Teaching Respect to Children

Sep 16, 2024

Lecture: Respect and Disrespect in Children


  • Speaker: Captain Emmanuel of IUIC Arkansas
  • Topic: Respect and disrespect in relation to children

Biblical References on Respect

  • Exodus 20:12: Commandment to honor father and mother for a prolonged life.
    • Definition of honor: High respect, great esteem.
  • Proverbs 30:11: Current generation curses parents, contrary to biblical teachings.

Disrespectful Generation

  • 2 Timothy 3:1-2: In the last days, individuals will be disobedient to parents.

Biblical Consequences of Disrespect

  • Exodus 21:17: Cursing parents warrants death.
  • Exodus 21:15: Striking parents warrants death, reflecting ultimate disrespect.
  • Deuteronomy 21:18-21: Example of dealing with a rebellious child:
    • A stubborn son, despite chastening, is brought to the city elders for corrective measures.

Addressing Disrespect Today

  • Proverbs 30:17: Disrespectful children face dire consequences.
  • Sirach 3:3-6:
    • Honoring parents atones for sins and brings joy and treasure.
    • Respect and obedience towards parents are essential.

Importance of Respect

  • Sirach 7:27-28: Remembering the sacrifices of parents; cannot fully repay them.
  • 2 Maccabees 7:27: Mothers endure considerable hardships for their children.

Duty to Parents

  • Tobit 4:3-4: Honor mother all life, do not grieve her, consider the dangers she faced during childbirth.
  • Sirach 3:12-15:
    • Support aging parents, practice patience.
    • Respect for parents leads to divine rewards.

Respect for Elders

  • Leviticus 19:32: Rise and honor the elderly.
  • Isaiah 3:5: Current generation disrespects elders.

Consequences of Mocking Elders

  • 2 Kings 2:23-24: Mocking elders can result in severe divine punishment.

General Respect Guidelines

  • Sirach 8:6: Do not dishonor elders as we too will age.
  • Proverbs 20:11: Children are accountable for their actions; need correction.


  • Children must learn respect towards parents and elders.
  • Respect is vital for community and personal growth.

Additional Messages

  • Importance of unity, family, and community role models.
  • Encouragement to view Sabbath classes on IUIC TV for further learning.