Transcript for:
Lecture on Historical Parallels and Modern Ideologies

my favorite era of history is the Middle Ages and one of the interesting things about that time period is that it's an era of history in which people generally didn't apologize for human nature nearly as much as they do in our society things would happen in the Middle Ages and they just were what they were a barbarian invasion was a barbarian Invasion a church would openly burn Heretics or the nobility was openly trying to oppress the poor the thing is that all of that still happens today often at much worse scales but we invent some Modern cover in order to differentiate it from the past the Barbarian Invaders are the Taliban burning Heretics becomes cancel culture and oppressing the poor is ubiquitous modernity does all the same stuff as the rest of History again with much much more deaths but we pretend what we're doing is in some new category of behavior which makes it okay in China they've started calling the new tenaments like that which the working classes huddled in 150 years ago micro Apartments an example of this that I'd like to pause it is that America and I think much of the world in general is in the midst of a religious war between four different factions we don't notice this since we imagine this kind of thing doesn't happen anymore but whoever wins in this current conflict will determine the course of history in almost every single way you could possibly imagine [Music] well these are the four religions that are fighting over the West there are other religions and beliefs that permeate other civilizations and one way to see that is through looking at their art this can be hard since they operate with very different mediums from us but with today's sponsor surf shark you can access a variety of content from around the world surf shark is a PN with over 3,000 servers in 100 countries allowing you to really explore what goes on around the world whether your home wanting to access other content libraries or visiting somewhere and wanting to catch up with home surf shark has a lot more as well they provide security to all your devices to keep your personal information safe from Big corporations and cyber criminals as a content creator I know how important Internet Security is which is why I use surf shark to keep my data safe safe they also have antivirus scans encrypt your searches and send alerts when they spot your data somewhere unsafe providing as much security and opportunity as possible so if you're looking to keep your data safe or at least explore the World online surf shark is right for you when for my viewers they're offering four months free for anyone who uses the code what deal and even after you pay they have a 30-day money back guarantee so click the link in the description try surf shark today and explore for what the world has to offer what our current ERA of History reminds me of is that there was an era of History basically no one thinks about which occurred after the fall of the Mesopotamian or Egyptian civilizations and then before the rise of Islam ever since I was in Middle School I wondered what was going on in the Middle East under Persian Greek or Roman colonization the short answer is that even though the region were colonies you can see profound cultural and especially religious revolutions that were occurring under the surface on top of this the foundations of what later became Islamic culture especially in the Fertile Crescent and through architecture was developing in the first centuries after the birth of Christ the Middle East in the helenistic period saw the flowering of a series of religions that became Judaism gnosticism hermeticism The Cult of Isis stoicism Christianity C mithraism manism mazdaism or Islam there was something in the water at that time which created a bunch of religions these were all popular Cults or religions which spread across the whole world including to the Roman Empire the helenistic period or when the Greeks controlled the Middle East was a period of widespread secularism and people often forget that there was secularism or Atheism in the ancient world but there was a significant amount and since that didn't fulfill people's spiritual needs they turned to the these Eastern mystery Cults the irony is that I'm pretty sure the people of that time period except those people who ran those religions didn't realize that a Darwinism religions which would change the course of history what ended up happening eventually is that Christianity crushed all the other religions but in a process of doing so taking what was best from the rest of them the parallel to our current ERA is that both of these were during ages of nihilism in secularism where the Societies in general didn't believe in anything there were waning and waxing political issues while the seeds were being planted for the next Age of Faith there were large Empires which allowed rapid trade and increases in communication and commerce but said Empires fell into decadence while their sheer size made people feel like they were useless and completely powerless and I think a similar process is going on now due to all these parallels in the spirit ual and social institutions of our society are really not up to Snuff with what our needs are thus what we will see over the next few centuries in that I don't think this process is going to be completed anytime soon is the competition between these different worldviews for whichever one will achieve total dominance in the next age I think we're only going to see how important the events going on now were hundreds of years in the future looking back with hindsight some of you might have seen my video on the religious wars of the 20th century in which I posit that it's better to see the ideological conflicts of the 20th century as the bloodiest religious wars in history fought between Marxism Fascism and liberalism our current age is a finishing act to those Wars in which those three ideologies are still fighting each other today that being said and the