Mastering Django: A Comprehensive Guide

Aug 19, 2024

Try Django Series Lecture Notes


  • Goal: Help students learn and master Django web framework.
  • Structure: Start from absolute basics and gradually introduce new concepts.
  • Focus: Individual concepts in practical use cases, not building a full project.
  • Excitement: Building a web application with a database is a rewarding experience.

Setting Up the Environment

Getting Started with Django

  • Create a new virtual environment.
  • Install Django using pip install Django==2.0.7 for consistency.
  • Activate virtual environment:
    • Mac: source bin/activate
    • Windows: scripts/activate
  • Importance of using a virtual environment to keep dependencies separate.

Creating a Django Project

  • Use django-admin startproject <project_name> to create a new Django project.
  • Run the development server using python runserver.
  • Access the web application in a browser.

Setting Up a Text Editor

  • Recommended text editors: Sublime Text, PyCharm.
  • Open your project in the text editor for better code management.


  • BASE_DIR: Path to the project directory.
  • SECRET_KEY: Unique key for security, should not be exposed in production.
  • DEBUG: Set to True for development, change to False in production.
  • INSTALLED_APPS: List of Django applications used in the project.
  • MIDDLEWARE: Framework for handling requests and responses.
  • DATABASES: Configuration for the database used.
  • STATIC_URL: URL for serving static files.

Creating Django Apps

  • Concept of Django apps: modular components of a larger project.
  • Use python startapp <app_name> to create a new app.

Using the Admin Interface

  • Create a superuser with python createsuperuser to access the admin interface.
  • View and manage models through the Django admin dashboard.

Introduction to Django Models

  • Define models in to represent database tables.
  • Use model fields to define data types (e.g., CharField, TextField, DecimalField).
  • Important commands: makemigrations and migrate to apply changes to the database.

Working with Django Forms

  • Create forms in for user input.
  • Use model forms for easy integration with models.
  • Handle form submissions in views and validate data.

Class Based Views vs Function Based Views

  • Class based views offer organization and reusability.
  • Use ListView, DetailView, CreateView, UpdateView, and DeleteView for common patterns.
  • Override methods like get_context_data and get_object for customization.

URL Patterns and Namespacing

  • Define URL patterns in for routing requests to views.
  • Use namespacing to avoid conflicts between views in different apps.


  • Recommended to practice creating, updating, and deleting data using Django’s ORM and views.
  • Review and familiarize with Django documentation for deeper understanding.