warm welcome to all of you I'm James I'm the host for today's webinar it's a great privilege and an honor to meet you here all on this platform you may have gotten an invitation to this webinar from a close friend family member or maybe one of our Business Consultants however you are joining today's webinar expecting a change in your life now I can guarantee you one thing if you stay 100% focused fed for the next 1 hour today will be one of the most valuable days in your life so allow me to outline today's webinar this is a one-way communication meaning your mic is permanently muted but if you have any inquiries you can message us in our chat box today's webinar is all about briefing our business projects that we're expecting to implement in your country so pay 100% attention if you're expecting to get selected because there is a criteria for selection now allow me to introduce myself first I'm James Simpson I'm from Australia and for over the past 10 years I've been working in Industries such as Hospitality conservation Land Management construction and now a few years ago becoming an entrepreneur business consultant and now developing e-commerce businesses now please allow me and introduce some of our Business Consultants and entrepreneurs at the 1% Club Mr sunet Mr hka and Miss noani from Sri Lanka Mr Fazil from guar Miss LA from Laos Mr napenda from Thailand Mr haif from Canada Miss krini from Indonesia Mr ammed from Palestine Mr palad and Mr shanka from India Mr Taha from Pakistan Mr Fran and Mrs Linda from Spain Mr CTO and Mr from Kenya Mr Jacob and Miss bat from Nigeria Miss Wy and Miss Wendy from Rwanda Mr mogs from Ethiopia Miss sevilia from Ghana and Mr waldrum from Namibia finally Mr Newan representing Thailand Mr Nan will be the next speaker Mr Nan is a close friend and I'm extremely grateful to have him as a business partner and personal Mentor someone who has spent many years building successful Global businesses so pay 100% attention now please allow me to introduce and welcome Mr Nan to this forum Mr Newan if you guys do it for the money you'll never get the money but if you do it for the people you get the money [Music] [Music] welcome all of you to today's selection webinar which we are conducting to find out few suitable candidates out of all of you to move forward with our business project all right so firstly let me get started with the selection webinar outline firstly we are going to discuss about the problems in the economy and how it could affect you what are the available Solutions you have what is our business project what problems we solve in the economy through our business project what problems we could solve in the business world what are we expecting from you if you or in case you get selected and then the selection criteria of our entire process how you can actually get selected what is the criteria and this is what I'm going to discuss today with you in this selection webinar program so pay 100% attention if you are serious to move forward with our business project and our partnership all right so firstly let's understand what are the economic challenges we are facing at the present there are four economic challenges first economic slowdown number two increasing of debt number three inflation and number four geopolitical tension so let's understand these four in detail what is economic slowdown economic activities of the entire world has gone down means that the ability for people to spend has significantly gone down down due to various resists we are going through at the present number two increasing of debt burden which means that because of the problems in the economy most countries are continuously borrowing money from other nations and the national debt has increased so drastically in most of the countries across the planet and that kills the economy and number three inflation so let's understand what is inflation because of the ongoing Supply problems and the rising demand there's a SC cacity of having the necessary products Supply is becoming less the demand is becoming high so people will not have enough products right so because there's a gap between supply and demand the product prices are extremely becoming higher and higher and higher so people can't afford them so governments are increasing the interest rates so that people will be getting more money into their hand and more than that governments are printing more and more more and more money so because they are printing more and more money the value of the money also going down now just think about this okay guys product prices are increasing rapidly but the value you have with the money you have is decreasing and you are not being able to afford anything because even though the value of the money goes down the product prices go up your salaries will be the same your salaries will not increase your income will not increase right so there's a big problem in the economy because of inflation right and number four so let's understand what is geopolitical tension and how it is affecting the economy that basically means there are war between countries time to time now when there's a war between two countries what is basically happening there could be some sanctions and these sanctions are going to kill the supply chain when the supply chain is dying there'll be increasing of demand and that kills the entire economy right so guys let me again tell you how these economic challenges are going to affect you and your family number one you're losing your purchasing power because governments are printing more money the value of your money is decreasing your purchasing power is becoming lesser and lesser and lesser and number two increase of the product prices so you can't afford them and number three high unemployment now I'm going to talk to you how there's going to be more and more unemployment because of these economic challenges all right now first let me also confirm to you we get opportunities through the challenges