world doesn't have any pretentions to being simple in that killing the other these three ideologies will transform into something completely incomprehensible to what they were before I briefly covered in that video in which liberalism or Marxism have morphed being the exact opposites of what they originally started as with liberalism today standing for government bureaucracy and social engineering which is the exact opposite of its libertarian Roots meanwhile Marxism has become a corporate Elite ideology supported by the wealthy in opposition to its revolutionary working class Roots I am of the opinion that Classical liberalism is basically dead the only people who push for it are people who are actually Christians where Classical liberalism is just their economic and social system the reason this process is occurring is the social foundations under which the 20th century were operating are completely alien to those of today all three of those humanist ideologies operate under the principle that through greater wealth technology and social engineering that Humanity will reach a Utopia where Heaven is like Earth that being said with the second world war three events have occurred which have completely discredited this Theory the first being that the Western world has attained a absurd level of wealth safety peace health fairness or comfort and it made us miserable to the point of suicide I know most of us don't live in that anymore but it didn't make us happy when we had it one of my friends likes to say that God teaches you lessons in two ways either by taking everything you have away from you and making you rebuild yourself or giving you everything you could ever want and seeing it destroy you the second point is that global civilization is in Rapid decline we can cope all we want but nothing can stop the world's population from collapsing by at least half by the end of this Century the world today is beset by degeneracy and bizarre social issues including most notably the West trying to commit suicide all of that means that the 20th Century's idea of permanent growth and progress will end up just coming across as completely insane thirdly over the course of the 21st century there's been a significant amount of research in human nature in many cases driven off advances in neurology or using the internet to mine data the idea that human nature is perfect that under which modernity and the technological project is founded is completely unbelievable now everyone in the Sciences now agrees that human nature is fundamentally flawed and animalistic even all the Socialists in The Sciences at this point agree that half of human nature is genetic this is indirect opposition even to what people believed 10 years ago that all humans are equal blank slates who are motivated by social engineering it reminds me of bertran Russell's history of Western philosophy in which he talks about how the rise of the great depersonalised Empires at the expense of the old city states created Mass alienation with all the suffering and powerlessness the world didn't seem like a rational place to analyze or explain instead it was a hard place to accept and live through a similar shift occurred across Eurasia before the axial age when L confused Buddha and Socrates lived at the same time around 500 BC even in just the last 10 years in my short life people are losing the ability to think rationally whenever I listen to someone's speak I parcel it in my mind are they making an argument or are they virtue signaling to their faction the ratio has massively gone to the ladder with very little original thinking happening today as this happens people will move from worldviews based off reason to those based on existing from how to rationally explain the world to how to deal with it to be clear before we go into explaining these four different religions that if you ask someone if they belong to one of these they'll probably say no that being said in the Bible they talk about how we all put up different Idols in our soul of things that we venerate above all else for some people that's money for others God itself for others their families or fame if you talk to people for long enough and do a little bit of probing you'll find out what's sacred to them that thing which they truly unironically believe in which they believe pushes the world forward and gives their life meaning that's their religion you find with absolutely every person that there has to be something there in their soul and that it unironically completely controls their life ironically for one of these religions their religion has devolved into the active Battle For Nothing in which their belief in nothing is held far more fanatically than any of the other religions belief in whatever they believe in the human mind is funny like that it needs to achieve certain aims with faith being one of them and so if you obstruct it from doing so it will turn the rejection of faith into a form of Faith a large part of the population are fusions of multiple of these religions in the manner that in China it's not uncommon for someone to be DST Buddhist and confusion at the same time as you guys listen to this video keep that in mind and I think this principle will be even more true for the audience of this channel I'm not going to say which of these I belong to but it is a fusion and I'm curious to see for the audience what they guess I am finally for each of these I will be giving a rough estimate of how much of America's population they make up to be clear I am making these numbers up since these are religious categories I've invented that being said I did put a decent amount of analysis into figuring this out and I have a sneaking suspicion that if you develop the test and measure this that the results would be generally accurate for three out of four of these religions and I'd be really wrong on the fourth that's what I generally found from my ability to guess disal patterns like this I will start explaining these now from how popular they are or from smallest to