Understanding Wholesalers and Distributors

Sep 3, 2024

The Secret Life of Inventory: Wholesalers and Distributors


  • Hosts: Jared and Melinda
  • Focus: Discussion on wholesalers and distributors in inventory management.
  • Goal: Clarify misconceptions and explain their roles in the supply chain.

Understanding the Supply Chain

  • Supply Chain Definition:
    • The journey a product takes from creation to consumer.
    • Involves multiple interconnected roles and organizations.
  • Hierarchy Breakdown:
    1. Suppliers: Provide raw materials to manufacturers.
    2. Manufacturers: Create finished products.
    3. Wholesalers & Distributors:
      • Buy bulk products from manufacturers.
      • Break down shipments for retailers.
    4. Retailers: Sell individual units to consumers.
    5. Consumers: End users of the products.

Roles of Wholesalers vs. Distributors

  • Why Manufacturers Don’t Sell Directly to Retailers:
    • Complexity of logistics and need for more space.
    • Manufacturers focus on production, not on sales and distribution.
  • Wholesalers:
    • Concerned primarily about the retailer’s needs.
    • Supply various products based on retailer demand.
  • Distributors:
    • Work closely with manufacturers.
    • Ensure products reach the right retailers and are likely to sell.
    • More strategic in choosing which retailers to supply.


  • If owning a bookstore:
    • Wholesaler: Provides any books that sell.
    • Distributor: Ensures the right books for the bookstore's demographics.

Choosing the Right Distributor

  • Key Considerations:
    1. Location: Geographic and type of retail stores.
    2. Experience: Track record and sales numbers.
    3. Industries Served: Aligning with specific market needs.
    4. Ethos: Shared values and goals between the business and distributor.

Challenges in Wholesale Distribution

  • Direct Sales by Manufacturers:
    • More manufacturers are selling directly to consumers, cutting out wholesalers.
    • E-commerce facilitates direct connections.
  • Demand Forecasting:
    • Difficult to predict market demand, leading to overstock or missed sales opportunities.
  • Growing Competition:
    • Increased entry into the market, especially via e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Temu.
    • International competition undercutting prices.
  • Consumer Expectations:
    • Need for quick deliveries and responsiveness to consumer demands promoted by e-commerce giants.


  • Evolving landscape of wholesale distribution is complex and requires adaptation to new market dynamics and consumer expectations.
  • Encouragement to subscribe for more insights on inventory management and distribution.