in the economy so today our business project is also going to be focused on our economic challenges in this planet and how are we going to solve these economic challenges and how are we going to get rewarded make millions of dollars for solving the problems in the economy all right guys so let's first understand the reality of the economy you all know that the world population is increasing every year after year after year the world population is continuously increasing what happened to the number of jobs if you really study because of these economic challenges and various other reasons the number of jobs are declining over the years and there's going to be a gap that Gap is called as the unemployment Gap over the years after years after years this unemployment Gap is going to be bigger and bigger so more people are going to get unemployed now let's understand what are the two major reasons of unemployment very high unemployment number one economic challenges as I explained to you previously these economic challenges are going to kill the economy kill the businesses okay for that reason people are going to get unemployed the problem number two the technology is replacing jobs really most of you think that technology is giving you more job opportunities but the truth is technology is taking away your job so let's understand how it is basically happening how many of you in this forum has a smartphone all of you do have right now your smartphone has an application called WhatsApp Messenger Instagram telegram line V chat or even email now because of these applications what had actually happened you stopped going to the post office to post an envelope a letter to one of your friends or maybe to your family members so the postman lost his job because of your smartphone right next example how many of you are booking flights booking hotels booking even services using these websites okay hotels.com hotel board.com right so many different websites are there right Hotel book.com right last minute.com there are lot of platforms where we book hotels services and also flight bookings right we do all these bookings on the internet nowadays right so what happened to the travel agent because of the technological advancements the travel agent had lost his job right now how many you going to a bank to do a transaction I don't think any of us are going to Banks anymore we are doing all the transactions okay all sorts of payments nowadays we are doing using mobile banking now just think about this guys right let's say you want to withdraw cash do you need to go to a bank no you don't you just need to go to a cash withdrawal machine if you want to deposit cash you can either do it on your mobile phone right with online banking but if you have money in your hand if you want to deposit it you can actually go to a cash deposit machine you don't need to go to a bank right if you want to update your pass book which is not required nowadays right but in case you want to update your pass book there's also pass book update machine like why do you need to go to the bank now if you really look into these Banks you'll really realize that the banking sector is getting shrink every year there used to be 10 counters or maybe 20 counters some time back but now there's only one counter what happened to the jobs of the bankers because of Mobile Banking and those cash deposite machines and ATM machines what happened to them they all are losing their jobs now you may be thinking this is a problem only for the bankers travel agents and the postman no guys if you're an accountant all the accounting jobs are going to be replaced by accounting software if you are a lawyer your jobs are going to to be sooner replaced by robot lawyers they do the job better than you they analyze the cases million times better than you because they utilizing artificial intelligence so much more intelligent than you right now you may be thinking that if everything goes wrong I will become a driver I drive an Uber car and I will make some money as a taxi driver right guys drivers are also being replaced by self-driving cars there are cars which has no driver countries are so afraid to release this technology because they afraid that if the technology grows this fast people will not have anything to do right you understand now some of you may be thinking that oh this is a problem only for some of others but for me it's not a problem because I'm an engineer guys construction information technology Electronics telecommunications mechanical robotic all these type of engineering jobs are already being replaced by technology there are robots doing the job better than you maybe you think that I'm a doctor there'll be enough patients across the planet guys now there are robot doctors who are doing the surgery with 100% accuracy okay they are doing a brain surgery much more accurate than one of the brain surgeons you understand that much accuracy is there right and I really want you guys to look back at the past okay if you go back 20 years maybe 30 years and if you really look back you will realize that if we look into a production line of at least 300 employees they have employees doing their job in a production line right now what happened after a few years production lines became semi-automated what 300 people did back then now required only two to three people all right now most of these production facilities has also become fully automated production lines where there are zero employees if there's a breakdown only one employee has to come for maintenance other than that the entire business runs with zero employees guys this is the world we are living in the technology is taking away hundreds and thousands and millions of jobs out of the market isn't it going to affect you if it doesn't isn't it going to affect your next Generation guys just think about that right on top of that I want to present to you about a report by McKenzie on job automation so this report says what is