but we're going to start with Living Word okay preparations but yes definitely we're going to start academics also okay so first let me know if you can all see and hear me clearly okay okay let me know if you cannot see and hear me clearly namaste okay are you all huge yes okay okay okay hi hi everybody living and non-living thing okay so in the living and non-living thing on the Earth yes are you all ready are you all ready so living things what are characteristics we're going to start with living things on a characteristics okay in the characteristics yes we all have living organisms we will learn about definite characteristics or defining characteristics okay so defining characteristics you will learn defining characteristics foreign foreign yes thank you atish all right so starting okay starting with growth okay so character 6 left we will start with growth as the first capital six all living organisms grow okay um we have becoming adults foreign yes so that means initially 100 pages foreign Okay so growth not a defining feature okay it is not a defining feature because non-living things non living things also grow non-living things foreign okay let's go to the next character reproductions okay reproduction on the living organisms reproduction s but okay not all living things reproduce okay not all living things example infertile humans thank you okay infertile humans are reproduce mules wonder is a hybrid is your specifically um okay so not all living things reproduce okay therefore not a defining feature defining features yes it is not a defining feature because of this living organisms okay just because a human couple can't reproduce they are living organisms but they can't reproduce so rent exceptions yes because non-living things defining feature of living organisms it is not a defining character okay there are almost five characteristics the basic characteristics of living organisms next we will see we're going to talk about metabolism metabolism chemical reactions okay many many many many chemical reactions anabolic reactions catabolic reactions sorry metabolism okay so all the chemical reactions in our body together biochemical reactions okay in an organism together okay together we will call as metabolism if a metabolism were defining picture it is a defining feature it is a defining feature you know foreign foreign foreign human physiology okay so after after the process okay all the systems are working simultaneously proper organized organization rules and regulations a defining feature yes it is a defining of living organisms living organisms and non-living things okay so you can see organelle in the cell cell to tissue tissue in the organ okay in the organ system then forming the organs he's on the higher level lower levels right bacterials super no doubts okay so we'll move on Consciousness okay with the characteristic living organism what A fifth characteristic basic characteristics Consciousness consciousness that is being alert okay I know I know that this is happening in the Olympics that is consciousness okay I will lose my consciousness so Consciousness character non-living things with the consciousness yes so this is also a defining feature it's a defining creature yes being alert of the surroundings okay foreign okay and the response so response a llama okay so response to stimuli so the stimuli can responds so here either on the old situations yes we are not talking about particular organism s it is part of a human being and that person has lived okay temporary situations foreign okay don't worry portions okay so living world would you know so at least diversity I will put up quiz for diversity okay so two more chapters biology classifications characteristics of living organism starting with growth upper reproduction metabolism okay Consciousness seller organization okay basic characteristics all right yes biodiversity okay General living organs we have to first accept that okay okay okay so the total number and type of organisms present on the earth we call as bio-diversity okay living organisms diversity of living organisms okay so diversity of living organisms biodiversity total number of organs no other particles okay nature is so huge it's so big okay we have to start English okay so we'll start with nomenclature nomenclature another foreign names to organisms okay language we need to convert okay I'm talking to you about coconut thank you okay yeah because it has a name foreign specific names to different structures involving living organisms as an identity foreign yes so that that is an identity is an identity over organs identity okay so plants we have international code for Botanical nomenclature ICBM okay we have international code for sorry of Zoological nomenclature so either plants foreign thousands of organisms millions of organisms millions of species okay so we'll talk about nomenclature method method type of nomenclature binomial nomenclature okay binomial two names binomial nomenclature right so first name on the generic name take a name on the specific epithetic foreign species name yes species name right for example number let's take an example example of say indica yes species or specific epithe indica yes correct okay this is author name l dot abena lineus that is your authors okay sorry l dot right correct correct correct foreign all cool now oh rules of nomenclature so on the money over organs we have some Universal rules is a language which is not spoken at all right and it is it is written in italics yes so it is always written in italics foreign right then both the words when handwritten they are separately online so manjifera underlying Indica underline okay separate the online or print Pandora okay to indicate the landlordian origin Theory yes okay no the first word okay last option last Point first word denoting the genus starts with a capital letter okay while the specific epithead starts the small letter it can be Illustrated with the example of manjifera indica foreign my classes all right right okay universal laws of binomial nomenclature now conjunct terminology is particular right classification process by which anything is grouped into categories that's called as classification based on observable characters into groups seventh standard eighth standard so classification right for example we easily recognize groups such as plants or animals or dogs cats or insects you'll find different types of plants wild animals domestic animals dogs cats insects dogs different types of dogs you'll think mind like okay cat no different types of cats classification yes super taxa refers to unit used in the science of taxonomy or biological classification okay it is a scientific word for category number categories foreign foreign okay now based on characteristics over a characteristics all living organisms are classified into different taxa okay over attacks in the process we call as taxonomy we will capture base taxonomy right now systematics another definitions okay so definitions Define a insulator statement based questions Okay match the following questions statement based questions we'll put the notes also okay so even if you can't see it clearly or anything like that don't worry uh okay what are