We are the people of Ketilbong! We are the people of Ketilbong! We are the people of Ketilbong! We are the people of Ketilbong! We are one nation!
We are one nation! Without any other! In May 1998, Indonesia was feeling the brunt of the economic crisis sweeping East Asia.
As rising unemployment and inflation created widespread hardship, disaffection rose at the Indonesian government's ineffectual policies and rampant corruption. In April 1998, shortly after the re-election of Suharto, a former army general and ruler of Indonesia for 32 years, students from major universities throughout the archipelago organized massive rallies, calling for fresh elections and effective measures to combat the crisis. This was only the latest incidence of Indonesia's student rising to voice the aspirations of the people and being beaten down for their trouble.
From 1980 to 1993, 1994 to 1996, the fight was continued until July 1996. In July 1996, the fight against almost all resistance bases in Indonesia. The students are also different, but the form is a lesson. Lesson, lesson, yes, groups of students who then develop and all kinds of things, who will be able to teach all these lessons, if we can, we will go to campus. Our intention is good, our intention is good, we want to convey the spirit. Go!
Initial demonstrations were held only on campus. ...weighing a military injunction to stay off the streets. But the students chafed at being confined and pressed to hold rallies at the Parliament building where they could present their demands directly to the government. At Trisakti University, a kilometre from the Parliament, students finally surged into the street. The Trisakti tragedy triggered a wave of rioting, killing hundreds during the next two days.
A week after the tragedy, students entered an occupied parliament, facing only token resistance from the military. ...for the last time, Suharto! ...by paying attention to the 8th century. In the presidential palace, Suharto floundered, losing control of events. After failing to gain the support of religious and community leaders and the mass resignation of his cabinet, Suharto resigned in favor of his vice president and longtime protege, Vijay Habibi.
For God's sake, I swear to fulfill the duties of the President of Indonesia with all my might. At first, the students exulted at the downfall of Suharto, disapproving the myth that the old general was indispensable to the nation's stability. Since the beginning of the war, Suharto has been down and replaced by Kholok Habibu. We have rejected Kholok Habibu because we have not believed in him.
We know what the record is like. We know that he is also the King of the KKM. With loyal Suharto still in power and the former president protected by the army, the students saw reformation slipping away.
The students were also the ones who Habibin! Habibin! Habibin! Rabu-wut!
Rabu-wut! We want to reject the Habibin! We want to reject the Habibin!
We want to reject the Habibin! We want to resist! We want to realize that the government of Sabi is not finished yet. That many things are still expected from the government of Habibin. While we, the City Council, have rejected the results of the We have considered the fate of the 97 voters, the moral defect, the legal defect, and the political defect.
We swear to the freedom of Indonesia! We swear to the freedom of Indonesia! We are the people of A policy called dual function, the Army maintained internal security as well as external defense. Though the stated purpose of dual function was to maintain order in a nation rent by inter-ethnic violence and social unrest, dual function became in effect a mandate to shoot Indonesians as well as foreign enemies.
The Republic of Indonesia is useless. It's useless. It's useless. It's useless.
It's useless. Unite with one heart, remove the function of the abri. drawing students from every institute of higher learning onto the streets in boisterous gatherings, the military overreacted, fielding thousands of fully armed troops to confront peaceful demonstrators. In the military's eyes, the sons and daughters of the Indonesian middle class were an implacable enemy of the nation. Hi, how are you?
I'm fine, thank you. I'm going to ask you a question. What is it?
Where is the point? The point is that it is very serious. We are just laughing if they like us, they call us communists.
While we are still a smart student, not even in the communist era, we don't know if we are communists. If they call us communists, they just want to slow down our work. Tensions grew as both sides prepared for the upcoming special session of Parliament.
called to prepare for new elections. The students rejected the session, as the delegates were all Suharto appointees, and pressed for a people's session with true representation. The you We are still consistent with the upcoming issues, such as the price and the formation of traditional power, namely the Indonesian People's Committee. This traditional power will be held by people who have high integrity for the community, who are credible for the community, who will sit together to talk to the community.
We know their previous records. We sit together, we leave the interests of each group, we think of the interests of the people together. The government went ahead with the special session in the face of widespread protest.
As demand for the government's support, by students and other community groups to include true reformist measures on the agenda were ignored the students became more aggressive The statement of the General Assembly has been delivered. Until now, 981 members of the Assembly have been present, consisting of all parties, and have held the presence list. We open and declare the opening for the public.
The National Assembly of Indonesia has been opened. Thank you. The students hit the streets during each day of the special session. As the final day of the session approached, and the students attempted to penetrate military lines set up two kilometers from the parliament, beatings became more frequent and savage.
On the eve of the final session, shots rang out at the Semanggi Cloverleaf. I invite you to open the doors, and the people of the city of Malayland to come here immediately. A bloodier repeat of the Tri Sakti tragedy six months before, the military fired blanks, rubber and live rounds into the crowd of demonstrators. As night fell, gunfire became more intense and the death toll rose. This is our country, we are the people of Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Wait, please The security forces entered the fray to the accompaniment of fighting anthems and fervent cheers. To them, the Samangi killings were a proud blow for their beloved nation. It seems like each fallen student gave rise to a regimental hero.
Both students and military sang the same patriotic songs with the same heartfelt fervor. After the special session, the students went back to the streets, demanding a more truly representative people's session. There are efforts to unite, but maybe the path is not always smooth.
We are determined that we will not surrender. Thank you for your support. As a commitment, all elements that we have today, that we will not surrender and we will return to the U.P.
La la la, mommy, I am alive! The special session was to investigate the wealth of Suharto's family and his cronies and bring them to court. But after months in power, Habibi's government has shown little enthusiasm for investigating the former president.
Again, the students press their demands for truth, openness and justice. For example, the SMJ still recognizes the Special Court that was recently changed as a change. Meanwhile, we in the city do not see it as a consistent change. You are not paid to be a candidate but to win the hearts of the people then if the people If the government wants to justify Suharto, then it must be stated in the table that Indonesia must That's the way I go, that's the way I go, it's not my job It's not my job, it's not my job It's my job, it's my job To make positive identification difficult during clashes, troops exchanged their distinctive, brightly colored regimental berets for camouflage slouch hats. Even so, the students still recognized the Marines, who were not implicated in any actions against students because they contrived to show their pink berets.
Female students took deep offense at a call from the Minister of Women's Affairs for female students not to join demonstrations. In an all-female gathering to protest the minister's statement and other issues, the Women Police Corps showed they were the equal of their male colleagues in crushing demonstrations. I am a protocard of the Kremlin, Don't touch him!
Don't touch him! He said that it would take 5 minutes to evacuate. We were about to return, but in less than 5 seconds he was already dead. He didn't give us any warning.
We went inside the building. After 5 minutes, we went back to the airport. The plane was attacked in the front.
The plane flew straight to the front. The plane was hit by the plane and the plane was blown up. This is a very bad situation. After Somangi, battle lines were drawn. The mistreatment of female demonstrators and the gratuitous beating of activist representatives seeking reconciliation with the military convinced student leaders that to win, they would have to fight.
In the weeks prior to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, students went into the streets not calling for peaceful reformation, but with the battle cry of revolution. They now sought confrontation, revenge for the mistreatment of their friends and colleagues. I'm on my own!
Though some student leaders tried to prevent incidents from escalating into bloodbaths, the demonstrators were now beyond effective control. At Taman Ria, protesters breached police lines and forced the once invincible security forces into retreat. Hey, I'm going to be a star, The security forces were astounded.
It was clear the students were no longer afraid.