the laws of mental Domination by Frank Rudolph young audiobook Edition 2023 by Stargate book All rights are reserved preface a miraculous change awaits you the laws of mental domination they represent a Great Leap Forward in the art of making friends and influencing others it is a book the book that adds psychic power to these ARS by the time you reach toward the end of the second law you will already be able to command others with thought toward the end of the fourth law your entire environment even people completely unrelated to you will be captivated by charm from your very first glance no longer will you be the average solid type of man who For Better or Worse goes about his daily business but a powerful individual who directs others with his gaze without them even noticing they will be drawn to you even their will because you have learned the first laws of mental domination and that is is just the beginning when people are under your charm you will keep them so as if by Magic thanks to your seductive expressions and taking good care to avoid the 13 dangers of root phrases should obstacles arise between you and any of the other interlocutors overcome them by knowledge of the exact speeches that need to be made to him and the way to lead him back to you by means of the actions that will win his heart the Conquering act if their actions are complex analyze and direct them through the subconscious Vision to easily induce others to the way of thinking use chain relationships on certain occasions when they are difficult to deal with that is when they are angry grieving jealous stubborn belligerent Etc analyze and influence them quickly thanks to the Magic Eye to keep them interested in you produce the mighty magnetism of harmonious conversation to stand out in their eyes give them an image of you that inspires physical dominance by using attractive voice and attractive attitude and Poise to place yourself on a pedestal in their eyes use Goliath autosuggestion if you are a woman make use of charm autosuggestion to reach the Pinnacle of mental dominance exercise conscious control over the magnetic Halo attractive to protect your power of mental dominance use the fake attitude you need with the help of the five elements of mass control you will be able to lead masses groups and crowds finally through the kudu oant you will be able to exercise and maintain mental dominion over yourself you will then be transformed into a new you as if you had been created a new in the form of a much more efficient person on the social plane your life will be more animated than it has ever been whatever your age and appearance you will literally succeed in Charming people in your environment you will be taught how to use Mental dominance to enrich your leisure your time regardless of your age you will learn how mental dominance can prolong life by giving you a burning desire to live longer apart from the fact that you will increase your gains and popularity you will begin to derive unsuspected Joys from Life instead of trying to give yourself confidence you will automatically acquire this confidence by directing others for nothing gives confidence so easily when power exercised over others the world will truly belong to you when you master mental Mastery and yet the power it gives you must be used only with reason the psychic resistance it generates in the spirit of others neutralizes any effort made to achieve ends that are not worthwhile here you are on the verge of engaging in an exhilarating and worthwhile Adventure you will acquire a power that has taken three men a lifetime's dedication for more than a century spent to run Halfway Around the World to track discover crystallize re and simplify things for you first law how the spirit of dominion works for you to succeed in mastering mind power you must first learn the fundamentals of the spirit of Mastery therefore carefully follow everything related to this law to acquire the spirit of dominion you must immediately banish from your mind all fears and doubts concerning your ability to please others as well as any antagonism toward members of the human race any tendency to exploit anyone and any feeling of superiority toward anyone one free yourself from any feelings that would lead you to believe you are the one the only and the most important banish any desire to lead and dominate others or to measure yourself against them in any field remove any temptation to compare yourself to them whether to your advantage or disadvantage banish any temptation to impress people or look down on them from the height of your greatness do not have the conviction of being a vain do not feel evidently in the skin of a nobody barely tolerated by others do not envy others anything but do not complain that you have less than them either if Jon or Joan are taller and more beautiful than you drive this kind of comparison out of your spirit all these hostile thoughts According to which you secretly hope to make up for it by tuning in all those enviable Graces possessed by the other and dumping on him all those annoying characters of which you would like to get rid are reflected on your face despite your efforts to hide them even if they do not appear on your face they creep into your voice and the whole of your attitude JN or Joan will become aware of a certain inexplicable coldness in the surrounding atmosphere and will tend to turn away from you nor will you be able to acquire the dominating Spirit if you do not stop worrying if you are sensitive if you cannot help but suffer wherever you are from the lack of these manifestations they will be only figments of your imagination but certain ones will seem true enough to make you worry since you cannot devote the greater part of your life to a feudal struggle consisting of acquiring psychological complexes and getting rid of them you must oppose them first of all a barricade to immediately prevent them from settling in your spirit do not wait until you have to chronically torment yourself with an oppressive influence to put an end to it drive it out of your spirit as soon as you feel it disturbs your peace of mind make yourself impervious to it do not avoid it by thinking of anything else as this would only embed deeper in your brain cells the the virus that has already settled there but as soon as you feel the oppression of inner gnawing as a result of a misunderstanding with someone immediately avoid all introspection so that the mental virus does not bury itself in your spirit the strategy of a simulator you may also dislike your interlocutor and give him a false idea of your feelings toward him the simulator does this on a regular basis he achieves this by maintaining an uninterrupted conversation with his future victim which prevents her from listening to the warnings of her subconscious the simulator thus prevents his victim from practicing introspection and listening to his presentiments the presentiments are often telepathy Impressions received spontaneously when the simulator leaves taking away his Halo the victim loses contact with him and does not use the psychological Impressions to realize what the situation is really like moreover the victim's spirit is stuffed and tingling with Visual and auditory lying Impressions instilled in her by the simulator and on the topic is hermetically closed to all logic Her Imagination makes the simulator a demigod in short the simulator has concealed from the victim his true opinion of him under an uninterrupted stream of flattering words and Wise Cracks in addition to the infamy of the proceedings the simulator strategy requires an extraordinary dose of resourcefulness the smallest mistake on his part would reveal his Ploy in any case a dangerous suspicion the simulator strategy is worth just taking the risks the sensible way Tio ignore vulgar people with the spirit of dominance you have nothing to fear from your interlocutor and nothing to hide from him if he continues to glare at you as he often does even after you have tried to win him over you stop wasting your time there is an extraordinary percentage of people who allow themselves to be dominated ignore therefore this tiny amount who cannot be influenced but try not to have contact with these people lest you have to avoid them later do not exhaust your mental strength in this kind of situation if this person is rude enough to ignore you ignore him too as you would ignore a puddle in the street as you approach it do not empty yourself of your mental Vitality to spend the rest of the day deploring the incident a vulgar person is not only vulgar to to you she is vulgar to everyone if you adopt an attitude of bitterness toward her without realizing it she will meddle in your relations with others and you can no longer exercise mental power over them the spirit of domination and lack of security the spirit of dominance banishes a lack of confidence you lack confidence if you doubt your ability to please others and lead them you do not lack security when you are alone in your room with a dog or a cat whom you are not afraid of not pleasing when you lack security you only dissipate spiritual strength by trying to please others while no longer having the ability to show yourself to them in your best light there are sympathetic people who knowing you well will continue to love you even if you lack confidence but if you have only rare relationships they may misinterpret your lack of confidence and mistake it for selfishness or arrogance how the spirit of dominance can overcome nervous tension the spirit of Mastery fills you with another important benefit it spares you the tension caused by trying to give you courage and confidence the fact that you take on a new attitude Pro's attention especially if that attitude is not founded on anything specific you cannot be sure for example that you have Charmed by simply using Charming manners confidence in one's abilities is but the finished product of a thoroughly possessed quality blind confidence has little value since sooner or later you will be expelled by failure this is equally true of courage and other positive mental attitudes the same is true for negative mental characteristics such as lack of confidence or courage they result from the failures that abound when you try to launch into a new specialization never hastily conclude that you cannot succeed at a certain thing just because you have previously done it poorly but neither should you claim that you can do something if you do not already know that you are capable of doing it how too by the basics of the spirit of domination exercise make a void in the spirit this very simple exercise will rid you of all self-consciousness so much so that you will be able to banish all doubts and fears about how to please others about your rivalry and the need to outdo to subdue to impress others and to look down on them it will also free you from the opposite needs that a feeling inferior to others or a fearing that they will not like you despite all your efforts you will have established then the basis of the spirit of dominance standing alone in your room imagining that you are walking on a sidewalk and meet someone you know someone you do not like this person triggers feelings of inferiority in you and destroys your charm nature L but as it is impossible for you to avoid it it will become the ideal L element to practice this exercise simultaneously in fantasy and in everyday life from the moment you set your eyes on her make a vacuum in your spirit by casting out all thoughts of her fix any point on the wall and mentally repeat to yourself Point dot dot now project the kindest thoughts toward her and fill yourself with the desire to meet her as you get closer exclaim I am so happy to see her again prevent any introspection by thinking again period period period smile at her and stare fixedly at the base of her nose right behind her eyes do not stare into her eyes because you will risk meeting her hostile gaze but SI thinks you are looking her straight in the eye do not wait for her response and add to what you have set a peak the unimportant thing for example about the weather you will know more about harmonious conversations in a forthcoming law keep smiling at her while staring at the base of her nose and keep walking with this process you will be able to get past her without really seeing her and without having to be rude how this exercise can help you in your relationships with people in your environment the foundations of the spirit of dominion are most easily acquired when you practice the exercises thinking about an obnoxious person instead of in front of a well-behaved relative or friend who is fond of you with the disliked person even if he or she is not present you bump up against the resistance of a brutal personality this unique exercise is what you need to acquire the basics of the spirit of dominance it frees you from fears and doubts in regard to people not by creating tensions in you caused by the desire to have courage and confidence but by limiting the emotional reactions That Others May provoke in you it allows your spirit not to be impressed by the people closest to you and to react only to your suggestions it teaches you to cope with the coarse manners of others not by reacting but by relaxing in following the current it empowers you to meet a special individual and pass by him or her without being shaken by this encounter finally and this is the most important point you retain through such exercise a cool mind and are ready to apply the laws of mental domination when this law is applied to a person of average or very good education the basis of the spirit of domination immediately seduces her she is impressed by your direct gaze straight into her eyes and her psyche does not receive from you hostile telepathic radiation since your spirit is empty and projects only benevolent thoughts toward her she is moved by them your very expression reflects this state of mind this will be clearly explained to you by the four law sandala howo acquire an irresistible sight The Emptiness of spirit somehow purifies your way of thinking just before you meet the individual who before you have even uttered a word feels irresistibly drawn toward you you how the spirit of domination works for you is the first law of mental domination Master it at once by practicing the exercise consisting of making the empty in the spirit Second Law kizuma how to guide others thoughts through imaginative thought command now you are ready to attack the second law and the exercises concerning it study it four of the 18 laws it is certain mind the most effective it represents one of the amazing Specialties of the yogis the power of Silent expression to use it in everyday life you do not need a power that will make you perform Miracles but a power that will help you achieve your goals what you want is a power that will help you influence others earn more money and make you wonderfully popular to achieve it you must influence or guide the thoughts of others throughout the ages men have directed others by using written or spoken words to dominate their thoughts do you remember the speech of Mark and Anthony other men have just as effectively directed the thoughts of others by inspiring pause with their silence mute silent expression can serve to guide the thoughts of others even more effectively than written or spoken expression first of all it escapes your interlocutor's attention and yet if skillfully directed toward him he feels its influence and regards it as his own provided of course the thought you convey is useful to him if it is not useful to him he becomes distrustful and resists any further effort on your part to dominate his thinking telepathically it may even happen that He suggests to others not to trust you the first condition required to successfully guide thinking the more valuable your thinking is the more it benefits the other person you also gain because the other person feels attached to you and exalts you your Fame increases Jesus Christ and other Mystics also applied extra sensory perception to to valid purposes it is easier for you to exert your power over another person if you love them this is why certain religious leaders Opera know so often miraculous healings when we heal others of illnesses it is certainly because we love them the doctor gains from curing the patient the merchant and the salesman gain from pleasing the customers the politician has an interest in pleasing the voters and the lover worships his beloved the first condition required for successfully iding the thoughts of others is to try to do with the thoughts some valuable thing for the person whose thoughts you wish to master it will of course need to be something that they too consider valid but this too constitutes a problem if you want to free her from a bad habit it may well be that such a habit gives her pleasure and that she wishes to keep it when a person becomes a slave to a certain thing it means that he falls in love with this thing it may also be that the person is willing to contract a new habit but resists it because she gets the wrong idea about it it may be that she is willing to exercise but fears for her heart she might want to eat more fruits and vegetables but is convinced that if she did she would feel weak and never full she may wish to stop smoking and drinking but fears that this will harm her social activities you will bump up against a psychological barrier raised against you by the person whose thoughts you wish to died but let us proceeded further attempting to divide the domain of thought into a series of stages that you will easily overcome practice them and you will be amazed at the power you will acquire through the second law the four main stages you will need to overcome to guide the thinking of others first stage the form menst that subjugates others it is the stage best calculated to benefit the other person nothing subdues more than love those who believe know inist Christ loved him and he performed miracles for them in his region where he was not highly honored he did not perform Miracles he for his part loved the followers and this chained them to him Moses Muhammad and The Disciples of Jesus also guided the thinking of others to successfully guide the thinking of others one must first of all earnestly desire to help them exercise for acquiring the former menst that subdues a sit alone in your room and imagine that you are looking at the person whose thoughts you want to guide take a sheet of paper and note down the thought or thoughts you want to instill in her B next to each thought note the benefits you want her to derive from it make sure that these benefits are not just your own it is necessary for the other person to really derive benefits for if not he or she may discover a selfish motive in you and Escape your psychic control if for example you are a salesperson and hope to gain an advantage from selling erase from your spirit any idea related to that Advantage replace it with the idea of the benefits that the eventual customer will gain from the item you sell to him if he buys the item at the price you quote him you will make a profit from this sale so why think about this profit all the time start selling the merchandise your profit or commission will come automatically to sell the goods think only of the savings your customer will make the benefits his purchase will bring him imagine him realizing these things and showing you his appreciation take care for the moment to please him that is what the mindset that subjugates is it makes the other person Your Slave Act the same way if you are a businessman a husband a relative a friend to bind someone to you to the point of subjection Imagine him with conviction as he profits from the ideas you inculcate in him by guiding his thoughts second stage selective subjugation it is equally necessary although you have a sincere desire to help an individual it may be that you try to instill in him an idea that displeases and irritates him if you are a doctor who wants the patient to stop smoking he may take it very badly if you are the father or mother of a girl whom you want to prevent from dating a man you dislike it may be that she resists you because she is or thinks she is in love with him it may also be that you want to sell someone a product of which he absolutely needs and that he does not realize that need these are the kinds of difficulties you bump up against every day under these conditions guiding another's thinking to your liking is not an easy task you will need a lot of tact and perseverance even succeeding when you stop influencing his or her thinking the other person will revert to his or her old ways in the case of the girl blinded by love it may be easier to send her to a distant school and let hopes and new interests detach her from the man you dislike if you are a Salesman you may have to resign yourself to selling your customer something that conforms to his tastes if you are a doctor you may have to compromise by persuading your patient to smoke less in life you can never predict 100% success the man who succeeds best is the one who knows when to compromise the unsuccessful man never resorts to compromise he throws himself forward head down toward disaster however do not resign yourself to failure just because you cannot completely look at the thinking of a quirky or original person if you can influence her to some extent you have already gained some advantage over her after several attempts you may be able to influence her thinking in an appreciable way exercise to arrive at selective subjugation note down next to each of your thoughts the exact reaction you expect from the person you want to influence imagining that you are orally imposing these thoughts on her if you think that her friends will laugh at her and taunt her until she heeds your advice note it down do not Overlook any of the difficulties you might encounter if it seems to you that the person would have a tendency to buy your goods if you do not insist note it note anything that might trace your efforts to guide his or her thinking the process consists of guiding others by thought may prove more subtle more effective and more attractive than the verbal process but it forces you nevertheless to wake up the interlocutor subconscious to inculcate your ideas in him if you cannot wake him up enough you will never be able to guide his thoughts success will come more quickly if you can find an easier means of subduing the interlocutor for example make him love you more arrange for him to talk to you longer for him to listen to you more attentively to have more respect for you as you become more experienced and more confident in the art of guiding the thoughts of others you will be able to choose more difficult means third stage how to establish psychic rap Rosman once you have acquired the form menst that subdus and selects the means to subjugate you are ready to guide read the interlocutor's thinking you do not try to guide him with your thoughts but to direct his thinking you do not even want him to doubt what you are about to do because he would become defensive but you want him to consciously think that the thought born in his spirit is really his own that your presence is only incidental like your thoughts at this very moment guiding the thoughts of others is an art of extreme subtlety the slightest suspicion of compulsion or insistence on your part can bring everything down you must establish such perfect telepathy with the other person that he or she will be compelled to obey you without resistance or fear Fe as if in a state of hypnosis you must that she obey spontaneously without hesitation the orders you transmit to her except to be surprised later by her own attitude exercise to achieve psychic rap Rosman sit in your room in front of a mirror and imagine that your image is that of another person remain calmly seated breathe quietly and stare at this image benevolently as you stare at it think of the other person I want to do you all the good that I am capable of and even better going so far as to sacrifice I am ready to do anything to make you happy my main care is to serve your interests in the best way it is evident that this statement is by no means a reflection of the truth if you are a Salesman or a businessman your interests are your main concern but you cannot allow the subconscious mind to transmit this thought to the other person by telepathy because it would become psychically defensive instead instead you want her to open wide the doors of her spirit to receive your telepathic messages with as Little Resistance as possible and to regard them as her own at least for a time you will then have established a psychological rap Rosman with her how to realize that the psychological wall is about to give way when you have established rap Rosman with the other person you will suddenly feel the resistance that was resisting the telepathic pressure you exerted on his or her spirit diminish it is as if you had struggled to drag a huge log into the darkness to put it against the wall and that all of a sudden it had turned into a hole in the wall into which it would enter without any difficulty this is what you feel when the psychic wall gives way at first you will not feel this impression you may even think that your psychic orders are either completely accepted or completely rejected by the other person if the other person is in front of you you will be more aware that the wall is about to give way the moment this happens if you are in the habit of telepathy you will have already had to experience this impression perhaps during a public meeting you were not at all influenced by the people who were near to you then all of a sudden a new face appeared and attracted you in such an irresistible way that your heart jumped in your chest and almost prevented you from breathing your tongue became paralyzed despite the desire you had to speak to this person despite the emotion you pretend to care about her and let her disappear perhaps forever from your life but you will remember her eternally with deep regret probably the other person also had the same feelings for you that is why your reaction was so violent each of you felt the psychological wall giveway and each of you felt immense upset learn to establish psychic rap Rosman as long as you feel the psychological wall giving way when you feel it giving way and that could not be too late you will be ready to guide the thoughts of others fourth stage how to guide the thoughts of others both words and images can be used to effectively guide the thoughts of others both methods are effective but one is more effective than the other depending on the circumstances the method consisting of using imagery is more effective with strangers the verbal one is more conducive when it comes to your family and Intimates this is for several reasons strangers have not heard you speak often it may be that we have never heard you they are not accustomed to either talking to you or listening to you conditioned reflexes caused by encounters between you have not Arisen in their subconscious it may even be that they expect from you a voice and a way of speaking completely different from yours when you have gained sufficient experience it will matter little which method you use but at first it will be useful for you to apply the visual method with strangers and the verbal method in the family and with Intimates they are conditioned by your verbal relationships and will better assimilate verbal messages how to guide thought by means of image if it is an outsider choose well the target you want to use to subdue him this applies equally well whether to a prospective client a new sufferer or a new customer let the mental image of the means you have carefully chosen to dominate him penetrate well into his Spirit by thinking of it yourself and transmitting it to him let it float in the air and open a passage beyond the wide open doors of his spirit and keep it te before him mobile and well alive do not create a static lifeless image a dynamic Living Image projected by your spirit and representing the stranger in the act of doing exactly what you want him to do will captivate his subconscious and prevent him from closing the doors to your thought messages a vivid and seductive image never causes boredom boredom is an obstacle to psychic rap appr man except when it is used for hypnotic purposes do not project the image for too long three or four seconds will suffice withdraw it before the stranger subconscious resists it if it becomes conditioned to resist your messages all future efforts to guide its thoughts may prove feudal never transmit the same image to the same person more than once the next time you transmit an image to her to guide her thoughts use one that is different from the previous one try to meet the stranger a short time later and to guide his thoughts switch from image form to verbal form because the image May Tire him very soon the human Spirit soon tires of things that are not renewed now learn how Kazuma The Secret of stron re operates superstitious people of ancient times said that Sorcerers had connivance with the devil but Sorcerers also used mental imagery by concentrating on their desires for for a long time and projecting them they were able to acquire an amazing power of mental representation and the psychic power brought them extraordinary success in their confessions they revealed the methods they used most admitted the following facts one they would fix their attention on other people or their animals and two they would focus on the mental image of these people or Animals by transmitting waves to them that contained the curses with which they wanted to load them these were such powerful waves that The Magicians were able to shake the psyche of these people deeply and very often make them really sick more secrets of Witchcraft another method admitted by Sorcerers and magicians in their confessions was psychometry they would obtain objects belonging to those they wanted to make their victims hold them in their hands to establish astral contact with the owners to whom they transmitted evil waves this method was found to be most effective other sorcerers fashion clay or wax figurines depicting victims pierced them with countless pins and cursed them daily they thought that these figurines possessed a supernatural power and allowed them to attract wishing curses from the sorcerer evidently this was not the case the figurines served the sorcerer only as targets onto which he projected his mental representations they also helped him to represent his victims more clearly and more easily such figurines were used exactly like your own image reflected in a mirror when you stare at it imagining it to be that of another person which allows you to project your psychic power onto it one could arrive at the same result without resorting to this means of support which nevertheless gives us a necessary security nevertheless if you become too accustomed to a means of support it becomes impossible to do without it this support does not possess any power in itself it simply gives you security nevertheless the fact that it does not possess psychic power does not imply that you do not possess any either this is also true of sorcerers the fact that their wax or Clay figurines do not possess psychic power per se does not mean that Sorcerers do not only their pruning was not a necessarily Supernatural power instead it was most evidently a power of thought transmission developed to an extreme and irresistible degree you can realize the extent of such Power by putting it in the service of good you could use it to help others overcome disease to instill in them courage and ambition to persuade them to make a wise decision arsenic is a deadly poison but it is also an effective medicine if it is used by the doctor how to project the mental image that helps guide others the mental image is more effective if Jon or Joan expect it and agree to receive it for example if Johnny is convinced that you love him and want to help him he will be be more receptive to your projection if he does not trust you his subconscious will reject you when he receives your telepathic message whether he is prepared for it or not therefore you will learn Kazuma earlier in the beginning if you know John well and if you already know that he is devoted to you now suppose that Jon lacks self-confidence and you want to make him acquire it to enable him to better realize his possibilities you could directly insufflate it into him but his devouring doubts would risk assailing him again after your departure fill the Gap by intensifying the projection of the image you want to instill in him look fixedly at a photograph of Jon or hold an object that belongs to him and imagine the scene about him that you would like to see come true if he suffers from inferiority complexes imagine him brimming with confidence if he is a pessimist picture him as an optimist who attracts Good Fortune to himself if he doubts his ability to succeed and also his ability to find a good fit picture him in an advantageous position now send this perfectly processed mental image toward his conscious Spirit project toward him a mental image so perfect that it settles into his spirit and erases the contrary image he has made of himself however the projection of this mental image must not remain planted indefinitely in his Spirit as long as you cease to project it it will become evanescent it will therefore be necessary to project it again a few minutes later continue the projection at regular intervals for about 10 minutes repeat the operation in the same way the next day during the evening repeat it several evenings in a row if you are almost sure that John is at home one session will certainly be insufficient if Jon is convinced that he will never succeed or if he is an inveterate pessimist the additional effect of supports the picture of JN which you are looking at and which serves as your support will not increase the power of the mental image you project toward him John and it is this that will enable you to Anchor the image more deeply in his spirit for he will immediately recognize himself in the mental image you project to him if you did not have his picture right in front of you you might portray Jon a little differently than he is in features and demeanor and he might as a result not recognize himself in the mental image as you would project it this is why magicians would introduce pin into the wax or Clay figurines depicting their eventual victims they would leave out nothing that would add any veracity to the projection of their mental images artists use models for this same reason most of them could perfectly well paint or draw without a model but with models to guide them the paintings or drawings remain closer to reality while still leaving room for imagination the power of the Kazuma the projection of the mental image on the plane of psychometry when you hold an object belonging to John you already know that it is his and that he is attached to it by means of a direct astral contract he may not be aware of it but the contact has been established when you later project your mental thought toward him his chances of receiving it perfectly increase if Jon is participating in a discussion in a sports competition if he is looking for accommodation or if he is about to give an important examination and if you fear that he will be impressed it is the ideal time to incite him with the help of Kaza it may be that you know approximately where and when the event will happen for at that time JN will be very receptive to your psychic or verbal Suggestions by projecting to him at that precise moment an image of him brimming with confidence and convinced of his success there is a high probability because you will be able to suggest him decisively it may even be that your intervention will completely change his way of looking at things in the West Indies the author's father saw a man save his own brother who was about to drown by projecting to him from the shore a mental image that magnified his maybe tenfold and enabled him to struggle superhumanly and escape death civilized black magic in action it may be that Elsa your neighbor despises you solely because she is envious of your physique your position your wonderful hair your enchanting smile your well-groomed appearance or whatever these constant thoughts although not directed against you systematically conspire to attract to you the effects of black magic wherever you encounter it you feel uncomfortable and unwanted as if it wants to avoid you you even have the impression probably accurate that not only does she think about you but that she speaks at length about you to her husband and certainly not in laudatory terms there is no personality so solid that without being shaken can withstand such a permanent injection of psychic Sal know after a very short time such a situation makes you hyp sensitive if a rock bounces near you on the sidewalk you would swear it was thrown by Elsa you feel you are less and less safe and your very expression becomes transformed evil Elsa notices detests you even more and wishes you more harm the Vicious Circle continues until it becomes impossible for you to live near her while preserving calm and serenity you lose your sense of humor get angry at Elsa and fear her when you meet her on the street you look at her with distrust you lose your appetite and sleep even if you don't lose weight by the blink of an eye you lose vitality and your personal and professional life suffer if these are not the signs of black magic what are they then how to neutralize civilized black magic it is difficult for you to escape the constant injection of psychic poison emanating from Elsa unless you leave the neighborhood but because it pleases pleases you it will be necessary for you to make use of self-defense on the psychic plane waste neither time nor strength in trying to prevent Elsa's mental projections from deteriorating your spirit this would only cause you to lose Vitality close your spirit's mind completely to everything about her by doing a complete blank or think of something pleasant and let Elsa run out of steam to pour her bad thoughts into your spirit which will no longer be receptive exercise imagine that you meet Elsa on the sidewalk immediately think back to the wonderful movie or soccer game you saw recently see again your favorite actor in his part or the team champion in his tryy out follow this thought for at least 10 minutes until you have forgotten Elsa by engaging in this way for 10 minutes you will avoid being upset by her black magic after she leaves the more sensitive you are the more you are condemned to loneliness and the more this kind of situation perturbs s you you must therefore learn to neutralize thoughts quickly by learning this exercise well and applying it with reason you will save yourself from ending up with hostile and resentful thoughts toward this person practice this exercise until you can easily apply it when needed examples of the Indescribable power of mental image first example the Trinidad planter Jonas cook a brutal sugarcane planter treated VA his workers like slaves this happened in Trinidad in the 19th century he mistreated and punished them mercilessly many of them died young no longer knowing what saint to turn to the workers sent one of their own to the wizard Bean promising him a barrel of molasses if he could save them Bean accepted the bargain and sent the worker back with a small package back at the plantation the envoy gathered the other workers and opened the package it contained a clay figurine repres presenting a human being with a green leather strap around his neck at the moment when Jonas cook Was preparing to retire for the night he discerned the figurine on the sideboard none of the servants looked as if they knew what it was but they murmured that it was a bad Omen and might even foretell death by strangulation Jonas mocked them but since he