Key Concepts in Programming Theory

Sep 13, 2024

Programming Theory Lecture Notes


  • Importance of programming theory for exams and practical programming.
  • Difference between average and talented programmers often lies in understanding underlying concepts rather than just coding.

Data Types

  • Definition: Classifying different types of data that determine operations and storage.
  • Basic Primitive Data Types:
    • Integer: Whole numbers (e.g., 8, -35) without a decimal part.
    • Real (Float): Numbers with a decimal part (e.g., 2.0).
    • Boolean: Two possible values, true or false (1 or 0).
    • Character: A single letter, number, or symbol.
    • String: A set of characters (stored as an array).
  • Casting: Changing a variable's type (e.g., converting an integer to a string by enclosing in quotes).

Programming Constructs

  1. Sequence:
    • Code executed line by line in order.
    • Example: Print statements, variable assignments.
  2. Selection:
    • Decision-making that determines which code to execute.
    • Uses conditional statements (if statements).
  3. Iteration:
    • Repeating code until a condition is met.
    • Looping structures: while loops, for loops, do while loops.
    • Types of Loops:
      • Count Control Loops (Definite Loops): Known number of iterations (e.g., for loops).
      • Condition Control Loops (Indefinite Loops): Unknown number of iterations based on a condition (e.g., while loops, do while loops).


  • Definition: References to memory locations containing single values.
  • Identifiers: Names assigned to variables for easier reference.
  • Variable characteristics:
    • Type and memory location usually fixed.
    • Values can change during execution.
  • Declaration, Assignment, Initialization:
    • Declaration: Specify type.
    • Assignment: Store data.
    • Initialization: Assign value for the first time (best practice).


  • Similar to variables but values cannot change during execution.
  • Often written in capital letters to signify that they are constants.
  • Benefits of using constants:
    1. Readability: Improves understanding of the code.
    2. Updateability: Easier to change values in one place rather than multiple instances.
    3. Compiler Optimization:
      • Constant folding: Evaluating expressions at compile time.
      • Constant propagation: Replacing constant names with literal values during compilation.


  • Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective programming and exam preparation.