the day should be the sunrise it should be the beginning of great thought I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen now sometimes because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done it takes me a little bit to settle down to get to the point of where I'm actually intentionally creating my day but here's the thing when I create my day and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable I know that they are the process or the result of my creation and the more I do that the more I build a neuronet in my brain that I accept that that's possible gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day my existence is the best example of creating your own reality doesn't that make sense tell us well growing up deaf people have a different conception of how or who you should be you're deaf we should feel sorry for you you need extra attention you need extra schooling you need extra care you need to be looked after poor thing she's deaf and for myself I looked at it in a normal way I had and decided I would have a happy childhood and we all create our own realities and we do that because we are the Observer we are each the own Observer of our own reality and each of our individual consciousnesses creates our own individual reality in the most amazing way my son Evan the physicist says you know it's an additive thing I mean if I'm holding one reality and someone else is holding another reality I mean it's the Super Bowl this afternoon and the reality that the Eagles are holding is a different reality than what the Patriots are holding and only one of those realities are going to be the real reality so there's some additive and there are interference patterns one of the things comes up about creating realities is what happens when there are two people each creating a different reality how to what happens what goes on there well the first thing to realize is that the idea that you create your own reality if by you you mean that egoic person that you think is running your show creates your reality it's probably wrong it's probably not that you that's creating the reality at all the you that really is creating the reality is what I call the gooey in between the frame stuff that's the true you the place from where we choose to create my own reality that place of Consciousness is a very special non-ordinary state of being where the subject object split tend to disappear the sadii or Satori that I was telling you about and it is from this non-ordinary state that I choose and therefore the ordinary ordinary uh exaltation of the new Ager also disappeared until it was forced to face the reality that there is really no free lunch we have to meditate and reach this non-ordinary States Of Consciousness before we become the creator of our own reality that took a while but now I think finally people are recognizing that there is there is no shortcut but the cut is not that long either it's not that hard it's not that hard we have been engaging in creativity for a very long time we have created a great amount of art music even science great amount of it so there are many people who are experienced with creative process that eventually leads to this discontinuous leap towards this non-ordinary state of consciousness the connection between the quantum physicist and the nerell on the street is that both of them have the power to create reality one knows it the other is ignorant of it how does science disperse this good news to everyone and yet maintain the ethics of being scientifically absolute and provable time and time again if we keep quantum physics in the understanding very simple for the lay person that our observation has a direct effect on our world I think if we keep it very simple then people can get about the business of beginning to practice the skill of observation hey wow you got a lot of shots to develop no oh bummer well I'll catch you later see the sub iic World responds to our observation but the average person loses their attention span every 6 to 10 seconds per minute so that doesn't leave a lot of room for our attention span so how can the very large respond to someone who doesn't have the ability to even focus and concentrate maybe we're just poor observers maybe we haven't mastered the skill of observation and maybe it is a skill and maybe we're so addicted to the external world and so addicted to the stimulus and response to the external world that the brain is beginning to work out of response instead of out of creation if we're given the proper knowledge and the proper understanding and given the proper instruction we should begin to see measurable feedback in our life if you make the effort to sit down and design a new life and you make it the most important thing and you spend time every day feeding it like a gardener feeds a seed you will produce fruit we are running the hollow deck we we are collectively it's there it's it has it has such flexibility that anything you can imagine it will create and you learn I mean your intention causes this thing to materialize once you're conscious enough yes so what does Consciousness what is consciousness well Consciousness is a very difficult thing to Define the Consciousness is the ground of being therefore it is the one and the original the chicken and the O question however is very important uh for example how does this one Consciousness become a subject toob split experience what is consciousness where does it come from what is consciousness um people have been trying to explain Consciousness and try to figure out what exactly it is what it means for us as human beings why we even have it on more on a simple simple way of defining is it has to do with awareness and in particular it has to do with awareness of the self that's at least how we as human beings have self-consciousness so that when we look in a mirror we recognize that it's ourselves that we're looking at and not some other person or some other animal there's Quantum coherence among proteins in the brain to give us the unitary nature of self how we have only one sense of self in our brains despite the fact that there are processes going on all over the place within the brain well I mean I'm going to give you an answer that you're not going to be happy with um um and I'm not happy with it either I just don't know what more to say about it at the moment um there is some one can use all kinds of other words awareness selfawareness sentience um feelings what people call qualia in uh in philosophy um these just seem to me synonyms for it they're not they're not elucidating um what's going on at the bottom of it I let it suffice to say this I'm putting myself back on the border again um um the phenomenon of Consciousness seems to me one of the points at which the collision between the scientistic worldview and various anti-scientific that I think it's an enormously important phenomenon to think about what is consciousness ah ah yeah well I define consciousness according to penrose's view it's a particular type of self- collapse of the wave function now as you know things can be in superposition of multiple possible States or location that's Quantum superposition and that's the natural state in the quantum world now we don't see that in our classical World why not well one explanation is that conscious observation causes collapse that's the Copenhagen interpretation another is that every superposition branches off and forms a new universe the multiple worlds hypothesis another is that interaction of superposition with the environment causes decoherence and the fourth possibility is that superpositions grow until they meet some kind of natural threshold inherent in nature which causes them to convert from the quantum superposition state to the classical State there's several types of of these theories which are called objective reduction an objective threshold for Quantum State reduction one is if the system grows too large that's the Gerard Remini Weber grw Theory another is Roger penrose's idea that well first he starts with a question what is superposition and he says it's a separation in fundamental reality at the most basic level so much like the the uh multiple Worlds View the separate the universe separates and begins to separate but that these separations or bubbles if you will in the in in reality it's most at the most BAS level are unstable and after a while will collapse to one or the other and that this type of collapse this type of objective reduction that occurs due to this instability and the separation of the universe is consciousness and it can only happen in very special circumstances because you need a system that's isolated from the environment so it doesn't it has to be protected so it doesn't decohere and it has to be large enough to reach this threshold the threshold is given by it's inversely related to the size of the superp position so something very small like an electron in superposition if protected from decoherence would take 10 million years to reach threshold and then it would have a very dull tiny moment of Consciousness uh something very large will reach threshold quickly and in the brain we think that Quantum computations occur which reach threshold roughly at 25 milliseconds so 40 times a second we have conscious moments uh collap es these self- collapses in which the superpositions collapse to the classical world and it's a process occurring at the most basic fundamental level of the universe at the plank scale basically connected to the brain by Quantum computations occurring in our brains what is your simple definition of Consciousness what is a simple definition of consciousness I hate wedding a w come on FR this is a good assignment if you'd see it that way what to see I do they did oh God Amanda I mean you live in your past I mean everything with you is about what happened you hate churches you hate weddings you hate guys Consciousness we have great trouble defining it to me Consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter but we have a long long way to grow before we get to the stage where it is Meaningful for us to ask the question will we know God most people think of God as that great figure in the sky with the white beard who scrutinizing the human race from above they see us here on Earth as in some form of neutral testing ground where we're placed by God for a period and God watches from above registering the scores on his laptop as to whether we perform according to his designs or whether we're offending him as as it's put an absolutely out outrageous idea how could we offend God the type of God that people believe in how could it matter so much to him how could it above all matter that he would find it so serious situation that he could condemn us to an eternity of suffering these are bizarre ideas but obviously they have a great hold on the fears and the limitations and the insecurities of people which is why religion can play so effectively whether deliberately or otherwise on those insecurities people fall into line very readily when they're threatened by these Cosmic sentences of everlasting punishment how in the Ten Commandments could we have possibly created a mod mind that could transcend space and time no we're too busy keeping our emotions in check to ever dream of infinite possibilities and maybe that is the ultimate conspiracy even though a given person may have long AG go thrown off the trappings of religion they still live in the religious mold and they don't even know it but their whole conception of how reality works is all something that has been molded by religion so until you get that out of your system you can't ever make go of uh an evolutionary perspective I mean I had an incident once in Australia some years ago and I was I was you know I was talking about the Heaven and Hell idea and this young man of 20 years of age are so said to me you know that was really interesting but thank God he said I'm thank God I am not religious he said I said is that so and he said yeah I'm not religious my parents had no belief and I grew up without any beliefs at all and he had told me the previous day that his his father had died when he was 8 years old so I said do you mind me asking where did I tell you your father went when he died he said well they told me he went to heaven I said that sounds suspiciously like a religious view to me and I went down through the 20 things or so you know belief in right or wrong retribution for good and bad Deeds Etc and on every single one of them he passed with flying colors as a a person with a profoundly religious outlook on reality he was never in a church in his life synagogue or mosque but a perfect religious person religion gets you off the hook of living it it becomes for example really religion uh does not have imminent domain over God religion is simply the study of God the mystery of God and then endeavoring to take from scraps of people all of that interpretation and put it in well