalem in Zion are synonymous terms what is the definition of building up Jerusalem it is the following he gathers together the outcasts of Israel the gathered together the outcasts of Israel is the building of Jerusalem the building of Jerusalem is the building up of Zion so the unification of the 12 tribes of Israel is associated with bringing you to Mount Zion Isaiah in Chapter 11 in verse 12 it is written and he shall set up an inside or a banner for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together to dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth Psalm 102 in verse 13 it speaks about the last generation before the Messiah setting his feet down on the Mount of Olives that his mercy will be extended to Zion as it is written you will arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her yay the set time has come then it says in Psalm 102 verse 16 when the Lord builds up tsiyon when unites the twelve tribes of Israel he will appear in his glory who is the one that's going to appear in his glory it is you should Messiah and when is he going to appear in his glory at his second coming what is going to happen when he returns to the second coming before he sets his feet down on the Mount of Olives he is going to restore and unite the 12 tribes of Israel the completion of the children of Israel physically coming out of Egypt was not when they went into the Promised Land and crossed the Jordan it was when they got to a particular place in the promised land and that is Jerusalem and that happened when King David ruled over all 12 tribes as a united kingdom from Jerusalem which is called Zion second samuel in chapter 5 in verse 7 it is written nevertheless David took the stronghold of or Z own the same Z own is the City of David and then in doing so in second Samuel and chapter five and verse one is when David ruled over all twelve tribes that says then came all the tribes of Israel to David and then in verse three so all the elders of Israel came to the king and then they anointed David king over Israel or over all the twelve tribes of Israel therefore we can see that what is associated with the end of the Exile of the twelve tribes of Israel is that they return to the Land of Israel and when they do the Bible speaks that the God of Israel is going to bring his people to Zion we can see this in Jeremiah in chapter 3 in verse 14 as it is written turn o backsliding children says the Lord for I am married unto you I will take you one of the city and two of a family and bring you to Zion what is bringing you to Zion it is the unification of the 12 tribes of Israel as we can see in Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 18 in those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your father's coming to Zion is coming to messianic times because it is in messianic times that the Torah will go forth out of Zion or Zee own and the Messiah will rule in rain on the earth from Jerusalem and Isaiah in chapter 2 in verse 2 it is written it will come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow under it and many people will go say come and let us go to the mountain of the Lord what is the mountain of the Lord it is Mount Zhi own to the house of the God of Jacob what's his house the temple the temple will be set up in Jerusalem during messianic times and he will teach us his ways we will walk in his paths what is that what's his ways in his past it's following the Torah four out of the own shall go forth the Torah and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem in the session so far we've covered that the New Covenant is a Torah based covenant the problem with the Covenant amount Sinai or that which was originally given to the house of Jacob is the Torah was written upon a heart of stone a heart of stone can't overcome the desires of the flesh and it doesn't follow the Torah it stops your ears the people turn their necks they don't want to hear however the New Covenant is the tore-up written upon a heart of flesh through the indwelling Holy Spirit who is the teacher of the Torah and it's the end well a Holy Spirit or the rococo - that gives us the power in the encouragement in the desire to follow the Torah the God of Israel found fault with the hearts of the people Hebrews in chapter 8 and verse 8 he did not find fault with the Torah itself in looking at the parable of the sower we saw the characteristic or the definition of a stony heart a stony heart will receive the word or the Torah with gladness but when Satan or huset on or the adversary the enemy comes to steal the word that is sown in a heart and he does that through putting circumstances in our lives that causes us to doubt the Torah or the Word of God which we've heard that because you have no root to endure that because of the affliction and persecution you become offended and you don't continue to follow or believe the Torah or the Word of God the Holy Spirit gives us a heart of flesh the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth and truth is the Torah or the Word of God and we are able to bear fruit in our lives for his kingdom only through the help of his indwelling Holy Spirit or a heart of flesh King David ruling over United Israel from Jerusalem is the prophetic picture of the completion physically of the children of Israel being redeemed from Egypt King David wrote over United Israel from Jerusalem and that physical picture of the children is are coming out of Egypt and King David ruling over them in Jerusalem at Mount Zion that that is