[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ly here I did promise that it would happen so I've made it basically what this video is is I'm gonna be truly telling you how to actually get good aim because there's a lot of aim videos are there I don't want to say anyone specifically but there's a lot of aim videos and a lot of guides that just don't work okay so here I I really I've met a lot of people I've coached aim for a long time and I've met a lot of people who truly have a lot of potential to have very good aim but when they try and apply um the gauge they see or the videos they watch to their aim they end up kind of plateauing or stagnating or things like that and they don't actually end up getting any better so I thought um for those people that don't really know how to get any better at aiming I would make this video and I want it to be as accurate as humanly possible now I've been studying game theory for years um qualifications I've hit Top 500 multiple times on every roll I've hit Top 100 playing hit scan Heroes top 100 playing projectile Heroes I've had apex predator uh multiple times on apex Legends I've had champion on Rainbow Six Siege the pure mechanical ability alone I played semi-personal Counter-Strike for a long time I currently coach Counter-Strike mechanics I coach mechanics in general I have over 150 IQ there's a lot of aspects that go into aim Theory and I I think it's important to understand those things before you fully get into aim training because it's obviously going to be a lot easier to aim if you understand the core fundamentals and what it actually is so that's what we're starting with obviously the very first thing with aim is actually understanding what it is so aim in its simplest form is your ability to move your mouse from one place to another which corresponds to your Crosshair placement on your screen depending on your sensitivity DPI it will move differently the three actual aim types we're looking at here are tracking click timing and Target switching now these are all different in their own ways but they're all just as important as each other it's important to practice all three however in some games you're obviously gonna need more of one type than you are for other types for example if you're a big valorant player or a big Counter-Strike player your click timing is going to be more important than anything else if you're an apex Legends player obviously your your tracking is going to be more important than anything else and if you're like an arena shooter player like you play a lot of Quake or you you like um like Call of Duty things like that Target switching is going to be very important so obviously depending on the games you play you're going to want to practice accordingly however if you're just looking for General Improvement or general Mastery over the art form then you're gonna have to wanna practice each individual type individually and get them all to the same level because you can bottleneck yourself for example you can have incredibly good tracking but if your click timing is horrible it may take you too long to get onto a Target before you can actually begin tracking and that could hold your tracking back so it's important that all three aspects of your aim are at least in similar level to your highest aspect you wouldn't want to bottleneck your aim in any way so it's about proper practice of all three fundamentals okay for first things first what actually is aim what are you doing when you aim okay aiming is moving your mouse and it correlating to a Crosshair position on your screen and having to be able to manipulate that Crosshair to where you want it to go on the screen okay that is as simple as it gets your ability to manipulate how your Crosshair moves easy peasy right it's it's a general when it comes to General understanding of what I aim actually is people think it's a lot of things that it isn't but it is literally as simple as that it's just your ability to move across there okay some people are very very good at it some people are very bad at it the thing is is the average player's aim is actually very bad and I don't say very bad in the sense that it's like subpar I mean very bad isn't it's actually horrible first things first we have to understand that it's very bad now a lot of people think that aim is one of those things where you can only hit a certain level and you can't get any better which isn't necessarily true there is technically infinite gain but it's obviously going to depend on your practice your genetics um your actual like what what you do in your day-to-day life obviously how you die how you eat things like that they actually all matter as well but for the general average player you can get top one percent aim and probably like three months or so of of practice easily top one percent in probably higher than that maybe like point five percent aim um I've seen players go from like atrocious never touch a name trainer before to top one percent aim in like a month so it's actually very easy to improve very quickly but a lot of that comes down to the fact that it's also because the average is so low and so bad that just a small amount of practice it makes it very easy to overcome um the average because of how low it is so just like with any other uh thing it's important that you actually practice and it's good to understand how to practice so for example let's say we want to do a click timing scenario how that click timing scenario is played affects your improvement for example in an aim trainer the most efficient way to aim is to be very floaty very slow and flowy okay I'll put a an example on the screen so you can watch right very flowy okay however you don't aim like that in an actual game right which is why a lot of people mess up in Kovacs is they go in and they play Kovacs efficiently okay they don't play their game in Kovacs they play Kovacs and that's their issue is you're never gonna aim like this in game so there's no point aiming like this in Kovacs instead we want to adopt our aiming style into Kovacs that we would use in uh typical FPS games so if you're a big Apex player you're obviously gonna have a different uh shooting style to have a card player would play or can a straight player would play okay so you want to adopt that into into your Kovacs routines and then that'll obviously bring Improvement much faster now it's it's about what aim trainers actually do okay a lot of people have this weird misconception with aim trainers that they aren't actually good or they don't work and to me that's actually a pretty annoying thing to say because obviously they do work they're just not used properly you could apply the same logic to anything and say it doesn't work because it's not used properly and I think that's quite dumb that people just instantly jump on an aim trainer and say no it's bad don't use it it's a waste of time things like that when it's not necessarily true it's actually not true at all using an aim trainer properly and efficiently is like leagues and above the best way to get good aim take for example tens the Valiant player even it like even in the the higher stat challenge of Allen he's [ __ ] on players with how good his aim is in comparison to everyone else because he's an average aim trainer a user he uses aim trainers all the time he practices aim all the time and you can tell this is clear aim difference right people don't really compete with tens at all in terms of aim and valorent because he's so far and above better than everyone else because he takes his name training seriously now technically speaking you don't actually need the name trainer uh to get a good aim you could it get good in without an aim trainer with just understanding how to aim properly and applying those fundamentals to your aim and game so you don't actually need a name trainer but it's going to take way longer because the name trainer is very good at isolating weaknesses it's very good at specifics like for example if you're playing Apex and you really need to fix your um like Speedy ad Strife tracking when you're tracking a Target that's 80 strafing in front of you you might play a game of Apex and not run into one of those players for like two three games for spamming ad and then you just never get that practice so aim trainers are very good at isolating weaknesses and I think it's really important that we use covex properly to iron out those weaknesses okay right now let's get into like Bare Bones very basic wrist versus Arm aiming okay people think that this is like one thing you're either an armor or you're a wrist aimer uh you are neither you should be both okay efficient aim requires both okay for example if you're a very slow sensitivity player let's say you play 40 centimeter 360 40 to 50 centimeter 360. you're obviously going to be using your arm a lot more for those bigger movements and you'll use your wrist for the tiny micro movements right fair enough but if you're say a faster sensitivity player 15 centimeter you're going to be using your arm a lot less and your wrist a lot more because your wrist is obviously going to offer more Precision than your arm is because you can make finer movements for the rest okay however since your sensitivity is so much faster you have a much larger range of motion with your wrist therefore you're able to be more precise over longer distances with your wrist than your arm could however your arm is still useful if you need to whip like 180 degrees turn very quickly and then use obviously activate your wrist to um micro your way into a position where you can actually engage your target right so arm versus uh wrist aiming is a strange concept to me because you should always be using both there's never really a scenario where you should only be using one okay arm has its benefits wrist has its benefits we want to use a hybrid style just like efficiency wise looking things of how efficient you could be it's way more efficient to use both so first things first we should be using both okay you don't necessarily have to but if you really want to achieve aim Mastery it's important to realize the benefits of using your arm and the benefits of using your wrist and using them hybridly to try and Achieve obviously The Highest Potential okay so arm less precise but it's way better at making big movements okay your arm is obviously your arms are big okay they have a very wide range of motion you want to use it to make bigger movements wrists a smaller range of motion more precise use it for smaller motions as well depending on your insensitivity is always going to change faster sensitivities you're going to use your rest more lower sensitivities use your arm more but it's important that we use both okay what is DPI right people talk about DPI a lot and the importance of knowing your DPI and what it actually is so quick explanation of what DPI is right so DPI dots per inch how many dots you move per inch replacement to your mouse sensor okay on most LCD screens you're gonna have an RGB value that's going to create up the light on your screen obviously those are pixels okay uh so it's actually relatively simple so most LCD screens are made up of pixels and pixels are made of the dots okay there are three dots per pixel of your screen okay easy to understand and the same with the RGB take the r as 1 dot g is another dot b is another dot those three together make one pixel so your DPI is the amount of dots you're gonna move per inch relatively simple to understand and but it's important to know okay most DPI values sit between 400 869 hundred those are the most used DPI values but there are outliers some people like 200 some people like 600 people like a thousand people like 1200 it doesn't matter okay you're just gonna pick a DPI that you like okay that's all that's important the only thing is with DPI is obviously the higher values are going to be smoother than the lower values okay that's all you have to know your DPI because we want to figure out how many centimeters it takes to move in a 360. this is generally a good thing to know because for example so you play Apex and you play COD those sensitivity values aren't going to be the same I don't believe they are so you want to know your centimeter okay say you you use 20 centimeters to turn 360 in Apex you would then want to spend 360 degrees and 20 centimeters on card as well so you need to figure out what sensitive you needed to do that with now you don't necessarily need to do that again aim is not a muscle memory thing that's not what what it is at all people think aim is muscle memory aim is not muscle memory at all okay aim is comprised of your brain's ability to adapt to what you're telling it okay for example muscle memory would mean if you wanted to flick you know 45 degrees up and right your brain would you obviously you'd have to be able to teach your muscle that very specific movement to do