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Understanding the European Parliament
Sep 24, 2024
European Parliament Overview
The European Parliament (EP) is the EU's first institution and the world's largest transnational democratic electorate.
Second largest democratic electorate after India's parliament.
Not widely understood by the public.
Last Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Melini's granddaughter, and Boris Johnson's dad were all MEPs.
As of June 2024, the EP will have 720 Members of European Parliament (MEPs).
MEPs are elected officials from EU member states.
Headed by a President and 14 Vice Presidents.
Diversity in political representation: Communists, nationalists, policy experts, politicians, even musicians.
Seats are apportioned by population, but citizens of smaller countries are better represented.
Example: A Maltese seat represents ~88,000 people, while a German seat represents ~900,000.
Voting rules vary by country, e.g., Italy has regional constituencies, Ireland allows voting by preference.
European Groups
MEPs are grouped by ideology, not nationality, in European groups.
Powerful National parties within groups, e.g., German conservatives, French liberals.
Influence distribution among groups is like a game where groups choose positions based on points.
Non-attached members have less influence.
Powers of the European Parliament
Legislative Power
EP amends proposals from the European Commission (EC) but cannot propose laws.
Can wield power by suggesting amendments to EC proposals.
No say in legislation on taxation, defense, or education.
Budgetary Power
EP must approve the EU budget and discharge the previous year's budget.
Influences EU finances before and after money is spent.
Controlling Power
EP votes on the EU Commission's president and commissioners.
Can dismiss the Commission, though it's rarely used.
Committees and Work Structure
Most work done in smaller groups called committees.
20 permanent committees with 25 to 73 MEPs each.
Key roles: Rapporteurs and Shadow Rapporteurs represent group positions on legislation.
Trialogues involve negotiation between the EP, Council, and Commission.
Locations of Work
Administrative work in Luxembourg.
MEPs work in Brussels 3 weeks/month, in Strasbourg 1 week/month for plenaries.
Movement between locations is costly and impacts carbon footprint.
EP has grown more powerful but has room for improvement.
Understanding the EP helps in engaging with EU democracy.
Invitation to learn more through videos or support via Patreon.
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