we going to learn about it uh identification nomenclature arrangement evolutionary correspondence okay identification Pandora evolutionary correspondence that is evolutionary correspondence publication was a book written by careless lineus okay who is a father of taxon yes he's the father of Israel okay you can have questions like that so you know it is right okay I'm putting the taxonomy land in the classification okay okay foreign pots clean or family gets sick okay Kingdom phylum class order family genus species right okay now there's a question very good question ma'am could a differentiate between Division and phylum okay phylum or division of being a muscle wrong okay so phylum foreign plants yes five limits for animals and division is for plants got it there's been the same taxes here we will put division photo super Prince okay Tax Service studies consider a group of individual organs with fundamental similarities as a species species human beings Homo sapiens species we all look different okay okay it will differ a lot yes so or species that is a species species okay it is a basic level of taxonomous okay or uh most basic level of cancer okay think of the highest level species right no genus are the level of the genus okay species of the basically whatever species okay maximum similarities differences right yes rajvi ranjan this is Niche class but in Tamil okay but in Tamil language okay Jesus from the group of related species foreign foreign Okay so what a species with similar genus very similar species okay so I'll do the family is foreign okay tiger leopard cheetah Jaguar ialame is foreign everything is there in the cat family day dog family okay how different types of dogs different types of wolves right now species foreign foreign foreign okay this is very very very very important category included includes related orders mammals yes now foreign foreign yes okay so now we have phylum level yes so the next higher category based on common features like presence of noticord neural system spinal cord spinal cord on the covering foreign foreign insects okay okay we are all the same Kingdom animal yeah protists so highest category is similar characteristics okay minimum similarities okay come here maximum differences yes from species to Kingdom okay species in the Kingdom okay common characteristics reduce okay difference is okay carbon characteristics or similarities feel like this species right so this is okay so everything is a Genus family or a class phylum or division is okay so this is something very important you will learn it okay you learn it slowly don't worry now okay so now we're going to the last part taxonomical AIDS okay it's a lot of process okay subject s in any form it is a help or support Ed okay okay there's a question Prince order what is hierarchy hierarchy Kingdom the best highest level class order family you know lower classroom are the hierarchy okay Kingdom's love poor Kingdom class order family genus species and the levels yes Prince okay so last part is okay so they require current identification classification of organism requires intensive laboratory and field studies not easy so let's look at all the taxonomic dates and inward triangle yes Freedom correct okay we'll see what those are okay starting with catalogs foreign books or written material okay but all these are books or written materials monographs catalogs right okay starting with herbarium new store house whatever it is okay it is basically a storehouse of collected plants specimen that are dried pressed and preserved on sheets foreign and then the characters foreign foreign yes now bent and place of collection so is okay it is usually a sheet yeah for example this is a sheet okay imagine the the planche dried plant okay dried leaves dried flower okay dried flour whatever it is okay there will be a label and the label look when it is now basically they will have date in place of collection okay so in the date indicator please in case it is foreign foreign foreign so they're grown for identification purpose okay okay so this is right plant is labeled indicating the scientific name and family so Botanical gardening opponing now okay if you go to a potential Garden you will know um okay Madam where to get this herbarium other uh individually okay we can do it right super super indicating the scientific name and the family okay family so biggest okay the biggest hugest uh Botanical Garden Kolkata Botanical Garden okay a National Institute of research garden garden right identification purposes foreign foreign right okay now we have the museum okay collection of preserve plants and animals okay so all dead specimens are for study and reference preserved in containers jars in preservative solution okay so preservate the solution another formal in formaldehyde yes they can be preserved as dry specimen also set up in schools and Institutes okay where to get her beer in Books Okay you can try right we had a stuffed parrot stuffed bat stuffed pigeon okay we had king cobra Turtles okay but yes we all have schools Museum okay animals and plant soda stuffed oceans dry dead specimens right we can learn yes okay we had all of our plants in these preserved charts yes foreign yes they are in a protected environment under human care enables us to know more about them okay another uh animal behavior actually if you ever plan okay there is a subject called as animal behavior okay so not necessary I I know not everybody is going to get mbbs but if you are considering zoology mating periods our sleeping patterns okay Behavior remember interesting on a subject and mostly Fields right so all their patterns everything their life okay so I will behave in our particular so number try to give their conditions similar to our natural hybrid yes so children love visiting these Parks yes right these are some Zoological Park Circle images but yeah okay we're going into details right is on there is for identification of plants and animals don't go into all the negative things okay so they're based on similarities and disabilities okay the question question answer foreign options okay yes or no and the money options is it an animal yes or no okay we know it is called Data okay does it lay eggs okay does it give birth okay give birth it is you know it is not a bird foreign last part okay Flora manual photographs catalogs starting with Flora Flora in the plants plants only an account of habit and distribution of plants in a given area foreign foreign manual are usually providing information for identification species foreign foreign contains information of any one taxon one Kingdom one family one species that is monogram foreign questions you know given India for example animals 49 then the list in the in the animals European the plans that is catalog yes yes we're done with all the books also Flora plant or the man will win the plants yes right so let's go back let's revise taxonomical AIDS yes Botanical Garden Museum Zoological Parks key Flora manual monograph catalogs taxonomy study of classifications done okay so shall we wind up foreign done yeah so in an entire chapter is over okay one shorter number is okay okay so till then you guys take care have fun and see you very soon bye