that's not what muscle memory is at all aim can't be muscle memory there's absolutely no way okay aim is all brain okay absolutely every aspect of aim is entirely to do with your brain's ability to adapt to what you're telling it to do and how efficiently and how easy it is for your brain to perform a certain action okay let's all aim as easy peasy right so now that we're understanding we want our CM 360 how many centimeters it takes to turn 360 Degrees our sensitivity in game obviously we have our DPI worked out we know what DPI is we understand the difference between wrist and arm aiming we understand the average aim is terrible but it's easy to get work with and we know it's easy to improve we know aim trainers are useful there's a lot we've already learned I know this video is actually already quite long and you're probably realizing this video is quite long already but it's important that we get down to the actual Bare Bones of it because I don't want there to be any misconceptions whatsoever I want everything to be as completely understandable as humanly possible okay right now let's get into some brain chemistry because I was doing some research on it and I think it's actually uh very important and I've learned quite a bit doing it a key part to learning and improving is bringing Focus to a particular aspect of the training process okay and the reason for that is there is a neurochemical system that involves acet colon and it comes from two nuclei in the base of the brain called nucleus basilisk okay when you do things uh like aim training and you think about it very intensely and focus on it acetyl colon is released from basilisk at the precise neurons that were involved in that action or behavior and it will Mark those new neurons to change during the sleeping or deep resting process later okay this means Focus plays a major part in the improvement process and it wouldn't be possible without uh this process obviously so when we're actually aim training we need to be applying Focus or intense thinking to the process because it will bring Improvement way faster than any other method okay now to talk about the year Keys Dodson law shout out to a guy called scratter on Discord for telling me about it I didn't know about it and now I know about it because I look into it anyway yoki's Dodson law I think his name is actually pronounced yerks I'm gonna call him yerkies because that's all I've seen people talk about him with uh thank you to Google for this by the way the Yorkies Datsun law is an empirical relationship between pressure and performance originally developed by psychologists Robert M yurkis and John Dillingham Dodson in 1908 the law dictates that performance increases with physiological or mental arousal but only up to a point basically if you're a dumbass like me uh you may not fully understand what that means basically performance anxiety is good in certain amounts okay too little or too much well hurt your efficiency the optimal level of arousal or anxiety will actually push you to pre-performance okay let's get into a motor learning the actual aspect that that makes you physically get better at a skill like okay let's look at some Wikipedia all right more learning refers broadly to changes in an organism's movements that reflect changes in the structures and function of the nervous system moral learning occurs over varying time skills and degrees of complexity humans learn to walk or talk over the course of years but continue to adjust to changes in height weight strength Etc over their lifetime moral learning enables animals to gain new skills and improves the smoothness and accuracy of movements anyway more learning is what actually makes you get better aim among other things your actual ability to motor learn is that's what it is more learning it's the ability to learn to use your muscles in different ways okay simple but what aiming is and like a sciencey way if you're like if you care about that but my explanation earlier of Vape is just your ability to move your Crosshair and you're most efficiently is enough but if you care about actual moral learning and the actual science behind it you're free to look up more learning if you care about it and you're free to look it up and look into it this isn't necessarily super important to the same video so we're just gonna go with it's a thing and we move on okay okay some more interesting uh kind of like nerdy stuff procedural memory this is another important part of Aim so let's break into it some Wikipedia uh because it's simple to understand procedural memory is a type of implicit memory unconscious long-term memory which AIDS the performance of particular types of tasks without conscious awareness of these previous experiences procedural memory Gates the processes we perform and most frequently reside below the level of conscious awareness when needed procedural memories are automatically retrieved and utilized for execution of the integrated procedures procedures involved in both cognitive and motor skills from tying shoes to reading to Flying an airplane procedural memories are accessed and used whether the need for conscious control or attention procedural memory is created through procedural learning or repeating a complex activity over and over again until all the relevant neural systems work together to automatically produce the activity implicit procedural learning is essential for the development of any moral skill or cognitive activity right there we go bisinger easy peasy right basically procedural memory is actually very important to the learning process and it's actually very very useful when it comes to aim training as well so I would advise you look into it more because this video is only touching on it but as we can see procedural memory plays a large part in AIM training okay we need to be able to understand procedural memory and use it in the best way possible to improve our aim the fastest way so this uh the obviously motor learning Yuki's Dodson law uh and everything I talked about previously with acet colon and basilis those things all come together to create Perfect Harmony and aim training with these four relatively basic things we can apply them all together and truly achieve Mastery of any art form and today we're applying it to aim training to get as good as humanly possible so this is we're now through the intro by the way it's only been 20 minutes we're through the intro welcome to the ultimate aim guide to truly achieve Mastery okay number one first on the list let's talk about some mouse grips okay typically the mouse grips that people use is Pam rest and fingertip they obviously all have their pros and their cons I personally use fingertip because I play a very very fast sensitivity 8.63 centimeter per 360 to be exact that's typically the Sensitivity I run so so for that reason I use fingertip okay fingertip I'm gonna have obviously like a picture on the screen you're looking at it now fingertip grip is where only your fingertip is actually on the mouse there your palm doesn't touch it at all okay except my grip is fairly unique in the fact that my ring finger is always anchored to the mouse pad unless I need to do it like a big flick then obviously I lift it slightly flick and then place it back on for micro your mouse grip will probably be a little bit more generic especially if you're starting out either Pam uh claw or fingertip so basically Pam grip is probably the most common type it's the most comfortable for the hand really basically you just place your hat your palm of your hand on your mouse and lay your your you know your fingers fly across your mouse buttons and you just hold the mouse normally okay how a normal pressure might hold a mouse okay obviously there's advantages to this you have a lot of control since you have a lot of obviously points of contact on your mouse so you've got plenty of control of it the only issue is you don't really have much range of motion in your fingertips okay your fingertips aren't going to be uh obviously doing a lot in this grip which is unfortunate because your fingers are very precise that's the purpose of fingers they're very very precise you can make very precise movements with them so they're obviously very useful when it comes to aiming now you're only really going to be using your fingertips on and very tiny movements especially on like a slow sensitivity you might not even use your fingertips in a very slow sense depending how slow it is however that is Japan grip okay run in the mail basic as it gets okay that's typically what people are gonna do is the prime grip okay I am not a big fan of the Pam grip obviously because of my sensitivity it gives me basically no control with micro whatsoever so I don't like it I think claw grip is probably the best grip in terms of what the average player is obviously gonna want so as you can probably see from the picture claw grip is basically the same as Pam except the top part of your palm will float above the mouse and your fingertips will obviously curl like a claw okay now the reason for this is for example if something is you need to flick vertically all you have to do is push your fingers out extend them while gripping the mouse your mouse obviously will rise and the obviously your pan will leave your mouse okay giving your fingertips more control especially in the vehicle okay easy peasy to understand very useful useful because it gives plenty of fingertip control while obviously giving you a lot of point of contact especially on your Pam so you have plenty of control of the mouse okay next fingertip grip this is the fingertip grip I like to do especially the one with the uh you know the ring finger anchored on the mouse pad you don't have to do it like that that's how I like it but fingertip is very good because it's very precise okay the only issue with fingertip grip is the lack of control uh you don't really have a ton of control especially if you're doing like big whipping motions or you're flicking like all over the place very quickly Target switching like a lot you're gonna lose control of your mouse and your grip will obviously deteriorate as you go you're gonna have less grip on your mouse and you're gonna have to like readjust your grip every you know way more often than you would with other grips so just pick a grip that you would like I would say start with claw see how you like it and then if you hate it obviously develop the fingertip or Pam I would say trying to avoid Pam though Pam has a lot of cons for its pros and Claw basically has all the similar Pros but even more pros and glass cons so I would say claw grip statistically speaking is probably the most efficient grip you could have I think this is the grip you should start with and I think it's a very safe place to start next let's talk about some mouse weight now let's have a gander the average mouse weight average gaming May Mouse wait okay let's talk about Mouse grip or most weights apparently on Google according to Google the average gaming mouse weighs around 100 grams okay which is really heavy okay at least for me I use an airox 3 I believe it's called it's a steel series Mouse I think and it uh it's like 52 grams 57 grams somewhere in that range or it's around 50-ishq 55-ish grams okay give or take that I I like the really light mice I really like it especially because my sensitivity it obviously gives me way more Precision because it's obviously way lighter however the only thing is with a very light mice is it's very easy to like over flick under flick lose control things like that okay I have your mouse obviously will have more friction and more friction means more control but also less consistency so it just matters how you like your mouse you might like it really heavy you may like it really light you might like it in the middle that's totally for you also another thing to consider is the size of a mouse you should measure your hand find the measurements of the mouse you want and the weight of it obviously and choose off that not doesn't have pretty colors and [ __ ] like that okay the sensor the buttons the the weight the size the actual um the figure of it the actual figure of the mouse silhouette things like that those are all important things to consider when getting a mouse so please before you buy a mouse consider all of those things I would hate for you to buy a mouse that was very light just for you to find out that it doesn't fit in your giant Mammoth hands because your hands are enormous and the mouse is Tiny okay consider every aspect of a mouse before you buy one okay next let's talk about some mouse pad types um typically speaking I would say there's too many people would argue this more but I'm gonna say this too there's soft pads and hard pads okay soft pads are like your typical fabricate ones kind of squishy um typically they've got like a nice like microfiber cloth on the top of them