knew his workers did not love him he decided to be very careful a week passed then two then three without anything happening the clay figurine continued to stare indifferently at Jonas from the top of the sideboard Jonas would not make up his mind to make it disappear for fear of confessing his fears but he felt uncomfortable during the fourth week he had a bout of malaria that got worse Furious he sent a servant to call the nearest doctor when the doctor arrived he found Jonas dead he had contracted pneumonia and drowned himself in mucus when the doctor learned the story of the statuette he could find nothing on the corpse that would change his diagnosis about the cause of death what was surprising was that the figurine always towered over the sideboard but it was decapitated as the green leather strap had dried out it had shrunk Tighter and Tighter until it clutched the head of the figurine breaking it off Bean the magician still had this mental image in Jonas's spirit so that as the green leather shrank Jonas would get sick and die himself Bean knew how long it would take the strap to shrink to the point where it would decapitate the figurine and every day sent telepathic messages to Jonas subconscious mind the fact that Jonas knew himself guilty and felt disturbed by the presence of the statuette made him receptive to the evil psychic currents the man's appetite and physical stamina declined and he was stricken with a disease current in the tropics malaria then his fears increased and from then on he he was an easy victim for Bean's Maneuvers aimed at his death second example the Panama Farmer at the time of the construction of the Panama Canal a farmer gasti aoro owned a farm 5 km from the town of aguadulce there were two routes leading from the farm to the town the shorter one was a Meandering path for 3 km through the woods while the longer one was a road full of dry mud all zigzagging that covered a five tiring kilometers there was only one black spot to take the shorter route gasti aoro had to cross the farm of his old enemy pretelt the ladder had warned several times gasti aerus from entering his property and had threatened him with harm if he did not obey him one day when gasti aoro had again sneaked all the way into pretelt Farm on his way to aguadulce he was suddenly seized by a terrible cramp in his legs despite desperate efforts he could no longer lift his legs off the ground immediately he suspected pretelt coming toward him with a stifled giggle buenus di seor gasti aoro he told him with a reverence and a big scape with his Sombrero since you so enjoy being in my lands do me the pleasure of being my guest for 2 or 3 days the cramp in his legs became paralysis and gasti ooro told pretelt how he had been reduced like this what a Pity replied pretelt mocking him but what does it matter since you like to give him this place the evil eye I cast on you really worked what do you say senor cried Gast aoro desperately did you say the Maloo but yes certainly replied pretelt with a smirk of satisfaction I have cast a spell on you to prevent you from passing through my lands until I remove the nail I have planted on the footprint of your Footsteps in a spot over there in response to gasto zoro's frantic prayers pretelt admitted that the spell would be valid only within his property but not on neighboring lands and with a great laugh of satisfaction he walked away giving him a big hat salute and throwing him up bua no chase Senor my farm is yours stay there as long as you like and don't worry about the mosquitoes tonight what does it matter if they throw themselves at you by the hundreds your lean will be much Fuller and More Beautiful after their bites truly ombre could you wish for a cheaper Beauty treatment gasti aoro spent a hellish night screaming for help and feverishly trying to chase away the countless waves of giant mosquitoes that burst upon him and indulged in a feast by morning he was covered from head to toe with huge blisters was no longer himself and was on the verge of Hysteria as the already hot sun rose the insects gradually retreated to the nearest swamp and gasto Zoro ever paralyzed tortured his brain to come up with everything he knew about witchcraft completely exhausted and weakened from Hunger but terrified of spending another day and night in that Dreadful situation he made another desperate effort to free himself he took off his jacket and tore it in two parts with a superhuman effort he managed to slip one under one foot immediately it became normal again on the verge of fainting with joy He Slipped the other half of the jacket under the other foot with his feet wrapped in the two pieces of the jacket he hesitantly headed for your farm near the staccato at the edge of pretelt farm gasti aoro spotted a nail hammered into the footprint of one of his steps he tore it off freed his feet from the rags that wrapped them and found that he was no longer under the effect of the spell cast on him by his enemy he had all of a sudden become a sadder but wiser man as he walked away he heard pretelt huge laugh the mental image pretelt projected onto gasti aoro to subdue him had found receptive ground because the latter felt guilty and pretelt had already threatened him when pretelt drove the nail into gasto zoro's footprint and pictured this nail driven into his neighbor's foot nailed to the ground this mental image appeared in the culprit spirit so realistically and vividly that he accepted it as a fat comple and his subconscious nailed his feet to the ground third example the Ws of lovers in anti ity this happened several centuries ago and still happens in the present day in some localities girls would pull out some locks of their Lover's hair and braid them to make a small bamboozle symbolizing the object of their love then they would braid some strands of their own hair to make a doll symbolizing themselves they would place the baby dolls facing each other separated by a distance equal to the height of their lovers each day they would pull the dolls a few inches close closer together when they get close enough to touch each other the belief was that it was time to get married this same process but this time in the opposite direction was used to remove an undesirable Suitor a rival or any bad Omen it is evident that if the girls achieved the desired purpose they did not owe their success to the symbolic puppets but to the mental images these puppets helped them project the mental images were helped certainly by the psychological and psychometric results of the braided hair fourth example the costumes of Oriental lovers Mirza was burning with the desire to seduce kaffer she called his image into her spirit and courted him in an attempt to seduce him when she led the maneuver continuously kaffer found it difficult to resist her Mira could even attract to herself an unknown man from anywhere in the world all she needed to do was to focus on the image of her ideal and he would come to her in the desire time it is what is called the Clairvoyance of spirit it is not a mystery many of us have applied this method without even realizing it they projected mental images through space until they reached the suitable human being to receive them this immediately established a relationship between two people and Drew them to each other fifth example couples bearing twin rings on their fingers containing a lock of hair for each were bound to each other forever with nothing to separate them exercises that enable people too by into the practice of Kazuma and use it too achieve worthwhile goals exercise when you are a woman and you want to win Albert Radford obtain a photograph of him or an object that belongs to him if in order to do this you have to resort to illegal or condemnable schemes you had better do without sit or lie down in the darkness of your room close your eyes and imagine Albert in his bed but not yet asleep this is the best time to project effective psychic power create in your spirit an image of yourself as you would like to settle it in Albert's Spirit picture yourself dressed elegantly and suggestively looking young in attractive and in a friendly and seductive attitude recreate this image in your spirit until it is so perfect in every detail that you really have the impression of seeing yourself in front of you in the dark project this mental image into Albert's conscious spirit and hold it for a second or two immediately afterwards withdraw it for a minute or two or until you feel rested enough to begin the projection again and begin the procedure again start again the next day evening but you must be almost certain that Albert is at home in bed otherwise the projections would lose Vigor in trying to find him they will moreover have no effect unless with practice you have acquired extraordinary psychic power if he is in the company of of another woman whom he likes very much or if he is enjoying the company of friends if you repeat these projections for several evenings in succession however you are very likely to find him at home in bed a word of advice do not project the same image of yourself every night if you manage to make contact with him more than once he may get used to this image it is understood that he does not recognize this image as a mental image emanating from you but as the image he makes of you himself this is what makes the process effective it is therefore necessary for you to project a different image of yourself every evening adorned with a new and Well Done hairstyle new slippers with a new robe Etc date attractively but in an atmosphere that makes Albert feel at home second exercise imagine that you want Mr Darby your principal to give you a promotion or a faster pay raise in such a case it would be preferable for you to have in your possession an object that belongs to him a pencil for example do not however turn into a Despicable Thief to get hold of it Kazuma can be useful to you even without the help of psychometry you will only need to create a more perfect mental image in any case if your mental images do not approach Perfection the projections will not give you the expected successes sit in your room or lie on your bed as for exercise one and imagine Mr Darby in his home getting into bed now try to reach his conscious Spirit unless he is very annoyed with office matters you should succeed very soon next create a flattering image of you in the office men three work for him and get it into his Spirit portray yourself in circumstance requiring speed and Effectiveness as you fulfill your tasks perfectly instill in his Spirit at once the fear that you are looking for a better fit and the fear of having to train another employee who may prove less efficient than you since most people hate to change their habits such apprehension will find fertile ground in him as an exercise one project your image men such for only one or two seconds rest for one or 2 minutes and begin the projection again repeat the operation several times the next day start again this time however imagine another situation in which you must demonst at your efficiency Show Yourself performing another task just as brilliantly he must not get used to seeing you three men doing the same job over and over again this would make him lose the enthusiasm to admire you give him the impression that you are indispensable for such a large number of reasons that he cannot permit himself to let you go warning when the next day you stand before Mr Darby it is necessary that nothing in your attitude should make him suspect your your strategy of the day before practice other exercises of your own invention but always following the procedure already indicated of course you will have to live up to at least a good part of your mental imagery in order for it to bear fruit you cannot be an unattractive and unkempt woman nor a mediocre employee on whom you cannot rely and hope that mental images alone will impress your man or principle when you combine mental images with reality the chances of achieving your goals are H hundredfold Third Law how to guide others thinking with verbal suggestions the verbal suggestions learn now to guide others Thinking by verbal commands and forget about projected mental images this law is most effective if you are in front of John or Joan this way of influencing people with words should be presented in the form of advice however you must not give the impression that you are giving advice it must appear that you are simply stating facts never say to JN or Joan smoke less it is better for you to say you should smoke less JN why fool around with lung cancer don't say go to bed at night and get more rest but you would feel better in the morning Johnny if you went to bed earlier too rigid an attitude prevents psychic Union a friendly attitude maintains it you are aware of this in everyday life when you talk to people in your environment first example how to get a seller to show you all his items you are a shy buyer as almost everyone is but you do not want to buy the first Rd CLE you are shown you want to see and even try on several items before you decide you do not want to overpay for what you want and you tell yourself that the seller will not want to bring out too many things to please you dominate it by means of verbal orders examine with interest what he shows you first first but hesitate visibly and reflect directly to him this interests me very much but there may be some other thing that suits me perfectly show me some other thing and we will see at that moment tell him this is not exactly what I wanted do you have anything else your manner your intonation do not beg him to show you anything else he must not think he is doing you a favor you must induce him to think that you are in even more of a hurry than he is but that you will not be an easy customer to live with on the other hand you have already sent him a verbal order indicating that the article really interests you but that he should show you other things this stimulates his enthusiasm he thinks that you are very interested in his merchandise but that you do not want to be forced to buy a few things hastily if this second item still does not satisfy you think turning to him I prefer this but it is still not what I want is that all you have take a good look at it however but hesitate conspicuously much more than you did for the first article you even pretend to sigh the seller now convinced that you are dying to buy but hiding your feelings from him he will soon go looking for some other thing for you do not look too closely at the item this time if it is not yet what you want instead make yourself look desperate at the thought that after all he may not have what you want say to yourself but for for him it's almost this but and shake your head sadly now the salesman will go looking for everything he owns to show it to you second example how to incite an undecided Suitor to ask you in marriage Richard has been dating you and for 2 years has accompanied you out assiduously you know that he is very much in love with you but has not yet asked you to become his wife you wonder if he ever will last month he happened to invite Joan a few times you know he is the man for you but he is too shy to ask you in marriage or he prefers to remain celibate while still dating you or perhaps Joan is maneuvering him you love Richard but you are too proud to take the first step on several occasions you were sure he was about to take the first step on several occasions you were sure he was about to make up his mind but nothing happened no doubt he deceived Lees you or he is the one who changed his opinion use verbal suggestion to push Richard to declare himself the next time you see him when you are both alone and the time seems propitious suggest to him with your thoughts it is time Richard it is time do not think of a marriage proposal that would be too direct an order that might cause him to flare up he must instead think that the idea comes from him sink deep enough into the couch so that your head rests on his shoulder not only will this increase physical contact but it will prevent you from plunging your eyes into his you must not look too impatient you want him to always think that the idea is coming from him keep thinking toward him say it soon now Richard don't make a long speech say it soon simply dear and let's finish it squeeze his hand more tightly in yours and let go abandoning yourself on his shoulder remain silent for a few moments to allow him time to assimilate your mental suggestions think say it now Richard darling will you marry me that is all you have to say say it Ricardo if you don't do it now someone else may do it instead of you say it soon it's easy darling will you marry me it's that simple it may be that your words sound too much like orders but impose it it and abandoning your head on his shoulder clasp his hand in yours things need to be decided quickly you must therefore be more insistent and more persuasive in your suggestions chances are high that he will declare himself now if he does not ease the pressure of your hand on his nevertheless do not give up the game you have just begun to now stop him from Thinking by flattering him you will find in the fifth law a whole list of suitable flatteries otherwise his subconscious mind may get used to your menial suggestions and resist them continue to caress him then plunge into a pleasant silence before you begin again to mentally suggest that he ask you to marry him Richard it must be done this evening I am so well disposed to welcome your application do it soon Ricardo and I will accept it immediately we are so made for each other squeeze his hand very tightly in yours again then loosen your grip and lightly caress his fingers with your thumb just say darling will you marry me if he didn't last time it is very likely that this time he will ask you in marriage if he doesn't make no further attempts that night but after he leaves project mental images to him of the two of you married and happy in your Hearth also project to him images of the two of you attending evenings with other couples and having the time of your lives project to him images of your home life with two beautiful children and Richard in charge of this little world and treated like a pcia only project images to him that Overlook at him don't suggest now that he ask you to marry him but you are not forbidden to propose images of the two of you on your honeymoon in the imminence of meeting him again suggest to him again with the thought of asking you to be his wife do not order him to do so but imagine him asking the question when you are reunited again and the time is propitious apply again the method of mental suggestion to incite him to ask you in marriage if he is truly made for you this time your efforts should be successful third example how Tio get rid without offending her of a person who wastes your time you are in a great hurry but you meet old Bill he is a nice old retired man who has all the time you can't just walk past him and throw him a good morning goodbye I'm in awful hurry bill is very sensitive and would think you are avoiding him because it is very difficult to stop him greet him as if you are excited to see him do not give him the impression at all that you want nothing more than to leave him do not ask him about his health but tell him that he is looking very good do not give him an opportunity to talk about his real or imagined ills but continually repeat mentally I'm late for work bill I need to leave you right now right now before he questions and latches on to you look at your watch and exclaim what am I so late today sigh deeply and think toward him you are kind Bill tell me to hurry shake his hand warmly and say to yourself one of these days Bill we'll spend a good deal of time together up front but I have to go now I'm not being rude I love you too much shake his arm affectionately and leave immediately outing I'll see you again soon evidently you cannot be as polite to him as if you had stopped to chat with him all morning you must do as well as you can under the circumstances note you will be amazed at the effectiveness of verbal suggestion it penetrates into Bill's subconscious and prompts him to do what you want him to do as long as it is not something dishonest or dishonorable fourth found law how to acquire an irresistible look the previous three law laws taught you how to influence Jon or Joan directly while the laws that follow how to increase your ascendancy over them they will also bring you material gains to achieve this psychic dominance alone would not be sufficient the irresistible look the irresistible look like everything related to mental dominance is best acquired through thought cunning women and men can employ irresistible gazes and fool people most of the time but they are soon found out if they use irresistible looks for dishonest purposes they must be wary of the law if they are dishonest their irresistible gaze is only a pantomime certain kinds of irresistible looks are not recommendable there is little to be gained after all by being shrewd and disappointing moreover when you have nothing to fear from the law you acquire a piece of mind that expands the disarming power of your irresistible gaze how your irresistible sight produces I it S effect on others although it receives a boost from your spirit its effects on Jon or Joan are immense it affects the spirit of the one you dominate by suggesting to him that you are well disposed toward him this Fosters spiritual union he regards you as a long-lost twin brother as the only person in the world who thinks and feels things exactly like him the power of the irresistible sight almost everyone judges the expressions of others from when they remember more typical expressions of child childhood parents and friends when they were in a bad mood their expression was Stern when they were happy their expression was pleasant these individuals had natural and Elemental reactions in front of them few have met or attended enough thinkers to understand that a Stern expression can also accompany great concentration or intense application few two have attended enough skilled simulators to conceive that a pleasant expression can be coupled with hypocrisy and yet it is Perfectly Natural to regard a Stern expression as the very appearance of a hostile and coarse nature and a phous expression as the very appearance of an understanding nature full of regard for others coarse and unkind people look unpleasant it is fact although they do not necessarily appear severe while understanding inconsiderate people look pleasant but not necessarily sweet and kind as a result almost everyone struggles to define the character of people in their environment simulators will be all this by Instinct and take advantage of it by using the irresistible gaze the two essential qualities of the irresistible look the irresistible look possesses characteristics that are instantly liked characteristics that indicate to people that you have a Kind and Generous personality a mindset and an attitude that are favorable to them the exercises you need to practice to apply this law will teach you how to acquire this irresistible look to make use of it immediately to make the best use of these exercises you will need to know what this irresistible gaze consists of it has two essential qualities First Quality total absence of tension on the face this indicates that you are easy to treat and easy to be around that you are kind and do not like corals that you are easy to please and have no tendency to offend people that you would not try to dominate others or look down on them the total lack of tension on your face indicates that you can be turned to in case of need that you are without m but at the same time quite intelligent that you are not a cunning and Sly simulator it indicates that you are much younger than you actually are that you are loyal to friends and practically loved by everyone when you are with other people this lack of tension consoles them of mental aberration doubts and fears about their personal charm those without an attractive personality live in constant fear of being abandoned ignored despised and even insulted by others when they meet someone who possesses the irresistible look they Rush at him in fact you must be careful that they do not cling to you for a long time second quality you show immense interest in Joan or Jon by the expression of your eyes lips and features the interest you show them will cause Jon or Joan to think that you want to come to their aid by being their friend and defending them this interest indicates that you have a healthy spirit and will and energy necessary to help them in a good way it indicates that you will not ask to be paid for everything you do to acquire this quality you need your eyes to be alert and fixed on their Private Affairs a Shifty look suggests A sly investigator while a straight attentive gaze implies a sincere interest in the individual himself a flattering feeling that few experiened during their lifetime nothing can make Jon or Joan Ben sooner than this gaze can how to by the irresistible look in summary the two major qualities of the irresistible look are one a total lack of tension on the face two the interest you show in Jon or Joan with the expression of your eyes mouth and features in general learn to acquire these two qualities and make use of them 10 exercises to acquire the psychic impulse that produces the irresistible gaze exercise won the life of the spirit repeat the exercise learned in the first law sit quietly alone in your room imagine that you suddenly meet somewhere the hateful Lily this unpleasant encounter stretches your features and gives your face an expression of anger then immediately stare at the wall facing you at any point located at I level remain quietly seated and think to escape the tension created by stopping to really think point point point a simple dot on the wall wall is not enough to awaken your interest and so you stop thinking exercise to the total extension now that you have emptied your spirit relax your face you should feel the muscles of the forehead cheeks and lips relax also relax the rest of your body especially your feet and hands so that your fingers are in a normal position and your toes stop digging into the saws of your shoes but make sure the chest does not sag good posture has an important function in the domain men such total relaxation adorns the face with a peace and beauty that is often noticed on the face of certain people just after death it is an element of natural beauty you will not be able to relax your muscles from the first attempt but train until you are completely aware of the muscles of the tongue and throat those of the eyes hands and feet total chin relaxation will relieve your nervousness as well exercise three limited activity this exercise and the next will get you used to maintaining an irresistible look even when the body is in action then stand up and walk around the room but work only the muscles of the lower limbs all other muscles must be at rest boxers train themselves to relax even when they slide into the ring with their fists closed ready to throw a punch or receive one even when they throw a jab their body is relaxed until the precise moment moment when the punch hits the opponent it is only at that moment that the body stiffens to reach the rigidity of Steel this is also true for the swimmer the golfer the dancer the acrobat and the skilled worker exercise for too mask your pricacy keep your face relaxed as you walk around the room become increasingly aware of the muscles in your face and relax them as soon as you feel them tense get in the habit of doing this wherever you are and whatever you do this is another secret to acquiring the irresistible look if you look at yourself in the mirror while relaxed you will notice that your eyes look bigger younger and more innocent than usual never try to have a Discerning look keep your perspicacity to yourself it is necessary that others do not find out this would prevent you from exercising mental dominance over them if the one in front of you thinks he can easily deceive you or make you his victim he will love you even more clever imposters go to Great Lengths to pass themselves off as fools in order to snare their eventual victims when they are not alert the clever impostor well realizes that people are always looking for a bargain so he lets them think they are about to be cheated while it is he who cheats the clever salesman makes his customer think he is dealing with a naive person willing to give him the goods this is also the case with the Amoroso if the seller or the Amorous One lets their interlocutor believe that they are dealing with a shrewd person they are wary instead it is convenient to be regarded by a prospective buyer as a seller who is stupid enough not to realize the value of the goods in his hands people deal more willingly with this type of seller this explains that by masking your perspicacity you can make a fortune exercise five superactivity of certain muscles now you are about to come to a test that requires more difficult muscle activity lift a very heavy object or do a fairly difficult exercise let the muscles involved in lifting the object or doing the exercise work and contract at the same time stretch the muscles of the forehead eyes cheeks lips and tongue classical dancers train themselves to smile pleasantly while doing difficult movements when posing for the photographer athletes relax their faces and smile while supporting huge weights exercise 16 P Mas concentration pick up a serious book and read it earnestly or even try to solve a problem or understand a theory exposed therein your forehead will contract as it normally does whenever you reflect neutralize this effect by relaxing every muscle of your face again repeat the operation with different books exercise s the trick consisting and talking to a flower stand in front of a mirror and speak spontaneously to an imaginary crowd about something thing you know well but which requires a lot of thought or teach this imaginary crowd in private how to practice a specialty in which you Excel see to it that the facial muscles do not contract stretch those of the forehead eyes and lips the muscles of the lips and tongue will automatically contract and relax as you speak but keep the larynx relaxed like an experienced speaker whenever your arousal increases and you are tense decongest your facial muscles and continue as if you were speaking to a flower in effect really address a flower or other inanimate object especially in the beginning this will save you the discomfort you might feel when speaking to Jon or Joan it is addressing yourself to someone that makes you contract speaking the stutterer would no longer stutter on the telephone if he knew that the line is broken speaking to a flower will allow you to relax completely and more easily as you talk to him keep your complete mind aware of your facial muscles and relax them as soon as they contract when they are relaxed your eyes will no longer look at the flower with fixity but will resume their natural Mobility your voice will improve because the flower's intelligence is not likely to make you uncomfortable you do not have the impression that it is analyzing you or looking for weaknesses in your speech by talking to the flower you can correct all the mistakes without being intimidated in the least the flower has neither the ability nor the desire to ridicule you in addressing it do you feel calm your voice becomes warmer your sentence is more rhythmic words are spoken more clearly and your choice of vocabulary improves because your power of concentration is total exercise 8 the secret power of the flower stand in front of the mirror again and look straight into each other's eyes as you would into Jon's or Jones but instead of seeing your own image you see that of the flower keep talking as if you were talking to him despite all your efforts to remain relaxed you are about to contract so turn back to the flower continue talking to it and relax again once relaxed look again at your image in the mirror and turn to it begin this exercise again until you can look well into the face of your image in the mirror but only see the flower at that precise moment you can speak to your image with the same ease and relaxation with which you would speak to the flower practice this exercise until you own it thoroughly it can very quickly change the course of your life note it matters little what your eyes face when you are dealing directly with someone unless you are in front of your sweetheart the less you see your interlocutor the better as far as the mental dominance you want to exert over him the more you strive to forget the personality of Jon or Joan the easier it will be for you to apply the laws of mental domination being overly conscious of your interlocutor can only make it more difficult for you to apply your techniques and prevent you from achieving the total inner cohesion you need to dominate yourself as you can do instead when addressing a flower in doing this exercise make every effort not to dwell on the details of your interlocutor's features or Expressions trying instead to look him squarely and serenely as if he were looking at the flower he will suspect you for this but he will be amazed at the amazing explosion of mental dominance emanating from your true self exercise 9 and 10 how to extend the secret power of the flower exercise 9 make exercise eight more difficult by looking straight into your eyes and the mirror looking just as well at the rest of your face and body and realizing that they belong to you you can also look straight into the face of a portrait of someone you know in either case address these images as you would address a flower start this exercise again with a good friend or friend until you can speak to them by supporting their gaze without feeling the slightest tension or discomfort exactly as if you were speaking to a flower exercise 10 let your friend interrupt you constantly and ask you embarrassing questions answer such questions but keep your face relaxed as if you were continuing to speak to a flower this exercise will help you acquire charm confidence and a well balanced Spirit exercise to acquire the impression that must accompany the irresistible look although it is is effective to decongest the features to acquire an irresistible look it is nevertheless not enough you must add to it the expression coming from a less than correct attitude again make a vacuum in the spirit stare at a spot on the wall without thinking about anything and with a relaxed face interest yourself with all your strength in this insignificant Point feel ready to do anything to improve it it would perhaps need to be on another wall or it would perhaps stand better closer to the light in a place where it would attract more attention it will obviously be more difficult for you to be interested in a spot on the wall than in a person you like to see on the other hand you will not like the sight of most of the people you meet some will be genuinely likable however you can by simple suggestion awaken in you some interest in them just as you do with the dot on the wall as soon as the person feels that you are really interested in them they are already all yours everyone who works is bound to meet people about whom they care little or nothing but have to hide their feelings and die that they love them here then is a summary of exercise I fix an insignificant spot on the wall two make a blank in Spirit by thinking only of the words dot dot dot until you forget everything else three relax the muscles of the face forehead eyes and lips for fill yourself with the desire to help that point with all the means at your disposal you don't have to think about the means to help it just feel ready too help it do not be impatient to help him like a zealous reformer look at him for a long time with your face relaxed and let your thoughts reflect on your face your eyes will become brighter and your lips will take a pleasant curve when you practice this exercise on people you meet in everyday life life its effects will be felt in your popularity business and you will achieve almost miraculous success caution when applying this method to a person do not simply stare at it pretending to be interested in it act exactly as you did when you walked away with the dot on the wall show that you are impaired to help her as you would for a true friend you cannot achieve these results just by pretending to be interested in her after practicing this desire to help on an inanimate object such as the dot on the wall you can easily apply it to people whether they interest you or not review of the irresistible look at includes two elements one total absence of tension from the face two intense interest in the other person clearly expressed by the eyes lips and gestures acquire the second element by doing a number of exercises that enable you to make a complete vacuum in your spirit to conceal your cunning concentration and other other feeling Minds that have nothing friendly about them to do this you must practice flower power the correct mental attitude and the correct expression to achieve the irresistible look fifth law how to use the Magical Power of Words Pleasant to hear when your irresistible gaze has filled Jon or Joan with faith and confidence in you you will be ready to pass the next important step toward practical and profitable mental Mastery the fifth law how to use the Magical Power of Words Pleasant to hear is the law you now need you must go further converse with your subject and even hang out with him if you want to gain popularity popularity is not about just one person for it to be possible you need at least two to enjoy it you have to attract one or more individuals to you and engage in some kind of Life of work or worldliness whatever it may be up to this point all you have learned of the previous laws is a potential for popularity the necessity of of words Pleasant to hear whatever the strength of your ascendancy over Jon or Joan with what you have learned so far from the laws of Mind domination you can lose it in the twinkling of an eye if you tell them what not to say nothing can hurt or injure it more than a clumsy sentence from a person in whom it or it all of a sudden has confidence that is why now you must study the fifth law how words that are Pleasant to hear act on others by telling people words that please you act on their morale and fill them with joy they feel finally that someone appreciates them as they are there is finally someone who fully understands them and values them at their proper value you have explored their inner sanctum and they accept you as a dearest relative and wish to have you constantly near each person has had enough of the brusk and indifferent attitude of petty people when a person meets one who can talk he is amazed he will do any anything to never break away from you words that are Pleasant to hear are undoubtedly the path that leads most quickly to popularity the eight secrets of pleasant words too here it is impossible to enumerate everything you should say to people to get or keep them in your power it depends a lot on your gender personality and circumstances depending on which things you have to say change even if it didn't you would be wasting your time if you tried to store and remember catch phrases to pull them out when the time comes everyone is wary of Hypocrites who make use precisely of catchphrases however by applying certain secrets you will always know what pleasant words you should say therefore you do not need to remember standard phrases learn these secrets afterwards you should never again worry about the things you need to say to people here are the secrets first secret the magic power of selective judgment make positive judgments about Jon or Joan that emphasize quality ities while completely glossing over them if through gritted teeth they point out their faults don't give