it must mean this and so we're going to fast today and and we're going to wear we're going to cover ourselves up we're going to uncover ourselves up and if we do this this is what God is pleased about but you know that's just hogwash and so pleasing God gets us off of the hook of living I mean the very fact that we had to have somebody die for our sins is sort of a ripoff don't you think I mean I think we already really should have had the privilege of living out our own sins and by virtue of experience be enriched with wisdom because of them and I don't see how Evolution and how we could ever grow and become astounding beings unless we are fraught with the blight of experience that is that is bad and harmful and all those things because only then have we really achieved the wisdom that allows us to understand everybody one of the problems with organized religions is that there is this sense of separateness that it's only good to be a Protestant or that people who are Catholics are the only people who know the way and I think now our current understanding of of quantum physics is this understanding of complete unity and so that we have to derive our spirituality from a sense of unity I use the pun fundamental with a hyphen to mean the fundamental level of the universe because at the most basic level there's a mentality at this most basic level so uh you know fundamental religions that focus on only their uh approach to the exclusion of others and and are self-righteous and dogmatic I think is a very bad thing the method in science is to produce a conjecture about reality and then you set out hammer and tongues to disprove it in that process you will be able to strip away the accretions and the peripherals and hopefully get at a core that's hard and fast and as somebody said yesterday here at the conference you know 90% of new knowledge is is going to the garbage bin in a few years anyway and that's the way it ought to be now the single exception to that in the field of human endeavor has been religion because religion says oh we have all the truth already right from day one and therefore it can't ever change therefore we can't set out to refute it and because it has never set out to refute the peripheral aspects of his presuppositions religion has become more and more irrelevant to the evolution of human thought must have seed this Parable is a brilliant Parable to an age in which there was no science so he says to his disciples that the Kingdom of Heaven is not in the sky and look many will say that it is here and is there but in reality he said all right a mustard seed is the tiniest of seeds the kingdom of heaven and what does that mean it means who we really are and where we have our eternalness will we have our alwaysness will we have always been and always will be that that self is smaller than a mustard seed and that the kingdom to which God Lives is a small Jesus knew this 2,000 years ago and how is he going to teach a bunch of fishermen tax collectors and writers on asses about quantum physics and the key ingredient the key to the kingdom of heaven is self and where do we find self in this uh morass of tiny The Observer so what did he know that you do not know and he knew it 2,000 years ago and so did the mystery schools 2,000 years ago know this what are we really we have determined it what are we ultimately we have determined it that we are even smaller than the smallest phas of time from Zero Point Energy to its recognition so how small are we we're are Point Z and we fluctuate off of that zero so we say the Kingdom of Heaven is within in you as Jesus put it rather than God was within you then we're talking about a complete identification of our being with the divine Source that's at the origin of it all the only reason that there is an addiction to religion as some way out of a mistake does that diminish the greatness of God no it actually opens the Corral and lets God be Eternal absolute the law that is given to us it's the same laws given to that of those people on cus given to us by the people in the Rose universe or the ey Universe you know in your Hubble Telescope has finally seen galaxies of immeasurable beauty that in our heart and in our mind we long to engage it's deciding to meet beings of Greater mind or lesser mind and where does it end it doesn't end doesn't end we do not want to accept responsibility we do not want to accept our greatness so it's very easy for any system of thought religious or otherwise that comes along it's very easy to play on that to play on our insecurities to assure us all is well we'll all be taken care of we lap that up so don't blame religion blame our own insecurities which has allowed religion to flourish and which has allowed so many systems of thought that are disempowering to flourish throughout human history that's why we can't get out of it I now present to you Mr and Mrs Richard Buck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] filipowski experiencing something in the present day that is a trigger to something that is very emotionally charged for us so now we have become even more disconnected from the reality of what actually is the new dream like a thunderstorm in our brain and its electrical strikes through our syneptic skies to the Earth of our being creates a chemical Cascade in our body that prepares our body for Conquest achievement a relishing experience emotionally but we would have no Conquest indeed we would have no relish M if we had not first had that hologram and those chemicals that made us or rather changed us from being fearful entities into Fearless entities after a dream the frontal load is the crowning achievement of the human brain frontal load this frontal L allows us a distinguish to change our minds so it begs the question what is free will we really think that we have free will when we make choices but there was an experiment done with people who had damage to the frontal lobe the frontal lobe is the area of the brain that we use to really make Free Will choices and these people all had damage or Strokes to their frontal lobe and they put him in a situation where they said this is a test and there's no right or wrong answer but you can choose whatever you want now all the people who had damage to the frontal lobe could not choose they could not choose one answer or the other they could not make a choice when they repeated the experiment and they said now there's a right or wrong answer the moment they said there's a right or wrong answer these people were able to choose so it has to cause us to to be begin to question if we ever really choose based on Free Will or are we just choosing what we already know and that Free Will means that we stop enough to be able to separate All the known and speculate possibilities and potentials that exist in the unknown when we live by those automatic circuits that are already wired known patterns of Association we really not making any free will choice ches we're choosing based on what we know and as long as we choose based on what we know we'll always get what we know so at the level of the brain you've got lots of neurons interacting locally they produce a global intelligence that's associated with the brain as a whole but then when you look at individual neurons the interior of the neurons is a different physical implementation of the same principle and in fact at every scale as you go down like Chinese foxes nested the one in the other uh each individual processing element at one scale can be shown to be composed of innumerable smaller processing elements within it um and ultimately at the lowest level the analogy is not going to be obvious but mathematically it's rigorous at the lowest level the process whereby proteins fold obeys essential the same mathematical self-organizing dynamic as how a neural network processes information so the folding of a of a protein is mathematically identical to the generation of a thought if you will or the solving of a problem except that when you get down to that level the process whereby these so-called neighbor to neighbor interactions take place is subtly different in incorporating Quantum effects and that's really where the notion of the quantum brain comes in not that the brain as a whole entity is a Quantum entity but rather that Quantum effects at the lowest level are not only capable of but of necessity are Amplified upwards because of this nested Chinese box arrangement of the ner system Consciousness enters this physiology and animates this physiology by essentially bubbling up through each individual cell and through the DNA within each cell the DNA is a quantum mechanical entity but it's a macromolecule it's got one foot in the macroscopic classical world and the other foot deep in the quantum mechanical world it's the bridge if you wish between quantum mechanics and matter but having one foot in quantum mechanics which is the world of thought it basically transduces those impulses of thought into chemicals and into the chemistry biochemistry electrophysiology of thought je approach is that Quantum Randomness influences uh neurons at the level of microtubules and I would uh I would say that it's more than that I would say that Quantum effects act in concert coherently uh more globally in the brain that we may have macroscopic Quantum States throughout large reasons large regions if not the whole brain that are basically identified with or uh influence Consciousness you go down a level of neural networks then to neurons and inside the neurons to the microtubules which are acting as quantum computers and then you look at the individual components of the microt tual which is uh a protein which changes its shape like that so on off yes no one or zero however you want to U make a computer analogy and that is the bit the fundamental bit inside neurons inside cells that control controls what's going on now that in turn is controlled by um their little pockets inside the proteins in which electrons are free to roam they're they're non-polar so they're they're able to roam and if they're in one one position say an electron here and here the the protein's open if it's here and here it's closed so the movements of these individual electrons which are uh governed by what are called vanderwall forces control the state of the protein which in turn uh computes in the microtubule which in turn controls the neuron which in turn leads to the brain functioning as a whole well the electron movement of these vanderwell forces are also related to the the quantum field and the Z Point energies um and the quantum vacuum through the workings of the nervous system and the particular way that it implements Quantum effects very distinct specific way not general not fuzzy not imprecise that it absolutely does open the door for Free Will being a possibility that does not violate modern scientific tenants and that's consistent um to a certain extent with people's subjective impression that we that we do have free will what separates us from all other species is the ratio of our frontal lobe to the rest of the brain the frontal lobe is an area of the brain that's responsible for firm intention for decision making for regulating behavior for inspiration it is the seat of what causes us to take information from our environment and process it and store it in our brain to make decisions or choices that are different than the decisions and choices that we've made in the past Free Will resides in our in our frontal cortex and we can train oursel to have to make more intelligent choices and to be conscious of the choices we're making most people very use very little bit of their frontal lobe so most most people already have a labotomy and most people don't really pay attention so everybody has ADD and the result of it is it's easier to use the already wired circuits and the stimulus and chemistry that's involved with using those automatic circuits than to stop those circuits and begin to look at possibilities and potentials so the point is is that when we're using those automatic programs that are already wired they take place in the rest of the brain and the frontal lobe gets to go to sleep so even though we think we have the free will to choose we don't really have free will what we're doing is choosing what we already know the brain is made up of tiny nerve cells called neurons these neurons have tiny branches that reach out and connect to other neurons to form a neuronet each place where they connect is integrated into a thought or a memory a neuronet basically has to do with a group of neurons that are functioning together that have a particular type of function um people have looked at these in terms of what have been called cognitive modules so that there may be neural Nets a group of nerve cells in in either the same structure or across the brain that have certain functions that allow us to process information in a particular way now the brain builds up all its concepts by the law of