or like a similar kind of texture and something like that it's just like your typical Max pad okay easy it's nice to get a really big one big high quality one for a relatively decent price you don't have to overspend too much for a good one however the only problem that a soft pad has is it's actually it wears out relatively quickly obviously I'm not speaking in a matter of weeks you can have them for months before they start truly wearing out um but it's a thing to consider next is hard pads hard pads are typically going to be your methyl pads your glass pads things like that right they're harder pads they're not squishy they're not flexible nothing like that they're they're hard obviously and with that comes the factors typically less friction on a hard pad hard pads typically have less friction than soft pads do but it depends obviously on the material I've seen some soft pads with very low friction some soft pads with high friction and obviously vice versa for a hard pad so look into your mouse pad before you buy it its size its Dimensions exactly what material it's made out of obviously how tall the pad is things like that all things that are very important okay for me I use the sky pad 3.0 it's a glass pad it's huge I love it I really like the glass pad the only thing I don't like about hard pads is they typically wear your mouse skates a lot faster than cloth pads will So Soft pads will be less likely to wear out your uh your mouse skates or hard pads will wear it most skates a lot more so obviously a lot to consider but it's totally up to you whether you want a soft pad or a hard pad whatever you prefer using one isn't objectively better than the other it's totally a preference thing okay okay easy peasy next sitting position this is actually important um posture is important as well okay typically speaking you want a flat back against the back of your chair you want your feet flat on the floor in front of you you don't want like to like have cross-legged or things like that obviously you can for Comfort it's really not that big of a deal but when you're practicing optimal uh sitting position is flat back flat feet you know arms on your desk as much as possible to a degree sometimes you want the elbow hanging off a little bit because that gives you a nice Anchor Point the edge of your desk but not a huge deal but posture is important having good posture is always going to be important so consider that when you find a place to sit another thing when it comes to sitting positions is consistency no people don't really typically tend to think about this but the way you sit should be consistent okay it should be comfortable but it should be consistent for example say you sit down one time your chair is wheeled out too far back you're you've crossed your legs you're you're leaning over you're hunched over you've extended your arms a lot right and that's how you play okay and then the next day you wheel your chair in really close then your feet are flat on the floor this time and you're sit properly there's a massive difference between those two things okay your sink position consistency matters right you want to be able to sit down get into your proper sitting position of how you consistently would sit in a matter of you know 10 seconds or so and be able to be in that position every time when you're when you're training because consistency is key so another thing to think about sync positions are actually important disallowing of autopilot okay now let's talk about autopilot when you're training you will probably autopilot from time to time okay unless you actually are good aimer already and then you understand autopilot is bad okay let's talk about AI oil pilot is bad so earlier in the video obviously I already mentioned what practice was how to practice properly what occurs in the brain when practice happens okay things like that those things don't happen on autopilot if you're autopilot in your practice the actual chemical processes in the brain which lead to Improvement are either stunted and don't happen or occur much slower and far less efficiently than otherwise okay autopilot is bad and you will not get better if you do it so you have to avoid autopilot okay please for the love of God don't autopilot because you won't get better okay you have to focus otherwise you will stay bad and we don't want you to stay bad because that's why you're here you're here to be good okay good sleep good sleep is important but you're all a bunch of Gremlins asleep four hours a night so I'm not even gonna talk about good sleep though it is important okay you want to obviously go to bed at the same time every night you want to get eight hours clean eight hours you want to wake up refreshed in the morning all right easy peasy okay simple to understand actually very important though okay being critical of yourself this is actually very important you should VOD review yourself and you should be critical of your yourself okay for example if you play Apex and you're very very bad at flicking to Targets in the vertical so if someone is above you and you flick to it if you're inconsistently flicking to different parts of their body whether it's under flicking overflicking or your flicky is very it's not smooth or it's very jittery things like that that's terrible and you should be able to watch your gameplay back see that you're doing that and go okay that's bad and they go into Kovacs find some scenarios that involve vertical flicking and be very critical and hard on yourself on how well you're performing on those scenarios that obviously lead to Greater Improvement of course there are different ways that you're going to practice the skill whether it be with flicking to a Target tracking it flicking to a Target clicking it with Target switch or whatever with click timing or flicking to multiple targets vertically whether they be up and down Target switching okay all of it matters how you play the scenario matters course but being critical of yourself is very very important because if you aren't critical of yourself you will get to the point where if you ever get to the point where you think you're good enough you need to be more critical of yourself because there's always Improvement to be made you can always get better another thing tracking progress dude you should track your progress so for example have a little text sheet okay like open up your text like a little text document and say uh today I think I did this very well this poorly I got this score I got this accuracy on this scenario uh I I changed my sensitivity from this to that you know something like that okay a lot of people think changing your sensitivity is bad by the way it's not you should change your sensitivity from time to time like I said sensitivity isn't muscle memory so changing it doesn't make your aim bad like for example I can aim just as well on eight centimeter as I can on like 15 but I just need to take it just takes some adjusting some time to adjust and then I'm back to how good I was before because aiming isn't muscle memory aim is an actual skill so don't be scared to change your sense people say you shouldn't change it but people are also dumb so don't worry okay easy peasy tracking progress very important good set goals big and small for example say you like the voltaic benchmarks I'm not a huge fan of them I think there's obviously there's some good in them there's also some bad in them if you like them you like them I'm not a big fan okay say you're a voltaic platinum player your end goal your big goal would be to get to voltaic Diamond okay you want to get to Diamond right but your small goals will be I want to go from 60 accuracy on this scenario to at least 65 percent while maintaining a similar speed as I do know okay that's a small goal that's something easy to work towards okay easy peasy big dopamine hit when you get it okay very important all right now that we've gone over all of that the basics we're finally now at the part where we get better at the game okay here we go like I said earlier I said there were three main aim categories Okay click timing Target switching and tracking each of those uh have a sub category okay so for clicking or well it's I it's okay I call it click taming it's more accurately called clicking you you want to be clicking it's not really cold click timing anymore that's an old term for it I've been doing this for so long I still call it click timing but it's it's referred to as clicking now okay there's static clicking and there's Dynamic clicking we're going to start with static clicking static clicking sounds exactly like how it is it is static Targets on a wall so we are in a multi-fov warm-up this is just some super basic scenario basically the point of static clicking is to test your raw ability you're raw aiming ability okay so things like your Tempo your speed your your Precision your accuracy things like that okay also your ability to micro adjust so for example say I'm at this target I hit and I want to go up to this target okay so I hit this Target and I flick up and I land here okay right good clicking especially in static targets would be to instantly micro here so you'd flick here in micro flick here in micro flick here in micro you know right if you miss it's your ability to micro adjust back onto the target you flick adjust flick adjust flick adjust right that's what good clicking is right so basically the way you want to properly do a click timing scenario the technique is basically there's a few different ways you can do it because obviously technique is important to your click timing so basically the I think the two main ways of doing it is basically there's a meme in the aim Community if you've been around for a long time in Kovacs if you've been around for a long time in the aim Community you're gonna know there there's a meme involved in the aim Community called taking a Bard pill okay basically a barred pill is the way you play static scenarios okay so there's a guy called bardos I'm pretty sure he's on the voltaic team now I'm not actually sure um basically bardos is a very very good static player very good actually I think he's pretty much at the top of every static uh scenario every popular one at least he is very very good ridiculously good at static and he has a specific way of playing static scenarios and he likes to call it the Bard pill or at least for people at least other people like to call The Bard pill basically there are four things that you need to do in static to be bartilled to play static scenarios properly and those are number one learn aiming like you would learn a musical instrument Master the technique slowly at first and what does that mean okay so for example say your aim is terrible okay your aim is awful starting an instrument slowly would be for example you you want to hit the first so you're learning guitar okay and you're learning your chords okay you would start with one chord and then another and then you start real slow it's all about being nice and slow the same way that you would learn any instrument obviously start nice and slow learn the technique first learn the understanding the fundamentals why you do it this way why it works feel it you know step two flick fast but take your time on the correction right what does this mean so for example he is trying to build your stopping power here now stopping power is a very very important part of aiming for example if you have bad stopping power if you want to flick from this target to this target your stopping power would mean your inability to stop uh precisely so for example bad stopping power would be like this okay this is bad stopping power you see my aim decelerate this is not good stopping power okay you're decelerating too quickly all right sorry you're not decelerating fast enough good stopping power is a nice snap okay it's a nice snap directly onto your target exactly where you want it okay it's not over it's not going too far it's not going you know sometimes you're obviously Gonna Miss but that's okay this is good stopping power okay and a nice end at the end okay you want good stopping power and remember bad stopping power right these you're not stopping faster than your hand isn't strong enough to stop yet so what you want is you want good stopping power and the basically the way you're going to get good stopping power is go into a static scenario so like this or um one more five targets small extra small whatever you want to do right depending on obviously how good you already are you're obviously going to want to choose more challenging or less challenging scenarios obviously depending on your skill level but if you're a Bare Bones beginner I like this one this one's nice and easy it's very fun right it's just nice to like flick around for a little bit you don't need a lot of skill to do it but you would go in here and basically what you would do is you just