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Building a Neural Network from Scratch
Jul 20, 2024
Building a Neural Network from Scratch
Building a neural network from scratch using only numpy and Python (no machine learning libraries).
Moving from individual neurons to complex networks.
Ultimate goal: Test network on number recognition and fashion datasets.
Single Neuron
A single neuron has three inputs and one output.
Output is the weighted sum of the inputs.
Each connection has a weight.
Formula: sum(input * weight) + bias
Learning Mechanism
Neural networks learn by tweaking weights and biases to get the desired output.
Complex Networks
Multiple neurons interconnected in layers.
Output of one layer becomes input to the next.
Linear algebra (dot product) simplifies computation.
Convert complex neuron connections into one Python line using the dot product.
Introducing Non-Linearity
Linear networks are no better than linear regression.
Use ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) for non-linearity.
ReLU: Helps in understanding non-linear data.
Softmax Activation Function
Converts network outputs into a probability distribution.
Shows likelihood of each class being correct.
Implemented forward pass: from input to output.
Tested with pre-trained weights: achieved 97.53% accuracy.
Loss Calculation
Use cross-categorical entropy loss to measure prediction error.
Adjust weights and biases to reduce prediction error.
Partial derivatives calculate the contribution of each weight to the output.
Process: Taste the dish (calculate loss), adjust ingredients (weights) to improve.
Forward pass: Calculate output.
Calculate loss: Measure error using cross-entropy loss.
Backward pass: Update weights using partial derivatives.
Repeat until the network improves.
Learning Rate
Controls how much the network changes during training.
Higher rates cause rapid changes; lower rates cause smaller adjustments.
Optimizers like SGD adjust learning rates over time for better performance.
Debugging and Optimization
Involved fixing bugs and refining code.
Small coding errors led to big issues (e.g., incorrect implementation of backpropagation).
Debugging and adjustments improved accuracy.
Testing with MNIST Dataset
MNIST: Dataset of 60,000 hand-written digit images (28x28 pixels).
Initial poor accuracy (~50%). After tweaks: 97.42% accuracy.
Network could recognize and predict digits accurately.
Fashion MNIST Dataset
Similar to MNIST but with images of clothing items (e.g., pants, sneakers, bags).
Trained network achieved 87% accuracy.
Performance can be improved with more tweaking.
From single neurons to complex networks capable of recognizing numbers and fashion items.
Highlighted challenges and successes in building a neural network from scratch.
Final Notes
Planning more content on neural network projects.
Full transcript