reasons do everything naturally without insisting so as not to embarrass them with too obvious flattery be perceptive and bring their qualities to light to point them out right away second secret the disaster effect of prolonged silences unless you are parents old friends or lovers make sure that in your conversations prolonged silence never occur they destroy the ideal relationship created between you by the conversation and give your interlocutor an opportunity to reflect by allowing him to pick up on certain perhaps unflattering judgments of yours prolonged silences also allow your subject to escape the ascendancy of your mental dominance Third Secret ASU consisting in letting the other talk as long as possible during your conversations encourage Jon or Joan to participate for as long as possible to accomplish this ask them questions on familiar topics pretending to attach great importance to the things they tell you that is to say on an intellectual level you must put yourself in the position of a debtor do not attack him by asking him what he does and how much he earns let him himself spontaneously give you this information instead of asking a mechanic how much he earns rather ask him what model of car he recommends you by this year and why these kinds of questions give him the impression that he is an important person who gives good advice this gives him an opportunity to talk to you about something you do not know but which he knows thoroughly if in order to get him to adopt your point of view you have to show him his ignorance of the subject you are discussing do so without looking him straight in the eye and without bombarding him with rigorously logical arguments tell him rather that you know someone who thinks so and so about this subject and describe this person's ignorance for the purpose of identifying it with that of the mechanic this will allow him to save face and he will have no resentment for you fourth secret the careful look when Jon or Joan addresses you or a group of which you are a part do not look aloof or indifferent respond to them with your irresistible gaze and lower your head from time to time to express your approval give them the joy of seeing themselves listen to attentively certainly your attitude should not appear forced Do Not Laugh thunderously whenever he or she jokes dubiously but look genuinely admiring and give them a little word of encouragement whenever the opportunity arises do not look strange enigmatic and discouraging fifth secret why not to avoid allegations don't try to avoid giving praise to Joan or JN when they deserve it compliment them spontaneously even if you are jealous and don't want to admit it if you try to hide it Jon will feel your secret jealousy praising someone does not detract from your personal qualities on the contrary it incites others including gavan or Jovana to consider you an honest guy this helps you preserve your mental faculties by ridding your system of the jealousy you feel for this person whom you will thus attract to you it will finally prevent you from being condemned to morbid Reflections and complaining sixth secret how Tio quickly establish real relationship ships converse courteously with your interlocutor inite John to lead to good the righteous Ambitions on which he relies do not think of your own if it is good do not fail to tell him so do you fear that this will make his head swell why they have been telling him since he was a child he suspects of jealousy all those who do not tell him do not be stingy with compliments but try to compliment him on qualities that are not too visible this will please him even more than the usual compliments lavished on him by others it is not necessary that you keep complimenting him until the end of the conversation but make sure that you do so from the beginning of the conversation in order to establish as soon as possible ideal relations between the two of you he will derive great satisfaction and true physical well-being from this seventh secret it is more prudent too make compliments to one person at a time time do not make your efforts useless by paying compliments to Jon or Joan in front of Paul to whom you gave compliments just before he would consider you a hypocrite compliment a person only when you are alone with her if you compliment her in front of other people unless it is the parents who are proud of her you run the risk of offending them by complimenting each person separately and in private you exercise mental dominance over him much better and offend no one but but do not give the same compliments to all your interlocutors choose for each individual those qualities that are peculiar to him and that you consider worthy of Praise at the end of this law you will find a list of 12 things for men and 13 for women that are very welcome when addressed to them eighth secret direct and indirect compliments do not go from one to the other complimenting everyone you meet also instead of complimenting directly and calling a friend nice guy do it discreetly during the conversation you can tell him when a nice guy like you goes into the legislature or politics he has a definite advantage over his opponents this is sharp and without ostentation the more spontaneous and impersonal your compliments are the more valuable they are they should never seem premeditated and self-interested compliments given unambiguously are most effective when directed at children or employees indirect Compliments are not not successful with them the wood woman also seeks bold and direct compliments subtle praise is most recommended with people of our sex your age and social level the compliments people want to hear one what all men wish to hear a man likes to be told one that he has broad shoulders two that he is tall a if he is small and you are talking about stature tell him that you were sure he was 4 in is taller than he says he is B if he is too tall and narrow of shoulders tell him that his shoulders are extraordinarily broad for his stature three that he is very intelligent four that he has an open mind and is very logical five that he has an intelligent philosophy six who is very much in the know on numerous and various topics seven that he has an imposing and distinguished appearance eight that his attitude commands respect nine that he has a remarkable Spirit 10 that he has the air of a wealthy man and acts like one 11 that he has the air of being good with women 12 that he has an air of Valor and courage it is not essential to attribute all of these qualities to the same man for no doubt they do not all fit him use for each the most appropriate compliments do not name any ow among qualities outside of these and you will not fail to impress all the men you meet two what all women want to hear a woman likes to be told one between the ages of 19 and 90 that she looks 3 to 30 years younger two that you thought she was her daughter's sister three that her complexion is as fresh and sweet as her child's four that her face and body are sexy five that her feet are small and her legs are beautiful six that she has a pretty ankle seven that she wears clothes like a model or a film actress if you mention an actress choose her Young and Beautiful even if the lady you are talking to is middle-aged or definitely elderly eight that her qualities as a cook are unbeatable that she would make a fortune if she opened a restaurant say this even if her chicken is as hard as a shoe so if you are forced to admit that the meat is not too tender blame the butcher but always brag about your host's cooking nine that she is a perfect Hostess 10 that her apartment reveals sure artistic taste and is comfortable 11 that she has a pleasant voice 12 that her hands resemble those of a girl 13 that if you were an artist you would like to do her portrait in a bikini tell her even if she weighs 100 pounds if she jokes about her fatness tell her she has voluptuous curves reread this law carefully and apply its different elements in this case exercises are not necessary but practice what you have learned on all the people you meet in everyday life before the end of the day you will be amazed to see the extent to which your popularity has increased it may be that at first you feel All Out Of Tune it is always a little difficult to employ methods to which you are not accustomed but soon you will feel perfectly minded and a new life will begin for you remember well the things that men and women wish to hear you will see that they are the open sesame of popularity sixth law how to avoid the 13 dangers of words not to say the trouble with saying what one should not say knowing what one should not say to people is no less important than knowing what one should say one misplaced word phrase or judgment can destroy the mental dominance gained over John rejon this is why the sixth law is so important to you in the course of a day almost everyone misses excellent opportunities one after another or fails to impress a bunch of people one after another by not saying what you should at the right time and in the right way those who are not very sensitive to others reactions toward them do not feel that their words offend they only know that those who are diplomatic are successful with others while they are not here are the 13 dangers of words not to say the 13 dangers of words not to say first danger do not pull your nose into others business never bombard anyone no Foreigner in particular with personal questions about how they earn their living their income their family situation their nationality their race their religion their military position never ask a for Foreigner even if naturalized why he came to your country remain impersonal when dealing with personal topics everyone yearns to know what the other is about but you cannot practice mental dominance over one who is on the who's who everyone has the right to have a private life do not force anyone to respond to you harshly and then keep your distance even if the person answered you the truth you would not know his or her true personality nor his or her degree of intelligence nor whether he or she wants you as a friend or would like to work with you nor whether he or she has special knowledge that could be useful to you to get a negligible piece of superficial information you might miss the opportunity to know all these things and even more important ones in any case he would give you all this information himself in the course of the conversation if he did not it means that he would have good reasons for not letting go and that would be within his absolute right second danger don't ask anyone how come you have this pronouncement never ask anyone where their pronouncement comes from virtually all immigrants hope to become citizens of the country they have chosen and where they have become naturalized they do not want to be treated as foreigners moreover it may be that an immigrant has lived in a country as long as you have and has even raised a family there he has no doubt lost all contact with his country of origin your country is his own just then you come along and remind him that he is a foreigner by asking him irritating questions because he feels Like a Man Without a country unless he is a fanatical nationalist consider him a citizen like you if you want to exercise mental dominance third danger do not seriously threaten the interlocker with your finger never act like an examining magistrate with people if your interlocutor proves stubborn and impertinent cleverly changed the subject by asking him a question that distracts his attention from the ongoing discussion never bark all right think as you want I think as I want it really does not matter socially whether or not you can convince your interlocutor that he is wrong therefore Why Try don't even make fun of him or her unless you have known each other for a long time and are in the habit of joking with each other talk about something else rather and when he starts shouting again pretend to be fully of his opinion then change the subject again when in court you are being tried by an impartial jury or when arguing before an impartial audience you have an interest in pointing out your opponent's contradictions but in worldly life all you want is to earn his admiration and therefore you need mental dominance by pointing out his flaws you would create an implacable enemy fourth danger never give Freedom too emotions if Jon or Joan gets crashed during the discussion def reflect them from the topic and cleverly compliment them use one of 12 or 13 things men and women want to hear do not abruptly interrupt the discussion and then leave if underneath you are insulted turn a deaf ear and above all do not respond in fact you must or feel that you have not been touched by these insults and respond as if you had not heard them take care that your voice is not altered and do not give vent to your feelings if he continues to want to bicker smile shrug your shoulders and walk away since he is not a friend why waste your time talking to an enemy as Eisenhower said why do you waste your time even thinking about people who do not love you such an attitude avoids conflict and in your environment you will be admired for your calm and dignified Behavior should this happen at a reception the hostess will bless you at your reception you will be invited but the other person will will not be there it is not by having the last word that you have the upper hand in an argument the one who wins is the one who manages to retain the respect and admiration of those who have the discussion fifth danger do not blame yourself for perverse agulation do not agulate John before Paul only to diminish Paul do not congratulate Pierro on his excellent speech by demeaning Michael who listens to you and speaks badly compliments should be constructive and not destructive not only do they hurt deeply when used as a whip they make the person to whom they are directed uncomfortable instead of attracting the Friendship of one person you lose the Friendship of two since none of them will ever trust what you say to them again it is extraordinary to see how many people play this game and then Marvel that they have no influence over people sixth danger do not be a bad language if you are a bad tongue you will not exercise mental dominion over any anyone backbiting creates a general malaise because it makes people afraid sometimes it may amuse some people but mostly it brings you enemies it divides your friends and relationships into two groups those who love you and those who do not those who love you will continue to be around you but in order to amuse them you must affiliate your tongue on one of them that will be the signal of Doom you do not need to be malif fluous but above all do not be biting never be sarcastic about a religion race nationality or any political party as it would prevent you from exercising mental dominance over anyone seventh danger Municipal meetings do not attract everyone at you unless there is a particular reason to do so in a social Gathering never separate a person to hoard him or her people come together to be all together when groups split into pairs it is a different kind of gathering all hosts try to avoid it because shy guests would find themselves completely isolated don't hold back waiting for them to come looking for you approach a small group you like listen to their talk and gradually participate do not leave it to the hostess to create the atmosphere she has prepared the reception invited friends prepared the house provided the refreshments it is your duty to help her so that her reception succeeds and if it does not because of the guests she will regret the effort made for nothing and for the next reception eliminate certain people eighth danger never show hate in the face of chiches never express hatred for anyone whether the person is present or absent do not allow anyone to believe you are capable of hatred it would shun you even if Jon or Joan agree with you to criticize one of your common enemies criticize this enemy but without venom do not particip participate in thrusting discussions unless you belong to a political group people like to hear about themselves they also like to talk about their own things the appliances they buy to increase Comfort the countries where they have been they also like to talk about people in general but not about things that affect them personally for example in any group that claims to be modern people like to discuss changes to be made in the morals of modern society but no one wants to admit which of the principles to be improved might apply to personally ninth danger do not exhaust a conversation topic do not chat on one topic until you exhausted move on to another as soon as the previous one reaches a throbbing interest to keep the interest of the majority awake you must keep the conversation jumping from one subject to another a subject should not be delved into for too long in order for everyone to find Delight in it the more superficially a subject will be treated the more more enjoyable it will be nor should you sit too long in the same place and with the same group go from one group to another make those contacts you want but do not overstay with someone as you will contribute to the failure of the reception exchange phone numbers or make appointments with people you like but never forget the hostess do not force her to regret inviting you 10th danger when you are with someone of the other sex do not boast about your conquests the man or woman with whom you are with does not want know to hear but of themselves this person has dressed and pred for you and longs to charm you if instead of talking about her you only told her about her Rivals would you be surprised if she was infuriated 11th danger when you are with strangers have neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic an air rather in order to establish ideal relations with them have a somewhat lived in air as long as you need Nei dismissive nor sarcastic above all never confide to strangers nor to other guests at the reception at which you find yourself your secret Ambitions you would only arouse the jealousy or irony of those who listen to you know it is not by bragging and talking about you that you will succeed in exercising mental dominance over others it demands that you completely forget about your ego in order to think only of others 12th danger never give orders at all accept as a joke never speak to people in a commanding tone as if giving orders unless you know them very well and consider this a joke to exercise mental dominance it is much better to speak in an even impersonal tone laugh frankly if they tell good stories if the one who tells funny stories is not very gifted help him by smiling kindly and change the topic of conversation always try to prevent him from feeling uncomfortable do not offend anyone never point out mistakes that others may make or lack of knowledge or information each of us values our dignity if Jon or Joan have wit and also prove to be good comedians do not laugh as you would at a Madman they wish to be considered brilliant even in their buffoonery but no one wants to be mistaken for an imbecile 13th danger never use comparative comments never compliment a person by comparing him or her to someone who looks looks like two peas in a pod unless he or she is a celebrity or really better looking and younger than the person you are addressing even presented in this respect the comparison might displease her especially if she does not regard the other person as beautiful and attractive each of us would like to be one of a kind and would prefer to be admired for our originality however you can afford to compare certain very exceptional traits with those of people in the public eye and with much charm the worst first insult you can make to a well-built man is probably to tell him you are very well-built you remind me of someone with the same gate as you only bigger than you even if it is true that you know this someone never say this phrase to the one to whom you pay a compliment it is the shest way to lose any chance of dominating him mentally never tell a brunette woman that she is very pretty and looks very much like a very pretty but blonde and taller friend of yours whenever you make comparison you take a risk the slightest sign of preference for another person even if it is an insignificant Sign May diminish your opportunities to exercise mental dominance over them instead of increasing them for example by telling Jon that he is better made than Pierro except that Pierro has broader shoulders than he does you have insulted Jon much more than if you had given him no compliment at all likewise for a woman not tall enough with hair not soft enough and with a chest too low one more word to end by avoiding these 13 dangers you will never tell people what you should never say it will be easy for you to maintain the mental dominance you have achieved so far the things people don't want Tio be told what no man wants to be told one that he doesn't Express himself well two that he is getting old three that he acts like an idiot with women four that he is prodigal five that he has no character six that he looks effeminate seven that he is petite eight that he has narrow shoulders nine that he is short 10 that he is perhaps impotent 11 that he doesn't get the joke 12 that he is not smart 13 that he has a bad memory 14 that she has a defective education what no woman wants to be told one never tell her that she keeps well for her age two never tell her that she has white hair three never tell her that she is gaining weight four never tell her that she looks exactly like a woman you know five never ask her age six never ask her if she has been married before seven never ask her if she works if she tells you Fain wonderment and ask how while working she can keep herself so beautiful never give the impression that you take it for granted that she works eight never allude to her varicose veins onions or warts or other imperfections nine never ask her if she has children tell her that she looks like a girl who has led an easy and luxurious life 10 never ask her what size shoe she wears seventh law how to overcome obstacles and make friends by talking to others it is important to say what you say well simply using your lips for the words that need to be said will not help you maintain mental dominance over the person in front of you it may even be that she will regard a simple compliment if it is not done in the right way as offensive sarcasm on your part witty people attract Relentless enmities when their jokes are misunderstood as long as your interlocutor considers you a joker you had better hold your tongue while waiting for him to get to know you better what you say or write to him with subtle humor you risk being misunderstood you may make a fierce enemy of him instead of a sincere friend and what is certain is that you will have lost any chance of exercising mental dominance over him carefully practice the exercises that relate to this law and learn the art of saying what you say well not only must you express yourself clearly and intelligibly but you must give your voice the proper inflection the thought that dominates the words you utter is not enough to combat the impression they may produce if they are said badly the five secrets to saying what you need to say well first secret adjust the volume of your voice to your speech speak neither too loudly nor too softly speaking loudly is Unbecoming and irritating it also draws attention to your faulty behavior and prevents you from exercising any mental dominion over your hearer to maintain and increase mental ion over J or Joan you must not give them the opportunity to discover faults in you that would disappoint them when you speak loudly people may think that you have a habit of bickering and they will turn away from you on the other hand if you speak too softly you fatigue them by forcing them to make an effort to listen to you at some point they will not even bother to listen to you anymore and they will hope that someone will give them a chance to leave without being noticed your sense of humor may be handicapped by the fact that you speak too softly because JN or Joan not having been able to hear one or more words do not know what you want to say and words of wit when repeated lose flavor and yet when you speak too loudly your witty Motts may seem forced and intended only to put you in view by speaking too loudly you give the impression that you want to command while by speaking too softly your attitude may seem serval an exactly modulated voice that is neither too loud nor too soft attracts the audience it suggests a sense of intimacy and surrounds you with an aura of respectability intelligence and Poise it perfectly maintains mental dominance which is aided by the right words second secret you must turn your mind directly to your interlocutor speak to your interlocutor and not I in his Direction imagine your words as they penetrate directly into his body do not speak to him as if he were anywhere around you and should overhear you do not look left and right but straight between his eyes most of the time do not spit words in his face but send your breath in his Direction healthy fresh breath is most important for the exercise of mental Mastery it emanates from the major body cavity and conveys to the other person something about you if it is Pleasant it draws the other person toward you and calms him or her but it must be a healthy breath coming from a well-kept mouth and a digestive tract in good condition when you envelop your interlocutor with a breath like this a Harmony is established between your Halo and his a woman's sweet smelling breath has been spoken of in thousands of poems when you speak to a person and not I in her Direction you are more likely to act on her spirit she feels more important and realizes that she has been distinguished among others to attract someone and have influence over him the best the best way is to give him importance this silences his doubts and prevents him from realizing that with your words and thoughts you are exerting your influence on him it is like when you pet a cat after petting him for a while you can do anything to him gently pulling his tail and even tickling him to a certain extent many things in short that before petting him you could not have afforded when you speak to another person your words take all of him because you have drawn all his attention to you when you speak aan his Direction his attention is divided between you and some other thing not feeling that you distinguish him among others John is not in direct relation with you he has the impression that your words are directed partly toward yourself and partly toward him however when you speak to him he feels that you honor only him and a perfect relationship is established between you it is easy for you then to increase the mental dominance you exercise over him that that is why the best politicians try to address their partisans directly without looking at their notes if the speech is too important to be spontaneous the speaker must know it almost by heart in order to be able to look directly at his audience as much as possible how to give confidence to someone speaking to someone intensifies his or her reactions to you because of the relationship that has been established between you this result is of the greatest importance when you have to for example give confidence to JN orjon to find accommodation to show up for an exam to find a suitable spouse to show up for a sports recital Etc suppose your son Peter has to show up in the morning for a difficult exam to be admitted to high school he has worked hard but does not feel confident after all no one can be absolutely sure of succeeding in an exam and yet if you are confident without being cocky about it you can help the course of events confidence can not only preserve intellectual stamina which is indispensable for coping with an exam but also promotes the Repose of the Spirit by enabling it to think clearly and remember cognitions that under other conditions it might forget telepathy by itself is effective when Peter is already in the midst of an exam to boost his confidence but before the exam begins what you say to him and how you say it to him are the best means of influencing him look him straight in the eye and talk to him do not speak aan his Direction wrap him with your breath your words and your full attention say to him you will see Peter how easy it will be and think in his favor you will succeed without difficulty everyone else is nervous do not point out the fact that he too is nervous it is he who remains calm who succeeds and you will remain calm you will succeed easily thus cre create an entity a psychic Union between Peter and you also by keeping yourself calm and influencing him verbally repeating to him that he will remain calm his nervousness will disappear do not worry about subjects you do not know you should add remember what you know well and you will succeed with extraordinary ease don't make a fly into an elephant relax now and you will see that tomorrow you will succeed Third Secret don't trust don't let the tone of your voice drop when you put the laws of mental domination into practice make sure that your voice does not get too low this would mean that the conversation is over keep your voice at the same level and continue to exercise mental dominance over Jon or Joan this way of speaking rules out any suspicion of rudeness dominance and Bad Manners your interlocutor will infer that you respect him or her and would like to know him or her better even better it establishes a psychic Union between the two of you the other person regards you as a brother as a family doctor as a priest or as a human relations counselor in whom he can have confidence then your influence on him will be immense also not letting your voice lower at the end of sentences indicates that you are calm and self-possessed a lowering voice indicates an authoritarian impatient and brisk temperament while a rising voice indic indicates lack of confidence and dependence a voice that stays the same until the end of a sentence indicates a logical Spirit ready to listen to the voice of reason and not a stubborn and domineering Spirit fourth secret avoid the monotone tone that starts on the other hand do not keep a monotone tone throughout your sentences monotony bores people and makes your speeches produce the effect of a sleeping pill on others a monotone voice and two fast speech always have the same value this way of speaking is sometimes unavoidable when you are caught up in new ideas but in business and worldly relations your words must be clear and intelligible to be effective and you must not speak at a Gallop but do not fall into the opposite Fault by giving your voice too many inflections this will damage your Exposition and you will look like a child or weak-minded do not use inflections that when you imitate someone but not out of habit it is better to modify why your tone of voice a higher or lower tone it is the way you speak that proves most effective fifth secret don't sing while you're talking do not Mark syllables too much this happens when you move too often from the low to the high pitch at that time the voice has to drag the vowel from the top to the bottom of the scale from a high tone to a low tone and back again which takes time in contrast when you speak in an even voice diction is faster because because of the suppression of inflections if you modulate your voice moderately it will be musical enough but not too musical to the point of making you sound like an idiot there are however exceptions to this rule when you make exclamations or welcome Jon or Joan you must lengthen the emphatic vowels of keywords otherwise your welcome would have a distant and unfriendly air once the conversation begins stop expressing yourself in this way since you would risk sounding emotional and stop mentally influencing JN or Joan only if you were playing a character on stage or if you were a famous eccentric could you allow yourself to express your emotions those who do not know you well but who have worldly and business relations with you will only admire you if you have the air of a reasonable and sane citizen so do not dwell on syllables try not to be mistaken for an eccentric or a merry Jester exercise is for saying what you need to say well exercise one to avoid giving orders to you repeat the following orders as if they were not such but simple statements get out of here never return to this house again go and get hanged you are the worst idiot there is on Earth with what you don't know on this subject one could fill books your stupidity cannot be expressed in words don't bother me with that these phrases are offensive and it takes a lot of skill to pronounce them without sounding loaded with hostility they cannot be used in any conversation between civilized people but they are an excellent exercise to train you to never seem authoritarian later when you repeat phrases that are not offensive such as the following but might seem so you have learned to assume the tone of a sympathetic companion legislation is a subject that requires a lot of reasoning this article is exactly what you need this color suits you better than that second exercise to not speak neither too high nor too low read this excerpt taken from cyes toat Del Sid in a quiet and equal voice to train you not to speak either too high or too low oh anger oh despair oh old enemy have I therefore lived so long only for this infamy and am I whitewashed on the works of War only to see wither so many Laurels does my arm which all Spain admires with respect that arm which so many times has saved this Empire Consolidated so many times the Throne of its king betray my cause and do nothing for me and thou glorious instrument of my Deeds but useless ornament of a body already of ice iron once so fearsome but which in this waiting has served me as a parade and not as a defense go leave now the last of men pass to avenge me into stronger hands third exercise too talk to a person in private too this exercise will get you used to speaking to a person and not I am the direction of that person read The Ten Commandments reproduced below as if you were reading them to someone and think about the meaning of each word but do not overdo it one do not take the name of God in vain oh Lord your God for the Lord will not leave unpunished those who take his name in vain two remember to keep the Sabbath day holy for the Lord your God has W it so three you shall do in six days all your work four but the seventh day is the day of rest of the Lord thy God therefore shalt thou do no work neither thou nor thy wife nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant nor thy maid servant nor thy cattle nor the stranger that cometh to thy door five honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee six Thou shalt not kill seven do not commit adultery 8 do not steal nine Thou shalt not bear false witness 10 Thou shalt not covet another's woman nor his house his field his manservant his maid servant his Ox his donkey and all that belongs to him fourth exercise too avoid letting your voice lower repeat the Ten Commandments making sure that the voice does not drop at the end of each one fifth EXC ize how Tio avoids speaking in a monotone mode read The Ten Commandments again but this time give the voice some inflections without mangling the vowels too much drop on the emphatic vowels of important words but fly on the Articles and prepositions except when they are important you cannot give equal importance to every syllable in a sentence if you did your tiate would become labored because it is expressed in the same tone your voice should be soft but not single stringed except when you practice hypnosis or want to put a child to sleep sixth exercise a without being sacrilegious repeat the Ten Commandments by chanting and changing the intensity of your voice go from the lowest to the highest tone note well that you are not convincing B reread them in an irregular voice in the same tone from one end to the other as if you were constantly tapping on the same piano key this will give you an idea of the way you talk when you talk too fast in everyday life it is the way in which you must not speak see repeat the Ten Commandments again giving your voice just the inflections you need and treading on the main syllable of each word this is how you must pronounce to be convincing seventh exercise this exercise will accustom you to using all voice modulations and exclamations by incorporating them into words belonging to the mental domain exclaim emphatically as you you have already learned to do for the rest of the sentences Express Yourself normally try the following sentences Hello Johnny Where Have You Been then since you haven't been seen I was wondering what had happened to you I'm glad that all is well you look as good as ever how is the rest of the FY l y note the effectiveness of these phrases regarding mental dominance although they contain some flattery directly addressed to John they overflow with subtle flattery because they express a certain uneasiness about him I wondered what had happened to you shows him that you had been thinking about him all along although you had not seen him for so long everything else in the speech increases this flattering impression reread these sentences and study their subtlety speak in this way to people even if you only exchange a few words and see what influence you will gain over them exercise 8 practice PR anouncing the monologue below by using everything you learn in these exercises to say what you have to say well remember well the following Secrets a do not speak in a commanding tone B speak neither too high nor too low C speak to a person and not I in his Direction D do not let your voice lower e avoid speaking in a monotone voice which becomes tiring for listeners especially one do not tread too heavily on syllables two put emphasis on the main syllable of all important words and gloss over unimportant words such as articles and conjunctions except when they need to be emphasized the monologue you need to practice on I am truly happy to meet you I was struck from the first moment by your serious and committed air nowadays it is rare to meet someone like you most are superficial because television and other similar interests absorb most of their time I had a great desire to meet you and get to know you better but I did not want to be rude or aggressive Our Guest is a lovely woman isn't she how not too say badly what you want too say well it would seem that all you have to do to do something well is to learn how to do it correctly in other words when you know how to do something correctly you stop doing it badly but things don't exactly work that way during your Apprentice ship it could be that you constantly made the same mistake that caused all your efforts to fail to conclude or that wanting to innovate you employed methods that were less effective than the usual Orthodox ones it is equally important to know what not to do as well as to know what to do you must therefore learn what dangers represent know the things that you don't need to say the three dangers first danger avoid disgraceful manifestations you should never scoff sneer near or whistle at anyone unless you are clowning or imitating someone these manifestations distort your face and mask your irresistible look second danger control your way of laughing Do Not Laugh either too loudly or discordantly on the other hand if you simply smile you risk discouraging your interlocutor third danger avoid jokes and sarcasms do not launch into jokes and sarcasm unless it is humor and provided that your interlocutor also shares it if you do not approve of certain remarks he or she makes let him or her know calmly and respectfully eighth law how to triumph over others and disarm them with conquering acts Miracles performed by conquering acts pantomime telepathy and words