want to flick as fast and as hard as you can okay but obviously don't get like don't be shaky because you're gonna build a bad habit if you're shaking like I'm flicking and I'm always Landing like this right it's bad right we don't we don't want like Landing like this okay this is terrible right we don't want that we want nice flicks and to land on the target as precisely as possible and if you're not landing on the target like did you see when I flick to this uh fully I didn't even mean to do it I flicked like this missed instantly micro back on right because that's instinctual at this point so again basically you flick as hard as you can if you if you're off that's fine take a second for the micro right but you want to build that stopping power Goose stopping power is always really really important in AIM if you have bad stopping power it doesn't matter how good your aim is you're going to be too inconsistent so it's very important work on your stopping power another thing is when you're playing your Kovac scenarios I see this a lot it's about playing the scenario properly for example on this kind of scenario right what is the most efficient way to aim right if I want to hit these three targets you could say snap snap or you could say you want to float float float right whatever you want right but one is way more important than the other okay low E aim like this right is bad we don't want floatyame like this this is bad okay and for that reason is because you're never aiming like this in an actual game are you for example let's say you load into like war zone right you want to get good aim in Warzone and you want a Target switch between some targets okay you faint two enemies and you want to fight them at no point are you ever aiming at this you're not flow your Crosshair doesn't float around you know we aren't like being nice and slow and methodical and like right that's just bad because no one's actually gonna aim like this right how are we gonna aim we're gonna see our Target snap snap snap right stopping power big snaps big flicks little flicks doesn't matter right we want to work on our stopping power because our stocking power is important and we want to aim how we would aim in a game because aiming how like efficient Kovacs aim is not efficient game aim we want good aim in our game of choice we don't want good aiming Kovacs next fast restart if you miss in the first 10 seconds so let's start the challenge here I'm gonna shoot these targets I miss I restart shoot these targets I miss I restart right we're shooting these targets I mess restart shoot these targets mess restart shoot these targets mess restart okay that's what we want to do because we really want to build into our mind missing is bad and we want reward for example if I'm hitting the targets where I miss if I'm hitting the targets eventually this scenario will end and when the scenario ends that's my dopamine hit that's my reward I did well I didn't mention the first 10 seconds that means I can get to the end of the scenario and I'm allowed to get my dopamine hit I'm finally completing it okay makes sense step four restart on Fourth Miss okay so let's say I'm in I'm shooting and then I flick here and I mess and then I flick here and I miss hear a mess here miss I could have one second left in the scenario it doesn't matter hit that restart button go again missing the first 10 seconds restart go again right and then look we're after the first 10 seconds now so we go to this target right then we're gonna mess and you know we're missing restart because we missed four tanks right easy peasy easy to understand hard and actual practice though foreign understand that's The Bard pill That's The Bard pill the way bardos uh does static scenarios very good right we wanna obviously that's the technique we're kind of we're kind of going for here very good way to practice remember things were looking out for we want good stopping power we want to be nice and precise okay nice and precise if we can be also though good stopping power we don't want to be flowy remember that no we don't want to floor our Crosshair around okay this is bad okay no no floating across there we wanna jolt right we want to be Snappy good stopping power and if you're flick and you're off correct flick off correct off correct off correct we flick we're off we're correct right nice make that instinctual if you if you flick off you correct okay next we're in Dynamic clicking okay this is dynamic uh this is just one more five Target past two people hate Dynamic people really don't like Dynamic clicking because it's it's very hard okay and because Dynamic takes a larger skill set than static does okay for example there is already way more going on we need a greater ability to read the map okay we need to be able to see what's going on here all right now a general tip for dynamic this obviously applies to everything but as you can see these are my Kovacs colors I like a nice dark Bluey purple and I like orange Bots okay that's typically how I like it but I change it a lot General tip if you're really really struggling uh with solid color go to a grid or bricks or something that right and how you would do that is you pause you go to your settings okay visual near your skies walls floors ramp ceiling enemy colors everything like that okay you can change all of this Pure Color all these options you have like checkerboards sci-fi wall grids right so if you're struggling to see your targets and how it moves things like that go for a grid or brick or something like that and it will help you far easier see the movement of the Bots where they're going they'll be easier to track than it is on this solid background okay because the lines aren't so sharp right it's more difficult to to see the actual Contours of the wall okay and it's it's obviously going to be harder to track the ballots this way so if you're struggling change your colors around change the background change the sky things like that and uh it will make it easier the more grit the grittier the better so the more grids you have uh the easier it will be and then obviously the better you get you're gonna be able to go back to solid color and you'll be fine right biggest difference between in static and dynamic is there really isn't much you're technically going to be playing this scenario very similarly if not the same so again what we're going to be doing is we find our Target flick to them micro okay right so we find a Target flick micro we flick and we micro C the exact same is how we would do it in static except there's a little bit of tracking a little bit of reading the the map a little bit here okay so we're seeing this box moving right now it's up it's left we're going to be paying attention to this and not only this paying attention to all these other Bots too when you see where this one's going and this one's going and this one's going and it's important that we read the map like this because if we're not so for example we go for this target right and then we saw this one right we go for this one we're not really paying attention to the Bots are like oh that guy's not there anymore oh that guy's not there in there anymore oh that guy's not there anymore it's gonna slow us down a lot plus with this this is going to translate very heavily into a game for example you're playing Valerian okay so you walk out there's two players okay if you flick and you're on one of them that other player is the chances of them having moved is high so your ability to go for one target while also paying attention to other targets going on around you is important and actually very useful for translating into games so for example we see this target moving I already know that Target's not in the top right anymore because it was already moving it's actually in the bottom left now right now it's moving to the right so I'm still tracking this one it's moving left now it's moving right again and it's going down right there's passes it's bouncing off the floor it's moving left it's going up now it's going right so my ability to track this target while also watching where this target is going is very useful I'm able to see both targets and track them at the same time because I'm paying attention to my my peripherals okay I can see around me I can see more than what's going on I can track multiple targets at the same time and I can see and the reason I can do that is because of scenarios like these or in big Target switching scenarios where there's multiple targets moving everywhere and you need to be paying attention to all of them at the same time and it's a really good exercise for your brain and getting used to being able to see and track multiple targets so we only be playing static and dynamic clicking another problem I see a lot though that is only really applicable to these Dynamic targets because it doesn't have any static is for example let's have a look at where this Bots moving okay let's run under my Crosshair let's see where it's going right and then we want to flick to it so this one's right here and then it's going there so we flick in front of it okay flick in front of it and then see where goes flick in front of it and wait for it we flick in front wait for it don't do this this is terrible we don't want this because what's going to happen is we're going to build this habit where if there's a Target in front of us and we're tracking it what we're going to get used to doing is flicking to it waiting and then the target is going to move out of our Crosshair and we flick to it again and it's going to make us really choppy we don't want that okay we want a level of smoothness to ourselves so we want to flick straight on to the Target and then micro exactly how we would in static we're going to play it the same way and it's going to build a nice ability to be comfortable and use the flicking to targets who are moving right we want to be able to predict where it's going and flick onto it we don't want to flick in front of it okay if we flick in front and wait it's very bad we want to flick on to it flick on to it flick onto it flick onto the target okay see where it's going flick don't track it we're gonna play just how we play it in static flick with the shopping power onto the target onto the target onto the target onto the target onto the Target right flicking on to it and the more microwing adjusting as we need B we don't want to track a Target though this isn't a tracking scenario so don't get into this mindset where you see the Target and you go oh I'm I'm following it and then I oh and then I click and then um and then I click and then oh and then I click because that's not what we're doing we're targets so we're not talking we're clicking okay we're click timing we're clicking we're doing some Dynamic clicking scenarios it's all about clickings okay now necessarily tracking isn't necessarily that bad okay we don't like if we're if we flick onto him and we miss and we really want that Target it's okay to chase it it's not that bad to chase the target all right but don't get into this thing where we're flicking onto it and we're hesitating and waiting and then we're clicking we don't want that if we flick and miss and then micro to it that's fine we flick Miss and then we micro we flick Miss and then we micro flick Miss micro right that's okay what's not okay is I go oh I want this part I want this part oh I want to hit this part I want to hit this part I want this spot right this is not what we want we don't want to be tracking targets here we're clicking targets okay so although tracking your target isn't that bad in this scenario and we don't want it to be our main focus it's okay if you miss and then you track a Target afterwards it is not okay for you to track Targets in scenarios like these and it'd be your main gig right that's not what we want another thing that's a little bit annoying about Dynamic scenarios when I see people play them is they have a lot of the time no concern for the their actual accuracy okay so they're like off look here and just Spam [ __ ] then I'm shooting at this spot and then I'm shooting this bar and then I'm shooting this bar in this bar and they're just like shooting this part and I'm sure yeah and then I'm shooting this ball over here and then you know like I'm just I'm not I'm not aiming at this point I'm just like [ __ ] I'm flicking in the general direction of bots and I'm spam clicking right we don't want to do this this is terrible okay right people call that a ping in the aim Community a lot I haven't heard that in a term in a long time but people used to call it aping aping and Kovacs it's where you're doing like monkey brain like Target and you're like flicking all over the place you don't really care about your aim at all and you don't care about your accuracy we care about our accuracy and dynamic scenarios in the same way we care about them and static scenarios