associative memory for example ideas thoughts and feelings are all constructed and interconnected in this neuronet and all have a possible relationship with one another the concept in the feeling of love for instance is stored in this vast neuronet but we build the concept of love from many other different ideas some people have love connected to disappointment when they think about love they experience the memory of pain sorrow anger and even rage rage may be linked to hurt which may be linked to a specific person which then is connected back to love every observation can be looked upon as a Quantum measurement his Quantum measurement produces memory we always perceive something after reflection in the mirer of memory it is this reflection in the mirer of memory that gives us that sense of eyess who I am the brain does not know the difference between what it sees in its environment and what it remembers because the same specific neuron Nets are then firing we know physiologically that nerve cells that fire together wire together if you practice something over and over again those nerve cells have a long-term relationship if you get angry on a daily basis if you get frustrated on a daily basis if you suffer on a daily basis if you give reasons for the victimization in your life you're rewiring and reintegrating that neuronet on a daily basis and that neuronet now has a long-term relationship with all those other nerve cells called an identity we also know that nerve cells that don't fire together no longer wire together they lose their long-term relationship because every time we interrupt the thought process that produces a chemical response in the body every time we interrupt it those nerve cells that are connected to each other start breaking the long-term relationship if we practice our mental rehearsal and our skill in being able to do it will show that certain brain circuits will grow as a result of our effort we'll get it'll get easier to do in other words if we accept that idea then it will allow us to go back the next day and do it with more certainty and with more acceptance that in itself is no different than praying you see there's no religious text that says thought doesn't matter there's no religious text that doesn't say your prayer and your intention shouldn't be answered by God but go explaining how that happens is what quantum physics and the Observer is all about but still when we can make thought more real than anything else our brain is designed to do that the front the lobe with its enormous space is the altar in which we place a thought and it gives us the permission to hold the thought for an extended period of time and it lowers the volume to the external stimuli we lose track of time and space that's the moment we're stepping into the quantum field that's the moment that now we're making thought more real than anything else do you have any favorite rabbit holes well you can start with the brain and and most people look at the brain operating as a neural network as a bunch of neurons 100 billion or however many talking to each other like uh like uh nodes or switches in a computer computer with synapses being the switches uh and that gives gives rise to Consciousness I don't think that can explain Consciousness I mean the brain is meat you know so and it's not the Mind meat of the human nervous system has the remarkable capability of reflecting Consciousness because it is so designed it doesn't create Consciousness it reflects it which gives us a unique advantage over other objects like rocks which appear so inert because they don't have this ability to reflect what is there at the deeper levels of nature which is pervasive Consciousness so I feel like um you know God exists not so much in the brain as in the body mind throughout our entire psychosomatic network but if I were going to choose the most interesting piece it would have to be um the place of highest evolution once again the the frontal cortex and you really see this very methodical development of more and more frontal cortex as uh you progress up the evolutionary scale and another role of emotion of the frontal cortex is I don't want to say suppress emotions but kind of uh slow down the choices around it well Consciousness is the tip of the iceberg in the brain because most of what the brain does is subconscious or protoc conscious or preconscious and only a small part of the brain is that is involved in actual Consciousness at any one time but the rest of it is important for the the you know the latitude of the possibilities of Consciousness why is understanding all the stuff about the brain important well studying the brain isn't important studying Consciousness through the brain to produce mind is important when we can understand the functioning brain or a brain in action or a brain in motion we call that mind and when we can gather information for example when a person is person is anxious and their basil gangling on a brain scan is hot because their Idol is running high or a person who has problems concentrating that their frontal lobe doesn't work it gives us an in enough information to tell us when a person's brain isn't working they're not working it's the bottom line so the brain is the instrument that we use to facilitate Consciousness on this level to produce mind to be able to learn and evolve and we can talk about you know we're just a piece of meat and we can talk about this is being an illusion but you see we're not evolved to that point to be able to embrace that understanding because we still experience cold we still experience pain we still experience sensation and hunger and it's not an illusion because we haven't gotten the training to be able to manipulate reality to that extent that's something way down the line but we're just beginning to stand up and accept an unconventional point of view and that unconventional point of view gives people the opportunity to step outside the boundaries and the way they which they routinely and automatically fire those [Music] circuits we are physically chemically emotional human beings that's not a bad thing it only becomes a limitation when we keep accessing those same emotions and those same attitudes on a daily basis and go nowhere in terms of our change or evolution in our life all right now it's time for the kick ass party and you know it's open bar right yeah and there ain't nothing like a repressed Catholic girl once you get a few drinks into her how can we say that we have lived fully every day by simply experiencing the same emotions that we're addicted to every day what we're actually saying is I have to reconfirm who I am and my personality is I have to do this I have to go here I have to be that a master is quite a different cat it is one that sees the day is an opportunity in time to create Avenues of reality and emotions that are unborn of realities that are unborn that the day becomes a fertilization of infinite tomorrow ultimately the brain becomes hardwired and then to think outside the box the way those neurons are connected really takes quite an enormous amount of effort because it challenges your own personal beliefs and perceptions it challenges your relationships with other people it challenges even your emotional agreements and so people have agreements with people and things and places and times and events and all those agreements have some chemical makeup that supports who they are as an individ idual as an identity as a personality a hard question to answer is how all these little molecular events play into a personality if you've seen your own brain scan it's kind of depressing you see many different areas of the personality each with their own electrical activity that seems to have no coordination it's like a symphony with no conductor but all of a sudden if the conductor steps up to the plate the whole brain would function in unity in coherence that's a properly functioning brain there a part of the brain called the hypothalamus the hypothalamus is like a little mini Factory and it is a place that assembles certain chemicals that matches certain emotions that we experience those particular chemicals are called peptides they're small chain amino acid sequences body is basically a carbon unit that makes about 20 different amino acids all together to formulate its physical structure the hypothalamus is actually a structure that's a little bit more um right below the thalamus usually write it in this area here it's a little bit you can see it is a little bit of a yellow area and a little later on it will actually will show how it turns on during these experiences but that the hypothalamus is is a main controller of body functions it regulates all of our basic body functions heart rate blood pressure it helps to regulate most of our hormones including our sex hormones stress hormones and so forth it helps to regulate our immune function and uh and it is the key regulator of the autonomic nervous system in the hypothalamus we take small chain proteins called peptides and we assemble them into certain neuropeptides or neuro hormones that match the emotional states that we experience on a daily basis so there's chemicals for anger and there's chemicals for sadness and there's chemicals for victimization there's chemicals for lust there's a chemical that matches every emotional state that we experience and the moment that we experience that emotional state in our body or in our brain that hypothalamus will immediately assemble the peptide that then releases it through the pituitary into the bloodstream the moment it makes it into the bloodstream it finds its way to different centers or different parts of the body now every single cell in the body has these receptors on the outside and one cell can have thousands of receptors studying its surface kind of opening up to the outside world and when a peptide docks on a cell it literally uh like a key going into a lock sits on the receptor surface and attaches to it and kind of moves the receptor and kind of like a doorbell buzzing sends a signal into the cell it's party time feeling feel [Music] and now [Music] Dre the I see my mar and [Music] walking what happens in adulthood is that most of us we've had our glitches along the way are operating in a emotionally detached place or we're operating as if today were [Music] yesterday what is it mixed sign of boredom is a sign to change and what is it that we change our mind we change where our Observer sits in our brain the it begins to fire new neurons which the rabbit hole is like a wormhole that Loops us into a new neuronet in the brain that's already there by the way that now we're going to start living our life from this point of view and in this point of view we have never knew what it was to get over guilt by changing our past that's a new one and that the promise of our new mind beckons us to new feelings and emotions we've never experienced I mean what would it be like we can only imagine the absolute pleora of possibilities exist beyond our boredom change in itself means then that we have to abandon our old self it means that we have to leave behind our identity and begin to speculate who we could be to change means modifying our Behavior enough so that it's permanent so if somebody is character characteristically responding in the same way over and over again and want that person wants to change the way that they're responding it requires looking at the problem on several different levels sometimes it requires understanding that emotional pattern and connecting the parts of the nervous system that are about emotional survival and cognitive appraisal and working through the emotional stuckness that's why I suppose there's so many different types of therapies uh there's therapies that are geared more at looking at emotions more at looking at cognitions more looking at behavioral ways you can help yourself to get out of a pattern but I think again looking at the human organism as every living system as a integrated whole that if there are ways of integrating cognition emotion Behavior physiology in your approach to change then that's what's ultimately going to be most helpful and there are a variety of techniques that can help a person to do that see I think what you want here is an answer what is this thing the person can do and I don't think there is a thing I think there's a process that somebody who's in that kind of a pattern there's a process of things that that person has to go through before they can really do that in a consistent way repeatedly so that actually they've relearned a new way of Behaving there's a human propensity for the mind to consistently move back to the past that's a natural mechanism that's been developed over eons when we have a new experience whatever that experience is that experience allows circuits and Connections in the brain to begin to formulate as those connections formulate they release chemicals and those chemicals make a feeling so emotions