Pleasant to hear are essential elements for mental Mastery but they must be supported by conquering acts they are what give the finishing touches Jon and Joan May gloss over many of your faults but they will never gloss over your forgetfulness of the Conquering acts for these literally thrill people it is evident that they have a primordial function in mental Mastery conquering acts are easily learned even people of below average intelligence can study them apply them without much effort and profit enormously from them it is thanks to them that several women neither pretty nor intelligent have found chosen husbands men of very low status have become collaborators with presidents kings and queens no other law will help you more to penetrate every environment how conquering acts conquer others conquering acts disarm others diminish their chances of defense and establish an immediate relationship between them and you if they are your superiors they will favor you because they cannot do otherwise if they have to reprimand you the words will stop are in their throats conquering acts could also be called the disarming Act actions that neutralize all hostile sentiments directed against you the 10 secrets of conquering act's first secret don't have ascu Tory look when you are about to be introduced to someone show neither shyness nor ill will instead show respect and admiration for the person ignore everything in his appearance that may be unfavorable to him forget completely Bob's Small stature his irregular features his unharmonious gate his clothes without Elegance his lack of eloquence his unpleasant manners his strange accent his uneven teeth his ugly Dentures his amputated arm his prominent wart his hideous scar in short everything that can be detrimental to his appearance remain impassive and establish a relationship with him immediately if he thinks you are not aware of his imperfections he may conclude that you have no powers of observation but in front of you he will be lying down and that is what but you need to exercise mental dominance over him no one likes an inquiring gaze when it is aimed at him it is an antisocial look that arouses resentment it is forgivable in a doctor who has to establish a diagnosis but in daily life people prefer to hide their imperfections look only at Bob's eyes to let him know that you concentrate all your attention on him this prevents you from seeing the rest of his person and studying him in detail asterisk the amiable expression always give others the impression that you are trying to please them never let someone abruptly lie to you unless they are really disliked second secret how Tio get your interlocutor out of his pocket after expressing your pleasure in meeting Bob flatter him with words that are Pleasant to hear but don't monopolize the conversation unless he is quiet or shy push him to sustain the conversation and especially to talk about himself giving him your full attention this cannot last long because you will end up bored but you must have time to establish a total psychic Union between him and you preserve your dignity keep yourself dignified do not use familiarity in public do not rest your hands on people or use childish games to look funny Third Secret inform with discretion as we told you in a previous law don't embarrass people by asking them personal questions give them a compliment and let them comment on it if they want to if you congratulate your interlocutor on his Square shoulders he may burst out laughing and end up admitting that when he was in college he did some rowing take an immediate interest in the studies he did and ask him which university he was in you will then make no effort to find out what studies he has done and to find out what profession he is in and perhaps to get an idea of how much he earns never borrow anything if you can make do otherwise make do with what you have do not borrow anything unless you are in a dead-end situation and the owner encourages you to do so often borrowing items will spoil a friendship suppose the person later lends the same items to someone else who does not return them and forgetting that you gave them back accuses you you will tell her that you brought them back even if you know that you can immediately return what you borrow don't ask for anything if you can make up for it in another way unless by refusing what you borrow you offend your friend in any case never ask to borrow either a comb clothes a toothbrush or a handkerchief asterisk always give the impression of being a pink Jean never give the impression either by Deeds or words that you are a selfish or miserly person there is no need for you to throw money out the window but do not be a miser either fourth secret how too carefully separate from people do not abruptly leave the person you are talking to tell her first of all please excuse me I am already late I was delighted to meet you I hope we will meet again soon if another group has already formed around this person and eclipsed you Retreat discreetly asterisk do not delay in introducing people to each other do not for example let John and Elena look at each other with embarrassment wondering if you are ashamed of them and then when you make introductions make a laudatory remark about each person or reveal to them what they have in common so that they can get acquainted more quickly and easily do not be afraid that they will later prefer their company to yours if they find each other mutually interesting they will be grateful to you for introducing them if you know how to be a good audience and if you use the irresistible look you will never be left alone for long fifth secret always be of the same humor during a social reception never be carried away by anger or rage never Vex or humiliate anyone even if it is an antipathetic person do not be sadistic when you are among people do not hurt the feelings of those around you don't retaliate by inflicting anguish on others in exchange for real or imagined offenses that they would have you suffer besides the feeling of Revenge Alters your features and gives you a styled appearance sixth secret use with others a democratic attitude when you are at work in particular never look down on someone who occupies a position inferior to yours even if he belongs to another service one day you may need him moreover if you have an antisocial attitude everyone will know it what's more if you are known for your Bad Manners people will expect the worst and distrust you asterisk your best guide the transposition before you do or say anything to someone always ask yourself what would my reaction be if he did that to me if you are sure that this would appeal to you do it chances are high that his reaction would be the same as yours if you think you would be irritated by it then don't do it for Not only would you infuriate him but if you were at a reception the master and Hostess would be very embarrassed in the next law we will teach you what transposition is learn it well at first practice it only on those occasions when you have time to think ahead but then you will make use of it even in the most unexpected situations when you get used to practicing it throughout the day you will increase your mental ad dominance wherever you are seventh secret don't boast do not boast of your earnings as if those who work with you are poor if you are a woman do not boast about your beauty if others do not notice how pretty you are so much the worse other people will notice eighth secret b or praise too be good public don't give yourself the air of knowing everything don't be thought of as a simpleton who believes everything he is told but don't be stubborn and don't give one the impression that it is impossible to influence you people want you to listen to what they have to say do not walk away when your interlocutor gives you his opinion on an issue even if his arguments are not valid do not insult him by showing rudeness if he is inexhaustible interrupt him by telling him something that interest him then immediately move on to another subject if this change proves difficult turn to one of the participants in the conversation and ask him for his opinion on the topic discussed never bicker with the one directing the conversation asterisk how you can be a good audience never interrupt people when they are talking unless you have a good reason for doing so even then apologize in advance in group conversations this is indifferent because they take place without order or laws but in business and mundane discussions beware of constantly interrupting your interlocutor this would prevent him from revealing to you the depth of his thinking if he is sensitive this would irritate and upset him learn to listen while maintaining a relaxed and attentive expression the danger of knowing how to listen too well like all qualities that of knowing how to listen too well can be a Calamity and draw tireless talkers around you you would end up listening to everyone without ever being heard there are too many talkers who can spoil your evening chatterers do not even hear a word you say and they keep talking even when you talk they cling to you when you show that you want to move away and continue their chatter when you try to say a word they are so much in the habit of monopolizing the conversation that they lash out violently at you for interrupting them with such people you will not succeed in anything because they do not even leave you an opport opportunity to influence them they can converse with you for years without even knowing your name they do not regard you as a human being but as one big AR therefore know how to listen but not too much ninth secret be aware too keep an impartial attitude in all discussions do not turn toward the one who is next to you to murmur sarcasms about the person monopolizing the conversation this would put your neighbor in an awkward situation you would force him to make a choice which would be antisocial even if he secretly agreed with you avoid all personal discussions never talk to your interlocutor about his or her private life character or reasoning abilities limit yourself to discussing the topic you have brought up and do not raise a controversy that could lead to an inflamed discussion arguments prevent you from exercising your power over colors around you asteris do not pose as a meditator in an argument do not necessarily insert yourself into a group in the midst of discussion rather ask to be admitted to this group make sure however that you are not unwanted and that you have interesting things to say too many people are terribly eager to flaunt their knowledge or debating skills thus even if you possess the arguments that would help end the discussion do not force yourself into it to detect yourself you would only contribute to someone else's undoing do not shorten the pleasure of the discussion for those who participate in it wait until you yourself are engaged in a semila discussion or until someone requests your opinion you are not trying to prove your logical ability to certain people but you are trying to draw them to you 10th secret respond two people with words and not with hands there is nothing that IND disposes people more and makes them accuse you of being hoty than when you respond to their words with head movements she wonders whether you regard her as animals or as slaves no slave would dare respond to his master with nods of the head but more than one Master would do so in response to his slave thus do not insult people by responding to them with gestures instead of words unless they are unbearable to you and you wish to remove them from you respond with words even if they are only yes and no otherwise you will lose your influence on others very soon do not try to be a second V hair do not be sarcastic in the face of anything don't hold back from laughing when others expect to see you laugh but don't laugh with an annoyed air as if you feel that Frank laughter is unrefined laugh naturally and spontaneously if you don't know how to do it fully naturally practice it alone in your room do not laugh at any thoughtless remark especially if you do it to please someone who thinks he or she is funny but is in fact boring and tiring claim that you have to part one re or that you regret not hearing most of his words 11th secret don't go up on the stage to recite the first part don't act important in front of conversing people to put yourself in view with a resonant voice for sensitive and refined people such posturing is unbearable ninth law how to analyze and direct the actions of others through transposition transposition is faculty to see inside the other person so that you can treat them exactly as they want you to treat them the technique of transposition it is much simpler than you imagine it can be summarized as follows one put yourself in the other person's Place do your best to imagine that you are Jon or Joan instead of yourself two consider what strikes you as his greatest flaw and evaluate the influence of this flaw on his personality does this make him a kinly brawler a mean humorist antisocial monster an egotistical bragard a sulky winner or an extroverted buffoon three immediately thereafter consider what strikes you as his greatest quality in evaluate its influence on his personality has his masculine or feminine beauty gone to his head has his Keen intelligence made him impatient and argumentative does his stature and strength make him resembl aable does his sense of humor make him sarcastic at times does his tarity make him super aggressive Vision by transposition helps you discover the person as he is behind the mask and allows you to mentally dominate him here are some examples that will enable you to put Vision by transposition into practice in daily life first example you meet Giorgio whom you have not seen for a long time how will you greet him will you let out a shout give him a big slap on the back and ask him a thousand questions about his work and his family or will you greet him as if you had seen him the day before for without asking him any questions about work and family this question cannot be answered in a few words but you can find an answer by applying the principle of Vision by transposition in the following way first stage Stop wondering how you should greet him instead ask yourself how you would like him to be greeted would you like it if he made a big exclamation gave you a big hand on the shoulders and asked you a thousand questions about work and family or would you preer it if he greeted you as if he had seen you the day before shook your hand and said a kind word and asked you no questions about work and family your answers to these questions will be the best guide to the way to greet him they will of course depend on several factors and no set rule could apply to your situation your personality the character of your previous relationships with George your real relationships with your family the progress you have made in the sphere of your family the progress you have made in the sphere of your position are all as many elements that will weigh on the answer if you are expansive and if Giorgio and you have been good friends if your position has steadily risen if your family relationships are good then it is possible that you would like to be greeted with a big exclamation a big slap on the shoulder and a bunch of questions about work and family but if you are not expansive if you do not know Giorgio very well or if you have a small dispute with him if there is not a good understanding with your family and if you have not had good success in life then you would not be very happy to be greeted with a big exclamation and a big slap on the shoulder or to be asked a thousand questions about family and work consequently your answer to the question will be guided by all these considerations second stage but it is only the first stage you do not ask yourself how George should treat you but how you should treat him the second stage is simple decide just how you would like to greet him that he would like and not you and greet him as you would like he would greet you if you were in his place this is how Vision by transposition is applied second example during a social Gathering he meets you Tomaso who speaks your language but with a certain accent the first impulse is to ask the person what region he or she is from but curb the language if during conversations you happen to deal with the manner of speaking or accents argue that you yourself have a Regional accent and that you envy foreigners who have learned to speak your language so correctly third example at another social Gathering you encounter Paul vexing as a girl instinctively you might stare at him curiously some might chuckle under their breath as they look at him but applying the principle of Vision by transposition you wonder whether you would like to provoke such reactions if you were in Paul's case since you know that this would displease you you pretend not to notice his bizarre manner it might evidently seem strange to you that a person with bizarre behavior would expect people not to look at him with curiosity but that is not where the question lies you ask yourselves does this man like to be looked at with curiosity and laughed at for his strange ways the answer is obvious there is no one in the world who would Fain behavior that would ridicule him if he has The Misfortune to be afflicted with ridiculous Behavior one would have to think that he does not rejoice in it and he knows better than anyone that he is afflicted by it so why remove the knife in the wound if one of your acquaintances is a bad golfer a bad swimmer a bad singer a bad card player do not laugh at him unless you are close friends and know his sense of humor how Vision by transposition helps you get accepted by others Vision by transposition also helps you get accepted by others don't have in mind only what you would gain by having your services skills specializations or cheating accepted instead ask yourself how much the other person would gain if he cannot gain much from it you will have a hard time getting him to accept them calculate how much he can gain you try to convince him and you will succeed in getting him to accept you how will you convince him you will not succeed by simply telling him that he needs your services you must put yourself in his place and realize for yourself the arguments that will best conwin him that he needs you do not tell JN that he would have an advantage in dealing with you tell him that someone who has definite needs describe his own has secured your services and is enthusiastic about them do not let Jon know that you have analyzed him deeply it may be that his business is less thriving than he means and you will offend him by letting him know that you have discovered him people will admire you by seeing that you take care of your business he will test you if he thinks you are also taking care of other people's it will hate you if it suspects you are guessing what lies behind the facade how to put yourself in the place of another person example here is how to put yourself in the place of another person and how to imagine what his or her needs are suppose you report to a director to obtain a position as a salesperson team leader mechanic or other as you walk through the workshops or offices you get the impression that business is proceeding in slow motion and you wonder if there will be work for you but it may be that this slowdown is only temporary and business will resume soon to make yourself safe during an interview present the two sides of the issue explain to the manager how useful you would be in a business on the verge of failure and how useful you could be in a thriving one unless he asks you direct questions about yourself insist on the Urgent needs of the establishment and not on your personal qualities commit to explaining to your prospective employer what you could do for him example of using Vision by transposition to analyze and direct the actions of others first example how to use Vision by transposition to induce your son too choose a career suitable for him your son Henry is immersed in dreams that give him a glimpse of a prestigious but uncertain career he may or may not have the required aptitudes but you prefer that he show good judgment and pursue a career he can count on Henry is a reasonable guy in respect I know but also very stubborn and right now he has the basilis of prestige a thanks to the transposition put yourself in his place stop arguing with him on this issue as a father or mother does with their child rather try to put yourself in Henry's shoes and analyze the arguments untested though they may be that make him stop at this choice move also from your generation to his to see things as he sees them do you remember how impulsive and influential you were when you were his age do you remember how much you revered certain movie or Sports viets and how you got excited about everything about them and how you wished you were in their place now pick out the most conspicuous aspects of Henry's chosen practical career and expose them to him have him read the biographies of those who chose this career and then became famous let him also understand that the most exhilarating experiences are rarely reported in the newspapers do not discuss the fact that dogs equals of prestige are generally short-lived and that privileged people who reach the top are rare While most candidates fail miserably and resign themselves to an absolutely commonplace arrangement in general young people are optimistic thinking that they will make an exception to the rule and succeed in acquiring fortune in notoriety B think now of Henry's greatest flaw and the repercussion on his personality his his desire to shine before crowds shows that he has become an exhibitionist if he was not one before see next think about what seems to be his best quality and observe how it affects his behavior because he is assertive and strong willed he never stops halfway even if his path leads nowhere it will take time to change his mind if he is impulsive and enthusiastic it may be that his passion for this prestigious career will die out abruptly on its own or the effect of your prudent persuasion now that you have well analyzed him you know what you must do to guide his acts second example how to use Vision by transposition to teach a new tradeit to an overly conscientious individual whether you are a teacher Master parent partner or friend you often find yourself having to teach someone a new trade or a common job or a new technique and the more eager the individual is to learn the harder it is to teach him Charles is honest he can be counted on he is very conscientious perhaps too much so he has a lot of respect for you but he does not show his full ability when he does something for you or for himself unless he learns Point by point and perfects himself in what he does you have a lot of desire to teach him a first put yourself in Charles's place and imagine that you are him remember the time when you yourself were learning something new with your instructor remember when you were nervous at first especially when you did not follow his instructions to the letter you remember how many times you would make the same mistake again even after several explanations and do you remember how you used to make even more mistakes later because he was terrified of making a spectacle of himself B think now about what seems to be his biggest flaw and how his behavior is modified by it he is too conscientious and too dogged it follows that he may makes too much effort to please others C next think about his most conspicuous quality and try to determine its influence on his behavior he makes a great effort to do well in everything he does this has made him nerve so and too serious you should be patient with him correct his mistakes gently but never criticize him now that you have analyzed him thanks to transposition you will know how to guide him third example how Tio attract the attention of someone you wish too impress but who has not noticed an extraordinary being in you whether you are a man or a woman you regularly find yourself in this situation both in the business world and on the social level the Burton is an important man whom you would like to impress but have not yet succeeded a put yourself in his place imagine that you are him are you aware of his importance in your life B take his most obvious flaw and try to imagine how it affects his behavior if you think it is sufficiency it would require certain people to react with hostility this would push Mr Burton back into his shell and make him in a way shy and less confident if it seems to you to be rather a lack of regard for his fellow man this defect has certainly alienated a good number of people from him see consider next his most eminent quality in imagine how it affects his behavior he has a dignified attitude and smiles good-naturedly when one addresses him he seems very intelligent has excellent manners and is an order he is also never too familiar with people these qualities burn him great admiration from others but do not make him any warmer for it this may condemn him to loneliness D you have analyzed him thanks to The Vision by transposition guide him now thanks to this same method first of all forget all unsuccessful attempts to make him interested in you the past belongs to history the future is history not yet lived imagine that coming from another planet you land on this very Earth and From This Moment do everything for the first time you leave then without the disadvantageous memory of past failures and with the undiminished hope of succeeding in the future even Mr Burton may think that he is the one who has failed to make an impression on you thus put all memories of past relationships out of your mind mind and act as if you have never seen him before approach him as if you were seeing him for the first time and be filled with the hope of mentally dominating him approach him with an irresistible gaze and use appropriate flattery if he proves distant don't mind him do not reciprocate act as if his attitude does not affect you in any way and put into practice the 13 dangers of things not to say you will be amazed at the way he will get excited about you use the same technique to attract to you a person of the opposite sex in whom you are interested fourth example how to turn a suffocating indivi Duo into a pleasant companion here is another typical situation in which you may find yourself either in your social life or on a trip when you find yourself in the company of an asphyxiating man or woman your day or evening can be ruined however anyone can be asphyxiating it all depends on the circum ances and how the other person takes it therefore never convince yourself that this is a hopeless case rather ask yourself why in the present circumstances this person annoys you so much use the method of Vision by transposition then direct it by influencing it and turn it into a person from Pleasant company at least in the present circumstances a put yourself in the person's Place almost everyone including shut-ins would like to have a Charming personality it may be that your companion is unbearable because he or she has no wit or because you have very few interests in common even this conclusion may turn out to be wrong each of us has more in common with others than we can imagine it is all about looking for these commonalities perhaps this person annoys you so much because he or she does not appreciate your humor it may be that he or she does not even find you funny or it may be that he envies you for some reason B consider his most obvious flaw and imagine its repercussion on his behavior at least in the current circus rooms this defect may be her prolonged silences and her lack of effort to interrupt them if nothing else with hostile words toward you when you incite her to speak if she does not respond to you at all it is obvious that you must stop talking to her and forget her completely by making a vacuum in your spirit you will see that she will soon try to start a conversation herself there are also some insufferable people who are inexhaustible on the same subject these ones do not present no generally a major problem because they are not very sensible and you can ignore them and laugh at them one can even interrupt them continuously without offending them in the least see then consider her more conspicuous qualities and imagine how they affect her behavior it is not easy under present condition to reveal her most conspicuous qualities because they vary according to circumstances but there is one quality that doesn't change and that is that he stays in your company not of everyone can this be said so there is something about you that imp passions this person and since he certainly realizes that he is boring you he is probably nervous and uncomfortable D now that you have analyzed her give her a compliment to make her regain confidence that you are happy in her company from this moment she will be more open and the conversation will take place normally decade law how to induce people to your way of thinking thanks to chain relationships once you have analyzed JN RE Jones actions and guided them through vision by substitution you must continue to guide them you will succeed by inducing them to your way of thinking by using chain relationships what is chain relationship chain relationship or mutual and prolonged mental Harmony is the ability to put yourself in unison with Jon or Joan on the intellectual plane and stay there in other words to be on the same wavelength you bring the other person to your way of thinking while letting him or her believe that it is sh who has led you and having bent them to your way of seeing you keep them that way even when they are far from you using a thought projection from time to time whether on the social plane in work or in love the chain relationship is an amazing law the four steps too established the chain relationship and easily induce others to think like you first stage during your discussions avoid influencing JN Reon influence them only when it is obvious or when their reactions are rather lukewarm second stage do not try to transform your interlocutor but simply Bend his logic to establish mental Harmony between you and him he will soon deduce that you have a very pleasant personality third stage if he is difficult to influence you will only need a few minutes of Harmony to overcome his mental resistance because unconsciously he will be afraid to end relationships that Fascinate him fourth stage never end a meeting conversation or discussion with Jon or Joan without having established men such harmony with them on several occasions to do this do not wait until the end of the conversation for you would run the risk of having their antagonism after your departure mutate into real hatred the Invincible rule during an argument never go into a rage never allow one of your conversations or discussions to degenerate into a quarrel the slightest sign of disagreement between you and Jon or Joan can end in bickering do not be determined to prove that you are right or that you hold the correct information if your verbal exchanges do not take place in the courtroom they will rarely be very close to logical it may be that you want to prove the truth but it may also be that your opponent cares most about giving a demonstration of his or her brilliant wit if you demonstrate his lack of logic he will become Furious against you and you will no longer be able to exercise mental dominance over him spare Jon's feelings during the conversation to make him believe that you agree with him on most of the issues discussed once you have established such a delightful rap Rosman he will be practically your slave no more will be needed from you as far as mental dominance is concerned all you have to do is to maintain it thanks to the chain relationship after that he will not fail to praise you whenever he has the opportunity this also applies to the general public advertising carefully avoids topics of discussion it confines itself to issues that do not hurt anyone but create a rap Ron between the public and the product to be launched in your profession put yourself in your customer's place unless he is a pest who does not want to buy anything do not lower yourself before him but do not provoke either his resistance or his discontent the chain relationship technique you must always remember the previous four steps and the Invincible rule but the real technique for establishing chain relationship consists of three very simple stages first stage don't jump on anyone this applies equally to business and mundane relationships second stage you will demonstrate a a keen interest in his wishes third stage treat your interlocutor as if you considered him to be a brilliant individual examples how to get people to do you favors Dennis leev can help you greatly on the business and social level he knows the person you want to meet he may even say a kind word to him in your regard but you suspect that he eludes people who try to use him because he has important relationships you should come to your purposes by a long way but you do not have much time warning make sure that he is himself interesting to know because of his qualities because a person of his kind could because of his influences become a dangerous enemy during a social Gathering have Mr levra meet you and introduce himself above all do not add I have been longing to make your acquaintance I have long hoped to meet you or other such things that show that you are jumping on him do not even add I've heard a lot about you you because that too might arouse his suspicions claim that you approached him because he seemed polite and interesting but do not exaggerate too much do not have the sufficient air of the one who never needs anyone at that moment Point your irresistible gaze at him and project the image of you and him together having become the best friends in the world speak to him naturally using your charm and using the pleasant words that suit him if you have the difficulties at approaching a person or in continuing an easy and pleasant conversation reread this example after studying the 12th law dealing with the mighty magnetism of a harmonious conversation if Dennis levra has some Spirit of contradiction avoid trying to influence him and hold your tongue by remembering the 13 dangers of things not to say in other words don't tell him anything that awakens his suspicions or some hostility let him think of you as a person who is tactful and has a lot of consideration for others if he invites you to have a drink with him or if he offers you a cigarette accept without hesitation even if you do not drink or smoke just take a sip and take a puff of the cigarette without breathing in the smoke what you want is to establish between him and you a mental Harmony when you get to know him better you can skillfully excuse yourself and evade his invitations using your irresistible gaze you should not struggle to convince him that you are bright enough to continue the relationship with him on that day do not even say the name of the person he knows and is interested in you but do not forget to take his address phone number and give him yours before you leave compliment him again and project an image toward him that evokes a solid friendship between you his subconscious will do the rest when you see each other again he will feel like resuming relationships with you this time do not always mention his friend's name offer to do him a favor this will increase some understanding that has already been established between you and it will make him think that he too will have to do something for you someday it is in any case the best course of action when you try to get a few things for nothing you find that you habitually get less than nothing in return for a few things after leaving you project toward Dennis levra another image of lasting friendship between you the third time you meet him offer again to do something for him but this time name his friend or the subject that concerns you and about which you would like to get in touch and observe Mr Lev's reaction waiting longer would mean aborting your efforts for since familiarity breeds habit Mr levra would no longer be impressed by your originality if he is willing to accept favors from you he should after all be willing to return a favor in any case there is a high probability that having reached this point he is is under the effect of your mental domination if he seems willing to talk about the person or topic that concerns you follow him on this path and when a little later you tell him what you would like someone to do for you he will have no alternative but to do you this favor or deprive himself of your Pleasant company take a reversal with poiz by passing two contract if Jon or Joan prove prone to pmics and seem difficult to influence push them playing smart to attack you verbally but do not return the blows to the opponent let him or her become entangled and fight to the point of exhaustion only then oppose him with your arguments to induce him to your way of thinking do not expect however to change his way of thinking let him spontaneously approach yours with the impression that it is he who has arrived at the conclusion you have suggested to him by himself you will come to it by claiming that you agree with his thesis then opposing him with your own as we set out before your tone should be neither sarcastic nor cheric nor hostile do not even attempt the tone of joking simply remain calm attentive sympathetic and consiliary ignore Jon's angry outbursts until he begins to enjoy your company and approach you exercise is exercise one sit alone in your room and imagine that you are conversing with a stranger you have just settled in a new town or in a new neighborhood and belong to neither nationality race nor religion predominant there The Stranger with whom you speak is an inquisitive neighbor or traitor and he lets slip about you some words against the race or religion to which he thinks you belong how to answer him without attacking quarrels but drawing him toward you write the answer on a piece of paper then read the right answer below right answer it all depends on the case Lord there is good and bad in everything yes I have heard that too about your race or religion the same thing has been said about several races or religion of immigrants now highly esteemed after one or two generations the hostility diminishes and a person is accepted for what he or she is namely a citizen of the country where he or she lives this question is sensitive it needs to be answered calmly but also without apprehension exercise to your profession is not as well regarded as an another and at a social Gathering someone mocks it what will you say to him if a response is necessary answer as if it did not concern you and provide neither facts nor statistics to defend your profession for this would only procure matter for an argument that you could feed endlessly sketch on paper the answer you will give then study the answer below which is the one that suits you it seems that this comes down to a matter of opinion there are good Arguments for and against for the sake of mankind I hope that the two sides will one day agree and that everyone will mind his own business your host will then breathe more freely and the other guests will continue to enjoy the reception you have impressed everyone with the dignity and good-naturedness of your response you have attracted more sympathy to your cause than you could have done with a volume of Statistics almost everyone feels that your response was the only appropriate one and everyone is proud of you even your opponent holds no grudge against you your total absence of hostility has shaken his ideas on the issue and do not add anything more to your answer instead talk about feudal things praise someone for changing the atmosphere treat the one who criticized you as if he or she had never