okay accuracy of the large component of clicking that's what we care about we care about our speed we care about our accuracy so again tracking we want to avoid it we can do it a little bit if you flick and miss or you flick in micro and then you miss you're free to track your target a little bit to chase it but don't get used to doing this don't be oh I can't flick to a Target and I keep missing that doesn't mean substitute your flicks for tracks don't do that this is a clicking scenario we want to play it like one right I think for for passu it obviously applies to any Dynamic scenario as if we were flicking for example we want this target we flick to it we micro and we hit it that little track at the end is actually important so earlier I said don't make tracking your main thing in a scenario for example we don't want to track all these Bots right it's a click timing scenario we want to be click timing okay however there is a level of tracking in these scenarios which is important okay for example this part is moving if we flick to the spot and we're static we're obviously Gonna Miss okay so if we we need to flick to the bar and then micro track it as we're hitting the target okay we flick and we micro a little bit right we do a little bit of micro tracking because if this bar if we were in a tracking scenario and the spot where to have HP we would obviously have to continue tracking afterwards the only premise of the click timing scenario though is getting onto your Target and getting a hit as quickly as possible right that's what we're going for however this part is moving right so we need a tiny level of micro once we flick right once we flick we need that level of micro tracking okay it's important we get that level of micro tracking and our scenario obviously because that's how we're playing right we want that so you see how I flick onto a bar and then there's a little bit of tracking involved in it but it's okay that's that's fine we want that but don't don't be don't be doing this okay we aren't tracking these parts like this we are click timing on these parts we're flicking onto them and then micro adjusting if we have to okay we flick and we micro adjust okay because it's a clicking scenario we don't want to be hardcore tracking these Bots again like I said tracking is important to this scenario we're doing a bit of tracking in this scenario but it we're not it's not our main focus the track only should be occurring in the micro adjustment for example this part here we're not just hardcore tracking this bot right this is dumb we don't want to do this right if we flick to a bot and we mess then we can micro track it to get on to it okay that's fine flick micro track then we we flick and we micro track we flick and we micro track we flick and we micro track we flick and we micro track okay look at uh if you go to the voltaics subreddit about the subreddit what the [ __ ] the Discord um you'll see the if the or if you just look up volte Grand Master runs when they're when they're doing their obviously their Dynamic part um you'll see especially in things like bounce 180 basically what they do is they'll flick through it and things are very precise they're obviously probably gonna land on the part most of the time but they're still gonna have that tiny micro track as they're shooting okay they flick through it and then they do that tiny micro track and that little micro track is actually really really important because it's your ability to read how the bot is moving and it's a really important concept to pick up on and if you can get it really really early and you're going to be massively improved and and uh the more difficult scenarios where later on especially in tracking and Target switching because it's important to be able to read the map and read the BART movement so when you flick to a Target that micro track is important you should learn how to do that right remember tracking is not the main point we don't want to be tracking everything but we want to flick gain some stopping power we're off the target that's fine we micro onto the Target and we track okay or we flick onto it if we land on it we do a tiny micro track but we're obviously clicking it as soon as we land on it but that tiny micro track is still important right even if we're landing on the bot that micro track is still important right that's what we're looking for here that's the general technique for dynamic scenarios right here we are let's talk about some Target switching dude there's two types uh speed obviously how quick you are an evasive switching we're gonna start with speed obviously I am a speed Target switching player that's typically what I do that's typically what I was known for and Counter-Strike is my ability to very quickly swap targets but what we're gonna do is and speed Target switching Let me Give a Little Bit of background so basically we're gonna hit this Target and we obviously want to switch to our next one so we'd flick and we'd land on it and we flick and we land on them so an important aspect of Target switching is your stopping power right we want really good stopping power in these scenarios right see how quickly I'm able to stop my mouse on these on these parts even if I'm landing off them I'm microing back obviously there's a little bit of Wiggle when I land but most of the time I land and I'm stopping instantly right that's good right that was bad stopping power on that ball there you see that wiggle right that was bad stopping Terror but that's okay right so typically what we're doing here is when we're switching we need good stopping power right so you see my ability to stop the Crosshair on the bar very quickly very useful okay we want good starting power stopping power is bread and butter of Target switching okay we want to eliminate as much Wiggle from our Crosshair as possible when we're Target switching okay the main purpose of Target switching is for typically lower ttk games so games like cod or like Arena Shooters in general where there's lots of targets on screen so for example you got targets here we kill this guy this guy this guy this guy would flick back to this guy because he remembers here this guy this guy right typically lower time to kill games require more Target switching skill basically good Target switching skill is your ability to have these kind of wider angle flicks right click timing is typically for like these little micro movements right we want to be nice and precise and can like a certain fov Target switching is more about being accurate over large or fovs right big large distances typically speaking obviously if there's some Target switching where you want to go here and then here and then here and then here and then here right obviously but for a general rule of thumb we can kind of assume good Target switching normally occurs and these kind of bigger distances these bigger gaps it's kind of what we're looking for here okay for example in static scenarios let's say we have a Target okay it's fine we flick to it we missed no big deal we can micro for example in Target switching you're punished a lot harder for missing and you're punished a lot harder for having bad stopping power things like that okay right if we're here and we flick and we're off we just readjust back on okay but think how hard this is killing our speed okay if I'm here and then I'm here and I mentioned that I just then I'm here like like look we're turning we're going here here and then here okay bad all right we're looking for nice precise flicks all right we we want to be avoiding foreign we want to be avoiding micro movements as much as possible okay now micro movements aren't necessarily bad in Target switching but it's going to slow us down a lot Target switching is uh a big proponent of it is your speed right you want to go nice and fast in Target switching because if you're fighting multiple Targets in a game you want to be you want to be quick obviously speed is going to be a large component of it accuracy is also very important in Target switching and basically the technique for Target switching right so like I said earlier in the video a lot earlier in the video I talked about bringing Focus to your practice and that's how you improve so for example we have these Bots here a big proponent part of Target switching is obviously accuracy so overflicking is bad under flicking is bad okay things like that okay speed and precision is your bread and butter on these scenarios okay if you're on static or dynamic clicking scenarios explain you flicking your micro On Target switching it's not so easy you're not gonna flick in micro right it's not as easy as that you're not gonna be able to get away with that because although in static and dynamic scenarios your Precision is a lot more important and Target switching you're obviously big angles and your speed is a little bit more important okay we want to be nice and fast and having to micro adjust like that kills our speed we want to be nice and quick right so basically the main purpose of Target switching is scenarios is to get you more comfortable in these kind of wider ranges right we want to get more comfortable with these kind of bigger flicks okay whether you're doing them obviously slowly or quickly doesn't matter eventually you're going to be doing them really fast but it's important that we get nice and used to these bigger flicks right we want to get nice and comfortable in this kind of wider range and a big reason for that is we want to try and eliminate as much overflick and under flick as possible these are bad right under flicking obviously bad and overflicking is obviously bad we don't want either of these things to happen because they're going to lower our accuracy they're going to kill our Tempo and they're going to get a killer speed so Target switching scenarios are very very good at eliminating that okay so we're here flick flick right right here we flick and then we're over here and then we're here and then we're here and then we're here okay nice and used to these big long angles you can see when I have the micro look how slow I get when I have the micro right when I'm landing straight on the target nice and fast foreign for Target switching scenarios is for example we want to be holding down Mouse one all the time okay very rarely are we letting go and for good reason okay when we're holding for example if we're doing a scenario on callbacks right we're holding M1 here we let go we flick to this guy then we hold M1 there's a lot of down time okay this guy this guy also you can see I didn't even kill that ball because I like goes really I'm on this guy and then I'm here then I'm on this guy and then I'm here and I kill this guy and then this guy and then this guy and then this guy and then this guy right our damage up time is terrible okay we want higher damage up time higher consistency and we want to get used to holding Mouse one okay now think about it hold your mouse right there's a difference between holding your mouse and then holding your mouse with mesh one clicked okay try it flick while holding Mouse one and flick will not have holding Mouse one it's a world of difference okay completely different okay it may not feel like it but it is and it's important that we learn that flicking while holding Mouse one is important because it maximizes our damage up time and it gives us nice control of the mouse in practice right obviously when we're holding Mouse one down in game and we're not holding much one down in callbacks We're not gonna have that aspect trained We're not gonna have those flicks down where we're holding my Swan and we're gripping the mouse differently okay so it's important we're holding Mouse one down as much as we can next is obviously your spray transfer this is less free transfer you flick and then you flick right okay you're here and you're here here here right spray transfers obviously you're going to be learning these uh these are typically obviously more useful and those lower time to kill games they're obviously important in higher time to kill games too but spray transfer is very useful big component of Target switching basically the the general technique for Target switching is obviously stopping power is very important flicking and landing and stopping very quickly obviously very important however another big part of Target switching is basically what we want to be doing here is if we're on one Target and he's dead we and we flip to another Target right we're gonna be nice and comfortable in these big ranges right but think about it if you use more rest then you do arm for example let's say we do a big flick left right let's say you don't have any left room anymore you can't go left anymore right but you still need to hit a Target that's on your left right it's good to be able to then re you you content you hold your your obviously your rest in the same position and