largest number one darwinists at 10% of the population this is a philosophy which in my opinion should be vastly larger that's since Darwinism at this point is an almost universally agreed upon principle that we use in science I'm always shocked how little people use Darwinism as a lens of human analysis that being said there's an obvious reason why this is the case in that Darwinism effectively became a heretical religion due to a certain Austrian painter and for the last 80 years anyone who propounded a worldview even adjacent to it was mass persecuted by the entire world if you look back upon the time since Charles Darwin and see how little our worldview has incorporated Darwinism it would come across as completely insane our entire Society is a direct rejection of Darwinism even if you say something as completely innocuous or obvious like that Europe conquered the world since some part of its Society was superior to the rest of the planet you could have your entire life ruined our current social sciences or theory of the world literally doesn't have any philosophic structure for superiority or competence if you succeed it's since you must be oppressive not since you're better in any way that being said we all know that's ridiculous we all know that some people are better at some things than others and the thing is that I think this is all intentional in that the the left realized that Darwinism created an intractable ideological issue which would destroy their entire ideology thus the left made Darwinism completely taboo to discuss on any single level causing the academy to even the slightest hinting of it since I think they realize in a subconscious level that they didn't have an answer to it the darwinists are the evil group our society has Allied against thus being the social Outsiders this is both the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of the darwinists part it keeps them from growing or attaining Elite power except until some point in the future but also at the same point since the ruling class is failing so hard as Society is collapsing the darwinist hands are completely clean of the previous social failures Darwinism hasn't been tested enough recently for it to be obvious to the next generation of young people what its failings are thus it can appear fresh or new Darwinism is currently in a place of flexibility in which it hasn't coalesced into being a complete new ideology the biggest reason people enter the Darwinism can remember the regime has used the Nazis as the bogey man to avoid and unify Society against the problem implicit in that is that as the regime has treated its own subjects worse and worse it removes any incentive for thinking why not be a Nazi Darwinism is the smallest of these philosophies now in the least developed but I expect it to make incredible surges in the near future perhaps become the dominant philosophy I say this partly for the reason I mentioned before that as the regime grows weaker the darwinists stand to gain massively secondly the advances in genetic science over the 21st century have proven things that the regime's right to rule is completely false anyone in the Sciences today of any political stripe agrees that biological race is real that genetics amount to at least half of Personality going down to things like political affiliation how fast you drive or what music you listen to we've completely proven that social class ethnicity and sex have genetic components every year we find that genetics is more and more important the regime is holding an ideological line which is just insane here are a bunch of books written by leftists or socialists that talk about all these points since the regime shuts down reasonable discussion of these topics that means that when people take the red pill and start questioning the regime the darwinists take them in the third reason is that with the new discoveries in genetic engineering which have the potential to create Godlike abilities including changing the fabric of life itself is that the temptation to use said technology will probably become overwhelming and the only way that you could explain it in a comprehensible worldview is through the lens of Darwinism and improving genetics Darwinism is based upon the idea that the world is a violent and brutal place of continuous Warfare and competition that our blood determines who we are and that human nature is ingrained not Malle I think the most advanced Darwinism to their logical conclusion bronze AG pervert is another Advanced darwinist thinker who has taken more so from the nitian classical bent on this topic the new right is currently stuck between darwinist and Christians fighting each other often covertly under the surface and it's completely unclear which of them the movement will eventually go after something a lot of you might not realize is that the red pill is the biggest gateway to Darwinism entire generations of young men realized what they were told about women while they grew up was a complete lie mostly from their own personal experiences then they started learning about female nature which inevitably leads to studies in genetics or human nature in general of the four religions Darwinism appeals to young men or the fighters of society the best without a religion balancing it out Darwinism naturally worships Vitality Vitality is a sort of vague Prin principle that Glory or great action is the meaning of life n is the real profit of the darwinist worldview the problem here is that most people's lives are fundamentally boring and non- glorious Society is mostly NPCs who if they don't get a place in that Society will defect from the system Darwinism is a direct reaction to the life hating envious and egalitarian nature of our society which young men are understandably rebelling against one of the biggest issues the darwinists run into is the inability to develop mindfulness or the conflation of brutality and practicality for an example of this from the second world war the Nazis and Japanese whenever they fa the challenge