a spiritual picture of Yeshua the Messiah rolling over all twelve tribes from Jerusalem during messianic times our spiritual journey of leaving Egypt which is the ways of the world the world's system and accepting Yeshua as the Messiah involves the tore up written upon our heart and this is the renewing of the covenant and him ruling and raining with us during the messianic era and then ultimately in the new heavens of the new earth in the new jerusalem which is the city of the bride and the new jerusalem is the spiritual Mount Zion so summarizing once again what is Mount Zion it's the Torah written upon our heart through the renewed covenant it is the end of the exile of the house of Jacob it is Yeshua teaching the Torah from Jerusalem during the Messianic era to all the nations and it is a term for it the heavenly Jerusalem therefore our destination of coming out of Egypt is to come and to fulfill everything that Mount Zion is next what we're going to do is we're going to see that not only at Mount Sinai did you show up give the tour up but at Mount Sinai that there was a marriage that took place between Yeshua the bridegroom and his bride that is the people who he entered into covenant relationship with that being the house of Jacob we can see from the book of Genesis how the marriage between Adam and Eve in the garden that on a deeper level was a prophetic foreshadowing of Yeshua marrying his new covenant bride that is the house of Jacob at Mount Zion Genesis in chapter 2 in verse 21 it says and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam Adam here is a type of you schewe because in first corinthians in chapter 15 and verse 45 it says it is written the first man Adam was a living soul the last Adam referring to Yeshua was made a quickening spirit so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and Adam here is a picture of the nation of Israel and he took one of the ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and so in order to close up the flesh you had to have a wound and the nation of Israel being exiled in the nations is referred to in the prophets Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 as a wound a deep sleep is prophetic of departing from the Torah so the Lord God caused a deep sleep which is a departure from Torah breaking the covenant which resulted in the exile in the nation's to fall upon Adam prophetically referring to the nation of Israel and he slept and as a result he took one of the ribs and this ultimately is a reference to Yeshua dying on the tree and he closed up the flesh that is healing the wound of the Exile instead thereof and the rib this is a reference to the death of Yeshua on the tree which the Lord God had taken from the man and Yeshua's death on the tree came about from the house of Jacob breaking the Covenant and him dying for the sins of the whole world it is from that that he made a woman or from his death on the tree came his reading éand bride his new covenant bride the redeemed house I'm Jacob and he brought her unto the man the bride comes to Messiah through the help in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Adam who can be a type of the Messiah from what we read earlier in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 that the first Adam was a living soul in the last Adam a quickening spirit in Adam or from the Messiah said this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh this is a reference to the body of Messiah she will be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man here on a deeper meaning it's referring to Yeshua the Messiah leave his father that is this heavenly father and his mother that is the Shekinah or the divine presence and shall cleave unto his wife that being his bride and they shall be one flesh Paul is referring to the marriage of Adam and Eve in the garden in associating it with the marriage between Messiah in his bride through the New Covenant in Ephesians in chapter five and beginning in verse 23 as it is written for the husband is the head of the wife even as Messiah is the head of the body and he is the savior of the body Ephesians chapter five verse 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is quoting from Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 that this is a great mystery or the sowed level of the Torah the deeper meaning of the Torah but I speak regarding the marriage of Adam and Eve in the garden that it was prophetic of the marriage between Messiah and his congregation or the redeemed house of Jacob let's see them how at Mount Sinai there was a wedding jeremiah in chapter 2 and verse 2 it is written go and cry in the ears of jerusalem saying thus is the Lord I remember you the kindness of your youth the love of your espousal espousal is betrothal and there are two primary stages to the biblical marriage the first is betrothal during betrothal you are legally married to your spouse but you don't physically dwell with your spouse Mount Sinai is associated with a betrothal the second stage of the marriage is called naxuan the suin is when you physically dwelt with your spouse and this will be fulfilled initially in the Messianic era when Yeshua will set up his messianic Kingdom and he will be dwelling with his bride during that time but even that is a prophetic foreshadowing of eternity that is the time of the new heavens and the new earth from Revelation chapter 21 where Yeshua will be dwelling with his bride forever in the New Jerusalem well if we had a wedding that took place at Mount