you can adjust your arm and then as you're fighting this target you can adjust your rest again flick and then you can as you're shooting this target adjust your arm right so it's good to be able to get used to using hybrid okay Target switching is a really really good way to get good with hybrid between rest and arm for example if we're flicking we don't have any wrist room anymore use some arms now that we need to flick right I can alleviate some of that wrist tension and then I'm back and then I need to go back on arm and then I can readjust my wrist with this big flick and then I can use some arm here and then I can flick with wrist here use some arm here because I know I need to adjust with wrist there okay it's really good at building that hybrid and that connection between your wrist and your arm when you want to do either obviously I don't need to since my synthetic so fast I obviously don't need to be using my arm I use my fingertips and my wrist so for example if I just want to like spend a million times I can it's relatively easy that's just the sensor play it's it's pretty fast but that's how I kind of play that's when I enjoy it obviously this is ridiculously fast I'm using my whole mouse pad here like I'm whipping my arm across my whole Mouse about to get all these spins but like you know you know what I mean my syntheticity is always going to be a lot faster than yours so the technique is going to be slightly different but it's not going to be a massive deal okay right and let's think about it when we're when we're Target switching and we're holding down M1 the whole time there's obviously going to be a big difference to it so for example there's these two Targets here okay if I do this I let go and then I flick and then I start shooting again basically when I readjust on the target then I need to start holding M1 down and then I start thinking about aiming right start tracking the target however if I'm already holding M1 it's already in my brain that I should be tracking this target so if I kill this guy and I'm flicking I'm already ready for that guy's movement I'm already because I'm on him and I'm already shooting I don't need to think about shooting anymore I'm already on him now I'm totally ready for how he's gonna move and how I'm gonna have to adjust okay holding M1 is actually really really important to build that brain connection between flicking onto a Target and either having to start shooting because you haven't shot yet or you're already shooting so you're ready to adjust okay if you're already shooting that means you're all ready to adjust and if you're already ready to adjust then you don't need to waste time thinking about starting to shoot and on my owner's head things like that right you're already there okay you're already shooting now all you need to do is think about how he's moving and how you need to adjust okay easy peasy another part of Target switching is reading the room right remember how I said on Dynamic you gotta read you gotta read your scenario okay so I'm here I know if I'm here I know there's a bot here I don't know there's a bar over here okay if I kill this guy right this boss here right I can't see any balls anymore but I still know this part here and this spots here I already know that and when I was flicking over here I saw another box button so I know there's a bot right here as well and then I kill this bar and I still know I haven't killed this spot yet so I'm here then I'm here right and I haven't seen anything anymore right nothing was here and if nothing's here that means it must be over here then I'm on this bar I'm on this bar I'm on this part then on this part now my nothing's here which means something has to be here then I'm here and then I'm here and then I'm here and then there's nothing in front of me but I know there's a thought here and I can I know for a fact there's also about right here okay read your scenario it's important right this is going to make you way faster especially in game this translates heavily to game right if we are able to kill these targets and then we know for a fact no one here there has to be someone somewhere and you know at the 180 quickly bang you're already back in this corner but look there's no one here but as we were flicking in that 1A we already know oh there's targets over here in it so we flick on these guys and then we're on this guy and we're on this guy and then I don't know I don't see anyone so let's flick 180. look at all the spots there so it's about it's important to be able to read your scenario and if once you start getting really quickly once you start getting really quick at this you're not even gonna have to think about it it's gonna be pure Instinct right you're just gonna know right you're just gonna know where you have to go to get to a bar okay in some way I can just flick around I know exactly where I need to flick to to get to a bot you will eventually get like this too okay I just know I don't have to think about it I can just tell myself I know exactly where all the Bots are gonna be right because that of how much practice I have Target switching okay oh foreign I hope you're starting to see a common theme Here I keep going back to static technique right what kind of techniques do you want right and it's pretty applicable to basically everything so your Dynamic clicking your static clicking you're speed switching and you're evasive switching basically all you're doing is practicing how you would in static okay you flick you micro adjust it and you're done okay you're focusing on how accurate you are how quick you are and your tempo right that's all that's important people typically think practice is one of those things where there needs to be a special technique associated with it for you to be able to do it okay now obviously doing it correctly is going to be way better okay you want to do it correctly obviously however it's not like there's some special thing that everyone with good aim is doing that you're not okay so we're just gonna go into the scenario and we're gonna do it properly we want to play the scenario properly so I know I think that a lot of Kovacs players will do is they'll load in and they'll play the Kovac scenario as efficiently as possible we don't want to do that we want to play how you would actually need to aim in game we're looking to get better aim here if you care about your Kovac scores and you care about getting top scores [ __ ] like that sure play Super efficiently when you're grinding scores but if you care about actually getting good aim we want to be playing scenarios how you would play them in game okay we want to get good at playing how we win games so it's easier to translate and good aim is just that it's just getting good at these scenarios learning the techniques and applying them to your practice okay it's nothing special people always think that these players with good aim are doing something that you aren't and they aren't they they're just working harder obviously if you aren't aim training and they are they obviously are doing something you're not but if you're aim training like them you're playing the same scenarios as them you know if you're using the same technique as them the only reason they have better aim is they're working harder that is really it there's no special thing that's going to get you incredible aim it's about learning technique and learning the fundamentals right of aim Theory and understanding exactly why it works and getting good at those things and understanding for example if I always flick and I always overflick I know when I'm practicing I need to be focusing okay don't overflick right don't overflick don't overflake right no overflick we can overflip we don't want to overflake right pure Focus all about overflake and eventually we're going to make it very good and we're gonna stop over flicking okay then once you're that you go okay you know what you know what I'm starting to do my stopping power is not so good okay when I land on the target I wiggle I shake when I land on the Target so I wanna jolt jolt jolt jolt right we want to get good at stopping pepper again and that's all it is it's reading what you're good at and reading what you're bad at now typically with these speed scenarios you're all obviously accuracy is important but we're going to be focusing on speed more pushing ourselves and how fast we can go and how quickly we can actually retarget and that's very important because if it translates into the game the faster you are at picking up on the targets around you and the faster you are getting to them the bigger the advantage you're gonna have right next thing is next we're on to evasive Target switching now what's the difference between speed switching and evasive switching evasive switching is a little bit more about accuracy than speed because obviously the targets are moving wow dude same difference between static and dynamic we have the same difference between speed and evasive right this is more about our accuracy flicking to the Target right so we're gonna play it again like static nothing crazy here but important okay these are the six main categories of aim obviously the three main categories with their subcategories obviously so what we want to obviously be doing here is right so we're obviously we're playing this like a static scenario again playing it the same way focusing a lot on stopping power again for flicking off atar if we flick and we obviously we're off micro adjust real quickly get back on the Target right nice is important right again it's nothing special we're doing the same thing but here we are it's important to practice so for example in the same way that a lot of people would say oh I need good click timing they would just play static scenarios right now we've learned we don't just need static scenarios we need static and dynamic because they are different they train different things although the same they are marginally different from each other and they're good at practicing slightly different things the same way that speed switching and evasive switching are going to be practicing slightly different things so for example with in speed switching when the targets are completely static what we're going to be doing obviously is focusing on our speed because the targets don't move but here what we're going to be doing and obviously evasive switching is the targets are evading us so we flick to a Target and then as we're shooting it we need to do that slight track so you see them the target's moving a little bit when we flick to it we track flick to it we track flick to it we track right that little track you have to do when you land on a Target is important right we want to get used to that little track when we land on the target so just how we were playing is uh clicking the dynamic scenarios we're gonna play them like these two so we flick and then we micro and then we do our little track right we flick we micro track flick we micro we track flick we micro we track okay understanding technique very important and it's important that you get some of these uh kind of things in your playlists so if you're making your own playlists I highly advise you do it by the way you're going to want each of these types so you're going to want a static click timing scenario or a few of them a few Dynamic ones a few speed switching ones a few evasive switching ones a few smooth tracking ones and a few reactive tracking ones obviously but again nothing special here nothing crazy going on here it is the same as the as everything else we are just flicking adjusting and then doing our track as we're whereas we're switching targets but eventually you're gonna get very fast at it and again fake focus on Staffing power right stopping power very important in these scenarios see how I'm not always landing on the target but I'm always adjusting back onto it I'm very comfortable in a certain fov and I always when I land at least inside that fov right I know I'm able to adjust right and eventually since I haven't been using a lot of callbacks eventually I was able to land on the target every time because I practice enough okay foreign nothing crazy it's nothing crazy again there's no like super special thing or technique it's literally as easy as that okay super easy super nice that's what the [ __ ] I'm talking about you know nothing crazy right already we could basically move on to tracking because at this point we've basically learned that everything we need to know we're already learning the techniques because the techniques are basically the same across the board for uh static Dynamics uh speed and evasive switching on a click timing obviously as well so it's just important that we practice all of those subcategories okay we want static clicking and dynamic clicking we want evasive Target switching and speed Target switching okay because the although they are similar