dealt with this topic do not hold a grudge exercise 3 you are a man and are introduced to a girl you admire her hairstyle and and the color of her dress do not suit her you may be interested in her on an intellectual business or love level the unflattering hairstyle and color of her dress offer you a good opportunity to converse with her quite intimately and to establish a rap Ron between her and you how would you take advantage of this opportunity offered to you to attract her sympathy write down the answer then study below the appropriate response after introductions compliment her on her hair style and dress probably her family has told her that they are tacky and she will snort with laughter when you compliment her but deep down she hopes her family was wrong indeed you tell her in response to her burst of laughter this hairstyle is so original that it takes a pretty face like yours to enhance it other uses of the chain relationship one if you are old or of mature age how to attract people who are nice but much younger than you all of us as we age do not like to be pushed aside yes we want to hang out with people our own age and even older than us but we also want young people to seek out our company and appreciate it hanging out with young people rejuvenates us we also enjoy the physical presence of Youth Roberto is only 23 years old and you are 61 you meet him often and wish to see him more often he seems to be a respectable serous and intelligent young man and is probably a student a put yourself in Roberto's place he is twoo Generations younger than you for a boy of his age a man of yours should have been buried long ago he thinks your ideas are outdated your gate deplorably slow you are very near the end and your interest in sexual matters Dead Forever unless you look much younger than your age or he is very lonely there is little chance for Roberto to be attracted Ed to you B but you can get his attention don't make propositions to him don't take him by the arm saying with a light in your eyes I have a story to tell you and then overwhelm him with such a flurry of words that you won't let him utter a single syllable which will elude you for the rest of his life and this is not an exaggerated description of the way older people make young people flee from the beginning of the relationship they show their age rather start a conversation with Roberto using an appropriate compliment he needs to think from the beginning that he has met an admirer and not a suffocating old bum remember the 13 dangers of things not to say in order not to lose the ground you have gained through compliments C increase Roberto's interest in you by means of the irresistible gaze and project toward him men such images by painting yourself as good friends who enjoy each other's company mentally especially if he is well-built use word that please and suit him he boasts you for example his Square shoulders then ask him what sports he plays to be developed in such an extraordinary way if he seems studious use the compliment that flatters his intelligence then ask him if he is a student writer or other thing that flatters him soon he will tell you about himself in particular let him talk let him tell a good story and be his audience if he happens to Express an opinion different from yours or tries to attack an argument do not emphasize it charm him with the irresistible look if necessary argue that you are also of his opinion people and especially young people often change their minds if you have hopes of frequenting Roberto for a long time and enlightening him about the argument he is talking about do so later when he knows you better and can no longer do without your company at first your aim is is to draw him to you and the chain relationship will take care of this work before you leave him try to know more or less when you can see him again but don't look like you want to cling to him let him think that it is he who needs you and not you who need him a after taking your leave project mental images in his direction that show him happy to be in your company prompt him to take such a liking to you that subconsciously he will want to see you even more the next time you see him act the same way never talk about your little miseries and do not especially say when you are as old as I am you will not have the energy you have now do not underestimate his cognition on any subject and do not even remind him that you are old after seeing you several times and being well in your company he will have completely forgotten the age difference that exists between you and him by reminding him of it you would only erect a new barrier between you thereafter your relationships will progress rapidly you have for a companion a boy much younger than you and this friendship is useful for both of you if you interest him greatly he will perhaps introduce you to his young Companions and even to his lady friend exercise all the chain relationship on them at first they will certainly be impressed and wonder why Roberto seeks the company of an bold man but they too will soon be fascinated by your chain relationship you will soon have around you a carefully selected group of young people to brighten your old days several of them will write to you for years when they have married when they have changed cities or countries and invite you to go and see them together with their family and you will Intrigue many more by using the chain report in the same way two how thanks to chain relationship you will prevent the rise of indifference or ABI toden you are a woman and you regularly go out with Patrick at first he almost kissed the ground where you passed but for some time now he seems to find your presence absolutely natural you evidently do not expect him to be as ceremonious as in the beginning but now he treats you more and more like a sister instead of the girl he will soon ask to marry you yet you feel that you were made for each other you would prefer not to resort to Petty methods such as the one consisting of sneakily mind gazing at other men over his shoulder because Patrick may think you are no longer interested in him and may stop inviting you out chain relationship is there to restore your faltering love relationships a put yourself in Patrick's place when you are together he expects to receive that share of affection you owe him you always seem seductive to him both in elegance and personality he is absolutely sure that you will agree to become his wife when he asks you to now that he knows that he has won you he does not have much more to do now certainly one day he will marry you he says to himself but why hurry in the meantime he lives with his parents which is comfortable and cheap and he can take advantage of your presence at your home several times a week what is 6 months a year or even two years more to wait either way he plans to marry you moreover in your actual situation you pay for your clothes and little whims which allows him to set aside some money and by himself shares it is true that he buys you flowers now and then and makes you some present on certain occasions he does not prefer any girl to you but why hurry then B thanks to the chain ratio do not propose to him do not show yourself offended and disgruntled he may fear that you will become a grumpy old woman and that will drive him away from you instead attempt to flatter him act less like a sister and more like a flirt with him without him realizing it for stall his desires though he says nothing he is uncomfortable with a girl he will soon marry and acts like a sister to him stop therefore behaving in such a way begin to excite him so that he forgets the praic image he has made of you and to which he has become accustomed awaken him from his toror he will be afraid that someone else will ask you in marriage if he does not do so soon since it is true after all that you are very seductive but never speak to him about another man for he may lose his confidence and never see you again go so far as to where bold clothes when he comes to see you show a little more of your legs and breasts while staying within the limits of decency make him beg you more to kiss him and for you to kiss him but if he desists too soon kiss him yourself quickly and run away laughing put a little salt and pepper in your relationships make him stop finding Everything About You Now natural after he leaves project images of your eventual honeymoon toward him show yourself in a fluffy chamber robe and in the act of flirting deliciously from one part of the room to another do all you can to transform the image he had of you namely that of a sister into that law of an exciting creature show more youthful Behavior even in the images you project toward him make him see you as a reward and feel like deserving it give him a glimpse that starting from the honeymoon he will have nothing but joy and happiness proceed in the same way during the next two meetings be careful however not to put on a show in public this may embarrass him and make him run away during the third meeting that will follow your new attitude try to push him to ask you in marriage you will be amazed at the results under CES time law how to use magic ey to quickly neutralize and dominate people of difficult character you are about to learn now to neutralize and dominate people when their attitude changes momentarily under the effect of anger distrust jealousy and other feelings of the same kind the magical ey is the subject of the law we are going to study and which you must use until Giovani or Jovana have returned to their normal State and you can start using the other laws again here is a list of the most common elements that can influence the behavior of normal people one anger two grief three distrust four distraction five stubbornness six suspicion s the disbelief eight the fear nine the inordinate and distracted optimism 10 the belligerent mood 11 the indifference 12 curiosity toward you 13 excessive familiarity 14 a possessive attitude 15 the need to argue 16 jealousy 17 the closed attitude 18 the susceptibility 19 distraction clearly there are many others but they fall more or less into one or more of the categories enumerated above how to use the magic eye whatever unpleasant attitudes Jon or Joan may have if you follow certain directives you will very soon be able to analyze and influence them these directives concerning the Magic Eye are as follows one quickly notice the general appearance of Jon or Joan study their expression and behavior and identify as best you can the cause of that behavior fear sorrow belligerent mood jealousy are moods close enough to each other to enable you to assess the probable attitude early enough two do not detect the hostile attitude or even attempt to change it do not even let it be suspected that you are aware of it it is better to let them believe that you were surprised confused and deeply hurt in other words let them think they have insulted you for no reason let them not think they did not hit you but it is clear that you should not leave with the py let them feel guilty and remorseful struggling to mitigate the death blow they gave you let them forget their own importance to think only of you whom they had intended to hurt but not to this extent three you have succeeded in influencing them morally by suggesting that they want to apologize for hurting you unconsciously they will tell themselves that the best way to redeem themselves is to do something for you root this idea well in their head by conveying the appropriate idea here then are the three points to look at to quickly analy and Influence People of difficult character you discover to your amazement that when people are in distressful moods they are easier to influence than when they are calm balanced and self-possessed even though at first it may seem seem impossible to reach and guide them it is more emotionally unstable and consequently easier to influence how to use the magic I according to the case anger how to exercise mental dominance over a person in Anger your friend Gerard looks somber today he greets you barely through clenched teeth you see right away that there is something wrong his eyes have lost warmth and seem to be looking Beyond you and not at you you wonder if he is angry if he is offended if he is in a belligerent mood or even if he is Frosty so two do not detect his attitude so unfriendly and do not even try to change it let him not notice that you have realized it treat him as the Gerard he always was this will prompt him to have an even less friendly attitude so that you realize well that today he is unfriendly if he is in a rage for example he will come at you brutally three this is exactly what you wanted to see him do pause now as if you have just realized that he is in a rage and give a deeply offended look after 3 or 4 seconds lower your eyes and pretend you want to leave him he immediately changes his attitude for fear of losing you as a friend as a partner as a colleague as a relationship as a client or as an admirer especially if you belong to the opposite sex thus he comes under your mental domination after leaving him suggest to him by telepathy that he would feel completely alone in the future if he did not have your irresistible gaze and the pleasant compliments lavished on him by you he may also feel completely depressed this will push him even more to let you dominate him grief how to mentally Master a grieving person and how to help him or her overcome that state it is within everyone's reach to help a relative or close friend in grief but it is not as easy to help a person who does not know you well and would rather not confide his or her troubles to you and yet if you want your friendship with this person to become more intimate it is when she is grieving that it is easiest for you to influence her if you know how one Irene looks exhausted today her good morning or her response to yours is distant barely moving her lips to speak R you quickly realize that something is wrong she frowns and her lips are sad you wonder if she is distressed offended or jealous because she has seen you with another woman two do not detect her unfriendly attitude or even try to make her change it treat her as usual this will exasperate her and make her run away she may even treat you with indifference three this is just what you wanted you want her to offend you for no reason if she runs away do do not chase her however if she bursts into sobs which will mean she is distressed show alarm take her by the arms and ask her to confide her troubles to you if she refuses to talk look deeply irritated at her attitude and ask her to apologize for asking her to talk about personal matters that she could only confide in a true friend but do not leave her until she cries she will appreciate all the attention you use on her at that time you are applying m dominance if she continues to refuse to confide in you the reasons for her grief look dejected and when she has stopped crying apologize and withdraw with a humble air this will immediately make her forget the reasons for her sorrow because she will be afraid of losing a relationship so full of solicitude for her as you turn away from her mentally suggest to her that she may be without you in the future and that she may lose Forever The Joy your kind Reflections and gentle friendly gestures bring her on the verge of panic she will run after you to join you or she will telephone you the same evening begging you to excuse her she will then tell you the reasons for her pain and you will be able to express all your sympathy and help her overcome her grief she will have the impression that she has incurred a debt to you and that is why you will be able to influence her more easily distrust how to mentally dominate a distrustful person one Lorenzo is on the fence today he greets you in a very kind way but he doesn't trust you you can see right away that something is wrong he seems to want to keep you at a distance you wonder if he is full of distrust and suspicion or is this a special reason for not being more communicative two do not detect his unfriendly attitude or even try to make him change it do not even let him know that you have realized it treat Lorenzo as at solely to his attitude will become more unpleasant three it is just what you wanted all of a sudden show that you have realized his state of mind if he insists on his attitude look him straight in the face then gradually assume an air of disappointment he will feel embarrassed at having treated you in such a way and will be desolate at the thought that he may lose you as a friend he needs you now it is up to him to make an effort and show Genty L this will bring him more and more under your sway if he follows you showing that he wants to make honorable amends show that you forgive him while remaining deeply grieved he must regard you as a good Soul who has just received a disappointing blow in leaving him project these words toward him you were about to lose an admirer who had done nothing to you everything happened in your fantasy Lorenzo will profuse in accusations and you will no longer have to do anything but dominate him says susceptibility how to influence a susceptible person one today Frederick seems to frown his good morning is abrupt his eyes are like wrinkled and bright you immediately notice that something is wrong his eyes no longer have a friendly expression now they look at you with distrust you wonder if he is angry or if he is distressed touchy jealous or just in a belligerent mood do not how however detect his unfriendly attitude or try to make him change it do not even let him calm take that you have realized it treat him as usual this will put him off and he will respond to you in a very rude tone three that is exactly what you wanted him to do act now as if you have just realized that he is trying to irritate you based on your recent dealings with him think that he is perhaps offended by something you may have done or said without realizing it take a good look at his face as if you are amazed at his new attitude that is to say You must make him understand that if you have displeased him you have done so without meaning to and that it all happened in his imagination immediately afterwards give yourself a very disappointed look and openly claim that you must run away in a hurry he will feel guilty for having offended you without good reason and desperate at the idea of losing your esteem and Company this will gain you ground in the field of mental dominance now he will try to get back into your good graces reassure him by affirming that all is well remorseful he will make a thousand excuses probably invite you to his home or some social reception or offer to do you a favor claim that you forget the incident a little at a time and regain your esteem for him after leaving him project these words toward him don't ever hurt me again you have risked breaking relations with me forever now he is truly under your Dominion the distracted gate how to master a distracted and ere exuberant person one Martina's expression changes very often today she responds exuberantly to your good morning but she Chatters too much and her gaze is Shifty and evasive you have just begun a sentence which she finishes for you she utters rambling sentences moving from one subject to another laughing for no plausible reason this is not in her habit you wonder whether this strange attitude is due to mistrust fear of you or just a boundless optimism with the Hun of distraction two do not detect this new attitude and do not even attempt to moderate it it is necessary for it not to know that you have become aware of it treat it as usual if she really has an idea in her head she will hasten to leave you with a stream of disjointed words and halfhazard gestures three it is exactly what you wanted her to do now stand in front of her looking at her without saying a word project this sentence in her Direction look at what you have made of a friend and an admirer look at what you have lost for Martina will be mortified by her behavior but do not immediately give her a chance to recover turn around slowly with a dejected air if she calls to you as you walk away pretend not to hear her keep walking this will hurt her even more she will do the impossible to recover this will enable you to exercise mental dominance over her distraction how to mentally influence a distracted person one today Edward has a distant expression on his face he barely responds to your good morning when you stop to talk to him he looks surprised to see you and even regards you as a stranger you wonder if this Str strange behavior is due to distrust distraction or a closed attitude two do not detect this unfriendly attitude and do not even try to change it let him not even realize that you have noticed it behave with him as at solely to he is about to answer you but his spirit is elsewhere as if you do not matter to him three all of a sudden act as if you notice at that moment that he is barely aware that you are standing before him look at him fix ly with a puzzled air and remain absolutely silent if he immediately delves into excuses of any kind it means that he is distracted he is perhaps worried about something you barely smile making the gesture to withdraw he will try to hold you back and will still make excuses he is ready to be dominated stubbornness how to influence a stubborn person one you and Laura discuss business or for worldly matters with great pleasure during the discussion she completely disagrees with you on one point this time she is completely wrong but she does not want to hear about it two do not give the impression that you realize her obstinacy and do not even try to reason with her so that she will change her opinion act as if the discussion is normal but suddenly act as if she agrees with you and carry on developing your own point of view this will make her go off the deep end three it is exactly what you expected you want her to insult you and not simply dismiss your reasoning look at her fixedly and in amazement then lowering your eyes and retreating back to your chair in a voice that is barely audible mutter whatever flabbergasted Laura will try to leave your pens erect reassure her in a resigned tone that you will do or say exactly what she wants exasperated she will find a compromise between your argument and hers at least up to a point you have one and she is under your mental domination suspicion how to mentally dominate a suspicious person one you are certain that Fred does not trust your intentions toward his daughter or his son if you are a woman and wants to prevent you from marrying her or him two do not show that you are aware of his suspicions but act as if they are without Foundation the more he suspects you the more you will have to ignore his suspicions seeing that it is useless to use guile with you Fred takes the bull by the horns and unceremoniously tells you what he thinks of you three it is just what you expect laugh at him pretend to protest then stop suddenly and look at your feet in despair while slowly shaking your head again Tak in the look of amazement and disbelief pretend again that you want to protest then then stop again as if you are at a loss for words at this point Fred must be read with confusion at having wrongly accused you his tone softens and he addresses you in a more friendly manner you will soon manage to dominate him unbelief how to exercise mentale dominion over an unbelieving person one you have tried on several occasions to reveal the truth about certain things to your friend dionysius but you have never been able to conwin him since you have no concrete proof of what you claim you are short of arguments two do not detect dianus attitude and do not try to reason him into changing his behavior simply explain to him what you have discovered as if dianus believed you this will force him to take a stronger stand against you he will respond to you with sarcasms mockery and a big laugh three that is just what you wanted him to do immediately stopped talking and looked look at him in amazement then lower your eyes and say no more four after a short pause change the subject and Grumble a few things about the weather dionysius will be embarrassed and try to calm you down he will even go so far as to resume the topic of your conversation and tell you that he believes the facts you have communicated to him look at him in amazement and continue muttering a few things about the weather dianus will make yet more efforts to calm you down with this attitude he submits to your mental domination fear how to influence a person in fear one John Nina is a girl whom you have frightened with something you said or did without bad intention you want to regain her affection she may be your daughter two do not detect her attitude by telling her to stop being afraid do not even utter the word fear rather look surprised and if she started crying exclaim oh my God what did I say that's not what I wanted to say I meant to say yes then say exactly the opposite of what you said I deceived myself I confused everything three instinctively John Nina will be grateful and submit to your mental dominance again the belligerent mood how to master a person with a belligerent mood One Frederick is known for his irritability you have just exchanged a few words and lo and behold he looks at you meanly he is more robust than you and you prefer not to attack corals and even less barfing two do not accuse him of bragging act as if nothing extraordinary has happened Frederick will be openly belligerent for the pleasure of seeing you suffer three it is just what you expected from him throw him an astonished look as if you realized at that moment his unbearable villainy then look away in deep disgust and ignore him completely since you have shown that you are not afraid of him Frederick will feel completely ridiculous he will do anything to make himself to donate everything is ready to be dominated by you indifference how to mentally dominate an indifferent person one Betty is very seductive but she shows no interest in you at all the more you try to make a good impression on her the less she will pay attention to you two don't let her see your discontent keep trying to interest her in you as if you do not notice her indifference this forces her to intensify her rejections and even to try to irritate you three that is exactly what you wanted her to do stop abruptly and look at her pretend to start a sentence about her but stop abruptly and say nothing stare at her again in dism May then back away slowly Betty will go to Great Lengths to redeem herself you will thus have gained influence over her abusive curiosity how to mentally dominate a person who is exaggeratedly curious about everything about you one Peter is curious about everything about you almost every time he sees you he assails you with personal questions such as what is your nationality are you working these days how much do you earn what is your age how long have you been married two don't irritate him by asking him to stop simply pretend next time that you do not understand what he is telling you when he repeats the question look at him strangely and bewilderedly then politely talk about something else three Peter will realize that his attitude has been obnoxious and that he has lost some of your esteem he will do the impossible possible to redeem himself you will thus have succeeded in dominating him the excessive familiarity how to dominate a Persona from excessive familiarity Sergio loves you very much but he is of excessive familiarity he loads you with handfuls for jokes shamelessly puts his hands in your things makes use of your personal belongings visits you too often and even allows himself to meddle in a group to which You Belong by putting on heirs two don't pick on him but whenever he annoys you quietly count him the story of a great insufferable describing to him exactly what he himself does that he has had everyone reject him three Sergio will understand your Illusions and come to his senses the possessive Attitude how to dominate men so a possessive person one your little friend Clara or your friend Lorenzo if you are a woman is tired of being possessive when you talk to someone else she looks at you as if she is spying on you especially if it is another girl and she makes a whole story to you as soon as she is alone with you two don't accuse her of being possessive when she makes a scene at you pretend you don't understand what she wants to talk about this will set her off and she will accuse you of a lot of things three it is exactly what you expected look at her in amazement as if falling from the clouds open your mouth as if to protect test then close it and lower your eyes in disappointment as if you did not expect such a thing from her it will soon try to make it up to you here she is under your mental domination how to master in a person the need to argue closed attitude jealousy use the previous Technique One let Jon or Joan give you a show of their quirkiness two pretend not to notice anything this will prompt them to exaggerate it to impress and affect send you three react with a deeply hurt and disappointed air four they will desperately attempt to make honorable amends this will enable you to exercise mental dominance over them Dess law how to create the powerful magnetism of a harmonious conversation creating the mighty magnetism of a harmonious conversation is like using putty in carpentry as perfect as the carpenter's work is if he has not gotten all the little holes and all the little grooves in the wood it will not be perfect enough it is the reason why this law has so much importance in the process of Mind domination what is a harmonious conversation to know how to lead a harmonious conversation you must have humor people get tired of you if they see you as serious all the time or if you don't get the joke as this prevents them from being in your company for too long but not everyone is lucky enough to possess a sense of humor by being funny you always run the risk of offending people because it is not always possible to guess other people's reactions to everything you say or do also it is not easy to be funny depending on the circumstances you have to have the right words on the tip of your tongue and use them without hesitation what's more the most comical people are generally misunderstood people only appreciate jokes as a function of the humorists fame as such as soon as a famous comedian enters the stage the audience bursts out laughing whereas when they were still strangers those same comedians had to parade their funniest jokes for several minutes before the audience barely dignified them with a smile yet once these comedians have made a reputation for themselves those same jokes entertain the audience to the point of Hysteria even before the actors have opened their mouths harmonious conversation gives you the same results you get from a famous comedian and involves no risk it immediately calms Jon or Joan because they have an intimate nature that is easy to maintain it does not force them to think to understand your joke nor to feel belittled if they do not understand it thanks to it you are judged human and simple your interlocutor feels very close to you he knows that he will have to answer you and is not at all tense the fears he had that you would not like him vanish because you have convinced him that harmonious conversation does not bother you he know no longer fears that his education and knowledge of current subjects are insufficient for him to be able to talk you decently harmonious conversation abolishes distance harmonious conversation brings you closer to a new acquaintance or business relationship it draws the interlocutor toward you reassuring him and he quickly allows himself to be influenced he forgets that he has come precisely to meet you he seems to have always known you when you leave him he misses you and until then only his friends had made him so Serene in fact you have made him even more Serene than others because he thinks you know his faults less than his friends nothing can break the ice between two strangers faster mind than a harmonious conversation and nothing can more quickly create an atmosphere of cordiality the appropriate State of Mind for starting a harmonious conversation you probably cannot put it into words but you certainly have a general idea of what a harmonious conversation is harmonious conversation avoids the Deep topics that are the subject of discussion although it can introduce them into the conversation when you're interlocutor and you get to know each other better the important thing is to know how to start this conversation the usual Foundation of harmonious conversation is found in your spirit once you adopt the suitable state of mind it will come automatically the suitable State of Mind is exactly the opposite of what you should adopt for Goliath suggest question you will study it in the 14th law instead of giving yourself importance in the eyes of the interlocutor you must shrink not physically mind but morally to the point of naive and forgetfulness of yourself destroy in yourself all pretensions to Greatness and superiority to replace it with a democratic Spirit and the idea that we are all born equal disguise your sensitivity to demonstrate to those around you a desire to please others and to get along well with them in other words adopt that mental stability that is peculiar to a good nature you are not there to argue with your interlocutor but to approve of him or pretend to approve of him you want by going to leave a good impression on him for the rest of the day whenever he expresses an opinion you must respond to him with care and interest you must give him the impression that no one has ever listened to him better than you there is no need for you to prostrate yourself in front of him or to laugh like mad at his every factious or to nod your head continually in approval but respond with yes or ums to his statements while he is talking remain in constant rapport with him even at the risk of weakening his position in the face of those who treat him more Brusly and more directly after your departure he will be eager to see you again the factor you need Tio remember during a harmonious conversation you are not annoyed if your interlocutor does not feed it some Gruff people may think that harmonious conversation has no raison dietry and may look at you with a tone of superiority from the moment you start talking to them yet if you discussed serious topics with them you would come to exchange unpleasant sentences however you must not be silent in their presence long silences cause unpleasant feelings harmonious conversation is your only plank of Salvation although this need not fill you with joy remember this well it is very likely that none of the people who know your interlocutor will go to any more trouble than you do with your harmonious conversation to put them at ease normally people don't worry so much about others they let them unravel themselves in any case most are not quite aware of others reactions and rarely imagine offending them there are also many who have neither the energy nor the humility to find a means to suit the offended nor the courage to ask their forgiveness Humanity is too caught up in its own interests to bother to study too closely the reactions of others those who have the misfortune of being oversensitive arouse the pity of others and are mistaken for weak few try to go further practically no one will try to be as kind as you are toward him no one except an excellent salesman a man or woman seeking A Love Affair jealous parents or children or a scrunching child even they except perhaps the parents or children only inter intermittently put their Arts into action they are too busy to do so or rather they have no patience for it indeed your harmonious conversation meets little competition how harmonious conversation earns your environment harmonious conversation cannot fail to attract your interlocutor and make him or her your slave because he or she wants to hear from you again as soon as you leave him or her it is not necessary to chain a person to make him or her your slave harmonious conversation is a more subtle and less difficult means your interlocutor like a glutton will do anything to enjoy your most delicious dish when you have drawn him to you thanks to harmonious conversation he will have only one desire to see you again the appropriate State of Mind for directing a harmonious conversation can be summarized as follows one have the state of mind that denotes a pleasant nature let the interlocutor be pleased with you for the rest of the day two during the conversation stay very close to him her and insert personal and intimate remarks three do not be irritated if during harmonious conversation he shows some Bad Manners this does not prevent him from finding your company exhilarating since most likely no one has ever had such a desire to charm him how too attack a harmonious conversation with disgusting people weather is a great topic for attacking this kind of conversation no weather is exactly stable and it is difficult to predict what the weather will be like from one day to the next however it may be that a bland unimaginative individual will get annoyed at hearing you talk about it and tell you like Mark Twain that everybody talks about the weather but nobody can do anything about it content yourself to smile and reply yes it's about time someone could do something about it if you continue to converse with this person you will realize that she will contradict you in all matters she disagrees for the sake of disagreeing and generally does the reverse of what you tell her knowing this keep calm and do not question her unpleasant responses do not try to prove her wrong do not explain to her why you mention the weather as she may reply so why start the conversation despite her distant attitude your interlocutor would like to be courted she is very eager to earn everyone's esteem although she cannot keep her loose tongue in check intimately and without even realizing it he seeks your company he is Therefore your slave and mentally you dominate him how too start a harmonious conversation with sympatic people in general a normal person will respond to you with his or her personal opinion about the weather a brief friendly discussion will follow do not oppose anyone's opinion even if it conflicts with yours rather Express surprise and respect for the interlocutor's wise prediction it will believe itself to be a prophet and will be eager to see you again to amaze you again before you no one had ever appreciated it at its proper value at last he has found someone who understands him if the conversation lingers move on to another topic of conversation concerning the news of the day the radio newspaper threats of War television broadcasts upcoming championships if you are among men or fashion children the home if you are among women rarely will you find anyone expressing truly personal opinions on such subjects even if this happens and you disagree do not let it show you are there to dominate people with your spirit and not to change them clearly mind domination can be a mighty tool for a reformer but the reformer soon creates a crowd of enemies and that is not your purpose listen as much as you can when the interlocutor is running out of ideas ask him questions to get him to talk more exercises to guide harmonious conversation exercise one tomorrow morning when you go out practice harmonious conversation with everyone you know and meet on your way home make a list of everyone you saw and answer the following questions for each person a did you have with each person the appropriate mood for harmonious conversation B did you argue at any time C did you listen attentively or pretend to D did you pretend to agree even when you did not e did you refrain from talking about personal matters to limit yourselves to subjects that could not provoke discussion F did your voice and