Sinai there needed to be a wedding proposal that the bridegroom gave to his prospective bride what is that proposal it is in Exodus in chapter 19 verse 5 is these are the words that are being spoken to the house of Jacob at Mount Sinai that if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine and you will be unto me a kingdom of priests was the proposal accepted the answer is yes Exodus chapter 19 verse 8 it says and all the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken we will do well when you have a biblical wedding you have a document known as the ketubah the ketubah is the marriage contract in it states the terms in the conditions of the marriage the Torah is seen as the ketubah or the marriage contract between Yeshua who gave the Torah at Mount Sinai and his wife that is the house of Jacob Moses is going to play the role as being the witness of this wedding and he is going to record it or write it down in fact the first five books of the Bible is referred to as the Torah of Moses well Moses is seen as being the escort of the bride to the wedding canopy or the Hupa in Hebrew we're in Mount Sinai is seen or liken to being a wedding canopy and it is underneath the Hoople or the wedding canopy where the vows are going to be exchanged Exodus chapter 19 verse 17 it is written and Moses brought forth the people or escorted the bride out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the nether of the mouth the word nether is the Hebrew word Takhti and it means at the base or at the lower part so the house the jacob stood at the base of Mount Sinai and the imagery is that Mount Sinai was like it unto a Hoopa or a wedding canopy where the marriage vows are going to be exchanged remember in our last session the purpose of creation that God the Father wanted to build a house that was the enlarged bed for his son that's the first two letters of bread sheet the met in the Rasch by making a covenant that's taking the first two letters of Brahe sheet which is the met in the rash and the last two letters of brace sheet the yote in the top forms the hebrew word covenant by making a covenant with or for the sake of the beginning and who is the beginning it is Israel the Torah in the Messiah therefore Israel Torah and the Messiah who is called the beginning they're going to be in covenant relationship with each other therefore the Torah at Mount Sinai was received by Israel as a marriage covenant from the Messiah therefore the Torah Israel in the Messiah who are all called the beginning are now in covenant relationship with each other in this fulfills the purpose of creation but ultimately the purpose of creation was for the God of Israel to have a dwelling place in the earth this is going to be fulfilled by the Messiah who's going to be in covenant relationship with his bride and he's going to dwell with her through his divine presence which in Exodus in chapter 40 and verse 34 is called the glory of the Lord and the glory of the Lord dwell when ever the children of Israel they built and completed the tabernacle Exodus in chapter 40 and verse 34 it is written that a cloud covered the tent the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Yeshua is the glory of the Lord he desired to dwell and abide with his bride and to show his love for her and toward her we could see how Yeshua is the glory of God Psalm 29 verse 3 it is written the voice of the Lord is upon the waters the god of glory thunders the Lord is upon many waters Ezekiel chapter 43 verse 2 it says and behold the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east and his voice was like a noise of many waters the voice of the Lord is associated with the glory of God and it goes on to say in the earth shine with his glory in describing the glory of God it says in Psalm 29 verse 3 that his voice thunders in Ezekiel chapter 43 verse 2 and describing the glory of God it says his voice was like the noise of many waters we can cross-reference this with Yeshua being described in Revelation in chapter 1 and Yeshua being the Alpha and the Omega or the olive and Tov Revelation chapter 1 verse 8 in scribing him it says this about him in Revelation chapter 1 verse 15 that his voice is as the sound of many waters the fulfillment of the purpose of creation is Messiah dwelling with his bride or his people on the earth which will be initially fulfilled in the Messianic era the glory of God sees and hears Exodus in chapter 16 and verse 7 it is written and in the morning then you will see the glory of God for he hears your murmurings the glory of God you will see and he hears your memories Exodus chapter 16 verse 10 the last part of the verse says behold the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud the glory of the Lord is described as a consuming fire when the presence of the glory of the Lord was on Mount Sinai Exodus in chapter 24 in verse 16 it is written and the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it six days verse seventeen in the sight of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire seeing that the glory of the Lord is described as a devouring fire Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 it is written you come unto Mount theone the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem verse 24 into yeshua the mediator of the new covenant and then in describing mountains 'i own yoshua the media new covenant it says in verse 25 don't refuse him that spoke that is at Mount I know because then it says in Hebrews 12 29 for our God is a consuming