just doubl down an aggression which makes sense from their world view which glorifies Vitality that being said this was since they ended up declaring war on a coalition of the most powerful countries in the world with 20 times their population at the exact same time at the same time a lot of Darwinism is just a rationalization for killing people this ends up in weird places where lots of darwinists will say we need to kill those ethnic minorities or invade this country for our people to survive the problem is that's not actually true and being aggressive all the time is a terrible strategy a Nimble strategic thinker realizes that there are times for flattery selling out cowardice cooperation alongside courage aggression or dominance if you look at successful Empires over history they always find carrots and sticks to induce cooperation with the conquered great Empires do as much of their governing through indirect diplomacy as through violence darwinists don't do this if the Japanese or Germans found ways to cooperate with the conquered which is not unimaginable since at the start of World War II most of Eastern Europe prefer the Nazis to Stalin or the Chinese have cooperated with foreign conquerors for thousands of years this is also true on an international scale where everyone else teamed up against fascism since it was so overtly aggressive that people realize they couldn't trust it if the darwinists lose this time it will be for the very same reason that being said we live in what's probably the least wise age of history people only see the outward trappings of ideas not what they actually mean this is how the left a suicidal nihilistic death cult was able to take over all of society because we only saw their front of being kind and caring not the reality of what they were even publicly literally saying I've seen the darwinists do a good job of putting up a new front of not being Nazis as a figure on the right I know a lot of these people and normies don't believe me when I say that there are legit Nazis on the right but there are the irony is that this is 100% the left's fault for pushing people to this I see a lot of people on the right who have a world view which is literally 95% similar to Nazism but since they gave it a new name people don't notice I think that this movement will see the rise of a new leader in the next few years I don't think anyone understands how big a sentiment there is here and it just needs said leader I frankly don't think any of the figures so far have this capability and that people like Nick Fuentes or Bronze Age pervert have designed their brands to be memes not serious people that being said it only takes one Hitler but once he shows up everything changes it's not an uncommon sentiment on the right to believe that we should construct a racial cast system based off race and IQ even if it's not that big a platform expect it to grow grow exponentially every single year before leftists get all self-righteous keep in mind your people have unironically turned Society into a racial cast system and your moderates haven't called them out the left has no clue at the demon they made similarly to how the Nazis formed as a reaction to the insanity of viar leftists the darwinists will make tough and brave Fighters too the greatest issue that darwinists face is nihilism a principle I've developed is that if you believe in God or the soul you're not annihilist and if you don't you are this is since the soul disposes a sense of inherent meaning independent from the material the darwinists generally lar as Christians but they actually are the least Christian of any of these factions in that literally if you tell them about Christ's teachings and compare their philosophy to it they will mock them while they pretend to be Christians as a Cod much like the Nazis the darwinists are obsessed with Aesthetics in a reaction to ugly monotony of our culture that being said they use Glory as a way to get around a meaningful Universe I prefer that to most other ways people cope with the death of God but it does inevitably result in pushing unhuman cruelties and authoritarianism that being said if you push them on if they believe any values you won't really get an answer everything in their world VI is a rationalization for pushing their self-interest which is something a lot of they themselves would agree with the thing that darwinists really need is a soul and God without that they spiral and with it they can hold themselves to moral standards if you don't believe in the soul or Divine killing other people to bring about Utopia is the rationally correct end point to reach ironically the darwinists with religion is literally what the entirety of premodern history looks like hey everybody for a brief pause you guys should check out my second Channel History 102 where Eric torenberg and I explain various events in history and we have 16 episode so far where we go through the Middle Ages the fall of Rome the world wars and explaining history in Easy 1our segments number two machine worship at 15% of the population you know in fantasy novels there are small orders of Mages or secret societies which have massive outsized political or social power but are numerically incredibly small that's what tech is today Tech today has an absurd amount of power over the world and Society while at the same time being centered around a handful of social groups driven off particular cultural norms or incentives which are completely alien to the general population techno optimism used to be a widespread in normal sentiment among the population look back at the 1950s where they had all of this science fiction about the incredible technological advances that would occur in the future and how it would make their lives so much easier this sentiment is largely completely dead among the general public public today if you ask anyone about what technologies they expect they'll immediately drop a list of dystopian Black Mirror stuff when Tech discovers something new the populists assume it exists to