I have been in love with wild magic sorcery since I was a kid I remember seeing it in second edition in the Tome of magic and it just scratched an itch it was the concept of pure chaos magic and there is so much new in this subass such dramatic improvements have been made so right away the thing that people will see and you got to see a preview of this in onar Arana is we have removed the element in this subass that essentially required you to get DM permission to have your wild magic happen now you just get to use your class feature now there's still a unpredictable side to it which is a core part of this subclass's identity but at least you now know that if if the die rolles are kind to you or unkind depending on what you end up rolling you know wild magic is going to happen and you're always waiting to find out when so it now really is it's just a question of when now not if yeah because you can force its hand eventually yes you which you could also do in 2014 um but you you have a bit more flexibility here uh particularly because you can more easily get tides of chaos back than you could before and all of this means that you will be able to dip into this pool of chaos more reliably so much so that when you get to level 18 we have a brand new feature for this subass where you can once per day automatically trigger a wild magic search yeah um and you get to choose what happens yeah and that's why this this new feature is called tamed surge that by level 18 you have figured out how to tap into your wild magic so effectively that you can look at the wild magic surge table and just I'll have that happen now there is there is a there are a couple of limits here one is you cannot choose the final Row in that table because that final row has some really juicy options that you you only gain access to if the if the dice uh give you access to them we've also made it so that if you choose a row on the table that itself has a die roll in it you have to still make the die roll within that row now where the majority though of the new material in this subass exists is not actually in the features we've talked about yes it's in the table it's amazing so I'm glad you think complete Game Cher for wild magic sorcery in onar Arana people got to see the new features for this subass and uh there great feedback a lot of excitement about the new features but in UA people were still using the wild magic surge table from 2014 and my goodness is everyone in in for a treat because it's amazing because the new the table has been redesigned from top to bottom yeah and it still involves rolling percentile dice yeah it's still chaos oh it in some ways it's even more chaotic than it was before because you have more roles that can happen within this role yes things can really pop off because we we per we perhaps um feeling a game design wild magic surge we decided to introduce even more chaos into the table because yes as you say you could roll something then causes you to roll something and and so there is almost this you know it's like you're watching like okay where where's it going to end up uh and we've also we've packaged some of the options so like all of the options that summon things are now together and doing that now made room for us to introduce some brand new options so you're not only going to see the options that were there remixed and moved around the table there are brand new options here some are more powerful than options that were there before others um lean into the Whimsical side of the table they're one of the options where if you you get one of the rows and then you roll the die you could even end up with a case that all of those options that transform the sorcerer could all hit the sorcerer at once yeah so there there are just so many fun options here with so many different random possibilities because of the the nested die rolls that wild magic Sorcerers are going to be the wildest they've ever been previous wild surch tables have been a wee bit punishing and certainly we still have like turning into a pod plan for a turn that's still there being and vulnerable to piercing damage so things can things can go bad but there's a lot more good too yes and so you channeling this wild magic surge can cause something amazing and completely changeing encounter um maybe for the bad but also for the good and it does feel way more wild and and one of our goals here was uh you know to still have there's that chance yeah of something unwelcome happening you said everything on fire you know but we wanted to shift the balance of the table a bit so it was a little less about is something good or bad going to happen and more about there's a small chance something bad will happen but most likely something cool will happen yeah and then what the uncertainty about is about is okay whatever cool is going to happen how is that now going to affect all of our tactical choices so we wanted it to be um much more about the fun of it the unexpected of it and lessen a little bit The Dread of it but there is still dangerous possibility CU it it is still a core part of the wild magic identity that this could go very wrong and and these potentials are basically you know for all intensive purposes it's extended uh spell list because all the other sorcerers get one but this is a lot different options for different spell-like effects that might occur depending on how you roll yes uh uh We've even had uh internal folks who look at the four subclasses and they were wondering oh did you forget the wild magic Sorcerers spell list because the other three subclasses have the spell list they are the spell list and and oh no we did not forget it's this D100 table uh which has many other spells nested inside it so yes anyway anyone watching this video If you're looking for the the wild magic Sorcerers spell list take a look at that table and you have found it there's another ability um halfway in there that existed before where you can make two rolls on the wild magic search table and choose which one you would prefer so you you have that progression of slowly getting a little bit more of the reins on chaos magic more Reigns on what is even more chaotic than it was before and we did this not only for thematic reasons and for fun but also because we made the change in the the subass itself that the sorcerer is going to be interacting with this table more often yeah and because you're going to be interacting with this table more often it was important to us that there be more possibilities yeah uh because we did not want you to sort of run through it yeah quickly and so that's one reason why when you as you found when you first looked through it for the first time oh my goodness is there a lot here well I finally get to use that big 100 sided die of mine thank you so much I'm so excited for this Sorcerer And all the sub classes thank you when you pre-order the digital physical bundle you also get an exclusive digital Gold Dragon mini for our 3D virtual tabletop the dragons of d& D digital artbook 15 die sets 34 frames and 15 backdrops and if you pre-order the digital 2024 players handbook on DND D Beyond you get exclusive bonuses 12 sets of digital dice representing each class 10 new frames and five new backdrops and all of those players handbook bonuses are available right now on D and D Beyond you can find the links to all of that in this video descript destion thank you so much for watching we have a ton of video content coming out about the new players handbook and all the new core rule books the new monster manual the new dungeon Masters Guide so be sure to check out all of that content and thank you for watching