fire so we can see how Yeshua is the glory of God the tabernacle which was built in the wilderness was a place of the dwelling of the glory of God Exodus chapter 25 verse 8 it says and let them make me a sanctuary a McDon or dwell among them X is 25 and verse 9 says according to all that I show you after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments Yeshua at his first coming he came and he dwelt among men and we beheld his glory John chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth john chapter 14 verse 23 Yeshua said if a man loves me he will keep my words or my Torah my father will love him and we will come on him and we will make our abode with him we will chicon we will dwell with him just as he dwelt with the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt and built the tabernacle we can see how Yeshua is going to be dwelling with his people during the messianic era as it says in Ezekiel in chapter 43 in verse 5 so the spirit took me up and brought me into the inner court and this is describing the temple of the Messianic era and behold the glory of the Lord filled the house and the temple the place of the glory of the Lord we are told in Ezekiel 43 verse 7 is the place of the throne of yeshua the messiah as it is written he said unto me son of man the place of my throne in the place for the soles of my feet where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever and it's during that time Zechariah chapter 14 verse 9 is written and the Lord will be king over all the earth during the messianic era the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as it says in Habakkuk chapter 2 in verse 14 for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea where it stated in Exodus chapter 25 verses 8 and 9 build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them and this is speaking about the tabernacle of Moses and the art scroll of Genesis volume 1 page 380 the rabbi's teach that there is a heavenly Jerusalem the rabbi's speak of the holy temple on high that will descend to the earth and that the tabernacle that Moses built is only a physical representation of the ultimate world of the Spirit and the temple that is built on the earth is also only a physical representation of the ultimate world of the Spirit because there is a Jerusalem on high there is a heavenly tabernacle Hebrews in chapter 8 and verse 5 it says about Moses is Tabernacle which served unto the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see safety that you make all things according to the pattern shown to you on the Mount with the glory of the Lord being a pawn and dwelling with his people we have the fulfillment of the purpose of creation that the God of Israel would have a dwelling place in the earth this is fulfilled through the Messiah with his people that is the house of Jacob who is his bride who has the Torah written upon their hearts and he will bring them to Jerusalem or Mount Zion and the Torah will be taught in messianic times from Jerusalem or Mount Zion his glory will be in the Messianic temple the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and this then is fulfilling the purpose of creation which is still a foreshadowing of the ultimate purpose of creation and that is Messiah dwelling with his bride in the time of eternity or the new heavens and the new earth in Revelation chapter 21 in the New Jerusalem revelation 21 verse 23 it is written in the city that is the New Jerusalem had no need of the Sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it that is the New Jerusalem and the lamb is the light of the glory of God Yeshua is the glory of God we are going to finish part 2 of our teaching Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation by continuing and looking at the fact that Yeshua is the bridegroom that entered into a marriage relationship with his bride or the house of Jacob at Mount Sinai in in doing so his bride the house of Jacob built the golden calf which was the breaking of the Covenant and as a result got exiled into the nations of the world and being exiled into the nations of the world the penalty that came upon her was the penalty of a woman that breaks covenant or the penalty that comes upon an adulterous woman because there is a marriage relationship between Yeshua the bridegroom and his wife or his bride the house of Jacob they are one and in order to show that he identifies with her in this relationship and in her sufferings what we're going to see in the last part of this session in part 2 of this teaching that when Yeshua died on the tree he died the death of the penalty of an adulterous woman that adulterous woman being his bride who he married at Mount Sinai and then when he resurrected he resurrected as a new man and the only way that you can get to this new resurrected man is through his blood through the new covenant and the only way to get through his blood to him is you need to accept his redemptive work and you need to repent of your sins when his adulterous bride repents of her sins or anyone in the world who recognizes and see the redemptive work of the Messiah that he is bringing to Israel and wants to be a partaker of this Redemption if anyone from the nations if they repent of their sins you see the repenting of your sins is stating the your flesh is airing and doing wrong that that your flesh is breaking the Covenant that your flesh is not following the Torah so when you repent it you're saying I want to follow the Torah and you're saying to your flesh you can no