exploit them at the same time that doesn't stop the populace from using whatever technology Silicon Valley produces seeing how rapidly people have accepted Ai and started integrating it into their daily lives really shocks me I told myself I would never use AI now I do so all the time your average person is a better relationship with their technology than the people in their daily lives genen Z spends 7 hours a day on average on just their phones at the same time this change has bred remarkable resentment among the general populace people hate the new digital world it's incredibly lonely sterile and depressing the screens are basically as addictive as heroin digitization has automated the middle class out of existence creating the largest crisis in history and allows the near permanent monitoring of the population I have a lot of friends in technology and it's so strange to talk to them in that they are constantly talking about how powerful the tech industry is and also what new things they're about to discover meanwhile I have to frequently tell them you guys are aware the general public is always about a week from burning you all on the stake that being said I'm making the claim here that Tech has become a new religion not that it's just a powerful social Force the reason I believe this is that if you talk to people in technology they have a remarkable faith in the idea that technology will bring about the Rapture that sounds insane to tell normal people but there is a very powerful kind of secret cult in Tech which unironically believes that we are on the verge of a complete breakthrough in world history which has no parallel ever this idea animates almost all of the great men in technology in one former another whether Mark Zuckerberg Sam Altman or Elon Musk it's called The Singularity or the artificial intelligence will hit a rate of exponential growth in which it breaks human history ushering in a completely new era look this up it's a very popular Theory which has had many books written about it almost all important figures in this field have written about it and there are loads of serious books which treat the singularity as a real coming event which will certainly change the course of the future in ways that we can understand as a historian I chuckle at this since by studying history I've come to realize that there are certain archetypes in human behavior which you see repeated again and again in different garbs these are edged Into The Human Condition in certain eras of history rationalize them with whatever logic their society uses one being the Rapture or a point where we will reach a spiritual breakthrough in which those who follow said religion are saved while the world completely changes for the techies their Singularity is the rapture these are people who treat religion as silly but they have so easily slipped into their own version a constant theme we'll find with all of these religions except the final is they lack a tremendous amount of self-awareness and so end up acting out principles of human nature which are far more primitive than the sheen they put on ironically they have no idea they're doing it artificial intelligence may have tremendous effects upon the world in fact it almost certainly will but to expect to completely alter every element of humanity is just insane look at the most inventions in world history whether the Industrial Revolution nuclear bombs agriculture or metal working what happens in each case is that there are a couple major variables which change but the messy nature of the world in human competition Remains What Messianic ideologies say is that the era of suffering in human competition is just going to stop but that's never going to happen you also see this across technology where it appears as if Mark Zuckerberg believes himself to be a God who is creating new world through virtual reality Elon is creating neuralink to fight against the potential issues with AI destroying Humanity alternately you see it with some of the most insane people in crypto Sam Altman wants to have machines replace humanity and that's not an uncommon sentiment in a lot of these tech people of creating a more perfect creation than Humanity through the machine who will move past us in evolution you've all know Harari has talked a lot about this in each case they believe their technology are going to usher in a Utopia right around the corner the Utopia thesis has been tested for a very long time over history and every single time it fails in fact the utopians make things vastly worse in almost every case the thing that scares you at the tech industry is it fills with people who view context barriers human nature in natural ecosystems with contempt they want to rip everything up they don't hold themselves to any standard this leads to a worldview capable of profound evil since the great totalitarians of the past share every single one of those traits with them they hold human nature in no kind of sacredness that being said Tech is a double-sided coin which in addition to this has incredible promise to change the world in a very positive way one of those is that the internet will probably allow the defeat of the current wave of authoritarianism or totalitarianism flowing across the world since it allows easy non-government communication and cooperation this is the populist world that has been created by the internet we used to be completely dependent upon TV stations which were curated by Elites in the government my friend bology has turned me around on a lot of points in this topic he splits the world into Grays Reds and blues which is a split I like enough that I'll probably make a video about it at some point which are conservatives leftists and technologists the advantage I see in Tech is decentralization and it has the smartest and most creative people people of any of these religions by a significant margin Tech is also the most Innovative and creative and that it has the greatest ability to just invent something totally new which changes the game Tech has