general attitude remain Pleasant throughout the conversation G did you avoid prolonged silences by asking questions H did you act as if your interlocutor and not you were the important character Mark the questions whose answer is not satisfactory to refine it later exercise to look in the mirror or space and repeat the conversations you had but correcting this time the mistakes it is not necessary for you to remember all the sentences spoken remember only those that you should not have used and that spoiled everything remember exactly when you started arguing with John when you stopped responding kindly to Peter when you went interrupting Robert and silencing him remember also when you tried to correct Sergio's monstrous ignorance when you burst out laughing at Michelle's grotesque logic and when tired of Fred's boasting you could not help but tell him take up these exact points in your conversations and correct your attitude and words according to the laws of harmonious conversation how Tio correct your errors above you have learned how to correct your mistakes go alone to some place possibly the same day and reconstruct with your thoughts the scene you have marred repeat your words remember exactly the words spoken as you said them repeat the point at which cordiality gave way to argument objectively Define who is the culprit then study the way in which you spoiled everything and what Jon or Joan said to you that was the cause of making you spoil everything did they offend you were they rude did their stubbornness make you go into a rage did they take the floor and prevent you from speaking although their arguments were confusing did they refuse to believe the accuracy of yours whatever the reason find it find where and when your conversation turned into a disaster by finding out you will put your finger on the flaw in your behavior that prevents you from Gaining popularity later you will have to get rid of it this is what is called personality purification the seductive effect produced by the purification of personality the fact of purifying your personality frees you from the tension from from which you are afflicted after participating in a distressing scene this is part of mental hygiene and prevents you from lashing out at everyone by revealing the unpleasant event and exposing it to the light of day you can then get rid of the defect that was the cause but remember that you must objectively purify your personality do not punish yourself for not producing the convenient impression find the reason why you did not do so and apply the necessary remedy after that your personality will make rapid progresses that is why the mighty magnetism of harmonious conversation has so much Place among the laws of Mind domination 13th law how to create a physical appearance that arouses admiration you arrive now at one of the most recognized means of acquiring popularity and influencing others it is the physical appearance that stands out it includes one a convincing voice two a convincing attitude and behavior are used to convince people easily and quickly the convicing voice your voice merely conveys thoughts to others in an already attractive form it has a positive effect on the listener because of its tamber its musical quality its Clarity its accent of sincerity its sweetness and its modulations it also reflects a large part of your charm since it comes from the deepest part of the body the air of the lungs is saturated with your psychic and psychological ten so that the voice is like a second soul to those in your narrower Circle when you speak it seems that your voice can only travel a certain distance Beyond which it is assumed that you cannot be understood yet it has happened to hear people in distress miles away from the place from which they cried out for help this means that the voice cannot be heard by the physical gear at a great distance but can be heard at any Distance by the psychic gear your inter Locker can therefore be very close to you speaking to you and surprising your thoughts even without realizing it the visual aspect created by your voice your voice suggests to others rightly or wrongly that you are a person of a certain type if your voice is not the right one it gives you a different impression from the one you would like it to give even if your words are carefully chosen the fact that the voice does not coincide with that image of you visual appearance that you want to give will cause you to be taken for a different being than you would like to appear many puny insignificant men are considered robust and mighty solely because they have a thunderous voice their voice surprises people and draws attention to them that they would not get if they had a thin voice we are not encouraging you to use a thundering voice but this example should demonstrate to you the function that voice has on your visual aspect in short your voice can amazingly alter For Better or Worse the impression people make of you it can serve to influence and dominate others very quickly the sound of your voice alone can change the meaning and scope of your words even if you don't say anything important you will almost succeed in hypnotizing The Listener and even the mere tber of your voice in fact the hypnotist relies more on the monotony of his sentences than on the meaning of the words he uses to act on his patient in difficult cases he repeats the words as monotonously as possible so that the subject becomes so bored that he plunges into sleep even if you did nothing more than combine the voice that is needed with the right words and ideas you could improve your business and mundane life in an extraordinary way how too by a persuasive voice exercise speak in your room to an imaginary character say whatever comes to mind but speak as if you had a rubber ball in your mouth pressing against your tongue by doing this movement you will immediately feel your throat relax when the throat is relaxed the air coming out of the lungs presses against the pallet which is the sounding board of the nasal cavity the result is a deep sorous and impressive voice we would need too much space to explain why this simple change in the mechanism of the voice produces such fantastic results but for the sake of brevity let us say that it allows air to flow out of the lungs in a more rhythmic way facilitating pronunciation psychically your fluid propagates more completely we will tell you more about this later and totally envelopes JN or Joan precautions to take when using persuasive voice do not go too far in the illusion of a rubber ball in your mouth it would make you speak in a guttural voice instead speak normally without raising or lowering your voice for no reason the imaginary rubber ball in your mouth will automatically give your voice power in magnetism and a solemn tone if you try to add to it you will only succeed in Contracting your throat and making your efforts vanish do not even try to stretch the throat as singing teachers advise do not even focus on how to set the voice just think of the rubber ball at the back of your mouth and press on your tongue of course do not try to stretch the throat refinement exercise start by letting your cheeks hang down having the air of looking From Below then imagine that a rubber ball is placed at the back of your mouth and digs into your tongue speak while imagining that you are holding the rubber ball at first you will tend to forget the ball as you reflect on what you have to say immediately your throat will contract and you will no longer have a persuasive Voice or rather you will speak through your nose immediately think back to the ball and keep speaking with a little practice you will be able to keep the imaginary ball in the back of your throat for as long as you speak to keep it in place practice this exercise for 1 minute regularly every morning or whenever you get a chance during the day the voice is such an important element of your professional and social life that you should always maintain the persuasive voice whenever you practice this exercise follow the instructions we give at the end of this law do not make changes or variations of any kind to it for a change practice this exercise with a book and you can also read in front of the mirror as if you were giving a speech more tips for acquiring a persuasive voice refinement exercises repeat the previous exercise but walking around the room bending down picking up objects looking up turning your head making gestures practice making use of the persuasive voice at all times make it an integral part of yourself every time you open your mouth to utter a word do not be ashamed to use the persuasive voice in public people do not immediately notice the changes you make to your makeup or Behavior but they are immediately affected don't eat your words at the end of sentences and don't drag out cloths either give the impression that you speak naturally but do not speak naturally since if you did you would completely forget the rubber ball that must be at the bottom of the rubber always speak as if it were there the different steps to overcome to acquire a persuasive voice one stand or sit upright with your shoulders and neck well erect two keep your neck straight but bend your head slightly three let your jaw drop four imagine that you have a rubber ball in the back of your mouth five read or say whatever you want but always keep this rubber ball in the back of your mouth six you must neither read nor speak too fast or too slowly do not hurriedly pronounce certain syllables of important words seven think well that the voice comes from the deepest part of the body body exhale with it all your inner fluid and envelop your interlocutor in it warning while enveloping your interlocutor with your voice do not machine gun him with your gaze you want him to consider himself your true friend and not your eventual prey begin to practice this law then practice it every day and do not fail to do so above all never practice it when you are lying in bed being lying on your back desiccates your throat throat and these exercises May harm your vocal cords persuasive attitude and behavior attitude and behavior immediately give a good impression of you they do not make the effect of voice from the moment you open your mouth but they overcome the effect of voice before you begin to speak and from the time you are silent that is they can precede and prolong your mental dominion over any person when you leave at the end of a visit or interview your behavior and attitude if defect effect yes can erase the good impression you produced during the meeting they can also at the beginning of the visit give an idea of you that you will struggle to change in your interlocutor however if you have the necessary composure you can from the outset win over the interlocutor and make less effort to induce him to your way of thinking when you have left convincing attitude and behavior will strengthen your hold on him when he remembers them if you do not present yourself properly you will have to convince the interlocutor every time you are in contact with him if his first and last impressions are not good he will hesitate to recommend you or your company or products to other people undoubtedly it is not right for him to react that way since your capabilities and the quantity of products have nothing to do with your outward appearance but each of us is impressed by what we see although people try to banish deceptive ideas from their minds they linger in their subconscious moreover a defect effective demeanor denotes an unkempt physique and mental laziness while a good demeanor denotes a quick and active Spirit how attitude and Counting can damage your voice from a voice perspective attitude and demeanor are of the utmost importance as you have discovered by practicing the exercises to acquire a persuasive voice it is not easy to speak well while standing hunched over or with your head turned to one side likewise it is not easy to speak in the best way when you do not hold the proper attitude ude or position singing teachers correct your stance from the very beginning since the use of the voice is done in a purely mechanical way the attitude and position must be correct otherwise the air coming up from the lungs does not have all the force needed to add the sound box of the nasal cavity The Voice will be less sorous and lose its persuasive power incorrect posture apparently diminishes stature although being stoed decreases your height by only 2 in you appear to be 6 to 8 in shorter bad posture swells the neck shortens it ripples it and deforms the spine from the neck to the legs in short it prevents you from looking young on a physiological level it can cause a lot of discomfort how too by the ideal attitude exercise one stand against the wall your heels legs 150 shoulders and head should touch the wall this is the correct position to achieve this you must inflate your chest sag your diaphragm push your shoulders back slightly and keep your head straight enough to see what is at I level step forward holding this position for about 10 seconds without correcting the incorrect position you may have taken during these 10 seconds step back to approach the wall again check now whether your legs shoulders head and heels are touching the wall the part of the body that does not touch the wall is the part that needs to be trained to assume the ideal position if after 10 seconds you have not taken a bad position try to hold it for 20 seconds then for 1 minute exercise two instead of Simply walking away from the wall walk around the room once walk backward to stand against the wall and check the position of your limbs if your head does not touch the wall it means you're not keeping it straight if the shoulders are not touching the wall it means you have bent over and let them s bag and so on for the other parts of the body to correct these mistakes tirelessly repeat this exercise check the position every time you go around the room it is one of the laws of mental Mastery at which you will eventually Excel for you will have to fight bad habits and develop muscles that have long remained inactive but at least you will be able to hold a correct stance when you meet someone once out of his sight Your Position will no longer matter much as far as he is concerned but it may be that other people you intend to influence will be watching you at that moment therefore it is worthwhile for you to get used to permanently holding the ideal position exercise three step away from the wall again but this time make other gestures as you go around the room duck down to pick up a few things make the gesture of placing something on a shelf or putting on your hat or opening a drawer then all of a sudden stand with your back to the wall making no effort to correct your position check the position again with regard to the wall practice this exercise regularly at least once a day check the position and constantly improve it how to by the ideal demeanor exercise one walk around the room imagining that your spine is not a flexible stem but a rigid plank holding up the rest of your body like the Mast of a boat holds up the sail let the rest of your body the sail move comfortably while keeping your spine straight and rigid keep it straight but without Contracting it this will make you pull your head and chest up while allowing your shoulders to sway back and forth along with your arms also walk outside in this position in order to get used to it exercise two walk around the room again but turning your head to one side and the other as if you were looking at different objects walk naturally and not as if you were trying to walk while keeping your spine straight your stance must look natural to produce the desired effect well if people who know you were to find anything a little unusual in your gate a wall would rise up between you and them that would prevent you from forming any bond they would mentally keep you at a distance preventing your fluid from integrating with them exercise three let us now take care of the legs go forward with your toes tightly stretched walk the length and breadth of The Room walk on the outside of the feet and not not on the whole foot or on the inside this will Arch the foot and shorten it and prevent the arch from drooping because the outer side of the foot is solely due almost like bone while the inner side is barely solely due than cartilage exercise four stand for a few seconds in a certain spot bringing all your body weight to the outer sides of your feet never the inside this position spares your feet and prevents you from leg varicose veins IT projects weight onto the hard solid parts of the feet and not onto the ankles which are relatively fragile remember this well when you have to stand for a long time not only does this position save your strength but it gives your feet a graceful position when you are in a bathing suit if you use this position it will make your calves appear rounder and more graceful your feet and ankles thinner and your InStep higher exercise five when walking always first of all rest your toes and never fall back on your heels but on the outer sides of your feet constantly practice walking in this way exercise six combine the previous five exercises to make one stand against the wall to acquire the ideal position move away from the wall and walk correctly around the room keep your spine straight but as you walk swing your arms start the steps on the big toes keep the big toes well extended but decontracted fall back on the outer sides of the feet stay in this position for a minute or two finish by returning with your back to the wall without changing your body position and control it warning do not look down at your feet while walking unless you have a special reason to do so if looking down at you do so only with your eyes while keeping your back and neck straight look around the room for spots located at I level and fix your eyes on them never lower your gaze below such points as we said before this law will give you results less quickly than the others but it will be of extraordinary use to you in exercising mental Mastery fourth law how to make use of Goliath Autos suggestion and charm Autos suggestion Goliath Autos suggestion is a law of mental domination that allows you to have immense influence over people if you are a woman you will notice that it will help you to defend yourself physically when the opportunity arises during competitions great athletes feel Invincible which helps them overcome rivals or break records to feel Invincible you must study Goliath autosuggestion other competitors also want to win you but with Goliath Autos suggestion you destroy their confidence and belittle their efforts at the same time you increase confidence and multiply strength Goliath's self- suggestion at work this power consists of imagining that you become so huge in the eyes of others that they see you as more more corpulent and consequently stronger at work because of this principle very famous actors of very small stature have influenced audiences to the point that they are considered tall they Advanced on the stage convinced that they were immense and appeared to audiences far larger than they actually were they did not have to strut or stand on their tiptoes or stretch their necks or try to push back their shoulders all this after all would have made the audience laugh they merely suggested to The Spectators through the transmission of thoughts that they were taller than they looked they achieved their purpose despite the presence on the stage of actors taller than themselves your spirit can make more surprising impressions of you than your body the power of Goliath Autos suggestion cannot be effective from the first attempts when you have gained experience you can persuade others especially when you are alone with them that you are 10 or 12 in taller than your true stature if you are an athlete or simply a man or woman on the street this power alone will enable you to deter a possible attacker Goliath's self-suggestion a decisive factor in everything you understand when you have realized the energetic way in which Goliath's Auto suggestion can exert its power over the minds of others you will be able to understand the energy with which it can re over yours it provides you with the psychological bite you need it gives you the courage needed for a difficult competition against a dangerous rival whether in sports or business the courage to continue the fight in spite of everything and to achieve Victory even if by a narrow margin this kind of Courage can turn an average individual into a world champion because it Reveals His hidden power and all his reserves it is this courage that makes you an individual twice as valuable as before above all do not confuse Goliath's self-suggestion with blind Courage by rushing wildly onto a boxing square and cashing in unnecessary blows just because you do not have the patience to take boxing lessons you cannot expect to apply Goliath self- suggestion this is also true with regard to business do not apply Goliath's Autos suggestion when you blindly try to compete with firms stronger than your own you must use this extraordinary power to gather all the hidden forces and synchronize them before you explode them all at once generally Champions beat Prime it's only when they are forced to otherwise they merely win championships over others when they are closely squeezed by fearsome opponents their performance exceeds their usual chances because they draw on reserves thanks to Goliath Autos suggestion and that is how they beat primates how too use Goliath's self-suggestion to increase corpulence exercise one stand in front of the mirror and stare at your image keep staring at it and imagine that you grow 2 or 3 in on on the instant practice this exercise for several minutes until you see yourself growing faster and faster exercise two stand in front of the mirror and stare at your image keep staring at it and imagine yourself widening two or three CM at shoulder height practice this exercise for several minutes until you see yourself widening faster and faster sit down to rest as soon as you feel tired then start these exercises again until you see yourself growing and widening instantly exercise three stand in front of the mirror and stare at your image stare at it and imagine yourself growing 2 to 3 in and enlarging by as much at the same time practice this exercise for several minutes until you see yourself growing and enlarging faster and faster sit down and rest then start the exercise again until you see yourself growing and widening instantly exercise four repeat exercises 1 2 and 3 but this time grow and widen 9 to 10 cm in each Direction exercise five repeat exercises 1 2 and three but this time grow and widen 5 to 6 cm in each Direction exercise 6 repeat exercises 1 2 and 3 but this time grow 10 cm and widen by eight exercise s repeat exercises 1 2 and three but this time grow 12 CM and widen by 8 exercise 8 repeat exercises 1 2 and 3 but grow 15 cm and widen by 10 to make your interlocutor shrink exercise 9 standing in front of the mirror stare at your image imagine it to be that of your rival whose confidence you want to weaken or destroy continue to stare at it and imagine that it diminishes 2 cm in height in front of you practice this exercise for several minutes until you see him shrinking faster and faster exercise 10 stand in front of the mirror again and stare at your rival keep staring at him and imagine his shoulders shrinking 2 cm before your eyes practice this exercise for several minutes until you see him shrinking faster and faster sit down and rest if you are tired then resume exercises 9 and 10 until your opponent shrinks or shortens instantly exercise 11 stand in front of the mirror and stare at your rival keep staring at him and imagine that he is shortening by 2 in and shrinking by two in width at the same time practice this exercise for several minutes until you see it shrinking in both directions earlier and earlier sit down and rest then begin the exercise again until the opponent decreases instantly in both directions exercise 12 repeat exercises 9 10 and 11 but make your opponent decrease by 4 cm instead of two exercise 13 repeat exercises 9 10 and 11 but make him shorten by 6 cm and Shrink by four exercise 14 repeat exercises 9 10 and 11 but make it shorten by 8 cm and Shrink by four exercise 15 repeat exercis is 9 10 and 11 but make it shorten by 10 cm and Shrink by four exercise 16 repeat exercises 9 10 and 11 but make it shorten by 12 CM and Shrink by six simultaneously for you and your interlocutor exercise 17 stand in front of the mirror and look at your image stare at it closely and imagine that you are simultaneously growing and widening 3 cm as you did during exercise 3 close your eyes for 2 seconds forget your image in the mirror and breathe with the impression that you have really grown which will give you the impression that your whole body has increased in proportion close this image in your mind B now open your eyes again but this time imagine that the image you see of you in the mirror is that of the other person look at the one well and see it decreasing by 2 cm in height and two in width simultaneously as in exercise 11 e immediately feel that you have grown Yourself by 2 C cm and have widened by another two and so by contrast you are larger than him by 2 cm and equally wider by two as well so look at his image and consider that he is 2 cm smaller than you in both directions even though your image has not changed in other words train your eyes to see things as they are not physically but psychically this insert suggestion into the other person's spirit so that he sees the image as you created it that is he sees sees himself less tall and less wide Than You by 2 cm when you have acquired enough practice to arrive at this result you will possess the secret of Goliath autosuggestion exercise 18 repeat exercise 17 but this time enlarge and widen by 4 cm and make the other person shorten and shrink in the same proportions in other words you see him in the mirror as having 4 cm less than you in height and width although the image you see in the mirror remains unchanged exercise 19 repeat exercise 17 but this time you grow 6 cm and widen by four while your opponent shortens by 6 cm and shrinks by four you see him as a result in the mirror as having 12 cm less than you in height and 8 in width exercise 20 repeat exercise 17 but this time grow 8 cm and widen by five while your man shortens by eight and shrinks by five you then see him in the mirror as measuring six 16 cm less than you in height and 10 less in width exercise 21 repeat exercise 17 but this time grow 10 cm and widen by five while your opponent will shorten by 10 cm and Shrink by five that is you see him in the mirror as having 20 cm less than you in height and 10 cm less in width exercise 22 repeat exercise 17 but this time you take 12 CM in height and six in width while you're right shortens by 12 CM and shrinks by six that is you see him as measuring 24 cm less than you in height and 12 less in width warning one practice exercise 22 until you can realize it instantly two the more difference you see between your rival and you the more difficult the exercise will be because while you're image will not change you will have to imagine him much larger or much Peak low in the sense of height and width to practice mental dominance you do not have to know more about Goliath autosuggestion if this law is not very easy and does not give you quick results it will not however take you too long and what reward will you get even if you had learned only this law it would serve you alone to acquire extraordinary mental dominance over others we recommend however that you study all the other laws and apply them since width is 1ir of the the total height of the individual but you cannot and should not increase it in the same proportions as height it may be that a man who is only 20 cm less than another has the impression that he is half as tall it may be that his shoulders are only 4 to 8 cm less broad than the other man's and that he has the impression that his shoulders are half as broad as his Rivals similarly you do not need to be twice as tall or as wide as another person for him to have the impression that he is half your size by making you grow 12 CM and making the other person shrink 12 CM you can give him the impression that his measurements are half of yours as a result he feels half less strong than you his confidence is shaken as a result and so you can guide him the Autos suggestion of vicinity if you are a woman if you belong to the weaker sex the autosuggestion of charm will serve you to the same extent as Goliath autosuggestion serves men it consists in imagining yourself one that you are 20 years younger if you are 50 and less in proportion if you are younger considering only your face two that your face and body are attractive to the opposite sex three that your feet and calves have attractive curves four that you wear clothes like a movie actress five that you have a most graceful voice six that you are slender like a girl seven that you have a sweet Placid compassionate expression on your face these seven qualities give you immense power over people when you address someone from the stage or Podium the following exercises will help you acquire them exercise 1A sit in front of the mirror and look at the image of your face study the signs of age that you cannot disguise either with dyes flushes makeup or dentures the frowning of your eyebrows and the int inity of your gaze contribute perhaps to making you look older or the skin of the neck just below the chin hangs too far forward there are perhaps deeper furrows on the cheeks and around the lips sit close enough to the mirror to see all these wrinkles B now sit far enough away from the mirror that you can no longer make out these flaws dim the light as well this will help you you will look 20 years younger if you are 50 and proportionately younger if you are less than 50 see move the chair closer until you can barely make out the wrinkles force yourself to not see them and see yourself as you appeared in the mirror in B when you were away from them at first you will see the wrinkles but picture yourself as you were in a and make the wrinkles disappear D pull the chair back again the wrinkles appear deeper to you but again force yourself to not see them and try again to see yourself as you were in B when you were further away from the mirror practice this exercise to perfect you when you do it on the stage or Podium The Spectators will receive the image projected by your spirit and see you as as you see yourself you will need to practice this exercise for more than one session but you will be rewarded for the rest of your life if you are over 50 progressively imagine yourself looking 20 years younger exercise two stand across the room and look at your image in the mirror examine yourself well from head to toe and take a good look at the details that harm your femininity is your jawline too wide and too masculine are you too tall and too strong boned are your ankles too thick are your shoulders too broad is your chest too flat is the waist too big fix your image well and focus well on all these points separately picture them as they should be in order to be seductive imagine your chin sharper your joints thinner your stature smaller your shoulders less broad your breasts higher your waist narrower practice this exercise until you are able to instantly imagine a new image of yourself exercise three stand in front of the mirror from across the room and look at your legs imagine that your ankles are thin and your calves well rounded they must no be prominent halfway between the ankle and the knee then tapering toward the knee this is how a leg considered graceful must look now stand in profile in front of the mirror and observe you InStep it needs to be high to look young imagine that the feet are shorter than they actually are from the front of the ankle to the base of the big toes exercise four stand in the room well dressed and look at your image in the mirror but instead of standing stupidly imagine that you are a movie actress in front of the camera you pose shyly then Advance on your hip seductively as if you want to control something smile innocently and walk lightly around the room with a slightly affected step the dress will wrap around your neck or adhere to your body in an exciting way do not however look too sophisticated act vexatious just enough to remind those watching that you are a woman and not simply a brain in women's clothes exercise five make a speech in front of the mirror using the persuasion Ive voice check your lips carefully to make sure you notice their movements well if they do not move enough you will not look feminine do not murmur rapid mind articulate words in a high enough tone but without an affected air you must sound sweet and Grand ladylike exercise six stand in the middle of the room facing the mirror and examine your figure whatever your corpulence you need to see yourself as thinner than you are continue this exercise until you come to see yourself as instantly slender as a girl exercise s sit down and examine your image in the mirror carefully scrutinize your expression do you look too smart too fearful too indifferent too distant too careful you can have the best nature in the world and look hoty and warlike make yourself a sweet Placid compassionate expression that comes close to the irresistible look do not frown stretch your lips do not contract your jaw and fill your eyes with love for those around you to control the masses use charm autosuggestion instead of Goliath autosuggestion if you are a woman and you will have as much success with the public as men who use Goliath autosuggestion fifth law how to reach the summit of mental domain using your attractive fluid the fluid and it different colors the fluid or psychic atmosphere is a light e material radiation or emanation that surrounds every human creature it extends from 60 to 90 cm in all directions from the human body and is oval in shape the part closest to the body is the thickest and densest the part furthest from it is the finest and least distinct it resembles a luminous cloud a phosphorescent flame deep and dense in the center and gradually fading at the edges indeed it extends far beyond the distance that can be perceived by the most skilled scientist for its psychic influences can be felt in numerous cases at extraordinary distances sometimes it resembles a calm magnificent and luminous Sara at other times it launches in several directions immense Flames that fall in Great Waves still other times it projects from the depths of mental vibrations Corpus Sals resembling Sparks from a stove and disappearing in all directions these are telepathic suggestions men of science have photographed the fluid by means of fluorescent screens and claim that every human being is radioactive the fluid is never perfectly calm and quiet it manifests constant movements and changes even during its periods of relative calm it reveals a wavelike motion like a pulsation with iridescent clouds of color moving to the surface or to the depths when the individual is in the throws of Stormy mental activity or emotional tension his radiation turns into a wild picture with vibrations so intense that they can be felt by any normal person when the honest man is dreaming whether Dreaming or sleeping his radiation is similar to a kaleidoscope of great Beauty it possesses a hazy Clarity colored by Hues and shades of different colors that blend to give interesting combinations the different colors of the fluid and their significance every individual is surrounded by the Luminous Halo of his astral fluid which Sparkles with a thousand Vivid colors these colors change constantly according to the variations of thoughts and feelings when he feels pure affection you will see his fluid flooded with a blinding pink color when he feels mystical it is a vivid blue when he is selfish his fluid becomes a dull brown color when he is angry it is the color of purple when he is sensual it is a copper red when he is afraid it is a dull gray when he hates he is black people can have similar Expressions without having for that matter similar radiations The Smiling hypocrite and the one who is sincerely glad may have the same expression but their fluid will reveal the true character people may have similar Expressions that give them the same air of intelligence but their fluids will be different the dishonest man and the shy man May behave in the same way but their fluid will reveal the enormous difference between them the hypocrite who Smiles at you and the man who threatens you with his gaze may give you the impression that they have different feelings toward you but their fluid will reveal that neither of them loves you the flattering exploiter and the selfish greedy bride do not look the same at all but their fluids will show you that they are both exploiters in other words there are many whose behavior is different from their true nature but they are unmasked by their fluid when someone flatters you excessively you can realize by their are fluid that they Envy you and want to harm you if you know how to read in the radiation colors of those around you you will avoid misjudging them and you will also have the ability to use the appropriate techniques of mental Dominion each of us possesses in the coloring of our fluid two distinct zones one coloration results from his habitual thoughts and feelings that is of his character the other results from the thoughts and feelings of the moment the latter Fades quickly but but the former which is related to the individual's character persists permanently and gives a decisive color to his fluid he who is skilled in it can thus reveal not only the fleeting thoughts and feelings of another person but also his probable character and behavior by simply studying the changing and permanent colors of his fluid how two habit two fluid readings spare no effort in learning to read into the fluid of those around you look closely at the other person in a relaxed and penetrating way as if you want want to see through his or her body you will see her Halo radiating all around her learn to recognize the different colors of the Halos and interpret their meaning here is a very simple summary of the meaning of the colors blue purity of spirit honesty loyalty light blue mystical Purity ultraviolet mysticism yellow intellectual Pride Brown avarice red passion dull red low passion sensuality bright red anger and even hatred red mixed with black malignant anger and hatred Scarlet Taste of Gallant Intrigue green disappointment bright green cunning tact gray Melancholy mood pale gray Terror Black Terror revenge spite any of these colors and even all of them can appear in any combination practice reading into to the fluid of the people you meet until you can easily analyze them later when you meet people do not immediately try to dominate influence or guide them first examine their fluid identify what it reveals then act accordingly but make sure that these people do not suspect what you are doing if you cannot immediately analyze a person's Halo without irritating them with your distant appearance stare at them with the irresistible gaze fourth law and wait until they feel confident before trying to discern their Halo train yourself to discern the color of her Halo as quickly as possible you will notice that the Halo is best discerned against a dark background outside or in full sun it is more difficult to discern practice however to discover it in the open air however since most important business is transacted indoors it is more important to know how to spot it inside hypers sensitivity to fluid by by adding hypers sensitivity to fluid to the detection of radiation colors you will become a master in the subject if you struggle to distinguish fluid you can rely solely on your sensitivity to it with results almost