and feelings are the end product of every experience and feelings and emotions help us to remember experiences better we know where we were on 9/11 because there was a feeling that was associated with it now what typically happens for most people when they have a novel or a new experience they repeat that experience over in their mind again it's a natural propensity and the reason we do that is because if we can fire those circuits over and over again by the act of repetition we can remember them so we learn from an experience learning is making new connections remembering is maintaining those connections and so there's a natural order in which we review something in order to remember it now the the problem is with most people is that they become so immersed in the feelings of certain experiences is that feelings become the means of thinking in other words feelings determine their thinking when that happens we only are living from the past because by definition feelings are associated to some past event so if we determine our future Based On A Feeling what we're really saying is I'm trying to create a future situation from a past situation and invariably we will always continuously recreate the future based on the past and that future will be more of the past so what will we see people who are wired in victimization people who are W wired in suffering people who are wired in their insecurity and the feelings become the barometer of their reality then in their future experience they could only create reality based on how they're wired they'll recreate the victimization in their life because it's all that they know in order to create a new future we have to leave the feelings of the past behind we have to abandon the way in which feeling is the means of thinking and when we're able to do that we're breaking the association and the neurological networks that are attached to that thinking and feeling mechanism so that we're focusing on an abstraction an idea a concept a dream that we haven't yet experienced because it has no emotion but it's something that we would like to experience and that process of being able to abandon the means of feeling for a future potential is the greatest test for the human being our experienes color what we know so there is no completely objective appraisal of anything because our appraisal of everything has to do with our previous experiences and our emotions everything has an emotional waiting to it we've gone from uh emotions being these spiritual immaterial things to things they're not even things to actual molecules with molecular weights and peptides with sequences and structures science knows now that that the hypothalamus makes neuropeptides and those neuropeptides are strong chemicals it was in the early 70s that um Sal Snider and myself first identified opiate receptors uh in the brain and developed a method for measuring them and then you know uh people said hey what are they doing there why would we have receptors why would God put receptors in our brain you know what would be the point of all this and then people started to say Well there must be an endogenous Lian Lian is an interesting word it comes from um the same root word as religion lier that which binds and um people started to look and before long they found um a peptide which is called endorphin or enine and um there's a lot of science around it and a lot of interesting information upon what systems in your body it regulates so that's where it came from and then following that the Valium receptor was big people found it and looked for endogenous Valium and now marijuana receptors and Mar endogenous marijuana is hot um there's enough data now to suggest that no Psy psychoactive drug Works unless it's binding to a receptor that's normally meant for an internal juice juice you mean I could make LSD if I wanted to um yeah well you do but you know it won't be chemically identical in fact Time Magazine had a had a mistake there they they said that morphine was chemically related to endorphins and that's not true cuz morphine is a different kind of chemical structure endorphins are a peptide but they both fit into the same receptor so LSD and all the psychoactive mushrooms and different analoges um they you know they hit a variety of receptors actually and so it's not their chemical structure it's having the right shape and electrostatic charge to fit into the receptor well here's the story of the peptide and the cell the peptides find The receptors and dock onto them and stay attached and they come off and then they can can come back on again and while they're there they are changing the cell a receptor that has a peptide sitting in it sets off a whole Cascade of biochemical events some of which changes nucleus of the cell one of the sources of evidence that the molecules of emotion are the molecules of emotion is we have the same identical molecules in the simplest even one cell creatures and so emotions are preserved throughout Evolution I mean endorphins are in yeast and tetrah and a simple one- cell organism so pleasure is so basic and we were designed to run on Pleasure I think we're addicted to pleasure and our brain is set up to record pleasure and seek pleasure and that's the the final end point is to find pleasure and avoid pain and that's what drives human evolution cells are yelling up to the brain saying hry we haven't gotten our fix today and it's going to start sending Impressions to the brain and the brain is going to start to formulate imagery it's going to sound like voices in our head hungry to think of a reason why we should be depressed hry think of a reason why we should be confused think of a reason for our own suffering and the body is going to be telling the brain that it's not getting its chemical need chemical needs met and so the brain will then activate and start going to our past situations yeah and flashing pictures to our frontal l oh yeah we've come endeared an entire serving [Applause] Planner yeah keep it coming Keep It Coming oh yeah addiction is a very powerful word uh is a very powerful word today and I conclude that it is one of the most important words of all ages because it fits into the concept of regeneration into Enlightenment and unless we understand addictions no one here or in your audience will ever understand their own bodies so you tell me what your modern word means addiction well my definition of an addiction is something really simple something that you can't [Music] stop we bring to ourselves situations that will fulfill the biochemical craving of the cells of our body by creating situations that meet our chemical needs it always happens to me every day so my definition really means that if you can't control your emotional state you must be addicted to it oh this ruins everything the people that we really love are people who are willing to share our emotional needs our feelings whatever they are whether they are sexual whether they are victimized poor me Po you whether they are power you need somebody to control you so you feel like you're in control when I talk about being addicted to a emotions and being addicted to chemistry most people don't even know that they don't even know that we're that they're addicted to their emotions because that's just a normal way of being but that describes Humanity don't dip your half eaten SHP back into the cocktail sauce everyone is addicted I don't care who they are and they're addicted because they've never had anything better to replace what they are addicted to and have a reason Reon to wake up every morning to live for the man who is addicted to power gets up every moment and he drives things that show his power dip your he has to have a lot of people to feed off of to suppress to order around in order to feel worthy because he does not feel worthy he needs the emotions to feel worthy through you and your health Coates I am the bride's sister I'll stick my ass in coil sauce if I Dam well I want you to get out there and serve make sure everybody my wasb been Dr auu Pur who has spent a lot of time thinking about addiction and his work has shown that um so much of addiction is really learning and it's really ironic that things that seem unpleasant like anger um to me you know I don't like being in an angry state I don't enjoy it but um through a learning procedure um even the weirdest things can start to be um reinforcing and pleasant and you want to repeat them so you can become addicted to anger you can be addicted to a state of starvation that isn't normally Pleasant you can get addicted to anything and it's really through the um the principles of learning that we get addicted where we have these internal juices certainly the endorphins are one and it's been shown that the endorphins um reinforce or mediate uh you know pleasure that leads you to repeat a given Behavior but obviously there's other peptides and other substances involved in something so important so we can learn uh through addiction um to uh seek out any emotional state what about people who are addicted to to heroin to marijuana well they all do different chemistries in the brain they're endeavoring to touch the pleasure Center in the brain that is not what our brain was meant to do so people reinvent experiences in their brain by Distributing the same chemicals the same feeling the experience and the Redemption observations that are carried out in a way that they were previously carried out over and over again in a repetitive sense so it gets to a point where we don't see the role of our observations anymore because they become habitual it's kind of like being an addict to something you lose the power of observation when you regain the power of observation you can see that by your choices you can actually alter restraint or change what you see out there [Applause] [Music] won reality what is reality how do we [Applause] know they have taken laboratory animals and they've hooked up electrodes in certain parts of their brain that produce those neuropeptides and those neuropeptides are such strong chemicals that given the fact that the they train the the laboratory animal to press a lever to get that chemical release that neuropeptide release it would choose the neuropeptide release more than hunger more than sex more than thirst more than sleep as a matter of fact it went to the point of physical exhaustion and collapsed before it would take care of itself physically and that's really what stressed uses to our body we become so addicted to the stress in our lives that we can't quit our job even though it doesn't serve us we can't leave our relationship because it doesn't serve us we can't make choices because the stimulus and the responses produce the chemistry That clouds our choices and we're no different than the dog who who who lacks its ability to make choices because of it's smaller frontal Lo so how can anyone really say they're in love with a specific person for example they're only in love with the anticipation of the emotions they're addicted to because the same person could fall out of favor the next week by not complying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] iang Strang how could that Wicked thing no no no no no you got the the punchline Ron it's a it's a photographer's joke go on about your uh uh [Music] music can't cure an addict do you give an addict everything they want and then they ask for no more that is when we have owned an experience and that is when we are wise couple that with indeed new revenues to the mind and revenues to the mind is knowledge and from knowledge it's like building blocks we build new Holograms and we create a new storm and in that new storm we create realities and which unknown feelings indeed unknown emotions shall exist are you okay right uh when don't now I was with the uh the groom hey sorry uh I was with the groom just now yeah he loves pette where pull they all look the same in a text everybody secretly is an adventure everybody loves the adventure it's just taking that first step and once they have the moment of insight that moment of insight carries frequency it carries a message the cells of the body are enlivened by possibility they're enlivened by unknown potentials they're enlivened by a future history or future opportunity that that may be down the rabbit hole a little further and if they allow themselves to experience the quandry and the mysticism and the possibility that when they emerge from the rabbit hole they're a different person and now they go back into their world and because they've processed that information and left footprints in the mind and in the brain their perception of the world will never be be the same how can we say that we have lived fully every day by simply experiencing the same emotions that we're addicted to every day a master is quite a different cat another drink it is one that sees the day is an opportunity in time to create Avenues of reality and emotions that are on born that the