and the thing you're practicing you're practicing the same thing you're practicing different aspects of it to different levels in each one okay so it's important we get a bit of each a bit of variety I like the randomizer playlist if you build a nice playlist I use the randomizer a lot obviously you don't have to if you like the consistency but I like to use the randomizer so say for example I'm on this I'm switching I'm doing loads and then I'm on like a like a click timing set like on my password 180 or something or bounce 180 right and then I'm doing that and then oh while I'm back on this one and I'm Target switching again right it's it's nice because it's in game you're never gonna have a scenario where you're like oh I'm Target switching players for five minutes and oh now I'm now I'm taming them for five minutes and then over there I'm tracking them for five minutes so obviously it doesn't directly translate like that like it's not like if you play a ton of Target switching after click timing it means you're gonna be bad at your click timing before you target switch it's not like that but I like to do it because I like the variety you don't necessarily have to do it but it's up to you uh next let's move on to tracking right okay here we go dude smoothness tracking baby that's what I'm talking about right first problem when people are tracking targets uh people like to over predict targets a lot um so for example this target is moving this way same tracking it this way and then you see how it adjusts and it goes the other way and then it adjusts the other way a lot of people may go oh it's going to go this way oh no it's going back oh let me go this way oh now it's going this way I know it's going this way and then oh it's gonna go oh no it's not going that way yeah and then it's not going that way yeah and then still not going that way yet so I'm tracking it it's gonna go it's gonna go that way eventually I'm oh I'm shaking because I'm I'm getting ready for it to go the other way oh and then it's finally going the other way and it's gonna go now it's going back and it's you know like you're overprotecting like you're you're being too much okay don't do that look how the target is moving and track how it's moving nice and smooth okay right we're looking at the Target we're seeing it's moving right we want to move it nice and smoothly to the right right going left nice and smoothly to the left okay nothing crazy it's going back we go back it's going back we go back right nice and smooth right like imagine you're like going down like a like a water slide dude water slides are smooth right that's what we want to be we want to be a water slide right so the main techniques for uh smooth tracking obviously it's gonna be uh predicting how is the target gonna move okay and smooth tracking we care less about prediction than we're doing reactive tracking so in smooth tracking our main technique here is going to be watching how the bot is moving and simply tracking that do not over predict the targets movement if you're tracking it and you think it's going to change direction you're gonna stop tracking you're gonna stop thinking about the current track right so you're tracking you're going I better make all the other way oh is he gonna swap Now is it going to change direction Now is it going to change direction Now is it going to change direction now oh it's going to change is it going to go back is it going to go back is it and like we're not we're not focusing on the track anymore we're just constantly getting ready to for it to be reactive we want to be smooth that's just where we're being smooth we're not being reactive we're being smooth here we want to get nice and smooth tracking and then what we're going to do that is we're going to stop over predicting Target movement and we're just going to Simply track exactly how the target is moving and we're not going to care if it's what if it changes direction if it changes direction we change it to it goes straight back to being nice and smooth another thing about smooth tracking here so something about smooth tracking is if we're on this target if it does eventually change their action we don't want that Jewel you see that big you see that like okay it's hard to explain right so we're tracking the Target right we don't want to be like this okay oh it's changed when we get us back overflake because we're scared that it's it's moving right so we're tracking and then eventually it's going to change the direction right but we don't care about that we want to be nice and smooth on the target for now right and then eventually when it does we don't want to go oh oh no we oh no we're just gonna go we're just gonna go back on it nice and quick not overly quick just back on it nice and smooth and then we're back on it again right we want to be nice and smooth with our flick back as it's going okay that's what we're looking for here because we're on a smoothness scenario we're going to be nice and smooth but it's important that with speed when we're obviously when we're changing direction we are continuing to be smooth we want to maintain our smoothness okay another thing with smoothness now think about this how hard do you grip your mouse when you're playing is it very nice and soft and light are you gripping really hard and you're squeezing or is it somewhere in between okay this is important because obviously depending on how you hold your mouse and how how hard you're gripping your mouse you're activating different muscles and your arm and your hand things like that okay you're using different parts okay so it's important that we remain neutral when we're holding our Mouse okay we don't want too hard we don't want super light but we don't want tense okay we want smooth right we don't want to associate flicking or or just like aim training in general with gripping your mouse hard okay because uh really hard Mouse grip obviously you're gonna get some uh obviously you're gonna get more control out of it when you're gripping very hard plan a control but you're also very jittery okay we're going gripping really hard here like look how jittery I am when I'm gripping really hard okay but when I'm nice and smooth and I'm I'm being very neutral and I'm just gonna I'm I'm not gripping very hard at all I'm very light on it see a smooth I am when I'm holding very light but when I I'm gripping look at Jerry I am when I'm gripping really hard so obviously thanked how hard you want to grip your mouse but as a general rule of thumb we're going to be very neutral okay we're going to be in between so how do you how hard do you grip your mouse when you're browsing Google Chrome okay you're watching Youtube how hard are you gripping your mouse there probably very light because there's nothing like no no intensity going on we kind of want to remain like that nice and neutral not hard at all nice and smooth good grip okay because you're not you probably don't realize how hard you're gripping your mouse but how hard you grip your mouse is actually really really important okay so be very neutral and just hold your mouse how you normally would think of it as obviously you're browsing Netflix you're browsing Google Chrome you're on Amazon okay something like that that's about how hard we want to be gripping our Mouse most of the time when we're tracking we're not really looking at our Crosshair very much okay we're looking at the Target right we want to look at the bar is moving keeping our eyes on the bar right now we're not looking at our Crosshair we don't care we care about keeping the ball in the middle of our screen more so than we care about it keeping on our Crosshair because where is our Crosshair our crosses in the middle of the screen however the important part is when we're looking at a ball and we're tracking where it's going we'll need the ability to read the target's movement and you're not going to be able to do that staring at your Crosshair we want to be looking at the bot our focus goes on the bot where is the bot going okay things like that okay so we're looking at the bot all the time basically they're very very rarely we're ever looking at our Crosshair and tracking at least for me but in general 90 of the time 99 of the time actually we're looking at the bot and not the Crosshair right remember we're paying attention to the boss so something that I see a lot is for example look at this ball it's moving okay right I'm looking slightly behind but I'm still tracking it I'm tracking your speed in this direction but I'm not on the Target right I am technically tracking it but I'm not on them I'm in front of him this time and I'm tracking but I'm not on him right we want to be on the Target right on the target we don't want to be in front of him we don't want to be behind him we want to be on him right and that's important because a lot of people will will get into tracking and they'll be all slightly off the target but they're tracking anyway right like see like I'm just behind him but I'm tracking him anyway we don't want that we want to be on the target obviously so be nice and focused on the target where he's going and consider being on him okay right here we are we're finally on to this reactive tracking now reactive tracking is by far in my opinion the most difficult type of aim there is I don't think anything even comes close reactive tracking is the king of aiming if you have very good reactive tracking skill you can get very good at everything else because reactive tracking requires you to be good at everything there is not a single thing and the reactive tracking right the thing is with reactive tracking is you require the ability to be very good you like you are using everything from Target switching skill whether it be speed and evasion your smooth tracking as well as your your uh obviously your your clicking skill reactive tracking takes everything and for that reason we're gonna be talking about it a lot because it is very difficult and it's important you learn the proper technique to actually obviously apply it one thing with reactive tracking that a lot of people do is you see how this bot's moving right now like it's shifting all over the place no person is realistically reacting to all of these adjustments okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna be on them and then sometimes we just kind of wait we don't need to react to every movement he makes okay just the major ones right so you see how he's making way more movements than the ones I'm tracking I'm just tracking his major movements because these are the ones I care about okay I don't care about the tiny movements the tiny movements are fine we're gonna miss those these major movements are the ones we care about okay in the same way that smooth tracking you're obviously staring at the Target you're doing the same in reactive tracking you're never looking at your Crosshair and reactive tracking nor are you in smooth tracking and a lot of people want to react to everything so if I'm reacting to everything this guy's doing I'm all over the place right because he's on every you know every tiny movement he makes um oh I'm I'm on him he's jittering all over the place like this is a horrible like do you see out of control my aim is this is terrible okay a big reason a lot of people will flick a lot like in these kind of scenarios is because the scenario is too difficult so they cope by flicking onto the Target to get back to him instead of actually tracking it okay it's a tracking scenario remember so we want to track but a lot of people are gonna play like a Target switching scenario where they're flicking onto the ball constantly because they can't track it so they're trying to flick to where the bot is all the time because they can't track them up right but where it's a tracking scenario obviously so we're tracking the target it's important we play it like one we're not Target switching we're tracking you have to be very deliberate with your movements okay you can't be uh no you can't be jittery okay or anything like that your movements have to have purpose okay you don't want to be flicky we want to be tracking okay because a lot of people are gonna be oh I'm oh I can't get on them and then you know we're flicking to him over and over again it's like we don't want to do this okay because this isn't tracking this is bad and if we keep doing this we're never going to get better so our our main goal here is to eliminate [ __ ] movements okay we don't want large big jittery flicks or anything like that whenever it's nice tracking okay we want to react to his movements and we're going to be on them as much as possible remember we don't care about the little movements we just care about these major ones we're going to be reacting very smoothly now it doesn't seem like we'd be reacting smoothly to a reactive but like that's just jumping all over the place but it's important