potential to pop up anywhere in the world as we've seen in El Salvador due to how decentralized it is it's not unimaginable to see random third world countries become new centers for Tech if they try hard enough or if they're pushed out of the First World Tech is divided between decentralized and centralized Tech the centralized Tech is largely a tool of authoritarian governments and has lost a lot of creativity China or even the world economic Forum are great examples of that in that the we is a fusion between machine worship and leftism we're currently in a race between Tech as a force for Freedom or servitude I really do worry about AI being a tool of State surveillance as a great example the biggest weakness in Tech is its complete disconnection from reality in human nature when I talk to people in Tech it always shocks me to see how split off they are from the public sentiment often to an incredibly embarrassing degree their arrogance makes them hated and increases the chances they just get slaughtered by the general populace the reason capitalism was so rare in history only really flowering in Western Europe is that it's too easy for government to Just Ally with the mob to steal money from the capitalists this has happened dozens of times in history also the god that Tech pushes is fundamentally false firstly I very rarely see people in Tech push for things that the general en populace wants almost everything big Tech creates is to push their power secondly the tech ideas they have just won't make the world a Utopia it will probably make things a lot worse The Singularity will never happen and if it does it will probably be pushing some cynical agenda their idea is that you can just engineer your way out of human nature which is wrong also Tech has become rapidly a lot less creative where they put up this facade of creativity and they're still probably the most creative of any of these relig but their amount of creativity has collapsed precipitously in the last decade as has their ability to think independently where San Francisco is now one of the least freethinking places in America Tech will do its best if it stays in a small Scale based off actually inventing stuff the raw creative ability of this group is remarkable if tapped that being said they again need to have a soul or an idea that they serve some broader human agenda rather than rationalize an incoit drive for power Tech is one of the few places that actually makes new stuff in our society which is largely boring and uncreative and sterile if we lose Tech we're probably slated for another Dark Age number three marxists at a quarter of the population this story is so unbelievably bizarre that I think our descendants will struggle to believe that it was ever real communism was the ideology which killed the most people in human history by a truly vast margin it was tried in every single continent climate and civilization it killed more people than every other religion and ideology in history combined then after that they changed their name and were able to quietly take over the institutions of the entirety of Western Civilization the West didn't even really put up a fight sacrificing its economy culture romance religion foreign policy or literally anything else you could possibly imagine without even realizing it was happening this degree of idiocy should not be physically possible however that didn't stop it from happening I'll explain later why I think it occurred that being said we live in a society which is run by marxists every single institution that exists has been co-opted by marxists this is the case for Hollywood TV the media the government bureaucracy corporations the upper brass of the military the police schools Academia philosophy religion and literally anything else they have turned the entire hiring process into rational discri mination against the majority population every single facet of our social code has been melded under Marxist philosophic assumptions you know a cultural form has been really important when its assumptions are so baked into a culture that people don't even think about them for example our idea of the underdog being good stems from Marxism the idea that all people are equal diversity is good the sex is being interchangeable or the government should take care of the populace all stem from Marxism commun communist will see at me saying this but the US has a hybrid socialist economy since the US government makes half of the US's as a country's total economy the marxists did this largely through verbal games the Communists maintain the exact same worldview as they had before in which the oppressed need to launch a revolution to bring about Utopia that being said they changed out the working classes for women sexual and ethnic minorities this was since the white working class was wealthy enough that they actually became satisfied with their material conditions meanwhile the groups above keep on asking for more no matter what they get our society is foolish enough that we didn't even notice the Marxist kept changing definition so that people never realized what was happening we were indoctrinated through leftist dominated media and schools not to notice the marxists socialized the populist to be NPCs who wouldn't see what was occurring right before their own eyes the left is completely evil I used to feel bad saying that but after watching the actions of the last few years I've seen the lefts completely trash every single moral standard they could have held themselves too they've become the party of the rich the powerful they shut down dissent they're trying to commit social suicide I have a game of trying to find a single moral degeneracy that the mainstream left hasn't defended it's impossible mainstream leftist media have written positively of can pedophilia Mass cast a racial cast system in have ridden against thinking for yourself or having children the reason I think all of this happened personally is that we're living through mous Utopia Mouse Utopia was an experiment in the 