Day become infinite tomorrows to the groom to the [Music] groom what's up guys up man hello what do we need some boxes and put outs yeah [Music] baby yes it's a psychosomatic Network and yes some of us you know particularly adolescent boys are you know under the control of lower [Applause] centers the eye isn't in control of the molecules of emotion it's more um I don't want to say at the mercy of it but these rapid eye movements that help us decide where to focus are mediated in the midbrain and you can map opiate receptors there and recept for many of the other peptides so once again the relevant Search Command that's going on is related to finding a a certain emotional [Music] state the animal or the human being who gets involved in that mating ritual then ultimately can can connect with another person of or another member of their species so that they can actually procreate and and and have more uh [Music] animals oh gosh she wouldn't fall for me no mama what the hell are you waiting for come on you little I can't believe you guys what are you come on come on just get the hell out of the way hi there honey come on baby you know you want it oh don't give me that look uh as far as and when you look at uh human beings and when you think about our mating rituals I without trying to be too SC overly scientific looking at it but but we have a lot of the same kinds of rituals that animals have when you go to find a mate you go to a dance or you go to a to a place where there's a lot of music where there's movement where there's rhythms where there's sound where there's a lot of stimulation and and you may take in substances like alcohol or things like that which will affect the brain in certain ways and by doing all of those things what you're really doing is allowing yourself to come together with another person so that you can ultimately go on to to have more [Music] people what about people who are addicted to sex actually sex itself is an invention to to allow us to see into the future look at about that for a [Music] [Music] while hello there big boy is that a rocket in your pocket are you just happy to see me you [Music] [Music] [Music] the lights are on you're not home your mind not your [Music] own what it takes you can't sleep you can't [Music] eat [Music] kiss you like think that you're immune to the St oh [Music] yeah I want to hear some po music okay these people want to hear some po music you can't have a Polish wedding without po [Music] music no would you leave it alone keep your how can you have a Polish wedding without any polish mus Dan off my [Applause] equipment it ain't a Polish wedding without a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] poker [Music] back [Music] on your Ro deserts you and your feet disappear you'll find some old ches wasted one without [Music] a our mind literally creates our body but it all starts in the second cell and who gives the cells the order the orders come from the neuronet in our brain which are based on the experiences and information that we've logged in there and we use a certain box of solutions to our life that causes chemistry to take place so in order for us to change the chemistry we would literally have to change the neuronet which means we'd have to change our identity which means we'd have to change our attitude or change the way in which we interact with our environment and every time we keep being the same person and keep experiencing the same attitudes all we're doing is reinforcing ourselves as our identity I once did a little gig in a woman's uh prison of they're all heroin addicts uh and by teaching them that they have receptors for the heroin and that the more heroin that they take their ability to make their own internal endorphins their own internal heroin basically starts to decline and then the receptors start to become [Music] subsensitivity Al life becomes dominated by pain such that everything that they perceive is colored by the pain and sometimes every way that they react and everything that they do becomes all about their pain one of the things about receptors is they change in their sensitivity if a given receptor for a given drug or internal juice is being bombarded uh for a long time at a high intensity it will literally shrink up there will be less of them or it will be hooked up in such a way that it is desensitized or downregulated so the same amount of drug or internal juice will elicit a much smaller response [Music] no if we're bombarding the cell with the same attitude and the same chemistry over and over again on a daily basis when that cell finally decides to divide when it produces a sister cell or a daughter cell that next cell will have more receptor sites for those particular emotional neuropeptides and less receptor sites for vitamins minerals nutrients fluid exchange or even the release of waste products or toxins now all aging is a result of improper protein production what happens when we age our skin gets loses elasticity while elastin is a protein what happens to our enzymes we don't digest as well what happens to our sovial fluid those are proteins they become brittle and stiff what happens to our bones they become thin so all aging is the result of improper protein production so then the question arises does it really matter what we eat and does nutrition really have an effect if the cell doesn't even have the receptor sites after 20 years of emotional abuse to even receive or let in the nutrients that are necessary for its [Music] health so if the muscle cell is making healthy muscle protein and over years and years of producing the same itude chemically that cell starts to produce the normal muscle protein but now in the sequence is the amino acid sequence of sadness that's not the same protein because we know scientifically that if we alter the amino acid sequence we've changed the protein so we have normal muscle protein with the signal of the attitude mixed in with that particular uh protein and that's a cheaper grade of protein it's a weaker protein protein and so if you look at the human body when it ages it ages because the proteins that we've produced once when we were 16 or 17 years old are now a cheaper grade of protein than when we're 50 or 60 years old and who gives the orders for the signaling and the from the brain all the way to the receptor side is our own personal attitude now they'll tell you if you read any scientific text that genetics causes diseases genetics caus disease and then recently science now says well no it's not genetics that causes disease it's the environment that stimulates the genetics that cause disease but what I'm saying is it's our reaction to the environment that stimulates the effects of genetics that causes disease in the human body so if we change our attitude that means we're going to change the effects neurochemically which means we're going to change our effects biologically which means we're going to change the effects of the receptor site which means we're going to change the expression of DNA which means we're going to change the expression of protein which means we're going to change the expression of Life which means we're going to change the health of the physical body so our attitude literally has an effect on a cellular level there was a great uh experiment on uh Stanford University I believe where uh people uh given the task of uh eating uh something decadent I think it was a piece of chocolate cake or or perhaps they uh chose what the decadent thing was and the people who did it with a sense of guilt and shame actually experienced a transient decrease in immune function whereas those who were able to just enjoy the experience and Savor this wonderful whatever that they put in their mouths um actually have a surge in immune status capacity is in our bodies to be coherent and thus manifest higher and higher energy density levels and to be Big Time creators just up to us we have the free will to not do it or to do it and then it just takes time and practice just pumping iron is it possible to have Mind of a matter baby the brain is King the body is the kingdom yes how long will that take to happen long enough for it to be the main stay of your personality to our very brain those great thunderstorms we have tab have yet let a third of its ability if we lived entirely the wholeness of our brain which would require the wholeness of our DNA be activated we would become the legends of old The Immortals I really believe that the body wants to heal itself in the limits are in our own minds of what we believe is possible um I think so much more is possible than we appreciate everyone's DNA they use less than a third of the DNA did you know that there are Immortal genes did you know that you have Immortal dnas did you know that you have the DNA to grow any part of your body to change it any way you want want to did you know you have the DNA of humanity did you know that you can turn a predisposition of genetics of blindness into a predisposition of sight did you know that you can tap your DNA to not only make you immortal but reverse your aging do your jees have that yes they do it's what Janine Jean fingerprinting is all about in its infantile stages but it's embarrassing when we really know it because the great question is well if I have an immortal Gene how come I'm not Immortal why in the is it still there you can edit that out if you wish got or you can leave leave it in according to the maturity of the audience I'm certain I have said nothing new Under the Sun her ratio you know why because you focus only on your emotional means to an end so your DNA holds what is replicant in you to an experience you have never gone outside of yourself to create the experience of yourself here's how a intellectual realization can change your body um a sudden New Concept creating an aha can classically translate to nerve impulses in the hypothalamus which then cause various different peptides to be released from the pituitary gland which then circulate through the blood Steam and have the potential to reach every cell in the body where by acting on receptors they can affect change and that's a classical view but I think uh there's another view that uh can happen not instead of but in addition to our brain is constantly um being surveyed by little white cells that for lack of better word we can call them cells of the immune system but we're not sure how many of these are stem cells um and they're constantly passing through and at the same time we have this sudden realization we may imprint uh an act and set off a Cascade of molecular changes in these surveillance cells and then the surveillance cell May set up resonance in the brain and continue to change the brain so it's not just that the brain changes the body I mean the thought process itself changes the thought process I mean what we think affects what we will think later and um what we believe becomes [Music] true if we know the thoughts of a person we will best know them by their addiction their continuous over 24 hours in a Continuum of what emotions they display in their body we shall know their thoughts I hate you we never ever reinc carnate to the I love you so much people we always reincarnate to the situations of why we hate ourself I hate you you idiot you're suck look at you you're ugly you are wor nothing you all hate you what is the greatest Necromancer that haunts people that no one has given them the permission to look at and to become the hated the despised the Despicable the fornicator the con artist the liar the deceiver and yet because it is so depressed and suppressed it is the one faculty that never became and that is closer to who we are than the fictitious Valentines of love that we have collected like old pages that are rotting out of our book of life we can't even remember who wrote them so does hate of self self-incrimination bring us nearer to a vassel called truth yes it does cuz it tells us who we really are because that's the one aspect of our s that we have never ever been able to Adorn and unless we un logically become that we cannot succeed to the throne of [Music] Enlightenment it makes you wonder doesn't it if thoughts can do that to water imagine what our thoughts can do to [Music] us the person who has another urge inside of them that that they're they're clearly interested in something else all they need is a little bit of knowledge and if they accept that knowledge as a possibility and if they Embrace that knowledge over and over again sooner or later they'll begin to apply that knowledge now for some people it may take 5 minutes and for other people to make take that first step may take an enormous amount of effort because they have to weigh that first step against everything they know and everything they know is attached to the way their life is presently all their agreements all their relationships and to take that first step means that they have to evaluate what it's going to look like by taking