longer continue to behave like you've been behaving and so because the flesh is not able to behave like it's been behaving because you repent in essence the flesh dies and this is the death of the one we're in the Torah was written upon a stony heart and repentance of the death so that you receive new life you receive forgiveness of sin in Messiah you receive the indwelling Holy Spirit and through and from repentance you're raised to newness of life so in the New Covenant the marriage then is between a resurrected bridegroom Yeshua the Messiah in a resurrected bride who has repented of her sins and the Covenant that they have is the New Covenant it is the Torah written upon her heart she has the indwelling Holy Spirit and he brings her then to Mount Zion which spiritually is the forgiveness of her sins but as it relates to the community of Israel bringing her to Zion is the end of the Exile of the house of Jacob bringing her to Zion is bringing her to messianic times and ultimately bringing her to Zion is bringing her to the new heavens and the new earth and the New Jerusalem so this is what we're going to cover in the remaining part of this session first we need to see that Yahweh you show up the lawgiver the bridegroom is a jealous God and he he does not like other gods before him Exodus in chapter 34 and verse 14 it is written you will not worship other gods for the Lord his name is jealous he is a jealous God we have then in the Torah in numbers chapter 5 a procedure a process that one goes through for a wife who is suspected of adultery in numbers chapter 5 verse 12 it says speak to the children of Israel and say to them if any man's wife go aside and commit a trespass against him since in Psalm chapter 40 and verse 7 in the volume of the book it is written of Yeshua Luke chapter 24 verse 27 and 44 that the Torah and the prophets and the Psalms are written about him here in our spiritual application the man here is the lawgiver it is the bridegroom it is Yahweh Yeshua it says in verse 12 if a man's wife go aside and commit a trespass against them his wife is the house of Jacob and then it says in verse 14 in the spirit of jealousy come upon him what did he get jealous that his wife for his bride went after other gods yes and then it goes on to say in numbers chapter 5 verse 24 that he will cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causes the curse and the water that causes the curse shall enter into her and become bitter what we're going to do next is we're going to show the penalties of a woman who commits adultery from looking at the Hebrew Scriptures and the first thing that will happen to her is she is going to drink bitter water this is exactly what happened to the children of Israel from building the golden calf in Exodus chapter 32 in verse 19 it says it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp that he saw the calf and the dancing and Moses anger was waxed hot and then it says in verse 20 that Moses took the calf which they had made and he burn it in the fire and he grounded the powder he stood it upon the water and he made the children of Israel to drink of it so we see that the children of Israel from building the golden calf partook of the punishment of a wife that commits adultery or she drank bitter water next she is going to be slain with the sword Exodus chapter 32 verse 26 as a result of the building of the golden calf it says most stood in the gate of the camp and said who is on the Lord's side that him covered me and all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto Him verse 27 he said in them thus says the Lord God of Israel put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor so she is slain with the sword in Ezekiel in chapter 16 and verse 38 it says I will judge you as a woman that breaks wedlock well how does a woman get judged that breaks wedlock well in Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 40 it goes on to say at the end of the verse that you will be thrust through with their swords going back to numbers in chapter 5 in verse 23 we're going to see that her curses written in a book and blotted out as it is written and the priest shall write these curses in a book and he will block them out with the bitter water next we're going to see that an adulterous woman is forsaken by her husband if we go to Deuteronomy in chapter 31 in beginning in verse 16 we read the following and the Lord said unto Moses behold you will sleep with your fathers and this people will rise up and go whoring after the gods are the strangers of the land whether they go to be among them and they will forsake me and break my covenant and as a result Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 17 this is the consequence then my anger will be kindled against them in that day and I will forsake them now if we go to Isaiah in chapter 54 verse 8 it is written in a little rap I hid my face from you for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you says the Lord your Redeemer in Isaiah 54 verse 8 it says the Lord your Redeemer is the one that hid his face who is the Lord your Redeemer it is Yeshua the Messiah let's go back to Deuteronomy chapter 31 and what is going to be the consequence for his people breaking the Covenant it says in verse 17 my anger will be kindled against them in that day and not only will I forsake them but I will hide my face if we continue on reading Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 18 it says in the King James I will surely hide my face in that day for