going to happen by 2040 2040 right accommodation and food service 73% will be replaced by technology manufacturing 60% Transportation 60% agriculture 57% retail 53% mining 51% construction 47% right so this way a chunk of jobs will be replaced by technology by 2014 will it not affect you what is these billions of people who are going to get unemployed are going to do what is their Solution that's what today I'm going to talk to you about the solution is our business project so I'll get there very soon right so I hope it is very clear for you that the number of jobs are declining over the years and the world population is rising and there's a big gap as unemployment right now what can you do there's only three solutions you either build a business buy a business or partner with a business right now before I go in detail about these three topics I want to give you a little bit of financial literacy let's discuss about three different ways of people earning money number one people do earn money as an employee so what is employment they're working in a company working at a job from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. so they wake up in the morning they go to the job and they do what their boss ask them to do right so probably about 50% of your life is controlled by your boss because you sleep for 8 hours 10 hours at the job and you spend maybe few hours at your home right so probably about 50% of your time is being spent at your job right so your BS will be basically controlling 50% of your life now some people trying to understand the equation of earning money in this e quadrant as an employee right your income is going to be time into skills can you multiply your skills that means can you increase your skills you can increase your skills little bit but is going to stay limited all the time right if you want to increase your skills you have to go and do a master program a PhD program right but that needs also time right can you have 10 different Master programs 50 different PHD programs no you can't so because of that your time is limited on spending your time on education so for that reason your skills are always going to be limited now how about your time can you work more than 24 hours a day no you can't so the time you can give into a job is also limited when your skills are limited and when your time is limited of course your income is also going to be limited that is the equation of an employee now most of the people majority of the people don't like to become an employee because of this reason and they look for different options different opportunities and they jump to this es quadrant to become a self-employee I'll give an example of a restaurant if you're a restaurant owner you are your own boss but you open up your restaurant at 5:00 a.m. in the morning and when you close it up at 11:00 p.m. you work even more harder than an employee right let's understand the equation of this esant as a self-employee again your skills are limited if you are a restaurant owner your ability to cook delicious food is going to be limited all right your skills are limited right maybe your marketing skills to attract more customers is also going to be limited right and the time you can spend is also limited can you open 50 hours a day a restaurant right you cannot right because there's only 24 hours a day right so because of that your income is always going to be limited because your time is limited your skills are limited your income is also going to be limited so some people getting frustrated at the self-employment quadrant jumping back to employment quadrant and start to work on a job once again but a small percentage of them a tiny percentage of them get frustrated by becoming a self-employee and they jump to this B quadrant to become a big businessman the bant the big businessman this is the only place where you can leverage other people time so a big business means at least a minimum of 500 people working for you and they working on a system and they helping you to make money right so this is the only place where you can actually leverage other people time and that is the only place you can actually earn a passive income when other people are working you are making money that is called a passive income and that is the only place you can actually have a freedom right now let's understand about the equation in this big business quadrant your income is equal to system into resources resources I will educate you in a moment which is something unlimited system is also unlimited I will educate you in a moment right so let's understand the income formula of a big business by taking an example as McDonald's I believe all of you have been to McDonald's right you all of you have had a McDonald's burger macb right probably right now income of a Mac tal is equal to system into resources so what is their system the system is how do they operate their business how do they Market their product their food so that more customers will be getting there now can they improve the strategies of course they can right they can spend more time on it they can have some analysis right and they can always improve their system to a different level right now how about the resources what are their resources the number one resource is the number of outlets do you know guys there are 38,000 Outlets across the planet for this company McDonald's right so can they increase the number of Outlets of course it can be 40,000 50,000 even 100,000 after a few years right so the resource Outlets can be increased unlimitedly correct the second resource they have is human resource HR the number of employees working for them can they increase the number of employees working for them of course they can the world is going through a big recession right so more people are getting unemployed right people are looking for work so if McDonald wants more people to work for them it is very easy for them to find out more and more employees so for that reason