this step against what they know and there's that battle between those two elements but once we give ourselves permission to move outside the box there's a a definite sense of relief and a definite sense of joy and a sense of understanding that living in that mundane repetitive routine life is going to we can predict the outcome of what that looks like and so the more we do it the better we get at it there's data now that when people are addicted to whether it's cocaine heroin nicotine alcohol um all of them seem to share a property of blocking the growth of new brain cells and yet it can completely come back when the drug taking has stopped in terms of possibilities it brings us back to that concept where the system could go in One Direction or another and depending upon where the person is and what their level of emotional congruency is what the experience of the system has been and what the current state of the system is will really govern if it goes in Direction a or Direction B in general the field of Psychiatry really doesn't allow for enough freedom of action on people's part meaning an awful lot of problems not all of them to be sure but an awful lot of problems get that get labeled as psychological problems really amount to people making rotten choices and they ought to be instructed to make different ones for example let's say somebody is having um a difficult time uh notorious problem completing a PhD thesis so they'll run to a psychologist and will spend maybe months and years in therapy sort of the Woody Allen uh problem because they've got a big complicated psychological neurosis and really the problem is that they're lazy and nobody has just said you know you're just making a series of rotten choices with how you're spending your time and nobody has ever instructed you in certain fundamental virtues like self-discipline and when you get up in the morning you have to make an intelligent decision about how you're going to spend your time people who make up their mind about anything whether they are given a prognosis of terminal cancer whether they're giving a prognosis of a a certain Health malady that's going to take a certain amount of time the person who makes up their mind and that is a great definition of the frontal lobe when you make up your mind about something you're overcoming the body you're overcoming the enforcement from the environment and you're overcoming time oh poopy if you don't see the traps you have to go through the crap until you see the traps because if you don't see it it's your only teach in machine is your only way for you to come to understand something new so the universe brings these things to your door and there is learning in them for you if you are willing to reflect upon them and think beyond the rigid mindset can I wow uh borrow some toothpaste thanks when I talk about we disappearing I don't mean that we physically disappear what I mean is is that we move out of the area the brain that has to do with our personality that has to do with our association to people our association to places our association to things and times and events we don't exist in the associative centers in our brain that reaffirms our identity and reaffirms our personality we now have science to back up what our thoughts do and how they make our bodies weak a lot of scientists who are actually studying this with Behavioral Kinesiology and other ways showing that thoughts make your body weak and thoughts pretty much create your reality they create what you're going to what you're going to think about yourself if you're fat but you think you're wonderful you'll be wonderful but most women are we're we're compared all the time with impossible images from Barbie to to models and so we think that our whole currency is how we look and how other people are going to perceive us and we're always up against impossible standard what is relative to their own emotional addiction are movies and dramas and news and all the media that is so beautiful today and providing people with experiences without having to be there and yet and yet that does does not define human greatness they're so hypnotized by their environment through the media through television through people living and creating ideals that everybody struggles to become that no one can actually become in terms of physical appearance and definitions of beauty and Valor that are all illusions that most people surrender and live their life in mediocracy and they may live that life and the soul may never really their desire may never really rise to the surface so they may want to be something else but if it does rise to the surface and uh they ask themselves if there is something more or why am I here what is the purpose of life where am I going what happens when I die they start to ask those questions they start to flirt and interact with the perception that they may be having a nervous breakdown and in reality what they're doing is that their old concepts of how they viewed their life and the world World start to fall [Music] apart that's why very few people make this journey because it's deeply unsettling all of the molds that we have lived by have to be broken and we have to liberate ourselves in this way and sometimes there's an awkward period between the comfort that we knew before and the real state of comfort when we are the Lord of our being which follows that interval of chaos most people when they get into the chaos give up hope and go back to the old false Securities they get to live a reasonable life and they get to die in some sort of Peace but they haven't Advanced spiritual at all in that experiment that we call the [Music] [Music] life [Music] we're in completely new territory in our brain and because we're in completely new territory we're rewiring the brain literally reconnecting to A New Concept then ultimately it changes us from the inside out if I change my mind will I change my choices if I change my choices will my life change why can I change what am I addicted to what will I lose that I'm chemically attached to and what person place thing time or event that I'm chemically attached to that I don't want to lose because I may have to experience the chemical withdrawal from that hence the human drama [Music] this life is but a page in an enormous book in which we will always be who we are but always with the inherent needling of ambitious Pursuit a Pursuit that takes us from the boring tedium of self-reflection of self-hate and to self-creation of new dreams and we are ambitious [Music] Gods there's a big Paradigm Shift involved in the teachings of Jesus from the teachings of the Old Testament for instance in The Sermon on the Mount he quoted Moses saying an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I say to you forgive your enemies and do good to those who hate you in the teachings of Jesus it seems that thinking something is the same as doing it so if I think of murdering my neighbor but don't actually do it obviously it's it's different from the for the neighbor but for me it's not different in terms of human evolution and this is something that's Bor born out by the quantum understanding of the world which we're familiar with today that that it's the thought that governs all things and in the evolution or the development of myself that I am constructing so to speak internally the thought is what's Paramount so I think in that respect many of the teachings and Parables of Jesus were touching on something that we know now to be eminently profound about the nature of the reality we live live in and how the processes of evolution that we want to use for Spiritual Development actually function part of what the new paradigm is is the awareness that the spiritual is real I mean in in mainstream medicine is the only system of medicine in the entire world that does not invoke higher power and mystery it's the only one well I think the reason that science hasn't really explored these questions is is twofold one is that there has been a a significant conflict if you will between spirituality or or religion and science over the last uh Century really where people have really come to look at religion and spirituality as as kind of this falsehood and as delusional and and in a very negative way from the scientific perspective and having nothing to do with what science can show but I think what's happened is is that not only have people realized that science does have something to say about spirituality and that we can utilize science to help us understand what the spiritual sides are of human beings so that's one thing and the other thing is is that as our science gets better we're able to ask more interesting and more complex questions so 15 20 years ago we couldn't ask a question about what goes on in the brain of somebody when they meditate but now we have the techniques and the ability to explore that kind of issue uh so on one hand science is developing to the point where we are having the ability to ask these kinds of very complex questions about these very unusual experiences that people have but there's also a realiz ation that there there may be more to these experiences than than what we have typically thought of and that science and spirituality may actually have something to say about each other a very great spiritual teacher uh Jesus said a long time ago the kingdom of kingdom of God is everywhere people don't see it it is everywhere this non-ordinary state of consciousness exists within us and that is what we fundamentally are Dart invented dualism to avoid the problem between the church and Science and ever since uh science and spirituality have been on separate paths and in fact Consciousness and science were on separate paths for Mo much of this Century due to the behavior risk it's only been the last 20 years that Consciousness has come back into science can spirituality come back into science I think it can I think only recently have we got a framework to understand spirituality for example this level of the fundamental SpaceTime geometry which includes or can include platonic values of good Aesthetics Beauty uh pure truth as well as feeling emotion plus the fact that it interconnects all of our conscious entities or protoc conscious entities with other beings and with the universe itself this interconnectedness this timelessness I think is the beginning of a scientific understanding of spirituality so what the scientists and what the mystics are talking about are not just parallel realities they are really one and the same investigation it's just that scientists have been investigating the material realm and the spiritual Traditions have investigated not only the material but also the vital the mental and even the supramental the domain of Love Justice these archetypes which Plato investigated long long time ago in even in the west so that's the difference now we have extended our science to not only contain what the scientists have traditionally invest instigated the material but also the mental the vital and supramental and Consciousness itself and a fundamental level that is even difficult to observe there's one God self one God self that is all of us we grow from that the whole universe Grew From it and each of the separate personalities that appeared have grown from it with the illusion that each one is a separate individual but actually we're all from the same tree entanglement is a new idea because it's arising out of science but the concept of a connected universe is as ancient as we know I mean like the the fundamental principles in eastern philosophy is that everything is entangled but they didn't use those words but that's basically what what the models are from Eastern philosophy so you know we have that as a historical basis for these kind of ideas it's called words like Cosmic Consciousness or Collective Consciousness uh and and the new part is that science through very different means has encountered this aspect of the world and is now beginning fairly rapidly actually to learn the nature of it can you understand what we're talking about here in terms of religion you cannot you know people often say to me exactly what you've said you know can you tell me you know when I go home how my mother or my grandmother you know can link this to what she believes in you can't do it it's an entirely different worldview and uh I Think Jesus put it very well when he said you cannot put new wine into old wine skins because if you do you know the Skins will break and it will all be lost we are at the end of the Paradigm we're at the finite stage of the sensual Paradigm there's no more Paradigm to have in the census we can modify the Paradigm with in the box of what's already been created sensually but the borders are at its extension it's a very weird time right now because East has met West there a lot of flowering of ideas and many of us who were asked to grow up in one Paradigm have to switch to a new one and that is very tricky I