Introduction to Programming Lecture Notes

Jul 30, 2024

Introduction to Programming Lecture Notes


  • Presenters: Steven and Shawn
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Content: 21 segments covering basics of computer programming applicable to all languages.

Topics Covered

  1. What is Programming?
  2. Common features of Computer Science
    • Loops
    • Arrays
  3. How to read and write code
  4. Strategies for debugging code
  5. Planning out your code
  6. Software/tools needed
  7. Programming languages and their uses

What is Programming?

  • Definition: Preparing instructions for a device.
  • In simple terms: Making a computer complete specific tasks without errors.
  • Analogy: Giving precise instructions to a less-than-intelligent friend building a Lego set.
  • Computers only understand machine code (binary: 0s and 1s).
  • Programming languages serve as a bridge between humans and machine code.

Types of Programming Languages

  • High-level: Python, Java (human-readable, easier to write)
  • Low-level: Assembly, C (closer to machine code)

Writing Code

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
    • Facilitates coding, debugging, and running code
    • Provides tools like error checking, autocomplete, file hierarchy.

Syntax in Programming

  • Syntax refers to the rules of grammar in programming languages
  • Essential for code to run correctly
  • Syntax varies by language (e.g., variable definition styles differ among Java, Python, JavaScript).

Console and Print Statement

  • Console: Text interface for output
  • Print Statement: Outputs text to the console.
    • Example in Python: print("Hello, World!")
  • Important for debugging and tracking your program’s performance.

Mathematics and Strings

  1. Basic Math Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus.
  2. Strings: Enclosed in quotation marks.
    • Can print multiple strings/integer values using concatenation.
    • Example:
    print("Game over! Your score is: " + str(score))


  • Definition: Storage for information
  • Types of Variables:
    • Integer (int)
    • Boolean (bool)
    • Float and Double (floating-point numbers)
    • Strings (text)
    • Character (single character)
  • Use Cases: Track user info, scores, inputs etc.

Conditional Statements

  • If Statements: Determine code execution paths based on conditions.
  • Else and Else If: Diversifying execution paths based on multiple conditions.
  • Syntax examples demonstrated conceptually.

Arrays and Lists

  • Arrays: Collection of values (fixed size).
  • Array Lists (dynamic size): Automatically expand when more elements added.
  • Dictionaries: Key-value pairs for efficient data access.

Searching Algorithms

  1. Linear Search: Check each element until the value is found.
    • Efficient for small or unsorted lists, O(n) worst case.
  2. Binary Search: Efficient for sorted lists, divides the list in half each iteration, O(log n).


  • Functions that call themselves to solve problems incrementally.
    • Base Case: Stops recursion from occurring infinitely.
    • Example: Summing numbers from 1 to n.

Debugging Code

  • Types of Errors:
    • Syntax Errors: Mistakes in code syntax detected by IDE.
    • Runtime Errors: Issues during program execution.
    • Logic Errors: Code runs but produces incorrect results.


  • Functions encapsulate code to run specific tasks:
    • Types: take arguments and/or return a value.
    • Example of defining functions in Java vs. Python highlighted.


  • Useful for planning before coding: outlines functionality without strict syntax.
  • Techniques: Flowcharts, step-by-step write-up, feature listing.

Learning and Resources

  1. Explore official language websites and tutorials.
  2. Practice sites: Coding Bat, Coderbyte, HackerRank.
  3. High school courses in programming and computer science as additional resources.


  • Open to exploring various paths in programming based on learned concepts.
  • Encouraged to take on code challenges and start personal projects.

End of Lecture Summary