Insights from Psychotherapy and Gloria Series

Oct 8, 2024

Lecture on Psychotherapy and the Gloria Series

Introduction to Psychotherapy

  • Psychotherapy is a personal and private process.
  • A unique film series offers insight into psychotherapy sessions with actual therapists and a patient named Gloria.
  • The series provides an opportunity to observe three different therapeutic styles.

The Film Series

  • Film 1: Dr. Carl Rogers, founder of Client-Centered Therapy.
  • Film 2: Dr. Frederick Pearls, founder of Gestalt Therapy.
  • Film 3: Dr. Albert Ellis, founder of Rational Emotive Therapy.
  • Each therapist describes their therapy system, demonstrates with Gloria, and comments on their work.

Dr. Carl Rogers’ Approach

Key Concepts

  • Creating the Right Climate: Proper relationship and conditions facilitate therapeutic movement.
  • Being Real: Importance of genuineness and congruence in therapy.
  • Transparency: Willingness to be seen, no hidden agendas.
  • Acceptance and Caring: Genuine prizing or acceptance of the client as a separate individual.
  • Understanding the Client’s Inner World: Entering into the client’s experiences and meanings.

Expected Outcomes

  • Exploration and Discovery: Clients explore feelings and understand hidden aspects.
  • Self-Prizing: Clients may develop greater self-acceptance.
  • Realness and Immediacy: Moving towards being more real and immediate in experiences.
  • Acceptance of Self and Relationships: From disapproval and rigid thinking to self-acceptance and flexible thinking.

Gloria’s Session with Dr. Rogers


  • Gloria recently divorced, concerned about her relationship with her daughter.
  • Struggles with honesty and guilt regarding discussing sex with her daughter.
  • Desires acceptance both from her daughter and self.

Key Dialogues

  • Guilt and Honesty: Struggles with being honest with her daughter about her private life.
  • Desire for Acceptance: Worries about being accepted by her daughter if she reveals imperfections.
  • Inner Conflicts: Balances between desires and perceived moral standards.
  • Self-Perception: Struggles with self-approval and wanting to feel comfortable in her decisions.
  • Parental Relationships: Reflects on her relationship with her father and how it influences her now.

Dr. Rogers’ Reflections

  • Emotional Connection: Moved by Gloria’s honesty and openness.
  • Therapeutic Movement: Observed Gloria moving from past-focused to present-centered awareness.
  • Transference and Counter-Transference: Prefers immediate, real-world relationship quality over theoretical frameworks.
  • Personal Reflection: Regrets the brief nature of the therapeutic relationship, noting mutual enrichment.


  • Interview highlights the transition from past feelings to experiencing feelings in the present.
  • Shows movement towards self-discovery and self-judgment.
  • Dr. Rogers expresses satisfaction with the interview and the growth observed in Gloria.