all the evils which they have wrought in the Hebrew where it says surely hide in the Hebrew it says I will hide hide my face the Hebrew word for hide is repeated in other words I'm going to really hide my face from you because you have broken my covenant well how well did the lawgiver hide his face from his people that broke the Covenant so well did he hide his face that neither Judaism nor Christianity claims on a corporate basis neither Judaism or Christianity claims that Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai that how well the one that gave the Torah hid his face because his bride the house of Jacob broke the Covenant next we're going to see and continuing and looking at the curses that come upon an adulterous woman for breaking Torah Covenant Hosea in chapter 2 in beginning in verse 2 we read the following plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife and neither am i her husband let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight and her adulteries from between her breasts then it says in Hosea chapter 2 verse 3 at the end of the verse that I will slay her with thirst so adulterous woman will be slain with thirst and at the beginning of Hosea chapter 2 verse 3 it says as a result of her adulteries Hosea - - that I will strip her naked we could see how an adulterous woman is to be stripped naked in Ezekiel in chapter 23 in verse 22 therefore o Hali ba and Oh Holly ba if we go to Ezekiel chapter 23 and verse 4 Oh Holly ba is Jerusalem Oh Holly bah thus says the Lord God behold I will raise up lovers against you then it says in verse 23 the Babylonians and then lovers were raised up against the northern kingdom known as ojala and these were the Assyrians that is mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 23 verse 23 and this is what they're going to do to you Ezekiel 23 and verse 26 they will strip you of your clothes here in ezekiel chapter 23 if we look at verse 30 and verse 32 we're going to see that an adulterous woman is going to be laughed to scorn verse 30 I would do these things unto you because you've got a whoring after the heathen because you are polluted with their idols verse 32 this is the Lord God you will drink of your sisters cup deep and large and you will be laughed to scorn and next what we're going to see is she's going to be mocked for the way in which she commits whoredom because nobody commits whoredom like the adulterous bride of yeshua at mount sinai or the house of jacob in ezekiel in chapter 16 in verse 28 it says you played the with the Assyrians and you were unsayable in other words you could not be satisfied and then in verse 29 it says you have multiplied your fornication in the land of Canaan and inch idea and you were still not satisfied verse 30 how weak is your heart says the Lord God see you do these things the work of an imperishable woman and then he's got a mocker make fun of her in the way that she commits whoredom in that verse 31 you build your evident place in the head of every way and you make your high place in every street and you have not been as a harlot in that you scorned higher but as a wife that commits adultery which takes strangers instead of her husband they give gifts to all but you give your gifts to all your lovers and you hire them how she's being mocked how the Prophet is mocking the adulterous wife of Yahweh Yeshua who we enter into marriage with at Mount Sinai is normally when you commit whoredom you receive payment for your services but instead of receiving payment for her whoredom she's paying others to commit whoredom so she is being mocked in the way that she commits toward him because nobody commits whoredom like the house of jacob commits toward him and now finally from joel in chapter 3 and verse 3 and Obadiah chapter 1 verse 11 her enemies are got to cast lots for her Joel chapter 3 verse 3 and they have cast lots for my people and Obadiah chapter 1 verse 11 in the day that you stood on the other side and the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces and foreigners enter into your gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem so let's summarize the list of the curses that will come upon an adulterous woman number one she is going to drink bitter water or be given a bitter cup number two she's going to be slain with the sword number three her curses are written a book and blotted out number four she is forsaken by her husband number five her husband hides his face from her number six she is slain with thirst number seven she is stripped naked number eight she is scorn number nine she is mocked for the way in which she commits whoredom number ten her enemies cast lots for her now we're going to look at how Yeshua died on the tree and the things that happened to him in the final week of his life and even at the time of his crucifixion and we're going to see that these same penalties or curses is what he took upon himself when he died upon the tree first he drank a bitter cup and this happened at the Garden of Gethsemane Matthew chapter 26 verse 42 it says he went away again the second time and prayed saying O father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it but your will be done so he was drinking of a bitter cup secondly Yeshua when he died on the tree in John chapter 19 verse 34 he was slain with a sword or a spear as it is written but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced the side and for wis came their out blood and water in Colossians in chapter 2 and verse 14 it says blotting out