for myself personally it's um I can experience both paradig s sometimes I experience a beautiful blend of both and uh sometimes I just get up to the new one fall back to the old I think that maybe we're the only generation that's going to have to suffer through this cuz um this movie is going to spell it out for people [Music] right you can't just say well it only took 20 NS for this healing to take place because we don't know in that person's subjective world what the process was that got them up to that point of acceptance or what got them to the point where they could surrender themselves to a greater order and so what appears to be a nanosecond could be a person's journey to acceptance when the soul emerges when a person begins to wake up they weigh they begin to weigh what they know and what's working for them against what what is that inner urge and that inner drive and for some people it's a clean cut they make the break they understand what it is and they begin to gain knowledge and apply that knowledge other people have to have their system fall apart they have to go through the disruption of that ordered and finalized complete state of the personality that keeps everything intact and everything in order based on how the person's wired so the the tragedy in one sense is really just the death of an old self and it allows then a birth and the birthing process at times can be difficult because it's painful and what's painful about it more than anything else is that we no longer are producing the same thoughts that make the same chemicals we're breaking the addiction to all those agreements chemically that is an uncomfortable State for the human being because they can't connect to any person place thing or event out in their world and because that that discomfort gives them the sense of no relation to anything that that is uh borderline uh nervous breakdown it's borderline Insanity because you look for some evidence in your life that you're doing the right thing and every everywhere you look for evidence in your life is with the people you've had all those agreements with so you can't even turn and talk to those people because they're going to ask you to go back to the same person so that they can keep that agreement intact if the person has the the knowledge to be able to understand that and they can ride their way all all the way through it they'll begin to understand that a a new self is emerging and those old patterns will literally crumble they'll L they'll literally disconnect in the brain and it'll give them an opportunity to give birth to a new self that new self will have a whole new set of people in their life equal to who they become when a person says do I create my reality the answer is but you already are creating it who you are is made up of the reality that you are currently to change that would be to change one of those concepts of people because you became expanded that you brought into your neurological makeup an idea that new idea suddenly augments present reality and because the idea is now in your mind it's in your frontal low it's reality forms and suddenly go wow I just had this great experience I had this idea and then this wonderful thing happened to me I mean what was that the answer is you created reality what did I create it from a source from an idea well why don't I do that all the time but you have the idea of who you are with where you live what you look like what you wear who you talk to today what you're going to do tomorrow you have all created this as fundamentally your reality so everybody in your life is an aspect of yourself and what you did is you simply added to it you added a new reality to that mix so we're so busy being it it's like the fish in the ocean somebody gives the idea to the fish that it's a novel idea to ask for a drink of water so the fish asks for a drink of water and everybody starts laughing because the the fish is in the water so it's sort of like saying how do I create my reality well you are the reality you're already creating it we only see what we are when we step out of it and we look back at who we've been there is enormous potential to change the kind of behaviors and characteristic patterns that we've fallen into in fact if you've listened and have remembered anything that I've said your physiology is different than it was before that that is something that Eric candle the recent winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine and science said very eloquently at a talk that basically memory has been encoded your genetic structure has changed and while we previously would talk about the nervous system as this very rigid thing that didn't have much capacity for change we now know that on many levels that isn't true and actually there's a tremendous amount of plasticity which basically means ability to change within the nervous system and if you look at the structure of the human brain in detail you see that it's actually is specifically designed it's carefully engineered to experience the unified field to experience the unity of life when people have a a mystical experience what usually H how they describe it is that they begin to lose the usual sense of material reality around them in fact if they go far enough and they achieve a sense of absolute unitary experience then all of the material world as we typically know it basically goes away what we're talking about there is an experience of just pure being pure awareness pure Consciousness so it's not it's not necessarily tied to anything material and because those experiences have been described in extremely real terms meaning that when people have that experience they perceive it to represent a more fundamental level of reality than our everyday material reality that we normally live in it creates a very big philosophical problem because when we actually try to evaluate what is real and and how we know what is real my colleagues and I have ultimately come to the conclusion that the only way to really make a determination is based on how real it feels what the sense of it feels everything ultimately is reduced to that experience how real of an experience does it feel how much does it feel like absolute reality well in that case when we look at the mystical experiences they really are associated with an experience of much more fundamental reality than what our everyday reality is like in fact even when they're no longer having that mystical experience they still perceive that reality to be the more real to represent the more truer form the more fundamental form of reality and the material world that we live in is kind of a more secondary reality for them the reason why people are attracted to psychic experiences or mystical experiences is because it they feel it has enormous meaning like more meaning than usual and the reason for that is typically a feeling of connectedness a merging of of your ego with something else and why that should create this internal sense that it's important is not entirely clear to me but often times a single psychic experience can be life transforming change is always interesting because it's like walking across a stream you have a good idea what you want you say there's life on the other side I can predict everything on this side of the river I can predict actions of the people I can predict the comings and goings of different events I know how everything's going to be it's a routine enough experience that I'm bored and I want more and so we venture across the river and as we start entering into the river we realize that it's cold and the water has a strong current and it's dangerous and the moment that we stop to analyze how we're feeling we lose sight of the other side and the moment that happens we rush back to what's comfortable and what's familiar and what's common and then we can say when we do that well see that change just didn't feel right well that feeling we were relying on was a feeling based on reaffirming our old personality the person who has the ability to hold a thought and to hold an ideal and to hold a vision in spite of the feedback from their body is executing the movement to a greater reality whenever our boundaries are contracted we become identified with the small cocon we become unhappy so the whole idea then is to shift to extend our boundaries and then whenever we have expanded the boundaries we are in that we are in that extended bigger self non-ordinary State of Consciousness which is the source of our happiness when you start to realize what your true nature is there is no question there is no answer anymore and there is just sudden realization now you come back from the rabbit hole and you start to perform in this world of Illusion and wonder and magic with that understanding that you never going to die and you were never born Choice by Consciousness out of this possible events the actual event of experience comes in and so for the first time science encounters Free Will consciousness is free because there is no mathematical description of the subject only objects can be described mathematically and only to the extent that there are [Music] possibilities the question Still Remains Paramount who is the Chooser are all realities existing simultaneously is there a possibility that all potentials exist side by [Applause] [Music] side [Music] welcome to flatland a world of only two Dimensions only forwards and backwards left and right in this world there is no up and no down I said to Ray where's Doty he said well she's out in line that what the is that thing in this world the two dimensional beings that live here have no concept of three-dimensional objects these two-dimensional Flatlanders have no understanding of Cubes spheres tetrahedrons or yours truly from their 2D perspective my 3D finger looks something like this what the FL [Music] run hello little circle fear of the unknown or should I say not yet known it's a puzzle if we see only what we know how does anyone ever see anything new the unknown how do we ever get out of our box hello little circle Don't Be Afraid who said that where are you this is always the tricky part to explain I'm in another dimension another space I am above you never never use that word what word the a word [Music] above it's forbidden well what do you think it means I don't know and I don't want to know you can be severely punished if you use that word are you a ghost I hope not I just have a different perspective than you do I can see things in a way you can't yet oh yeah like what well okay you have a safe hidden in your pantry and inside it you have 12 coins a will and a passport how did you know that what are you are you a god well no more than you you see since I am above you in the third dimension I can see inside things in your world Third Dimension you are a crazy ghost there's only two look so if I were to touch the inside of your stomach how would I do that well you'd have to cut through my skin otherwise it's [Music] impossible stop stop ready for more more what dimensions oh dire ctions uh no yes but oh but there aren't any more more more what will happen to me what will I become you'd have to become it to know okay excellent oh I never [Music] [Applause] [Music] knew [Music] [Music] when was the last time you ever looked at you with the eyes of the mirrors that you call your beloved your friends when was the last time you ever saw you through the mirror and understood [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I am much more than I think I am I can be much more even than that I'm not alone knowledge allows the brain to begin to become wired and we will begin to see what has always existed but because we live in those routine automatic programs we're unable to see because we're processing mind from the familiar to learn knowledge means we're learning new things and to learn new things means we're gathering information and creating the circuitry now to begin to develop the sensitivity to begin to see things for the first time we are entangled we're if you want to call it quantum entanglement fine but we are entangled and there is no real separation between us so that what we do to another we do to an aspect of oursel why do we not see the entanglement because Evolution has pushed us to not see it and we're we get quite good at not seeing it you know this sensory input is designing is constru in this image of the world in which the things are separate but we know through experiments we know through experience that they're separate but there some level they're not so separate after all we're finding non-locality everywhere in our bodies in space from stars um in regions of the zero point field everything is connected and so we have this this involvement in everything we are our world there's no out there out there we we are we are there's no place where we end and everything else begins we're all connected you take this notion of an entangled universe and you apply it to Human Experience because