Insights into the Role and Importance of Iodine

Jul 17, 2024

Iodine: Historical and Medical Insights

Discovery and Early Use

  • Discovered: During the Wars of Napoleon.
  • First medical use: Treatment for goiter.
  • Misconception: Modern belief that iodine causes goiter, whereas it was discovered to treat it.
  • Halogen Discoveries Timeline: Fluoride, chlorine, bromine (1826), iodine (1811), astatine (1940, nuclear age).

Iodine Deficiency and Health Impacts

  • Goiter Types: Thyroid hypertrophy (TSH driven) vs. iodine deficiency hyperplasia.
  • Cancer links: Higher incidence of thyroid, breast, stomach, esophageal, ovarian, and endometrial cancer associated with goiter.
  • Mental Retardation: Iodine deficiency is the leading cause worldwide, leading to conditions like cretinism, especially noted in regions like Bolivia.
  • Thyroid & Ovaries: Both can concentrate iodine and make thyroid hormone (T3, T4 for thyroid, T2 for ovaries).

Iodine in the Body

  • Cellualr Importance: Every cell needs iodine; key for white blood cells, thyroid, ovaries.
  • Glandular Concentration: Thyroid, breasts, salivary glands, pancreas, CSF, brain, stomach, skin.
  • Conditions: Dry skin (lack of sweat), hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia linked to iodine deficiency.

Pregnancy and Child Development

  • Japanese Diet: 13.8 mg/day; babies born with higher IQ when mothers supplement iodine (12.5 mg/day) during pregnancy.
  • Child Development Disorder: Mild deficiency in pregnancy linked to attention deficit disorder (ADD).
  • Past vs. Present: Historical addition of iodine in bread, milk; current public health issues due to reduced iodine in diet.

Sodium-Iodide Symporter

  • Function: Transports iodide into tissues against gradient.
  • Deficiency Effects: Hypothyroid babies have symporter defects; tests available to identify and fix defects.
  • Symporter-Rich Tissues: Mammary glands, white blood cells, ovaries, choroid plexus.
  • Repair Strategies: Vitamin C, high doses of iodine, vitamin B2 & B3.

Public Health Concerns

  • National Decline in Iodine Levels: 50% decline from 1971 to early 2000s correlates with increased thyroid illnesses, cancers.
  • Iodine Deficiency Assessment: Spot and loading tests show saturation levels; large percentage of population iodine deficient, especially affecting cancer risk.
  • Geographical Variation: Lack of iodine in Great Lakes region, northern U.S. leads to higher incidence of hypothyroidism and goiter.

Vegan and General Population Needs

  • Vegan Deficiency: 80% of vegans iodine deficient due to lack of marine plants in diet.
  • Daily Needs: Total body can hold 1500 mg iodine; significant portions in skin (20%) and muscles (32%).
  • Health Consequences: Fibromyalgia, muscular pain, cysts, nodules, enlargement, and scar tissue due to iodine deficiency.

Therapeutic Uses of Iodine

  • Cancer: Iodine induces apoptosis, removing immortality of cancer cells.
  • Fibromyalgia: 80% improvement in patients treated with iodine.
  • Overall Body Functions: Essential for cellular health, hormone synthesis, and immune response.


  • Iodine Supplementation: Crucial for preventing a range of health issues from developmental disorders to cancer and muscular disorders.
  • Dietary Recommendations: Regular iodine intake through diet (e.g., seaweed) or supplements to maintain optimal health.
  • Public Awareness: Increasing the awareness of iodine needs in diet, especially among pregnant women and vegetarians, to prevent deficiencies and associated disorders.

Important Websites

  • For research articles and iodine treatment protocols.
  • Contact Information: For further inquiries and detailed protocols, refer to