60s which I made a video about where they gave the mice perfect conditions to breed and then after their numbers going up massively the mouse social structure completely fell apart male mice became a feminite female mice aggressive the mice stopped having children became autistic Mouse Society completely collapsed as bands of thugs destroyed the mice who continued to breed even if you don't believe in that experiment historically periods of wealth or decadence allow societies to stop behaving in productive ways and instead be degenerate what's happened here is the left one since they were able to create an easy rationalization for complete degeneracy and social collapse to be morally okay imagine what kind of ideology those mice would make up to justify Mouse Utopia wouldn't it end up looking a lot like wokeness wokeness is making a turn now from kind of positive ideology about empowering oppressed groups to legit death cult bent on social Su you can see this in that the left is pushing more and more so for stuff like not having children de-industrialization to stop climate change suicide Mass immigration to destroy developed countries the end of heterosexuality or other things which are exactly what group would do to rationalize the left has become completely possessed by what is effectively the worship of Mother Nature as you can see with their obsession with the planet or environmentalism or the noble savage in the esoteric tradition the negatives of Mother Nature are chaos irrationality and an incoit desire to destroy for its own sake to make the world more simple thus allowing future creativity the left's main goal is suicide you can see that now the Western left picks different issues to be suicid about in the US they pick African slavery in the settler Colonial countries which didn't have slavery like Canada or Australia they pick indigenous issues in the countries the Europeans are native to they pick climate change or colonialism in each case they pick whatever rationalization works for suicide this is the great weakness of the left that they are completely insane and literally want to lose the left is killing itself the left doesn't do anything anymore they don't develop new ideas have kids make culture or art have new philosophies make IES the great worry is that the left brings down their entire civilization with them as they fall the left's great strength is they have all of the organs of society and have a fanatical base of supporters who will die for them this battle in my opinion will rupture into legitimate wars in the Western World over the next few years between the right and the left number four Christians at half of the population now for the religion which is by far the largest although it may not appear like this Christians are still demographically dominant in America forming between 2/3 and 3/4 of the population I put the real number at 50% since I think lots of people who say they're Christian in their hearts really have another ideology which is actually more important for their thought process think of woke churches for example or people on the dissident right who were really darwinists but mask in Christianity that being said over 90% of Americans still believe in God and similar to slightly lower numbers pray or Are Spiritual this is different from Europe which is largely turned completely agnostic funnily enough the average American agnostic is more religious in belief in God or prayer than the average European religious person what this means there is a very significant amount of people who are adjacent to Christianity who could be scooped up by a new Reformation if it were to occur Christianity is in a strong if very precarious position it's by far the oldest and best tested of these religions is the only one that you can seriously call a religion it's also the most balanced and intellectually developed the other ideologies largely since they lack belief in a soul lack self-awareness which creates huge intractable flaws which eat them alive for Darwinism it's their absurd aggression for communism it's that their world VI doesn't make sense they're trying to kill thems and for machine worship is that their Technologies can't deliver what they promise that being said Christianity has propelled multiple Civilizations for thousands of of years sustainably with all that being said Christianity is a large empire built on weak foundations it's been declining around the world for centuries and even more so in the last few decades just since the year 2000 until the present almost all countries in West Europe went from overwhelmingly Christian to something around only a quarter of their population in America it went from 90% to 2/3 the church is currently bleeding followers if things don't change American Christianity could be dead by the end of our lives another interesting trend is that over history even with majority Christian populations small agnostic Elites have taken over said societies and then secularized them this happened with Soviet Russia Jacobin France fascist Italy or Nazi Germany that is what wokeism is attempting now and what the other two religions might try the problem that this runs into is that Christians today are too complacent Christianity has experienced a profound brain drain over the last few centuries in the medieval or early modern periods the greatest Minds whether St Augustine Isaac Newton Thomas aquinus or dayart serve the church recently those people have gone into business politics or science this has resulted in the church constantly being outmaneuvered by other institutions this is why Christians haven't been able to adapt to the new scientific World Christian theology is stuck in the pre-industrial world which makes it unrelatable to the general public the greatest issue Christianity faces is that a large part of the population literally finds it impossible to believe in the intellectual view of the world modernity has openly doesn't believe in any non-material things like God or Spirits most people take this completely