as good in what concerns the mental domain you will achieve hypers sensitivity to fluid by making a complete vacuum in your spirit to focus on the fluid of others so that you can feel their emotions and personality through fluid hypers sensitivity you'll feel the vibration ations of another person's fluid and are able to interpret the moods that cause them some fluids make you uncomfortable and give you painful heartbeats others are soothing under the influence of your spirit the fluid undergo physical and chemical Transformations a medium may be able to accomplish Transformations by entering a trans then using the power of his or her subconscious with even greater dynamism than the subject in a state of hypnosis it is not yet known how the medium manages to perform this miracle but experiments have shown that the medium can project its fluid onto the subject to perform Feats considered miraculous apparently the composition of the fluid can be changed at will how to scientifically control your fluid although you cannot perform the same Feats as the medium you have enough power over your fluid to influence to a certain degree its composition by means of your intelligence Alone by giving an order to your fluid you can serve veins as success f as if you used your intelligence to direct a tennis ball the fall of a pair of dice or the trajectory of a billiard ball the more you make a habit of subjecting your fluid to your will the better you can control and direct it it has been proven by experiments that you can give a pulse to certain objects by dazzling them with your gaze since the fluid is a direct emanation of the body and also of the eyes it is it that obeying the orders of your spirit is able to give an Impulse to objects by means of a dazzling gaze the composition of your fluid the exact composition of the fluid is still mysterious but since from what we know everything that exists on Earth comes from physical or chemical elements or the combination of both we must assume that the fluid is a physical and chemical composition about which we know little when you use it to exercise mental Dominion your fluid undergos changes in composition in the course of the day the form and chemical composition position change with each person when you stiffen in hatred or anger and your blood circulation becomes charged with adrenaline your blood temporarily becomes more acidic this results in a corresponding change in your fluid whether it also becomes more acidic is something we ignore it may also be that it loses flexibility as happens to your body when you are in a rage and radiates rigid wavelengths so that all it takes is for your hand to touch others to stimulate them the effects of your fluid are especially felt when you meet your best friend or loved one the quiver of joy that rises along your spine at those moments is a phenomenon at once physiological and psychological due to the combination of the fluids of two human bodies that are for the moment at least in complete Harmony there is a complete communion of Spirit and the chemical composition of your two fluids becomes so similar that a fusion between one and the other is established in practice mind the resulting Mutual Harmony is so absolute that the nerves at one and the other produce real Sparks and emit an energy that electrifies you reciprocally this phenomenon does not occur when you meet a stranger who has no particular reason to Rejoice at seeing you on the other hand if you voluntarily neutralize your fluid when you meet him you can reduce his distrust and without being able to explain it he will be willing to love and trust you he will feel happier and more joyful and will attribute this new state State of Mind to your presence comedians produce this effect on their audiences the influence of the spirit on the attractive force of your fluid the pull of your fluid is the direct result of thought if your thought is hostile the fluid will also be hostile and will drive people away from you the fluid can become an invisible monster of your own making if you Harbor the thought that you do not want anyone around you sensitive people will perceive as they approach you your feelings and instinct ly avoid you it is possible that telepathy underlies this perception but it is largely due to the fact that our invisible fluid spreads out into space and propels that of others according to the same process your attractive fluid will attract people around you how to develop your fluid for the purpose of mental domain in order to develop your fluid for the purpose of mental domination you will have to train yourself first of all to hold the thought hold clear distinct and repeated mental images in your spirit of ideas and feelings that you wish to convey to another person then intensify the effect of these mental images by imagining suitable colors one you are primarily the end result of the thoughts you have had and the feelings you have felt throughout your life to erase an aspect of your character that you find undesirable develop the opposite aspect and train yourself to use it neutralize negative Attitudes by developing positive ones the form of your fluid will find itself changed as a result and increase the power of mental dominance two how to represent astral colors to yourself take a sheet of white paper and draw on it a vertical line running from one end of the sheet to the other and placed about 4 and 1/2 in from the right edge of this sheet on the part of the page to the left of this line make a list of those aspects of your character that you find strong and interesting to the right of the line write the astral color that best suits each aspect of character using the list you studied earlier take another sheet of paper and make this time a list of those aspects of character that you consider undesirable and right next to each of them the most suitable color exercise one form in your spirit a very clear image of one of these colors and project it onto your fluid do the same thing for all the colors one after the other exercise 2 Imagine One one after another those character traits that create these different colors and saturate your fluid with them exercise three take a pleasing character trait and saturate your fluid with the color IT projects exercise four take an undesirable character trait but erase it from your fluid by representing the color of the opposite therefore desirable character trait if one of your defects is anger fill yourself with anger then neutralize it by depicting the color corresponding to placidity do the same for all other defects exercise 5 to represent different colors to you more easily practice focusing your attention on objects of those same colors for example a red rose and a green leaf order and demand at the same time that the vibrations of that color change your fluid patience perseverance and sustained interest yield remarkable results in this area changing the color of your fluid is one of the most effective means of influencing others how to change your fluid too protect yourself from the influence of others orange yellow and the colors in the same range by the vibrations of mental protection they are the colors of intelligence when you saturate your fluid with them they help protect you against the efforts of others to convince you your misguidedness by means of fallacious arguments plausible reasoning erroneous examples Etc these colors help to Enlighten your spirit attract the faculties of perception increase your reasoning power of judgment and sharpen the gift of prompt response exercise one imagine the appropriate mental attitude and flood your fluid with orange and yellow efforts by others to influence you will bump against your fluid and fall back on them exercise two if your opponent's influence is truly undesirable flood your fluid with several blue tones examine some bright clear blue tones choose the one you prefer and load your fluid with it sixth law how to protect your power by adopting the necessary appearance the tenth commandment says Thou shalt not covet another's woman nor his house nor his servant nor his field nor his Ox nor his ass nor anything else that belongs to him the incessant rivality with your neighbor violating the tenth commandment brings more pain and shortens more lives than any other evil in peace time Envy hatred greed and other states of mind that lead to ruin make you grow old earlier and deplete your intellect ual reserves these defects not only prevent you from recovering from the tension and struggles of daily life but also affect your morale by giving you worries anxiety and feelings of frustration and inferiority they also push you to constantly compare yourself with your neighbor Mr Dupont you are always afraid that he earns more than you that he has a nicer car than you that his wife is prettier and more seductive than yours that his children are smarter and sturdier than yours that his health is better than yours anything that can improve Mr DuPont's life throws you into a state of frustration and yet you must not realize your jealousy towards him then adopt a facade an appearance when you are before him at that moment your true I transforms into a pitiful monster in your inner self you begin an incessant combat with Mr Dupont and nothing is more exhausting and useless than imposing introspection in the field of the the sport of music for example competitors train and repeat in a more or less calm Spirit then go to the meeting or show up for the competition during the last day of training or repetition their nervousness reaches its peak then disappears shortly after the test begins when the competition is over whether they have won or lost they relax again although discontent with the jury's verdict the critic's opinion or their own essay their nerves are no longer tense they may prepare for another competition or decide R to quit but that competition at least is over your fight against Mr Dupont on the other hand cannot end unless one of you retires and quits the fight or changes Wards or you lose sight of each other completely otherwise you will continue to envy each other until the last hour when you will both be as old as methusa and each will even try to outlive the other consciously or not this state of mind oppresses you during work or when you move around and Meanwhile your wife and children are certainly not helping to make things right by demanding that you give them everything the DuPont have and even a little more not knowing what to do you go back into your shell to savor the hatred and turn into a frightening monster you explode at your wife and children at the slightest infraction and they treat you as an bold buffoon more than one husband in a similar situation has eventually decided to abandon the family you excavate your own tomb Relentless competition undertaken against your neighbor seriously limits your power of mental dominance your true ey attacked by the acids secreted by yourself causes a transformation for the worse of your complete State of Mind your fluid the telepathic waves you involuntarily emit your whole philosophy of life is transformed for the worse you can read in your eyes a solid and latent hostility and you are discontented with the whole world you become sad and lose your sense of humor without humor it is impossible to start a harmonious conversation that is how you no longer attract anyone to you you feel desperate if you could only grasp this Dupont and take him down if you could prevent his steady rise that his car is nicer than yours that his earnings are greater than yours perhaps you also Envy his voice his eloquence his culture his belly flatter than yours his stature greater than yours when jealousy sets in it knows no bounds like cancer it may limit itself to the beginning to some small differences existing between you then it generalizes and encompasses all possible differences major or minor and once you have set yourself up to Envy Mr Dupont you also drag in Durand Bonnet LeBlanc Lenor all neighbors and acquaintances this is also true if you are a woman and if you envy Madam d P you end up envying all the other neighbors and acquaintances because their husbands give them more Comfort or luxury than you have because their children have better educational achievements than yours or because although older than you they are lucky enough to look younger soon you will touch the chronic stage in which you will not be satisfied except when you envy someone for one thing or another this detestable habit banishes day and night from your spirit any constructive thought of course it is it's easier to laugh at others and condemn them than to amend yourself and do the impossible thus you fall and remain buried in the lonely grave you have dug for yourself with your own hands the disastrous effects of Envy on mental domain when you envy people when you detest them and greedily desire everything they have you have a hard time showing Yourself Pleasant in front of them certainly thanks to mental domination you can still disarm Mr Dupont and others but it is much more difficult because your tele T apathic radiation alone alerts them against your true feelings toward them for example Mr Dupont distrustful by Nature already expects you to envy him for what he possesses just as he envies his neighbor Bonnet for what he has he is therefore ready to perceive with astonishing Acuity your psychic reactions toward everything he possesses the slightest sign of spite in your eyes the slightest hesitation in your voice the slightest change of color in your face are immediately discerned by him it may even be that he feels pleasure from it or you are in business and your prospective customer tells you about a product similar to yours but which he considers better and cheaper than yours in that case you must not look alarmed or show signs of impatience you must take the hit others on the other hand will admire you more just as they admire the Sportsman who continues to do his best even when he loses and recovers and wins the solution solution to the problem the best way to combat this disastrous attitude that leads you to ruin is to use Mental dominance it will not be easy to stop envying Mr Dupont you know that you will always continue to envy him and if you are a woman you will continue to Envy Mrs Dupont you will also always be baffled by your eventual customer when he makes an unfavorable comparison between your product and another all your life you have been driven to succeed at something and in order to succeed it has been necessary for you to compete with and surpass others to succeed in school you have had to work harder than others and surpass them to win the woman or man you desired you had to supplant other suitors or other pretty girls all your life you dreamed of a pretty house with a beautiful garden when Mr or Mrs Dupont realizes this dream before you or better than you it is not easy for you to just shrug your shoulders and think of something else you would perhaps find it easier to ignore a terrible toothache but you can however diminish their importance to the point where they do not diminish your mental power you will no longer need to Envy Mr Dupont how Tio adopt the necessary look first stage when you hear about something that makes you jealous open your eyes wide and stretch your lips slightly you will look surprised and happy whatever your true sentiment is if you do not look surprised you will not fool anyone especially if the another person Mr Dupont for example expects you to look surprised if you only show surprise that is not enough you must Show Yourself contemporarily taken and happy you will be suspected of being jealous second stage next don't give a big smile by letting out a cry of admiration because it will result in Out Of Tune if you immediately put yourself in Mr dupon Skin you will realize that he expects you to be so dejected by the good news he gives you about himself that you will will lose your voice at least for a moment you must therefore think that it is to you and not to him that these wonderful things happen only then will you adopt a perfect appearance stage three now you have to breathe deeply as if to regain your senses and let out a sigh of satisfaction I knew you would succeed Mr Dupont it was only a matter of time or this automobile will make a lot of envious people in the ward I too had the intention of buying one you beat me to it it is magnificent in summary combine these three steps as follows one when you hear good news about another person arch your eyes and slightly stretch your lips two do not give a big smile by letting out a cry of admiration three breathe deeply as if to regain your senses and let out a sigh of satisfaction expressing your pleasure that the other person has succeeded in doing what you yourself wish to do Advanced training exercise exercise one stand in front of the mirror and suppose that John or Lucia had just informed you that they had purchased or obtained something you had been trying unsuccessfully to purchase or obtain for a long time you never thought they would succeed at least not so quickly immediately shell your eyes and stretch your lips slightly make sure your eyes are not filled with tears this would harm the facade practice this exercise several times it will serve you every day in professional life and in society 16th law how to exercise control of the masses over groups and crowds friends Romans citizens hear me no one is unaware that Mark Anthony uttered these Immortal words in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Mark Anthony then began to exert control over the Romans and overthrow Caesar's enemies one man was able to bring down the cunning plan of several brilliant and influential men and that was through control of the masses you need not aspire to be a second Mark Anthony to gain the countless advantages of this power you can use it to induce others to your way of thinking in society or in business when you address person you can induce others to vote for you even simply within your own Circle or committee you can win powerful opposition even if it lasts for years when you know how to exercise control over the masses over for groups and crowds you can suddenly rise above others and be instinctual and supported by them study this law and put it into practice you will then be ready to enter the world of men and become somebody and not just another individual Remain the regular companion beware do not apply Mass control to relatives and friends they know you well and may be wary of your new attitude they must continue to regard you as a regular companion they cannot pay you a better compliment if they do not regard you as original or unusual they should like you it is exhausting to constantly influence everyone you meet so when you are in intimacy forget about the control of the masses when Mass control must be applied it is entirely different when you are faced with a group of foreigners whom you wish to influence and direct you will not stay long in their company so do not exhaust yourself in trying to control the whole group if you are a lecturer an actor a singer a preacher or if you lead a grouping control of the masses will cut off the breath of your audience a lawyer can with his or her argument apply it to the jury control of the masses distinguishes you from the middle class and places you in the privileged class that directs the thinking and actions of the crowd through it you can make a lecture tour across the country and inflame the hearers cult leaders make the most of this law even if the newspapers ridicule them their followers worship them the more their Fame grows the more grip they have on the followers for their Fame annihilates all logic that is why they so easily retain a grip on their environment they concentrate their efforts on applying control of the masses to the uninitiated Skeptics and unbelievers political leaders also use control of the masses if it is used for honorable purposes it can honorably serve the cause of humanity and procure the one who applies it Eternal Fame the five elements of mass control Mass control can be divided into five elements use them in the order listed one attractive fluid two Goliath Autos suggestion of charm if you are a woman three the transmission of thought four the attractive attitude and behavior five the persuasive voice you have already practiced all these laws of Mind domination control of the masses is one of the greatest achievements of mental domination and should not be applied half-heartedly either you practice it with absolute success or you fail completely it is difficult to achieve the application of mass control without using to Perfection each of its elements we have given the list of above once you have failed a first attempt to apply Mass control it is also difficult to return to the task with the same group of people for at that time you must overcome more resistance and disappointment from them you must therefore study well the Five Laws listed above and put them into practice in your room with the help of the exercises below before you venture to use them to practice Mass control in public how too exercise control of the masses exercise one stand in your room so that you are not in front of the mirror but to one side pretend you are making an entrance on a stage or scene in front of a huge crowd that you wish to to lead influence or control exercise two breathe deeply three or four times to calm your heart as it will beat very fast when you are faced with such a situation exercise three now take two or three steps to stand right in front of the mirror your face and body are still sideways in relation to it exercise four but at the exact moment when you step in front of the mirror as if you were stepping onto a stage or stepping onto a stage breathe deeply make your fluid explode all over the place in a burst of Rich bright golden blue the color of intellectual power exercise five turn your face toward the mirror then turn your body as well your fluid follows you and the audience is stunned exercise 6 fix in the mirror the image of your forehead so that you cannot see your eyes this is how you must look at the audience choose the person in the hundredth of the last row of chairs at the back of the room and look at his or her forehead do not look at any of those nearest to you nor look at the eyes shoulders hands or other part of the body of anyone else thus give the impression that you are looking into the eyes of all the people present exercise 7 thanks to your fluid you have exerted immediate control over everyone present which puts you in a strong position but this radiation cannot be maintained for long without losing its strength thus you will have to stop blasting two or 3 seconds later exercise 8 immediately neutralize your fluid by totally depriving it of color this maintains psychic energy but immediately apply Goliath's Autos suggestion to those present imagine that you have suddenly grown 12 CM unless you are already in the beginning a giant and enlarged 6 cm you do not need to imagine at the same time that the limbs of those present are decreasing in height and width but you really want to give the general impression that you are some kind of Superman without becoming ridiculous if you are a woman use charm AO suggestion exercise 9 do not project Goliath's Autos suggestion for more than 2 seconds viewers must not become accustomed to any of your actions when you exercise control of the masses they must remain under your domination and in the grip of Perpetual unexpected and inexplicable surprise in any case the effects of your Goliath Autos suggestion persist even after you have stopped its action exercise 10 Now guide the crowd with your thoughts to continue exercising mental dominance over it project toward it this thought here I am you see me at last I am the highest of all look at me you cannot take your eyes off my person you will believe everything I tell you look at me look look exercise 11 there is complete silence in the room come forward now and using seductive attitude and behavior say hello slowly lightly deliberately exercise 12 before the audience calms down after the initial Applause start speaking to them with persuasive voice use a very serious Clear sorous Tone avoid speaking in an emphatic tone and make no gestures or mimicry the aim is to keep the hearers as still as statues with their eyes fixed on yours your gaze is always fixed on the forehead of someone in the back of the room if there is not enough light to allow you to see that far ahead fix your Gaze on a pillar or poster or any impersonal object and do not allow yourself to be distracted or disturbed by anything for fear of losing your already acquired hold on the audience keep speaking re like a hypnotist as if you are personally advising each member of the audience but do not make too much use of platitudes they would take all mystery out of the words and the audience would no longer be under your spell speak sincerely without overusing key words as you would in ordinary conversation remember well not to look at anyone in particular the brow arch of one the curve of another's lips the frame of a third's glasses and so many other insignificant details can distract you and weaken your power over yourself and those around you exercise 13 your aim is to keep your hearers in this atmosphere until the end of the speech if they give the impression of escaping you try to immerse them again by changing the aspect of the topic since these people are not in a state of hypnosis they will react actively they will applaud you when they agree with you this will intensify your grip on them do not exaggerate your function during the Applause wait coldly for them to begin to calm down or for them to last 2 or 3 seconds if they last that long then resume the speech as if you had not interrupted it if the Clapping is very frequent and threatens to destroy the coherence of the conversation do not stop again but keep talking to discourage the Clapping if it happens that someone sneezes laughs for no reason or drop some object do not pay attention to it if this incident temporarily reduces your power over the audience you will quickly regain it by appearing inaccessible to distractions people admire those who have a cool and calm attitude do not look as if you are acting like a superman but with demeanor incite your admirers to think that you are one as you warm up by speaking your tone Rises and you make gestures they are more pronounced as you approach the climax of the speech at that moment you are like the hypnotist who completely controls the subject and orders him to accomplish things that seem impossible now your hearers drink in each of the words lur and respond to you fervently it is time to deliver the final blow you quickly end the speech and the hall explodes with contained excitement throughout the speech you have exercised Mass control over it the secrets of mass control unless you appeal to the humanity of your audience do not let it enter your soul as you apply Mass control to it remain perfectly serious and after the lecture do not meddle with the audience do not reveal your intimate thoughts and feelings except to close friends and advisers whatever favor the crowd has for the one who directs it it will not fail to Flay him alive if he fails in his undertaking never imagine that you are permanently attached to your followers to retain their esteem do not give them any reason to doubt your abilities or not to regard you as the demigod who appeared to them on the Park after leaving the stage disappear and leave your admirers under the Dominion of mass control on stage or a St stage commit to slow precise movements but do not have a theatrical attitude practice in front of a mirror do not speed up your exposure unless you have a specific reason for doing so if you have prepared notes look at them as little as possible since every time you look away from the audience to look at them you stop controlling them relax your spirit as you speak and think only of what you are about to say panic feelings of inferiority in any manifestation of anxiety will only nullify your efforts to bewitch the audience there are cynics and pranksters in all audiences who are a threat to your safety and the application of mass control with Goliath's attractive fluid and auto suggestion you will be able by entering the scene to partially paralyze their critical spirit keep them under your influence until the moment you leave the stand do not believe yourself alone for if on the scene you actually are all members of the audience who are under your influence will emit thoughts that are favorable to you and these thoughts will neutralize the effects of that Lee of your enemies the control of the masses is a very exalted law it is one of the most advanced laws of Mind domination because it teaches you to influence the spirits of a large number of people at once it is 13 also the law that gives the greatest results 12 law how to apply and preserve mental dominion over yourself with the c oant whatever Perfection with which you succeed in mentally dominating others the most important is that you know how to dominate yourself one when you know how to dominate yourself with your spirit you dominate The Spirit of others much more easily two when you dominate yourself you can also improve yourself in any field you can overcome a bad habit pick up a good one adapt to any situation control your mood prolong your health and life eliminate all nervous tension think more exactly and more practically without externalizing I ing emotions learn faster do not be easily influenced by others feel strong even after any backhanded stay more easily in a leading position avoid all fallacious reasoning three when you come to dominate yourself and you will succeed because of this law you will retain in the subconscious all your power of mental domination thanks to the C oant the secret trick that will be revealed to you at the end of this law thereafter should you feel the slightest weakening in your ability to apply mental Dominion all you have to do is implement the C oant and in the blink of an eye the power of mental dominion over you and others will return to you as powerful as before now you realize why this law is the most important of all Mastery over yourself is the ultimate goal it is the goal of the one who is master of himself it is to it that Mystic and yogis devote their whole lives and the results they get from it are so extraordinary that other men who have only touched on selfmaster call their Feats miraculous success happiness popularity will belong to you much sooner when your self-control has increased by even 25% thanks to this law it should increase from 100% to 1,000% the immediate block the first thing you need to learn in order to exercise mental dominance yourself is the immediate block you cannot self-control yourself if you cannot free yourself from the Fetters constituted by worries if you are sensitive you will have to suffer daily anguish and insults from individuals who do not like you and who have hostile thoughts about you most of these thoughts will often be merely the figments of your imagination but there will also be enough of the real ones to constitute a cause for concern for you since you cannot spend half your life wrestling with psychological complexes you must Implement immediate blocking to prevent them from settling in your subconscious mind in other words do not wait until you become a chronic Restless person to put an end to the causes of your restlessness Drive the complexes out of your spirit as soon as you feel that they disturb its peace Galvanize yourself with immediate blocking as taught in the exercises that follow do not evade the problem by thinking about other things this would only activate the psychological virus already settled in the deepest nerve cells of the brain as soon as you feel this inner gnawing gnawing at you after an argument with someone block all introspection before the psychological virus attaches to you exercise 1 recall an incident during which someone bumped into you so much that you became angry it was perhaps a clown who offended you or an unscrupulous Merchant Who Sold you Goods that were worthless or a professor who unknowingly or unintentionally graded you poorly in school or someone you dearly loved a friend or flame who did not come to your appointment or a superior who unintentionally showed unfair fairness by favoring another without taking into account your solid qualities as the anger against this person grows relax the muscles of your face and body Galvanize yourself is a living expression that explains what needs to be done relax the frowning eyebrows the tensing of the lips the shrug of the shoulders the clenching of the fists the tensing of the muscles in the legs and feet by a reflex phenomenon the muscles will also relax the brain simply put the muscles help know the Spirit by telling it what to do when the brain cannot tense the fighting muscles it is like a fusy without ammunition stay in this state until the anger is gone it will not take long it is what is called immediate blockade after such an unpleasant experience the fury will take hold of you again for some time neutralize it each time with the immediate block until it stops making you angry exercise two recall an incident during which he insulted you with all kinds of unpleasant words in front of other people because he obviously did not love you or because he was Frosty so of you although you have not seen your offender for years this Unforgettable insult has not stopped burning you like an internal fire and has made you bitter and distrustful of everyone reenact this exasperating scene but as soon as you feel anger rising in you apply the immediate block exercise three recall the whole scene again and again apply immediate blocking repeat the operation a dozen times by intentionally recalling to memory this unpleasant experience that instinctively repulses you stop quickly Prime the upsetting effects because this forces you to look things frankly in the face several times in succession if each time you apply the immediate block immediately you will get used to using this defensive power at will until you can erase at will from your spirit every incident that makes you angry or upsets you the immediate block is even more effective than the spirit void because it uses the muscles to relax another part of the body the brain by relaxing the muscles which are more easily controlled you also relax the spirit which is of more difficult control the immediate block protector of your mental faculties the immediate block will allow your mental faculties to exercise whenever necessary your brain possesses a certain amount of energy of which you can use at will if you use it without discernment you will have less available for important uses no one even your wife and children care about the fatigued state of your spirit in fact they treat you as an bold owl when you look mentally exhausted All That Remains for you is to protect your constant mind against anything that can deplete your reserves of mental energy and in particular against unpleasant people do this effectively by means of immediate blocking and and conserve your mental faculties for worthwhile occasions how to prevent another person from dominating you in order to dominate your spirit you must first prevent others from dominating it you cannot dominate it if someone else already does the most effective means of preventing someone else from dominating you mentally is immediate blocking as soon as you feel uncomfortable or at a dead end and you are powerless to defend yourself from another person's influence apply immediate blocking on yourself why well here it is if a person influences you against your will your brain will turn against them and make you withdraw your forehead lips shoulders fists legs and feet as soon as you counter this effect by relaxing your muscles you cancel the muscle contraction messages emanating from your brain the other person becomes discouraged when he realizes that he is not influencing you at all and stops transmitting psychic orders to you you will then be liberated and ready to dominate yourself the difficulties is represented by personal mental domination when you are a child or when you believe in something fanatically it is easy for you to dominate yourself mentally but when you are an adult and see the two sides of every problem dominating your spirit can become a Herculean effort then again to master it completely you would need to be a Mystic or a yogi psychologists claim that each of us has two brains each brain hemisphere is an independent entity one is more powerful than the other and its action is predominant it is generally the left hemisphere which explains why most people use their right hand the vast majority of nerves go through the brain and spinal cord to the opposite side of the body in left-handers the right side of the brain is more developed in stutterers the two hemispheres have probably developed in the same way or nearly so so they bicker to guide the words it utters this conflict contracts his vocal chords and causes him to stumble over words the more mature and sophisticated we become the more the two halves of our brain become balanced and the more difficult the mental domination of one side over the other becomes you do not suffer when you want to influence another person because the two halves of your brain agree well on what they want to do but this is not the case when it comes to you at that moment the two halves are equally concerned and each has its own IDE ideas about what suits you best therefore you cannot succeed in mentally dominating yourselves without returning to the infantile stage or fanatical beliefs to allow one half of the brain to have the upper hand in deciding what needs to be done how to dominate yourself mentally the best way is to study an example closely example you are a smoker you are frightened by the controversy raised by this habit and wish to quit smoking you you agree with the opponents of smoking and fear the consequences tobacco may have on your health it is the weaker side of your brain that thinks this but you have been smoking for years and are chained to this habit when you do not smoke you feel miserable since everyone who smokes will not suffer you say to yourself why shouldn't I keep smoking there it is the left stronger side if you use the right that thinks in order for your spirit to control this habit it you must increase the power of the right side of the brain the weaker one until it equals and then exceeds that of the left side at the same time in order to reach the goal more quickly you must decrease the power of the left side of the brain until it is not only equal to but less than that of the right side on a technical level you do not need to increase or decrease the power of the whole half of the brain but only of the affected region of the smoking habit the rest of each hemisphere remains unchanged as it is not yet affected how to strengthen or weaken the weaker half of the brain that is against tobacco there are four things not to do a do not reason logically do not tell yourself that you must stop smoking because tobacco is bad for your health if you do you will hesitate and change your opinion every day because tobacco controversies regularly appear in the newspapers and ring the manufacturer Bell and those who are against it above all do not remember the risks you can take by smoking nor the expense this annoying habit causes you nor any reason the other half of your brain might argue rightly or wrongly arguments and disputes between the two halves of the brain prevent you from exercising mental dominion over yourself and anyone it would be better for the two halves of the brain to agree on the issue and act in concert as happens when you dominate another adult or an animal or object rather than for one half to become stronger than the other B never impose punishments on yourself for not keeping