Full Stack Airbnb Clone Tutorial

Jul 2, 2024

Notes for Full Stack Airbnb Clone Tutorial


  • Welcome to the tutorial on building a full stack Airbnb clone using cutting-edge technologies like Next.js 13, App Directory, Server Components, Tailwind CSS, etc.
  • Key features:
    • Highly optimized application with lightning-fast load times
    • Server components for direct database fetching and seamless user experience
    • Client components for responsive design using Tailwind CSS
    • Credential and social authentication (Google & GitHub)
    • Cloudinary CDN for image uploads
    • React Date Range and React Hook Form for calendars and form handling
    • Functionalities include booking systems, reservation cancellations, property creation/deletion, advanced search algorithms, favoriting, etc.

Setting Up the Environment

  1. Project Initialization: Node.js & Next.js
    • Install Next.js with TypeScript template (npx create-next-app@latest --typescript)
    • Set up initial project configurations
  2. Project Structure
    • Utilize the new Next.js 13 app directory structure
    • Create important files like layout.tsx and page.tsx
  3. Starting the Project
    • Run the development server (npm run dev)
    • Verify the project setup by loading the initial screen (localhost:3000)

Tailwind CSS Setup

  1. Installation
    • Install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies
    • Initialize Tailwind CSS (npx tailwindcss init -p)
  2. Configuration
    • Configure tailwind.config.js to scan necessary directories
    • Import Tailwind directives in globals.css
    • Set base styles (e.g., HTML, body, etc.) in globals.css
  3. Testing Tailwind
    • Add Tailwind classes to elements and verify in the browser

Navigation Bar Setup

  1. Create Components
    • navbar.tsx: Main navbar file
    • search.tsx: Search component within navbar
    • userMenu.tsx: User menu component handling authentication state
  2. Styling with Tailwind
    • Utilize Tailwind classes to achieve desired responsive styling
  3. Installing React Icons
    • Install and use react-icons for icons in navbar
  4. Interactive Menus
    • Implement interactive user menus and search using hooks

Building the Register & Login Modals

  1. Interactive Forms
    • Build registration and login forms with React Hook Form
  2. Connecting Authentication
    • Setup credential-based authentication and social logins using NextAuth
  3. Form Validation & Error Handling
    • Implement form validation and error handling logic

Prisma & MongoDB Setup

  1. Setting up MongoDB Atlas
    • Create a MongoDB Atlas account and cluster
    • Get connection string and configure environment variables
  2. Configuring Prisma
    • Initialize Prisma and set up the schema with models for User, Listing, Reservation, etc.
    • Push the Prisma schema to the database
  3. Integrating Prisma with Project
    • Set up Prisma client and DB utilities
    • Create API routes for user creation (register), login, and listings

Building Listing Functionality

  1. Create Listing Models
    • Define models using Prisma and set relationships between them
  2. Rent Modal
    • Multi-step wizard interface for creating new listings
    • Steps include Category selection, Location input (with Map), Info input, Image upload, etc.
  3. Connecting Frontend to Backend
    • Use API routes to send listing data to the server
    • Utilize Cloudinary for handling image uploads

Display Listings and Apply Filters

  1. Fetching Listings
    • Implement API route to fetch listings from the database
    • Display listings on the frontend
  2. Filter Listings
    • Implement filtering logic (categories, dates, guests, etc.) using URL parameters
    • Create dynamic search modals to filter listings

User Favorites & Reservations

  1. Favorites System
    • Allow users to favorite/unfavorite listings
    • Create routes to handle favorite toggling on the server
  2. Reservations System
    • Build reservation functionality with the calendar view
    • Allow users to book, cancel, and manage their reservations
    • Create Trips and Reservations views to display user-specific data

Deploying to Vercel

  1. Prepare the Repo
    • Ensure the repository is pushed to GitHub
    • Check for lint errors and warnings
  2. Configure Vercel
    • Import the repository into Vercel
    • Set environment variables
  3. Deploy
    • Trigger deployment and validate the live website
  4. Update OAuth Redirect URIs
    • Adjust URIs for social logins in GitHub and Google to point to the deployed site


  • Successfully built and deployed a full stack Airbnb clone using Next.js 13
  • Covered setting up the environment, building core functionalities, advanced filtering, handling user data (authentication, reservations, favorites), and deploying to Vercel

Troubleshooting & Best Practices

  • Dealing with hydration errors: Use Client markers for client components
  • Sanitizing Data: Ensure date fields are properly converted
  • Keeping State Consistent: Use hooks to sync UI/Server State
  • Optimizing Performance: Use lazy loading and Server Components wisely

Have fun with your new, fully-functional Airbnb clone app!