Improving Your Pull-Up Performance

Jul 12, 2024

Improving Your Pull-Up Performance


  • Importance of increasing pull-up reps and performing pull-ups with added weight
  • 8 tips to improve pull-up performance

1. Standardize Your Technique

  • Consistent hand placement on the bar
  • Consistent thumb wrapping technique
  • Perform full range of motion (deep stretch to chin above the bar)
  • Neural efficiency is key; practice the same way repeatedly

2. Train in the Target Rep Range

  • Short-term focus: Target the rep range you want to improve
    • Slightly weighted or unweighted pull-ups close to failure
  • For 1RM focus: Train sets of 3-6 reps with progressive weight

3. Increase Pull-Up Frequency

  • More frequent practice leads to better technique and performance
  • Example weekly plan:
    • Monday: Heavy pull-ups with added weight
    • Wednesday: High volume pull-ups with no weight or assisted
    • Friday: Light technical practice or different back exercises

4. Use Accessories

  • Assisted pull-ups for high reps and technique focus
  • Weighted pull-ups for strength and confidence
  • Additional exercises: Pull downs, rows, bicep curls, hammer curls

5. Progress With Advanced Variations

  • Progress to harder variations: clavicle pull-ups, sternum pull-ups
  • Sample workout structure:
    • Sternum pull-ups
    • Clavicle pull-ups
    • Chin-level pull-ups

6. Vary Pull-Up Styles

  • Alternate between different grips (wide, narrow, underhand, parallel)
  • Change styles every few months to avoid plateaus and joint problems

7. Assistance for Low Reps

  • If you can do fewer than 5 pull-ups, incorporate assisted pull-ups
  • Use other back exercises to build strength (lat pull-down, rows)
  • Incorporate higher rep ranges (5-30 reps) for muscle growth

8. Lose Weight

  • Reducing body weight can significantly improve pull-up performance
  • Example: Losing 10 pounds can lead to noticeable improvement


  • Apply these 8 tips to improve your pull-up performance
  • Train consistently, intelligently, and vary your approach

Humor and Personal Notes

  • The importance of keeping training fun and varied
  • Mention of the next lecture on advanced pull-up periodization