your promise not to smoke or simply because it keeps you smoking punishment breeds resentment and resentment leads to revolt and over time Revolt becomes increasingly difficult to master C do not set a date by which you will stop smoking and wait patiently this kind of decision-making is conditioned by so many phenoma on the plane of emotions that it is difficult to keep within the limits you have set for yourself and if you should fail it would be absolutely natural for you to think that you simply cannot do without the Habit anymore D the only thing to do is to make a decision that does not allow for arguments does not set time limits and does not involve threats Solutions A and B create a nervous tension that drives you to smoke more solution a gives you too many loopholes as you can discuss the issue endlessly the solution to be adopted is solution e e the simplest and the least contestable solution is to Simply tell yourself whenever you feel like smoking I have stopped smoking and that's it this does not provoke discussion you have not smoked again after you last smoked you have therefore well stopped smoking you resume this habit only when you smoke again but whenever you feel the urge to smoke say to yourself I quit smoking I quit smoking and conscient iously put out the cigarette or pipe or cigar certainly this process it sounds too naive to be effective but it is much more effective than you think after all the two halves of your brain agree well on the fact that you have not smoked since you finished the last cigarette and that is how you stop smoking in summary you do not fight the urge to smoke with logic but with this one sentence I quit smoking I quit smoking with this sentence you do not threaten to punish yourself for smoking since the punishment is unnecessary since you have already quit smoking you do not need to set a deadline because you have already quit evidently you will come up with other ideas to contradict this statement you will have to neutralize them immediately by repeating the same statement to yourself I quit smoking re by continuously repeating this statement to yourself whenever you feel like smoking you will give it more and more force and what is even better the two halves of the brain agree on this point and there is no point in resorting to argument or logic or Revolt since the two halves know that indeed you have stopped smoking this same process applies to any other habit you want to get rid of act in exactly the same way until your sentence wants to say I quit smoking 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years in other words forever all other methods of trying to lose a bad habit have the drawbacks of logic self-imposed punishments and habits you end up with drugs Etc the method taught to you in this law does not involve these kinds of risks it too is a habit that you end up losing and that is the best thing here then is how you can master your bad habits nothing could be easier the cadant the kadant is the secret trick that enables you to regain dominion over yourself and others in the blink of an eye it also prevents others from dominating your mental mind now that you know how to self doomin and also how to dominate others you want to learn how to keep this power for the rest of your life you will easily achieve this through the cut oant how to create the oant cud one stand or sit in your room and relax two do all of a sudden imagine that you are inside an immense electric lamp 2 m High placed on its metal lampstand three. Imagine That by The Power of your spirit this lamp emits a bright yellow light that blinds to the point of subjugation all those near it for do instantly you will retain or regain your complete power of mental Dominion the C oant is amazingly effective because one having practiced the exercises of each law you have already conditioned your spirit to the practice of mental dominion over yourself or others two when you imagine the giant electric lamp containing you your fluid immediately creates a protective envelope around you three when you imagine the blinding bright yellow light your spirit projects an irresistible psychic power for as a result your subconscious is induced to project asterisk the Autos suggestion of Goliath or of charm if you are a woman five the other laws quickly come back to you like a match that falls in the middle of a bush and causes a giant forest fire in the blink of an eye six those around you soon come under your dominion and you become their spiritual Master practice kadant until you succeed instantly imagine it perfectly in its particular minu with its yellow light as Vivid as that of a lighthouse seen up close after that you can retain your power of mental dominance forever how to be a new person for the rest of life you have learned all the laws of Mind domination and the way to apply them if you have practiced them you have become a totally different person than you were you can use your voice gate fluid facial expressions and spirit in a completely different way than you used to but the change has taken place so easily and naturally that no one has realized that you have become a new you and yet people immediately feel the effects of this change it is the path that will lead you to power popularity and success how to use your new personality here is point by Point how to make use of this new personality in everyday life and how to benefit from it by dominating others mentally first point when you approach Mr Durand or a person you want to impress use the attractive attitude look at her at I level immediately get rid of any notion of your personality get rid of any hostile thoughts toward Mr Durand as well stop comparing yourself to him instead have a desire to please him to make him happy for the rest of the day do not think of trying to help him people do not like receiving unsolicited help most of the time the person thinks you pity them and want to consider them inferior to you it is wiser to project a thought to them that pleases them and makes them happy for the rest of the day second Point while your body is all in vibration from these thoughts the fluid neutralizes it is now that you must project it toward him fill yourself with a tumultuous throbbing energy that swells before you your palms and fingers feel this invisible and immense ball of energy swelling in front of your chest move this balloon away from you and throw it at Mr Duran to lock him in third Point continue with the irresistible look relax your face completely the muscles of the eyebrows cheeks and lips are completely relaxed and your face is brightened relax the whole rest of your body as well especially your hands and feet however do not let your upper body sag fourth point when you meet again shake his hand vigorously at the same time pass the energy of your body into his hand repeat to him those pleasant words he likes to hear use the persuasive voice to flatter him with one of 12 compliments that will please him do not mention any of the things he does not like to hear as you talk to him keep at the back of your mouth pressing on your tongue the imaginary rubber ball look at him not in the eyes but at the base of the nose between the eyes talk about more and less during your harmonious conversation in the course of the conversation avoid long silences encourage Mr Duran to talk by questioning him on topics he knows well give him the impression that because of him you want to educate self show yourself to be very attentive and approve of him from time to time giving him the joy of being listened to willingly but not exaggeratedly do not fail to flatter him when he deserves it encourage his legitimate Ambitions he has a great desire to listen to a conversation that is about him and not about you fifth point if he is a stranger do not burden him with questions of a personal nature do not ask him about his occupations race religion or accent do not act like an examining magistrate and do not point out inconsistent remarks he might make if he goes too far in an argument skillfully change the subject do not indulge in vicious agulation for example don't flatter one person in front of another as if you were trying to make a comparison between the two if you are in a group do not with Center your interest on one person ignoring the others do not express disdain for one person whether he or she is present or absent do not embroider on a subject until it is exhausted change the subject when there is still much to say if you have a friend do not talk about your other friends if you are a woman do not talk about other men be neither pessimistic nor optimistic generally women are rather pessimistic and Men optimistic idealists but according to your gender be wary of this tendency sixth Point speak neither too high nor too low speak to Mr Durand and not I in his Direction avoid letting your voice get too low but on the other hand do not always keep the same tone until the end of a sentence seventh point if you are about to be introduced to a person show neither shyness nor ill manners and never leave him abruptly B her first of all to apologize Express neither anger nor rage in a business or social gathering at work do not show hotess to any of those whose position is inferior to yours never boast about the importance of your emoluments never to the person close to you make unkind or sarcastic remarks about the one who grabs the conversation try not to respond with nods of the head whenever possible Express Yourself rather in words eighth Point give the impression that you are trying to please others but do not be familiar in gestures and attitudes do not ask to borrow personal items except in cases of urgency never show selfishness or avarice either by Deeds or speech ninth Point never Rush In on people in the midst of conversation to take the floor in a thundering voice do not break through people to break into a group that is conserving do not interrupt others while they are talking unless you are in a group of friends where everyone seems to be talking at the same time don't allow yourself to interrupt people except when you have a valid and definite reason for doing so and don't fail to apologize in advance to the person whose speech you have taken away know how to listen say nothing with irony but do not give back too much out of complacency or without reason the golden rule is the best card behave to others as you would have others behave to you 10th Point remember the tenth commandment Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's woman nor his house nor his field nor his manservant nor his maid servant nor his Ox nor his ass nor anything else that belongs to him 11th Point establish a connection between you and others here's how never show emotion in the course of a business discussion or argument if you are in business do not impose the goods on your prospective customer or present the item to him too warmly Show Yourself attentive to his wishes but not greedy for profit if you are a salesperson start by talking about more and less than talk about your product 12th Point treat the person as courteously as you greeted him or her upon arrival and walk away applying seductive attitude and behavior assimilate these 12 points well your social and professional life will be transformed by them overnight in an amazing way it is after all the purpose of the laws of Mind dominance the benefits of the 1,000 PR Ascent that are expecting you you will derive an incredible Advantage from these laws because they teach you to quickly neutralize the fluid of others and put their spirit in a position where you can influence them you can then induce them to your way of thinking you gain not so much as 10% in your personal life but a good th% and you will soon succeed you who until today had barely one friend will see that in a month you will probably have so many and be invited to so many social events that you will have to refuse numerous invitations if up until yesterday you have known disastrous professional reverses it is very likely that in a month or two you will be so expensive co-workers that you will have to enlarge your company or hire more staff if you are a salesperson the increase in orders may become impressive and that is not an exaggeration you either attract people or you don't being tolerated does not mean attracting people it just means that you are not rejected attracting people means that your presence is required the same tactic that served you to attract two people will serve you to win many people this is also valid in business either you succeed in business or you don't there are no half measures you may succeed even more than now but until you have achieved success you may consider that you have failed or are on the verge of failure very soon in reality you will get 5,000 prent benefits and even more some people have invested 1 million Franks in a deal and made a gross profit of 125,000 Franks A year over 4 years by applying Secret Sales procedures gradual success does not exist success is Success mediocrity is is mediocrity and failure is failure when you fail not only do you not make money you lose time and money when you are a mediocrity you make an average gain of your time and money when you succeed true minded you make huge gains of time and money these three situations cannot be placed in the same category nor can one go from one state to the other by an ascending procedure this ascending procedure consists simply of increasing Capital to enlarge the company to finance further research or to amortize the debts of the company then the jump from one stage to the next amounts to astronomical gains the ascent slows down between jumps because of lack of capital to be able to enlarge the company to gigantic proportions or because of lack of sufficient research to be able to arrive at better and more important production it does not diminish because success happens gradually you can make a great leap or a succession of small leaps for forward you will never reach the top by climbing slowly and gradually when fate grants you success it happens in a big way so get to work now and do Miracles through the laws of Mind Dominion for ways to use Mental domination to prolong life and get yourself more pleasure more wealth and more Tranquility of spirit first example by means of mental domain transform your unfortunate experiences into produced Capital almost everyone has had his or her share of unfortunate experiences each of us believes that our own troubles are more painful and more wearisome than those of others and we openly or secretly try to pity others over our misfortunes once you learn the laws of Mind dominance you will no longer waste time pitying others you will analyze and dissect your negative experiences to make Capital out of them you will not waste time complaining about things that are no longer topical do not become a pessimist naturally and do not continually shrug your shoulders a pessimist May spare himself unnecessary worries but he will go as far in life as he could because he does not make Capital out of past negative experiences he simply tries to forget them he tries to stop worrying for him even analysis and reflection are worries never ask the opinion of a pessimist or cynic about a serious problem he is too stubborn and too rigid in his opinions to give you valuable help unless you can carefully sift through his thesis the naive person is not worth much more than the pessimist he does not reflect in anything not because he wants to spare himself thoughts but because he never gets to the bottom of things he takes everything for gospel including what he reads in the newspaper or his favorite magazine and never studies important issues in depth the naive person cultivates intellectual laziness at will he accepts his unfortunate experiences philosophically and thanks Heaven that they are not worse with this state of mind he can never mentally Master himself except in a childish way even more miserable is The Morbid person who rehashes his unfortunate experiences and amplifies them her friends if she has any left treat her as a psychopath she evades new daily Problems by attributing them to her tragic past At first she attracts sympathy then people Tire of her and end up finding her B are she never contributes to making a meeting interesting or entertaining all she wants is to find new people who will agree to listen to the story of her troubles she gets worse as she gets older and ends up having a bitter and antissocial experience she no longer knows how to smile or joke no one can stand her anymore and she no longer has a social life her career also suffers unless she has a profession that does not put her in direct contact with the public her real strength is buried how to make your uninvested Capital pay off if you want to dominate others with Spirit do not act like the people we have described consider the past as something that has already happened but analyze it as something that just happened if you have lost money in business you must realize coldly why you lost it so that you will not lose more in the same way people spend their lives repeating the same mistakes because they do not use their personal mental domain to thoroughly analyze past mistakes they close their Spirit to everything that torments them or what disorients them the most they invoke to explain their failures invalid reasons and return to the arena of life as unprepared for success as they were before he who has failed in business will be afraid to begin a new experience again and will let extraordinary opportunities slip through his fingers through mental domain make your unfortunate experiences be come blessings in Disguise another way to capitalize on negative experiences is to allow them to suggest solutions to the problems they have created he who while driving suffered greatly from the glare caused by headlights invented anti-glare glasses he is currently a multi-millionaire he found an item that thousands of people use every day because they needed it he did not continue to strain his eyes in Daily traffic by complaining to his wife to pity her he mastered men so much to find a way to end his problem at first he found only unworkable solutions when he discovered a practical solution he studied it from a business perspective and now he has reaped the benefits of Mind Dominion in order to profit commercially from your unfortunate experiences do not neglect items that give you only pleasure and enjoyment a new item or system a solar oil for example can make you rich if you have used others which are on the market you could find them sticky and uncomfortable instead of blaming the oil or the Sun or stop sunbathing use the mental domain to find a remedy for this solution do not limit this remedy to your experience alone if Jon or Joan have entrusted you with their problem study it equally and try to come up with a solution on the business level the inventor seeks ideas on which he can work it may be that his unfortunate experiences are not symptomatic enough to give an advant ous commercial solution he needs to analyze the sales possibilities of his new product before wasting time in fine-tuning it capitalize on your unfortunate experiences socially as well analyze the reasons for your most serious failures and correct them using the most suitable laws of Mind domination if you have not been courteous and flattering enough study again the law of pleasant words to hear if because of your general appearance you have not made enough of an impr impression on a person study the law on persuasive voice seductive attitude and behavior and the law on Goliath autosuggestion or Charm more thoroughly if you have failed to gain his trust quickly study the irresistible look again if you have wrongly shown yourself to be envious or jealous take up the law of necessary appearance again if you have a tendency to forget people too soon after leaving them which also prompts people to Forget You Too Soon study the Kazuma or thought projection again how to prepare to make the uninvested capital of past unfortunate experiences fruitful take a paper and pencil and note some of your unfortunate experiences start from the memory of the farthest back in time to the present following the course of the years do not neglect the time when you were a child the experiences of that time contribute more than recent ones to forming your ultimate character and weakening your power of Mind dominance psycho analysis argues that the basis of your personality is established around the age of seven which means that the experiences we may have during our earlier years contribute largely to making us who we are once we reach adulthood this book argues however that if you study your personality seriously and persistently you can reshape it at any age it may be that as you advance in years you will find more difficulties but nothing more even in Bible times unbelieving adults became Pious after witnessing Miracles caused by religion St Ignatius of lyola was a warrior and the darling of a wealthy gentleman until the day he was severely wounded during a battle this trial transformed his behavior and he devoted himself entirely to God some prisoners lived exemplary lives after their release this book argues that as long as you have a breath of life your personality musculature and blood can be transformed if you use for this purpose mental dominion over for yourself therefore continue the list of unfortunate experiences you have had since childhood do this simply with a few words that will enable you to identify them you will notice that the more you remember these kinds of Trials the more they will come to mind including those you have completely forgotten and which will arise from your subconscious mind spend most of an evening remembering and noting unfortunate experiences when you have too much difficulty remembering Others Stop the next day you will remember others with less difficulty take now the first one you jotted down and think about it notice your Reflections whatever they are if you have a tape recorder or phone record them but if you prefer introspection adopt this procedure alone this exercise stimulates your memory in an amazing way through it you will remember certain incidents that you thought you had forgotten and that exerted a great influence on On You by shaping your personality in a different sense than it would have become if they had never occurred by reviewing these forgotten incidents Through The Eyes of the mature personality you have become you will automatically discover different aspects of them especially ones that you did not discover when you were very young or younger if you were not the only one involved at that time you will be desolate to see when you had deceived yourself about other people's attitudes by using mental Dominion on yourself in this way you will amazingly come around your present personality by discovering your natural personality as it was originally this will enable you to correct errors in judgment and have total control over blocked possibilities second example how too reach psychic stoicism Karma Yoga yogis are the masters of Karma Yoga or psychic stoicism it is a power you must acquire to become a master of mental Dominion as it increases spiritual strength and frees you from thoughts and anxiety how to acquire psychic stoicism up to a certain point you must adopt a part of yoga philosophy take life philosophically do not become too attached to the fruits of your labor or take it too seriously work and create primarily out of love for the work enjoy life itself rather than its rewards play the game with enthusiasm but in contrast to the yogis and Mystics accept its rewards as well consider them however pureal purposes what good is a nice house a magical car valuable jewelry and other outward signs of wealth when you cannot even take advantage of a good meal because you have a stomach ulcer notoriety Prestige are despised by yogis who regard them as the ephemeral bubbles they really are the secret of Detachment is the key to Karma Yoga this is not why yogis condemn all pleasures on the contrary they teach to enjoy everything but while JN or Joan believe that their happiness depends on on certain people or certain things the yogi thinks that happiness comes to him from his own inner self and not from outside he can therefore derive pleasure from certain circumstances that to others would only bring sadness and even sorrow according to the yogi as long as you are bound or attached to a certain person or thing to the point that your happiness depends on this person or this thing you are a slave to this person or this thing when you free yourself from this hold you become master of yourself and acquire within yourself an infallible source of Happiness the yogi does not stop loving others because of this in fact he loves all even more and not just one person the karma Yogi the Practical Mystic the philosophy of the karma Yogi could make you believe that he kills from every initiative but it is not true who then works with more ardor the one who works only to pass the buck or the one who also does his work with pleasure the best work comes from those who love what they do the violent passion that impels a writer to write a masterpiece the musicista a masterful work the head of state to enforce a law that is close to his heart will be the same that will make a man succeed in any field as long as he has the required qualities and a taste for what he does that is the only means to fully succeed to master the laws of Mind domination and in particular to master yourself in order to multiply life force become in a way a Karma Yogi or a practical Mystic the Practical Mystic is the one with whom one has to reckon in the material world his Detachment from the world gives him unwavering mystical strength he is not afraid of anything he dares to try everything he knows that success and happiness depend only on him and he will come out safe and sound from the dangers of life he feels that he rests on something solid and that all the forces of the universe support him his mystical invulnerability gives him superhuman strength and courage he takes immense pleasure in accomplishing a difficult task and thus produces the best work possible he never cares about the rewards and burdens that the work may bring him he has the power to completely forget the task he has just finished and to undertake another one with the same pleasure he is absolutely free from all Earthly influences his dominion over himself is of a power barely conceivable those who Master Karma Yoga do not provide for the honors and feudal things of Life practically they have no needs their tastes remain simple and they are content with a few things as long as they are the best having freed themselves from the Fetters of material life they enjoy a joy of living that can only be called Heavenly abstract numerous tasks to which men devote their lives provide them with more misery than happiness they seek happiness in what they do instead of of seeking it in their inner selves from the moment you make your happiness dependent on an external person or thing you open the door to Sor own discontentment nothing around you neither people nor things will ever satisfy your inner desires they may well have to ultimately disappoint you and you must well expect this for it would be foolish to ask so much of a person or thing you will experience the greatest happiness and satisfaction by developing your inner strength to the full and preserving your health so that you can live long and happy others will love you more that is to say you will have to give yourself so that it is they who come to seek happiness near you and not the other way around Edward Carpenter said of love he who loves the Mortal creature and nothing else is no longer free he has devoted himself to death exercises for practicing Mystic stoicism exercise one what are your first Ambitions in life write them down on a piece of paper then imagine seeing your desires fulfilled in every possible way ask yourself then what you could do under these conditions what would your life be in relation to your present one in what would you spend your time what would be the reaction of others how would you feel what would be your reaction if you were all of a sudden threatened to lose everything and have to return to your current way of life answer these questions in writing and without cheating answer honestly even if the answers seem pural impractical or not mature enough exercise 2 assume that 20 years have passed and none of these dreams have been realized assume that your living conditions are about what they are at present that you always have the same position and that you live in the same place make a sincere note of what your Rea rations would be exercise 3 return to writing down the answers from exercise exercise ey reacting as you should if you were applying karma yoga exercise 4 respond again in writing to exercise 2 as you would have to do if you applied Karma Yoga NB although there is no reason why you cannot achieve your dreams at least to a certain extent thanks to the laws of Mind domination these exercises will teach you to adopt the proper attitude in case of failure or success this will enable you to Rally your strength should you need it and to recover from failure and also to keep your head on your shoulders in case of success third example how to enjoy life more than your mental domain to develop your sensitivity to the fullest you must stop drinking or smoking too much your life must be so full of diverse interests that you cannot afford to waste precious moments on drugs intoxicate yourself not with alcohol but with joy in seeing yourself become one day after another the person you have always wanted to be you are thrilled that you are are finally free of the frustrations of having to content yourself with being a lesser individual than you should have been prove to yourself now the superior being you should have been and can become because of Mind Dominion by tearing yourself away from the roadways of daily life and escaping to a richer spiritual world you will no longer feel the need to resort to artificial stimulants by applying mental domain to yourself you will put an end to worry and bewilderment you will no longer be in bewilderment because you will detect yourself and others by developing and using qualities you no longer thought you possessed it will be the end of your worries because you will have enough courage to face any situation and courageously come to terms with it your spirit will be full of new ideas not a day will go by without you making new breakthroughs on the social level and without your life being enriched in an extraordinary Way fourth example you live longer than the mental domain who is still young and who is no longer young here is a question that should never be asked age should not be calculated according to the years we have already lived but the years we have left to live James who still has 10 years to live is certain mind younger than Rado who still has only 3 years to live even though James has lived twice as long as Rado it is a mistake to say that you are bold because you have already lived so many years your organs may be older than someone else's but your life potential may be greater than his therefore one should not say that you are older than the other even if you are 55 years old while he is 40 get used thanks to mental Dominion to always consider that you are 15 years younger than you actually are the author to whom a great uncle Yogi passed on the secret got used to thinking for years that he is no more than 28 years old and for most people he is barely older than that thanks to mind Dominion banish from your spirit this phrase that leads you to the the grave I'm getting old live longer thanks to mental domain why do you live longer thanks to mental domain because you adopt a more intelligent way of life and because your constant desire to live longer for the purpose of perfecting them and accomplishing all the things to which you Aspire creates in yourselves an abnormal desire to live an insatiable need to live longer the dying live longer and sometimes manage to heal and continue living for several years simply because they refuse to die or accept the idea of death clinging to life with all their might Sir Winston Churchill demonstrated there the spirit has a great influence on the body moreover the mental domain incites you to think that you can defend yourself against death and this thought encourages all your interest in preserving yourself from it fatalist philosophers teach you to accept yourself as you are they forget that none of us knows what we are really like until we are fully developed psychically and in excellent Health he who has poor eyesight should not deprive himself of reading for by wearing lenses he will be able to recover enough sight to reach satisfactorily he who is poor is really mad if he accepts poverty as inevitable those who have had an unfortunate experience with a person of the opposite sex would be ridiculous if you thought it was their fate to desire to live longer nothing is hopelessly out of your reach as long as it is a good thing and as long as you do not make a fool of yourself in trying to get it if a gas station mechanic aspires one day to become the king of England he will make a fool of himself without thereby achieving his goals but if he aspires to become the wealthy owner of a gas station even if it is because of an invention concerning automobiles or a license paid for very dearly there will be nothing desperately Beyond his strength aspire to become what you want of course as long as you don't need for that to be a genius and use the law laws of Mind domination to help you succeed faster the ambition you may have to transform yourself into a higher being and to realize your dreams increases your desire to live longer to realize those dreams and at the same time to enjoy the benefits they will bring you feeling this desire you worry little about dying in other words take the desire to live you do not need to live one day after another in fear of death but you should welcome each day as a positive phase of your Improvement as a day that brings you closer to the day when you will actually be a higher being instead of feeling yourself growing old watch yourself become wiser and more passionate you will see your qualities including those you no longer exploit and had forgotten develop daily through studying practice you become a kind of perfector of body and spirit a perfector never grows old he constantly strives to perfect himself never accepting either old age or Decay the secret to Defying death through mental dominance your hair and skin May grow old but your spirit should never grow old if you took good care of it the spirit communicates to the cells of the body the desire to live longer mental domain also helps you resist death by refusing to accept it as we said earlier the will to live will help keep you alive when all other procedures have failed the more you refuse to accept the idea of advancing age the more more powerful your mental domain will be and the better you will defend yourself against serious disease to live to a very old age cling to life to the last and make every minute a source of joy and satisfaction for you by remaining creative and inventive to the end you will remain young creation and invention are The Preserve of Youth and also a need this need keeps your spirit active flexible and constantly progressing it prevents you from stagnating De inclining and accepting a negative function in life it attracts young people around you the vibrancy of your eternally active Spirit inspires them more importantly remaining creative and inventive gives you an optimistic attitude toward what you undertake by developing mental dominance you are a superior being far above your competitors optimism breeds originality and originality breeds mental health and lingering youthfulness because it fills the spirit with all sorts of exhil ating ideas this makes your presence in high demand in social life you derive greater mental health and longer youth from it nothing will make you grow old sooner than a pessimistic and Ill Spirit two best way to avoid this is to develop mental dominion over yourself when your mental Dominion is developed even your eyes have a youthful glow you walk briskly because you are happy to live your conversation is full of enthusiasm your body feels more alive and your circulation improves now it is you who take charge of situations when you are with others you climb out of the shell in which you are a prisoner as the spirit leaves a dead body if you believe in reincarnation to enter a living body those who have to do with you perceive this youthful radiation emanating from your person and are subjugated by it this enables you to derive even more confidence and satisfaction from your life and to increase your desire to live longer instead of waiting impatiently for your end the family for whom you provide so much joy prays that you will remain alive forever and this also helps you stay young and increases your thirst to live longer mental exercises too stay young and defy death exercise one the next time you feel very tired for example after work or after a long march or strenuous exercise eliminate solely by means of mental domain any feeling of tiredness and imagine Until you realize it that you are Again full of vacity and vigor practice this exercise for about 5 minutes exercise two resume exercise one but this time immerse yourself in an arduous book as if you were as fresh as a rose exercise 3 do exercise one again but this time sit down and write a letter or write down the events that happen during the day or Draw or work on a project or invention NB do not exercise from more than 5 minutes immediately afterwards lie down on your bed or on a couch and rest for 15 minutes to half an hour the purpose of these exercises is not to Tire you out but to train you to tap into your secret reserves When You Wish thanks to mental dominance obviously if you are under medical supervision do these exercises only with your doctor's approval you must be relatively healthy to be able to afford to do them the world will belong to you when you Master mental Dominion now that you have read and studied the laws of mental Dominion do not put the book aside do not try to remember it but keep it handy for reference when you need advice take the law that refers to it read it and put it into practice from time to time reread the whole book but practice only those exercises that particularly interest you you will feel as if you are waking up from a long sleep like Sleeping Beauty in the woods you will know no longer feel abandoned in your own little sphere with nothing but daily work in front of you and forces a few more friends than you currently have now however work will be able to become something exhilarating you will no longer need to be impressed by the success of others now you know how they did it you no longer feel Limited in your Ambitions now that you have developed mental Dominion your spirit is 10 times stronger than before you will will influence and Fascinate others without envying them you will know how to talk to people to chain them to you in business in society on a stage or grandstand people will go out of their way to get to know you to be accepted into your circle of friends to have you as an honored guests so much so that you will have to discourage them to a certain extent if you want to maintain an appearance of a private life your presence alone will stimulate them infinitely John and the elderly will seek you out because you will never look old even when you are 80 or 90 years old your optimism will be contagious and will stimulate weak Ambitions in others you will be a noteworthy Camp without even meaning to be you will also charm people of the opposite sex both young and old you will be reborn in the form of a complete newm minded person of great worth in all Fields end