Understanding Flourishing and Positive Psychology

Aug 13, 2024

Lecture on Flourishing and Positive Psychology

Key Concepts of Flourishing

  • Flourishing involves the presence of five elements, not just the absence of misery:
    1. Positive Emotion - Joy, comfort, happiness, but not just the smiley face.
    2. Engagement - Being in flow; when highest strengths match highest challenges.
    3. Good Relationships - Skills that can be taught and improved.
    4. Meaning - Serving something larger than oneself.
    5. Achievement - Mastery, accomplishment, competence.

Positive Psychology

  • Positive psychology is not just "happyology."
  • Positive emotions include joy, comfort, happiness, but also engagement and relationships.
  • Engagement is about using your strengths and being in flow.
  • Good relationships are essential and can be built.
  • Meaning involves belonging to something bigger than oneself.
  • Achievement concerns mastery and accomplishment.

Science and Application

  • Random assignment placebo control testing is used for interventions.
  • Exercises like writing three good things daily can improve life satisfaction.

Smiling and Positive Emotion

  • Types of Smiles:
    • Duchen Smile: Genuine, involves muscles under the eyes.
    • Non-Duchen (Stewardess) Smile: Artificial.
  • Study at Mills College found that genuine smiles predict better life outcomes.

Happiness and Longevity

  • Studies show positive emotions can relate to longer life spans, e.g., studies on nuns.
  • High positive emotion correlates with lower morbidity and healthcare expenditure.

Increasing Positive Emotion

  • Exercises like noting things that went well can increase positive emotions and life satisfaction.

Engagement and Flow

  • Flow occurs when using signature strengths in challenging situations.
  • Signature strengths can be identified through tests available online.

Teaching and Character Development

  • Teaching is not just about academics but about social skills, storytelling, and character.
  • Great teachers often possess zest and humor.

Relationship Skills

  • Active constructive response is key in relationships.
  • Positive interactions strengthen relationships and decrease divorce likelihood.

Meaning and Purpose

  • Human beings have an inherent drive for meaning.
  • Exercises to build meaning include envisioning a positive future and summarizing one's life purpose.

Achievement and Grit

  • Self-discipline and grit are more important for success than IQ.
  • Studies show self-discipline is crucial for high accomplishment in young people.

These notes cover the main ideas from the lecture on flourishing, outlining the components of positive psychology and providing insights into how these can be applied in life and education.