Human Experience is part of the universe as well and you say well let's let's assume that experience is entangled then how would it manifest and we can start going through ways in which it could manifest if there's a connection with another mind we call it telepathy if there's a connection to some other object somewhere else we'd call it Clair if there's a connection that happens to transcend time you call it precognition and there's a connection in which my intention is expressed out in the world some way we might call it psychokinesis or distant healing or something of that sort so you can go through a list of perhaps 12 kinds of psychic experience that have gotten labels over the years like telepathy but this is really just the tip of the iceberg I think entanglement and and collapse in one system inducing collapse in another is exactly what happens in parasal phenomena and it's also true that that time can go backwards so that they don't even have to be simultaneously one can occur before or after the other and near-death experiences particularly when when uh patients report uh uh leaving their body and floating above them their bodies watching themselves being worked on and then returning to their body could be due to the fact that Consciousness is ultimately a process in fundamental SpaceTime geometry and when the coherence driving the system stops due to the metabolic insult to the brain the information is still in fundamental SpaceTime geometry which is everywhere so it would tend to start to dissipate however due to quantum entanglement would tend to say stay somewhat localized and Float float above maybe go out into the waiting room and visit with relatives which has been reported in near-death experiences but then when the the body is resuscitated revived in the metabolic Drive in the brain uh resumes the information returns to its host the brain we are all connected I mean I think the most fundamental thing is we're all connected by an energy field we swim in a sea of light basically which is the zero point field and I say first of all you have to get to you get away from the whole idea of separateness because separateness is the biggest problem in the world now whatever way we observe the world around us is what comes back to us one then begins to see others as part of themselves one begins to see that it's best just to love others and not judge them that what you do to build another actually builds yourself you begin to see that you're connected you're part of a large family love of one's neighbor I think is based upon the recognition of neighbor as oneself ultimately of course when Consciousness is developed and education is working one will perceive other as oneself because we're all one Unity there is only one Consciousness there's only one unified field Jesus is teaching love your neighbor as yourself was actually a teaching about the higher frequencies of the nature of reality in other words he didn't say love your neighbor because it's a good thing to do be nice to your neighbor and God will reward you he was I suppose we could say practicing enlightened self-interest at its best because what he knew that in with the intent which we call the observer in the quantum world the intent of the Observer towards another what you express towards another is what you create for yourself so if you if you express love or hate or harm to another you're creating it and the prime beneficiary in all creation is yourself so when he said love your neighbor and do good to those who hate you and so forth he was actually paying tribute to the role of the observer in everything that we do well one of the consequences of this entanglement issue is that every thought is received by every other person who can think our our thought thoughts have action have intentions have consequences that spread out into the world from from a personal basis my thought is is a drop in the ocean so probably what I think doesn't matter a whole lot but if there are a billion of me and we happen to be thinking along the same lines it probably will be picked up and and influence other thinking creatures so in a sense if if this line of thinking plays out then then one of the of the consequences may be that we need to be more responsible for our thoughts we are all creating the future we are all creating what is outside of us none of us are innocent in that regard there's something out there we don't like we can't really turn our backs on it because we're co-creators somehow or other and we have to do the right things to try to get the future that is best for all of us all our separate Consciousness wherever there's Consciousness is merely Consciousness by virtue of the fact that my Consciousness your Consciousness are ultimately that everything in the universe is really nothing but that planets trees people animals were all just waves of vibration of this underlying Unified super string field we are really United at our core and ultimately the understanding that's submerging will be that there is only one Consciousness in this room and it is you and it is me and it is each and every one of us we individualize our Consciousness through the filter of our nervous system but the Consciousness itself our very inner subjectivity the self in the big sense that is universal and knowing that knowing it through experience is called Enlightenment and has been called Enlightenment Through the Ages in the end these were but tools to bring imagination into a Quantum Fury a dream that sets at sights above the mundane and the mediocracy of life that everyone can set their sights therein then we are no longer hated and despised but we have done the one most excellent virtue we have saved ourself through simply applying our most excellent Eternal ability and that is that we are God and that we call out of inertness we C out of in nerness the wind sprayed particles of chaos and we freeze them for a momentary reality in which all predecessors and all successes agree upon and now we have tangibility of mass but we have brought it out of nothing and how could we ever be nothing we could never be nothing it is only out of nothing that we have our being but our being we do have and we are ambitious [Music] [Music] gods [Music] to ask the great questions to begin to formulate possibilities means that we have to stop the normal way in which we think when we ask the great questions we're stopping a moving locomotive we're stopping that process and now we're beginning to speculate possibilities potentials the whole purpose in life is to change an outcome to change something about ourselves to modify our Behavior modify our actions to have a new experience to have a new experience means then we're no longer in the typical routine way in which we do things to ask the great questions is to say I pretty much experienced everything that I know now I'm interested in knowing something [Music] else [Music] at the end of the day the summation of all of this is does it enrich our life does it give us a better way to change our mind hey you're back I'm back so you never answer my question what question how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go I think we love rabbit holes so much because we realize that there is a greater reality out there and that the reality is much more akin to our dreams rabbit holes are the best thing since pop top can to go down the rabbit hole and to get away from the mundane is thrilling the rabbit hole and how deep and how far we want to go is really how far how much do you want to discover about your true nature [Music] [Music] how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go all the [Applause] way no it actually in all honesty it was one of the most difficult jobs I have ever done in my entire career back for a tremendous panel hi hey baby good job Mom hey baby but I do want to ruce Betsy chassis who is co-director co-producer co-writer co everything for she's just going to take off now and Lead this panel coolest thing ever Jay-Z Thank you so much for talking because it was fabulous you know that that adversity is the greatest teacher in advancing our skill of mind and environment Joey you awesome the new experience of that we'll have a whole new host of chemicals you guys are going to see me Hall tomorrow and I have the religious portfolio here this weekend which is why I'm doing the Sunday morning service tomorrow miall I'd like to add one more person to our panel um you guys know him as Reggie we call him Robert Bailey [Applause] Jr um just really happy to be here it's amazing to see all these people supporting the film and it's a really thought-provoking film and it's just great to see everybody liking it loving you really it's just great to see everybody appreciating you my name is Dean Raiden I'm senior scientist at The Institute of noetic Sciences in Petaluma California okay we pretend it doesn't exist okay no problem okay my name is Lynn MCT tager it is that it that's great did we ever answer we answered the question you wanted me to answer did you about okay good she wouldn't say get a freaking clue but for those who have not met me my name is Mark vente I'm one of the filmmakers one of the Unholy Trinity um we have a few panelists that are missing right now Candace per and Fred alen Wolf if you find them in the bar please bring them in so I thought I'd start with David one of the aphorisms that bore is famous for is is I'm I'm not going to get the quote exactly right but it's something like um you know somebody claiming to understand quantum mechanics is the first sure sign that they do is this one working so they need they need as much uh rigor in their in their you know just because there's more of them doesn't make them right okay you thought or say I always uh caution uh all my uh lab uh researchers before they take their P before they take the pictures to prepare their hearts uh in three ways and so the three concepts that I really like for my staff to have before they begin their work are the concepts of truth of the concepts of virtue and the concept of beauty this elusive mysterious thing Observer Consciousness is having an effect on something out there what do you think I want to teach you a little Japanese so you can can get this wakas do you understand do you not understand this is a problem and I'm going to get to what the answer to this in just a moment but I just want to point out that having Dr Moto here is a rare treat for me because it gets me into my Japanese Consciousness again so um Candace what do you think well as I said in my opening comments I'm I'm not a Quantum physicist I'm just a lowly psychon neuro pharmacologist so I'm starting to feel comfortable with as the discussion has I'm Dr Daniel Monty I'm a phys with specialty training in Psychiatry and human behavior I'm on the full-time faculty at the Jefferson Medical College I've heard some people say that you know Consciousness is this wonderful property in the universe that has a predilection for the human brain if that's the case then then Consciousness uh is about 3 lb and and looks a little bit like a gray cauliflower show experience going through a microscopic wor the moment you can travel instantaneously anywhere you can also go back in time so the mathematics of it says that the placebo effect is going to be proportional to the treatment effect and a few other things you probably have more to say about no sorry about that multiple personality disorder have to say about the seed of Consciousness and the second one is what made you want to become a physicist at the age of 50 okay well I guess yeah multiple personality disorder me so thank you all you gods and goddesses for coming and thank the panel and we'll see you tomorrow [Applause] bye and what was the title of this film again [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what you thinking what you thinking what you thinking you [Music] thinking think think think you [Music] think think think think think think think think think come on it's time to ride down the ho so say byebye to W thought and Par St look look look at what beside your mind a r trip feeling your memories Li you watching talking over and over and over and [Music] over what the [Music] do what the do now what the what the the play yesterday is every day you decide to change the way neet set in place listen listen listen to create your day Char up take a de outside matter spit never Tes it over and over and over and over away now what WI what the the way [Music] know what the what the what the BL how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go all that you will ever see is more and more of a mystery don't play the way now now what the way now what the the way what the what the what the BL what the BL know if you will the what the the wa it's got to love or are you got the the way there are no answer just decision no right no wrong take your position what [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music]