what we interviewing today we're in birmingh for a couple of days talking about the election and life and the economy and all I've been rubing SH now really you going to vote no I don't most of birmingham's seats are safe labor ones so it doesn't feature heavily in election coverage where we're going that might be about to change on the 4th of July you have the P of vote for change vote independent AED yaku Pro Palestine always only ammed can beat the labor party another one they're everywhere he's a different one labor betrayal of the working class human rights and Gaza we're doing a video of this sort of business about Gaza and the ad the labor parties failed them they say yeah that's true still how's life do you know what it used to be brilliant around here but the atmosphere lately just I'm 46 yeah and he's not the same that he used to be when they've been queuing all morning they been queuing all morning they're still queuing now these things are a Lifeline for everyone here but you felt so strongly about you turned up with your own food to give to people why wor it when people can eat it you it's a food crisis at the moment look the NHS are helping us that much you know we can't get out of medications old people everyone's suffering how's life at the minute uh pretty tough yeah I'm a student nurse so uh it can be hard to uh make into me a lot of student NES are going to fre Banks now yeah yeah I've recently had to give up work to care for my disabled husband had to wait 7 weeks for any benefits I renamed myself the food bank forager and people are just living from hand to mouth really everybody and and then they're talking about the government's talking about the the PIP if they take that money off us are you going to vote the election do you have any sense in voting labor that things will get better I have to believe it will I I mean I know a lot of people think it's all much of a muchness you know if you look back at where the waiting lists were 14 years ago they weren't the big 7 and a half million not all of that's down to co no no and we didn't have vasc of people at food banks when the labor party was in power I don't think I recall seen any scenes like this no talking to people that I got quite emotional you must have that all the time I deal that and thees are getting longer as I think what happens is is that you become you know sometimes immune to immune to it it's a bit like being in a Mory and you have to keep uh you know going do you think things will get better no I don't even if the government changes no I doubt it it's going to take a lot long time a long time because they've done so much damage damage are people being listened to no we don't really have a voice well we got a voice we have rights but what else we have in some small sense people's voices would have been AOS if if the government changes why' you say that probably because they wer we're under conservative now if we come under labor what what what's the difference we need a big change not a little change the independent parties the independent candidates they're doing seem to be doing well so they would be the one wouldn't they really the independent candidates we're going to have to wrap it up guys cuz people are going way politics ended up in the food bank we keep having conversations about the fact that all the opinion poles and everything you see in the news media is all about the inev the seeming inevitability of a label and slice it's not the way people talk it's not matched with people was level of enthusiasm at all partly that's cuz the labor party conspicuously is saying look there's not much to get enthusiastic about a lot of this is about sort of shaping particular narratives online and so if you run a particular ad campaign or you create a series of memes or videos that push a particular look bit of political action going on down yes [Music] my make sure got support you know [Music] every single door that's opened no one said they're not going to be for she's not in a weird Caper movie know I'm relatable they don't they don't want these career politicians anymore every CER know everyone so yeah Al you're going to be myter thank you I love bless you I love bless you can we ask you a quick question you can do how do you feel about it's not it's not about it's not about it's it's more to do with labor do you still feel like a labor person no no not at all no way when did you start to feel that about the labor part labor part since the rock long time ago yeah when 20 BL betrayed the country 2 million people went out on the streets of London communities that were once very loyal to the labor party yeah in very different ways you see that loyalty starts to slip yeah but one solid group of Voters traditionally the labor party had right was Muslim voters in cities and maybe maybe it was the Elder thing cuz my father that generation the younger generation is not so good of us cuz we educated I'm involved because um I want to actively be part of this history because he wants to make a change my parents my great grandparents they've all Ved for labor so it's a change what has labor done for you in the last 30 years then yeah what have they done that's the exact saying words almost right that we heard what 10 or 11 years ago when we went to South Wales and stirrings of breit and the labor vote starting to shake a bit in South Wales we're up in Scotland Scotland time of the SNP weirdly at a moment where the labor parties seem streaks ahead in the polls you know politically it's probably in the most powerful position it's been in for ages and yet here perhaps is the next bit of the story you know there's just nothing solid in politics anymore the next day akmed yakub had to apologize for comments that surfaced in the news media in which he joked about domestic violence the Muslim women's Network UK said they raised serious questions about his judgment and values he said the tone of the discussion in question represents everything I stand against I think if you come to a place it's good to give a sense of how things happen day in day out year in Europe out so we're going and watch some cricket [Music] why' you play cricket well it takes a lot of stress out of the work that we do you know throughout the week putting 560 hours so it refreshes the mind really Pakistan got beat the other day by the USA what's going on there let's let's not talk about that that's good for Cricket new countryes coming up yeah that's good for everyone yeah old certainties Dy are you going to vote in 2 weeks I'm looking forward to vote Yes yeah and uh hopefully we'll get we we'll have a change do you think we need a change yeah yeah of course we need a change yeah what's got to change the leader who understand our requirements daily based requirement do you feel any connection with the labor party do you know about the labor party it recently changed you know like our views on the labor party because of the support for Palestine enough to stop you voting for okay I would say so yeah I vote for labor that's it why' you vote labor because I need to change you know about all these independent candidates who were standing I know they can do something but it will be difficult for them you can't do anything by alone yourself you need the team you need a team