employees are unlimitedly available which means they can also increase their HR Human Resources unlimitedly so if number of outlets can be increased unlimitedly number of employees can be increased unlimitedly you already know that the resources are going to be unlimited right so if system can be increased or improved unlimitedly and resources are also unlimited guess what your income is also going to be unlimited there a classic example for a big business I hope you understand the difference between e and s quadrants employment or self-employment and the difference between becoming a big businessman or a big business woman 95% of the world population in this ens quadrants as an employee or self-employee the 5% of the most successful people are this bant as a big businessman right now when you think about becoming a big businessman what comes to your mind oh my God business is risk every business is a risk that's what coming into your mind right now let me ask you a question okay be a little bit open-minded and think about this guys okay where do employees work if you're an employee where are you working you're working inside somebody else's business correct if you're an employee you you are working inside somebody else's business right if businesses are risky that means your job is also risky right so I would say if businesses are risky your job is double risky do you know why there are two risk you are carrying number one the competition if someone is better than you you fired if that business you are working for collapse anyway you are fired right so you are holding two different big risks as an employee most of the employees think that doing business is risky but I hope now you understand that doing a job is double riskier than doing a business right let me give you an example of meta Facebook Facebook fired thousands of its employees but still Facebook is running Facebook is happily running right they're having some economic challenges but they're still running right they're running their business but they fired thousands of employees right and they have replace these jobs with technology they're running their business happily right so who is in Risk Facebook or the people who are working for Facebook of course the people who are working for Facebook right the company meta all right now on top of all these problems you already understand that technology is replacing the jobs and there are more chances for you to go unemployed right now what can you do let's get to the topic all right build a business you need to buy a business or you need to partner with a business now common perception of people law it requires millions of dollars for us to get started with the business right that is a common perception of majority of this world population they're thinking oh my God starting a business is very very very risky they're thinking that if I want to start a business I got to have a office I got to rent office in a expensive building guys we are living in the 21st century okay and this common perception has to be taken out okay and let's see how your perception is going to change through this selection webinar today all right so again we income is equal to system into resources correct now there are three ways where you can become a big business man or a big business woman number one building a system such as companies like Dell HP Samsung they have built systems right okay they have buildt a business from the scratch number two buy a system some of the examples are like Starbucks Coffee McDonald's 71 KFC right and number three partner with the system and this is why you are hearing a new industry called digital franch to I want to educate you about this industry called digital franchise now you see in all three options the word system is there which means a big business income will only come through building a system buying a system or partnering the system which means you should have a system working for you ultimately right now let's understand what is building a system building a system is a huge investment you need to start a business from the scratch you have to invest billions of dollars to to get started with a business in this building a system category right so for that the risk is extremely high the knowledge you need to build the business is also extremely high but still you can buy the knowledge with the money you have let's say you're operating a company like d now for you to operate Dell you need to have Engineers working for you you don't have engineering knowledge right so you can buy the engineers with the money you have so that's why building a system requires billions of US dollars right let's understand buy a system like KFC or 7-Eleven or Starbucks all right investment is Media you are spending couple of millions US dollars to buy the franchise rights buy the license from these companies so that you can operate your own Outlet you understand similarly you can operate so many different Outlets across the planet across the countries right and you can earn a big business income from so many outlets like McDonald has done right but again the investment is medium the the risk is medium because it's a proven system okay the knowledge is also medium because you don't need to do something outside the box okay because the knowledge is given to you by the system MacDonald the corporation will teach you what to do and how to operate your business they will educate you and how to operate your outlet right and number three partnering with the system and you guys are here in this interview today to partner with our system which we utilize this industry called digital franchising all right now first let's understand the word partner when you partner with our business project as a business partner you don't need to build a system you don't need to build from the scratch and you don't need to buy a system which means you don't have to have any extreme investment to get started with our business project