that we react smoothly because if we don't react smoothly we get straight back to [ __ ] like Johnny Johnson over here who like likes to flick to the ball instead of tracking it right right we want to be nice and smooth okay smooth and then when he obviously if we make a mistake we're smoothly flicking back onto him and then we're getting back on the bottom we're tracking more okay okay makes sense I hope so let's have a little segment on wasteful movement okay A lot of people are gonna waste a lot of movement in reactive tracking we don't care about this we don't want to do this right we want every movement to have some purpose to it okay wasteful movement is like doing these like big flicks like or tracking faster and the bot is moving right this is this is a ton of wasted movement right this is so much downtime we don't we don't want this okay we obviously this is terrible so we want to be as resourceful as we can with our movement because wasted movement is obviously downtime we don't want downtime we want as much uptime as possible so we're not protecting the bar or anything that we're just reacting smoothly to how it moves and we're tracking exactly how the bot moves okay another big thing with reactive training is for example let's say you're you're overflaking the ball a lot right we want to apply a lot of focus to deliberately under flicking Now by under flicking I don't mean like purposefully not flicking far enough to get to the bot I mean if we're over flicking we want to deliberately be reminding ourselves constantly to underflake it's better that I flick here and Miss slightly by not flicking far enough than overflaking so I overflake and then I readjust as way more movement right okay if I'm doing these little under flicks then I'm going back on the bot way more reactivity when I'm under flicking see look how much look how much I'm on the bottom you see okay and that brings us near the end of our aim video dude we're coming to a close here those are the main techniques obviously there's stuff with tension you don't want to be too tense uh when you're doing these think of like uh obviously the more tense you are the more the tired you're gonna get and and reactive training like this is very endurance heavy very intensive right very intensive we want to be reducing tension as much as possible so that's Mouse grip being light deliberately under flicking to conserve energy things like that okay now a lot of people recommend something called Edge tracking where you're deliberately tracking the very edge of the ball in the direction you think it's going to travel to don't do this in my opinion it doesn't really help you develop very good aim technique and it's kind of a crutch to get like higher scores it's not actually very useful for getting good Aim so don't really Edge track you want to be in the middle of the bar as much as you can then Edge tracking Edge tracking is like a purpose immense way to get a good score when your aim is actually bad so don't Edge track obviously some high level aimers do it I recommend against it I would say don't do it anyway that is the um actual aim portion of the video down in Kovacs uh let's actually go and talk about some more brain things so let's talk about how to actually improve faster how do you get good aim as fast as possible well since we were speaking earlier about what Improvement is and how you get uh obviously how you get better at things obviously we're going to be playing Focus to our task so whatever we're doing well let's say we're doing some Target switching we want to be focusing specifically on our weakness okay what is our biggest weakness in the scenario let's say You're really bad when it comes to overflicking you overflick your targets a lot well now we know the next time we do Target switching we're going to apply our Focus to deliberately making sure we avoid overflicking as much as possible and we continue to do this until we are better at not overflicking and we're a little bit more precise once we're there we re-evaluate our weakness and then we reapply it to Kovacs again we start improving our weakness and callbacks again and this is the fastest way you're going to get better at things is deliberately attacking your weaknesses okay this is the main technique for improving in basically anything and it's a really really good way of getting better aim training specifically now you could just have a general playlist that you run which is fine and you just keep doing it over and over and over again and you have one weakness that you're not really targeting eventually it will get ironed out over time it will just take a long time with this deliberate training to deliberately Target your weaknesses you're going to be improving way way faster than you would otherwise okay so it's important we deliberately Target our weaknesses and the scenarios okay how do we find these weaknesses though perhaps um we don't really know what what our problem is and that's okay so let's have a look at how you see a weakness basically if you can record your gameplay it's not necessarily but it helps a lot in being able to look through it and see where you're going wrong but a good way to see your weakness is just think about it what's going wrong how could I do better okay maybe my maybe my reactive tracking I'm I'm overflicking a little bit okay well I heard in that video You're supposed to underflict deliberately a little bit so I start doing that and oh look at that but my scores are getting higher my accuracy is higher that's good well okay I'm Gonna Keep focusing on that weakness and then you do it over and over again and then eventually you're not overflicking anymore that's a way to look for weakness look where you're going wrong look where you feel weak in a scenario okay or look where you feel weak in a gameplay like maybe when people are ad strafing in front of you you're really really bad at tracking them okay well now we know that's a weakness we're struggling to kill targets ADC strafing in OverWatch let's go on Kovacs and let's do some reactive tracking practice and deliberately look for Bots who are ad strafing a lot and and try and fight those Bots and see why am I not killing those Bots things like that that's a good way to find a weakness and to attack the weakness next we're going to look for practice length what is like the optimal practice length now this changes for everyone me personally I train between uh one and a half to three hours per day obviously no one's gonna have time like that I dedicate a lot of time to end practice at least I used to anyway I've been slacking off a lot with Kovacs recently which you could probably tell with uh some of my um examples they weren't very good but I'm getting back into Kovacs now so and I already obviously understand all this and I know all this so it's going to give me no time at all to basically get back to where I was so practice length it determines it obviously matters how much time you have in the day and how much time you can put towards it but I'd say at a minimum an hour a day you should be practicing your aim for an hour a day and maybe you do tracking one day click timing another day switching another day that's fine you can do that you don't need to Target everything in one day for example you could do clicking for a week switching for a week obviously I wouldn't really suggest doing that I'd say you'd want to change what you're doing at least every two or three days you don't want to stay on the exact same aim table for more than two or three days because then you're obviously your other types are going to be deteriorating if you're not practicing them so space out your your things accordingly but don't have the space too large otherwise you will be affecting your aim negatively how intense should your practice be um like I said earlier um with jerky's law basically the level of intensity is important too hard and it's ineffective too easy and it's ineffective so we want something in the middle something that challenges us but we're good enough to do okay maybe you don't do very well but we're able to to do it well enough to hold our attention but it's difficult enough to challenge us that's The Sweet Spot that we want to be in okay look for scenarios that do that to you okay or let's say you're a voltage player you like the voltage benchmarks a lot okay let's say you're a platinum player but the diamond scenarios are just a little bit too hard for you then let's go back to the Platinum scenarios obviously and we'll run them for a little while longer and then we'll go into the diamond ones right let's say that the diamond ones are are optimal difficulty but let's say they're a little bit too easy they're not holding your attention go up to the master ones try those ones maybe they're too hard go back to Diamond if they're still to if they're not holding your attention go for completely different scenarios in general change up your playlist a little bit more okay easy peasy now what is your mindset mentality and motivation to aim training obviously this matters a big part of aim training is obviously your mental your mental is important it's important to stay motivated and it's important to have the correct mindset and mentality when you're aim training aim training is a difficult thing it takes a very long time to get good at and it's not something that's going to take a matter of days before you're good at it so a lot of players will start aim training and after a few days they'll give up because they think I'm not getting any better or not my scores only went up 15 on this scenario in the last two weeks I'm you know I'm not doing good and a lot of people are like that because a lot of people will quit okay so it's important we don't quit okay we have to understand these things take time and it's important to keep applying yourself and keep pushing yourself and you will get better okay and an example of this is think about it in OverWatch okay if you're a gold level player right your your gold Rank and you play against other gold players you're going to see yourself as I am this level okay I'm that level but then let's say you get the Platinum you're a platinum level player now you play against Platinum Players you're gonna feel the same as you did against the gold player when you were gold level the same way that if you are bronze level and you play against bronze players and then in two seasons you get to Grand Master Because You're a Grand Master Level player and you're playing against other Grand Masters it will feel the same intensity wise as it did back in bronze back when you are obviously a bronze level player because your skill has improved and so of the people around you similar to aim training okay we are actually always getting better because we're applying more intensity to our training things like that we don't actually really feel like we're getting better but we actually are getting better and that's a big thing of why people give up is their actual Improvement isn't as easy to see as they realize because they've already gotten used to the fact that they've gotten better so they'll look at their AIM now and go yeah my aim still sucks but it's way better than it was before you just can't see it because you're used to how your aim as now so you have to realize your aim is actually getting better it's just you can't see it okay but I promise you it is anyway this was my aim guide there were things I could have touched on a little more there were things I probably spent too long on but I didn't want the video to be too long if you want some more good aim training stuff I'd recommend uh Ron Rambo chem I'd recommend uh Red by the way uh very very good I think he's a voltaic Grandmaster so he's obviously a good aimer um and that's it dude this was my aim video this is how I got good this is how um I managed to maintain the Sensitivity I plan obviously eight centimeter is pretty quick and a lot of people don't run it a lot of people run like 40 50 kind of so obviously there's a big sensitivity Gap but I'm still able to maintain a high level of accuracy with it because obviously I practice with it so much and yeah this was my aim guide dude I really hope this guy's uh helped you out comment and basically I always look at all my comment sections so if you ever have a question comment okay just comment on this video whatever your question is aim related okay or message me on Discord the only problem is I don't see replies in my notifications so on my YouTube notifications I always get to see the comments and on my YouTube channel I can click into a section that shows me all the comments and I can reply to them all there however replies don't show up there so if you have uh if you really need to get to me with a name question just call just make an individual comment and it will show me that okay anyway guys I'll see you later okay [Music] [Music]