for granted until that variable changes the world's religions will continue to decline with all this said changing the Public's view on this making them believe in a spiritual ideal Dimension would be one of the most important intellectual breakthroughs in history I personally and I know I'm biased on this topic due to my research in this area think there will be an intellectual breakthrough towards belief in the spirit world that will take place this Century that being said I think even if the evidence was irrefutable most people would reject it for a very long time getting it to become a new consensus would take centuries the fundamental foundations of most people's worldview are so mechanistic on a really deep level Christianity will keep losing in a mechanistic worldview against the other three the people who tend to be left in Christianity after all of this are the soft-hearted and those who love tradition these kinds aren't the sort of people who Usher in great advances or fight other ideologies this has been self-reinforcing as the church becomes more of a whitebred place for nice guys the church runs into issues in which since it tells its followers to follow their moral code even when it results in them losing Christians get constantly outmaneuvered Christians today are completely incapable of real politique cynicism in power politics you often see Christians come across as overly sincere and cringe when they try to get involved in these fields or they come across as completely out of touch with reality Christians often end up projecting their own attitudes upon their enemies thus making their enemies cynicism and power hungriness completely unrecognizable Christianity Today Is Pretty cucked with the church being feminized the amount of young men attending church has haved since the start of the 21st Century it's just not masculine enough that being said there has been a push to make Christianity more masculine as we've seen with the Jesus lifting culture guns and God culture or figures like Jordan Peterson Christianity ironically is the opposite issues of all the groups above in that they are by being too cynical without a concept of the soul to give them internal direction for Christians is that they're too motivated by an internal sense of righteousness if you look at the worst Christian fundamentalist States over history whether Puritan New England Franco Spain or savan rola's dictatorship in Florence you find that it's pretty tame compared to Fascism or communism in which the Christians maintained Independence for the family the society very rarely had drafts uh and there's not as much totalitarian interference in every single facet of Life thus in summary if Christianity doesn't do anything it will continue to decline into irrelevance that that being said I think of all of these Christianity has the highest potential for winning largely since Christianity has proven itself to be incredibly strong or as people say Lindy over its history preferably by having some kind of internal Revolution to make it more adaptable to the modern world Christianity has proven itself time and time again being incredibly inventive and malleable this would be the most in character for Christianity to do of any world religion another important detail is that with the population crash which is occurring the religious are forming a vastly disproportionate amount of those who are procreating and continuing the Next Generation for educated people this is even more extreme in which literally the only educated people who are having children are the religious this means that our society will basically have to become religious over the next 50 years the real question is what religion will they end up following eras of harshness like ours tend to push religion since people need meaning in a difficult world that makes no sense of these four Christianity is the best track record of giving people mental models which actually help them live with their lives all of the other three effectively Outsource Behavior to the state or Elites it's their job to build the Utopia so you can be happy not that you have to change your life to live a happy life as an individual with all that said I'm still putting the highest bet on Christianity but I don't want Christians to get complacent keep in mind your religion is still collapsing at record historic rates in your home countries most people can't bring themselves to Believe In traditional religions even if they wanted to if the natural order suggests we will become religious over the next few centuries it's totally possible that completely new variations emerge maybe descendant from the other three ideologies the world is a crazy place and is never going to be what you think in my opinion the most likely Victor is in fact some combination of these ideologies Darwinism and Christianity is an easy shot we've already seen machine worship and Marxism combined in the ruling ideology of our society except for Marxism and Christianity which can't combine due to both having belief structures which openly exclude the other I find the combination of Darwinism and Marxism hard to believe given once you believe in Darwinism leftism makes no sense that being said the LEF has proven they don't care about logical inconsistencies in their worldview I mean my short answer for who will win this religious war is probably no one anyone who fills this void will have to adapt into something new by the process of winning these ideologies would evolve into something completely different imagine a world where Christianity really became a new state religion where spiritual technology or exorcism are back that's what a Christian Victory as a total new worldview would have to look like that's completely unrecognizable to Presbyterian churches today just imagine if you showed up and told Marx about what his ideology evolved into today being this corporate enabling for losers very wealthy ruling class keep in mind we are players in this game the result is still up to us are you ready to play