as a partner because you are partnering with our system right now for you to partner with our system with this digital franchising industry there's an investment a very little investment a tiny investment and that investment is not for our business project but for yourself okay for your personal branding setting up your e-commerce website qualification web development and data security so you are spending some US Dollars on yourself right so guys about the risk there's no risk but the biggest investment you are putting into this business project is your knowledge you need very high level of knowledge to do a lot of things in our business project but still the knowledge is going to be given to you by the system a lot of knowledge is going to be given to you by the system all right guys so let's understand it in detail all right now we have a system and we are looking for a potential partner so what we expecting from you as a partner is your financial literacy helping us to implement and execute our projects that's what we want from you right and we are strictly saying that you don't have to invest even a single US Dollar on our system now when we are coming up to you with this criteria just think about this how many people could be potential partners for a business project and why do we have to choose you in case we want to choose you you must be the most suitable candidate out of so many thousands of others and you should have extreme good level of financial literacy if you don't have it you must be willing to grab that financial literacy so that we will feel that you are the right fet for business project because we have billions of choices out there and we can interview 100,000 others to find out just a few so for that reason guys I really want you to know that your financial literacy is going to be evaluated in next interview process all right now with that I'm going to educate you on what is our project now our project is helping small medium and large scale companies with their distribution so we in the business of helping small companies mediumsized companies and large scale companies with their distribution now if you don't understand the meaning of the word distribution I will educate you after some time all right now these companies are having a high Supply but less demand so for that reason they are not able to operate their business effectively because there's a gap between supply and demand right now what do we do we are helping them to fill this Gap supply and demand Gap and how do we do that by helping their distribution now let's understand the distribution process all right now let's say a company called HP they want to sell their laptops right now let's say you are buying a HP laptop from a HP shop okay or an outlet for $1,000 let's say you are buying a laptop for $1,000 now what could be the production cost of this laptop what do you think is the production cost of this laptop how much do you think $500 $700 how much guys if you really study the economics okay you realize that the electronic items electronic products are basically sold for one to five ratio which means the production cost of this laptop could be somewhere around $200 really you might be wondering right so what happened to this all these middle money are they keeping that big profit no they are not they profits are so tiny but there are a lot of middleman right there are Regional Distributors who are also earning a profit country dealers earning a profit wholesalers earning a profit retailers earning a big profit right and there's also expenses for shipping and handling so shipping and handling companies are also getting a profit right shops they're operating shops so these shops are also keeping a profit margin and there are utility charges on these shops and all these facilities right and then they have employees working in the shops and all other facilities right now on top of all these things about 60% of the money goes for advertising and marketing because without advertising and marketing nobody will know about these HP laptops right so they spending about 60% of the money on TV newspaper articles posters banners cutouts magazines right Facebook advertisements YouTube advertisements and Instagram advertisements and all these social media advertisements right so for every laptop 60% about $600 us are spent on advertising and marketing guys you understand so what is the meaning of distribution distribution means from the production facility Till the End customer what is happening in the middle for this product which means this $800 us this $800 us is also Alo called as the distribution cost so now we are in the business of helping small medium and large companies to do effective distribution all right now where is the money in distribution the majority 80% of the money is in distribution right okay so when we help companies for Effective distribution we earn good profits and that's what we do with our business project all right is also named as digital franchise now digital franchise is a business model that uses digital platforms and effectively helps companies on distribution that's what we are doing with this industry of digital franchising and that helps the supply and demand get to be filled all right now how do you do that now that is what we are going to educate you in the next part of our interview process so far I have given you a overview of what is our business project the next part of our interview will take you deeper and deeper giving you good clarity about this business project digital franchise much more in detail now before we get there first we need to develop your entrepreneurship mindset right so next we are taking you through a process of developing your entrepreneurship mindset without you seeing the world as a business you will not understand our strategies and our standard operating procedures all right next we will be educating you about our strategies and our standard operating procedure and