for to do like we're playing today you need a team to win the game boysun them up easy one [Music] boys quite a gentle way it's been quite a moving day today a weld up a couple of times cuz we keep meeting people who need things to change don't they as a sort of basic unfairness you know people shouldn't have to put up with as much as this I don't whether the elections are going to answer that question conclusively but something has [Music] do thank so you're a business with a social content in other way right we do a lot of free stuff as well we've got um these cookies the corate forward cookies and we support the local food bank with homeless people we just really wanted to be there for people who aren't struggling safe hav for labor where sorry I don't think I've found yet a convinced enthusiastic labor V where are they the problem is that people have felt disillusioned so we do have to convince people that politics does matter and it can make a difference what do you tell them well we tell them that that under the last Labor government we did achieve some good things national minimum wage show start working families tax credit reduce child poverty took pensioners out of poverty peace in Northern Ireland we did we we did some real good things few little Trifles I'm going to be honest locally I can see he's a man of Excellence I really can and but I'm not sold out on k um after the pandemic um my daughter had issues with um mental health and feeling anxious and I had to pull her out of the state school and put every bit of money I had left and put her into um a private school and absolutely gutted about the bat because I get up every day at half five work three businesses to make sure that I can send it's not a luxury it's it's not an easy decision that we've had to make putting VAT on school fees it's not an easy decision but we we have to get that money from somewhere to make education better for 93% of students who use the State education system need to be done quickly yeah very quickly you're going to lose another generation while the the politicians get their act together give us a chance give us a chance after 14 years of conservative government give us a [Music] chance hate the Tories so who are you going to vote for Li I don't know when I'm going to have my first house I don't know when I'm going to be able to support my children how are we supposed to put our faith in leaders that aren't like dedicated to the causes that we care about like with everything that going on in Palestine do you live in wampton y was it needed it hasn't got manners manners compassion compassion that's a good word tell me about compassion people don't care about anybody but themselves they're only out for what they can get in life kindness and genuine compassion has gone and what and who's suffering then as a consequence most people you going to vote in the election in a couple of weeks Myas now but you obviously think things have gone wrong and they need to change it's the whole country though it's not just this area well not even just this whole country is it there's things affecting everybody worldwide there does need to be more support for people as much as I Rumble about there's still some really amazing people around here oh yeah this is where I actually promote Louise's hair salon down the road is go this is it right I will never change you're going to look after other people not just yourself where's wolver Anson with that those sorts of attitudes well the the new people who are coming in now is not the same they don't have the same passion everybody's looking for themselves these days I want to know why I got a picture of bis Johns cuz I love Boris he's a bit like me I don't think he is he he's what you when I met him I was surprised I've met some people were but he was just down to hurt he was I don't know people m okay the look a parties up so what many of people have party I had party too yeah but you went in charge of the country telling everyone they couldn't see the dying Rel considering all the the history behind women and women of color being able to vote I feel I have to vote but I'll vote I'm not voting for anybody I don't like any of them I might vote for Nigel farage he's another one I like he's a absolute Rogue CH that's why I like him people like them and like Trump you know where you are with those people it's the sneaky one that tells you all this crap about they're going to do this they're going to do that Tony Blair every black person went out and vote for Tony blle right what did Tony BL secretly do with it during the Iraq War you know all these in Wind Rush Deportes he brought in that visa thing and he brought in this rule about if you don't born in the country and your hear with up it was Tony BL but nobody knew that so you better the devil you know and of you don't know so that's why I mean the point is that's just about the deficit of personality and some sense of purpose and being a human being in politics is it this is the Good Shepherd project there's a reason we keep coming back to food bank's Community meals and homeless projects where are you sleeping at the minute Street you're on the street and this is our son it's because they tell the story of the last 14 years how do you feel about the fact you life taking this sort of turn get on with the bigest places will deal us a lot but there are also places where we find the compassion and sense of hope that seems to be lacking in this election campaign that's what we stand for is Hope and I believe in them I listen to them um they conf find in me what's your sense of the future sense of the future I see a big future now like when I took my overdose I was so gutted that I woke up so GED but now I can't be more grateful I'd like Sam I'm just smashing life at the mini you know I'm absolutely we don't meet many optimistic people do you have a sense of what sort of country you'd like to live in I mean i' like I'd like that everyone is treated equally nobody should be ignored all people want is a voice to be heard it's nice to have somebody listen to our point of so you're going to vote in the election in two weeks to be honest and yeah no you're not you're not going to vote um I do believe I should because obviously women are fought you want I mean whoever you vote for if you want a different better I just don't think I'll believe in any of them to be honest well then I'll be voting for not the right reason then would I so thech no I'm not I'm not going to do something I don't believe in that's good um I've gone through a lot in my life to cut out the rubbish and the middleman and the whatever and if I see this person doing greatness I see this person doing good then I will V for them all day [Music] long remember this is the last thing before the election we thought this election was going to sort of close sometime I'll tell you right CU we've been doing this for a very long time and I suppose when this election came around the more naive part of us had this idea that it might represent the conclusive answer closure to a certain set of questions and of course it doesn't Britain's not in that sort of condition you know the mess Goes On The Puzzle remains unsolved a worry that some more films might have to be made one more man that's what you think