the handwriting of ordinance that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way and nailing it to the cross because traditional Christianity hasn't understood and seeing Yahshua and the Torah because they haven't understood and known that Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai that he's the bridegroom at Mount Sinai he entered into a marriage covenant with his people at Mount Sinai and not understanding that this was connected with why he died on the tree they've interpreted Colossians chapter 2 verse 14 as a verse that states that you're not to follow the Torah any more but this first needs to be understood in the context of a penalty upon an adulterous woman that it says blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances the handwriting that was against us what is the handwriting it is the testimony of our sins and the testimony of our sins which is written in this book which we call the Bible it was written down by Moses it was written down by the prophets and they speak contrary to us and declare us being guilty but the penalty of that Yeshua took upon himself and he nailed on the tree so the curses in a book are blotted out Yeshua was forsaken by his father when he died on the tree it says in Matthew chapter 27 verse 46 about the ninth hour Yeshua cried with a loud voice saying my God my God why have you forsaken me and while you sure was dying on the tree that his father hid his face from Yeshua Matthew 2745 now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour there was darkness because his father was hiding his face next yeshua was thirsty when he died on the tree john chapter 19 verse 28 after this you shoe up knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled and he said I thirst Yeshua was stripped naked Matthew chapter 27 verse 28 and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe verse 31 and after that they had mocked him they took the robe off from him and then Luke chapter 23 verse 34 then said Yeshua Father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots Yeshua was laughed at in mock discord Luke chapter 23 verse 35 in verse 36 and the people stood beholding him the rulers also with him derided him saying he saved others let him save himself if he's the Messiah the chosen of God and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar and then finally they cast lots for Yeshua's garments Luke chapter 23 verse 34 it says and they parties raiment and cast lots so we see that the exact same punishments in the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures for a woman that commits adultery is the same punishment that Yeshua took upon himself when he died on the tree how was this so why and how did you schewe suffer the sufferings of his adulterous wife that is because they are a HOD they are married to each other jeremiah in chapter 4 verse 19 says my bowels my bowels I am pained at my very heart in Isaiah chapter 63 verse 8 says so he was their Savior and then Isaiah chapter 63 verse died in all their affliction he was afflicted we can also see how Yeshua is one with his people wherein we see in Psalm chapter 44 and verse 22 that the nation of Israel is likened to sheep that go to the slaughter yay for your sake are we killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter but in Acts chapter 8 verse 32 and 35 Philip was reading Isaiah chapter 53 and it says and at that place he read he was led as a sheep to the slaughter it was from there in Acts chapter 8 verse 35 from that verse in Isaiah 53 that Philip preached Yeshua so the nation of Israel is like sheep going to slaughter Yeshua as as a lamb going to the slaughter we can see in this second part of our teaching where we have covered and we are teaching on the subject Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation we saw how in bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt that they were saved by grace through faith and as expression of being saved by grace through faith then they came to Mount Sinai and they were given the Torah and showed how to live their lives as a redeemed people and then we saw that at Mount Sinai that the Torah was written upon a stony heart and that the God of Israel found fault with the hearts of the people so he wanted to take away the stony heart and to give them a heart of flesh which is the New Covenant which is the indwelling Holy Spirit and it was by doing that that in the New Covenant he can bring his people spiritually to Mount Zion then we saw the difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion and here in the last part of this teaching we see that there was a marriage that took place between you sure the bridegroom and his wife the house of Jacob at Mount Sinai and as a result of breaking the Covenant they were exiled into the nations of the world and in restoring them he's going to when he ends the eggs out of the house of Jacob he's going to bring his people to Zion and Zion is not only associated with the uniting the 12 tribes of Israel it's a site that's associated with messianic times because in Isaiah chapter 2 and verse 3 the Torah will go forth out of Zion and then here finally we looked at that in the house of Jacob breaking the marriage vows at Mount Sinai that she was given the penalty of an adulterous woman we looked over what those penalties were and when Yeshua died on the tree he died the death the penalty of an adulterous woman we are going to be continuing on in our studies we are going to go on to part three of this teaching