after that we'll be educating you about our execution process of this business project and finally we will interview you and if you feel you are the most suitable candidate we would love to partner with you so depending on your suitability we are going to partner with you now there's a selection criteria right there's a selection criteria for you to get selected with a business project and a partnership the first criteria is that we are going to evaluate your desire and your need how badly you want to become a part of this business project and what is your attitude towards building a business how is your level of communication are you effectively communicating with us throughout this interv process are you slow in communication are you not being able to communicate effectively with us right and under criteria number one the finally we want to see your level of commitment we going to test your level of commitment with various things all right and we only want someone who is extremely committed to partner with us right because we are going to have a lifelong partnership all right now criteria number two is educating yourself okay so for that we are providing you some knowledge we are giving you some video materials we are providing you some books for you to go through and we also going to take you through a short coaching program we going to educate you so we want to see how willingly are you going to be there and educate yourself all right and criteria number three your ability to understand new knowledge which means when we are educating you how much do you understand are you really understanding about the strategies and the standard operating proc CDs right so we want to see your ability to understand new knowledge and standard operating for CDs and the last criteria is your decision- making ability we want a person who could be making good decisions in our business project all right because we don't want just followers okay we want a person who could be a leader of our business project who could be taking decisions and leading our business project you understand so these are the four criterias which you are trying to evaluate in you now next what I want you to do is contact the person who is interviewing you and share with that person your learnings and takeaways from today's webinar program and share your understanding and why you want to become a part of this business project explain that to this person who is interviewing you all right and after that that interviewer will be assisting you and guiding you through the next few steps of our interview process and at the same time he or she will be sharing some video materials for you to go through and we will share some of the books for you to go go through and one of the early books which we'll be giving you to read is called Rich that pad by Robert T kosaki one of the real estate investor and author and a financial adviser of Donald Trump who used to be the ex president of United States of America right so you get through this book reach that P and followed by you'll be participating in a coaching program a short coaching program which will dig down deep into this industry of digital franchising all right guys so with that I'm going to bring today's webinar to an end and I hope to see some of you taking a serious decision to become an entrepreneur through a business project and to have a lifelong partnership with us and as I'm finishing this webinar today I'm going to show you a short video of the most important lessons from the book Rich Pad which you will be reading next have a good day and take care 20 lessons for the book Rich Dad Bor dad lesson number one school train students to be employees not entrepreneurs or investors there are more choices in life than just working in a job lesson number two financial literacy is rarely taught in school instead they focus on Reading Writing and Ms lesson three working to learn new skill is more important than working to earn a payent justo to work that allow you to learn get experience build skills don't just sa your time number four assets pay you but depreciating assets cost you lesson number five only go into Deb for cash flowing asset don't go into Deb for depreciating asset lesson six pay yourself first before paying your bills savings is your first most important step in acquiring Capital to invest with convert and income into assets lesson seven a financial business plan is more important than a resume in your financial life lesson number eight the poor and middle class look for a job whereas the wealthy create jobs number nine being broke can be temporary for someone with entrepreneurial skills while a poor mindset can be permanent lesson number 10 your financial IQ is your courage Crea specificy and financial knowledge that creates skills assets and wellness lesson number 11 the middle class people focus on job security specialization School retiring with Benefits which is not as a safe path as they believe in the modern world lesson 12 money emerges from good ideas executed well lesson fing without financial literacy it's going to be very difficult for anyone to hold on to money lesson 14 business taxes are structured reverse compared to employees businesses pay taxes on earnings after expenses employees pay taxes directly on income before expenses lesson number 15 the poor and the middle class people focus on a paycheck while the rich people focus on businesses and assets lesson number 16 education is one of the greatest Investments but only when is from the right Source at the right price lesson number 17 a good employee is anet on a business balance sheet the lesson number 18 that customers are cash flowing assets on a business balance sheets number 19 the greater your financial knowledge the better your chance of building AWS lesson number 20 the primary lesson of the book r that bad is to learn how to make money work for you instead of selling your time for money in a never ending red race [Music]