Transcript for:
Celebrating Indonesia-Colombia Diplomatic Relations

welcome to the 45th anniversary of indonesia colombia diplomatic relations taking indonesia and colombia relations to the next level striving for economic potentials and dynamic relationships this international webinar is organized by the center for schools analysis please you are mute please unmute the whole sims uh unmuted my audio i will repeat so this international webinar is organized by the center for policy analysis and development of american and european regions policy analysis and development agency of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia and the embassy of the republic of colombia in jakarta in collaboration with the indonesian embassy in bogota universitas universidad externado de colombia excellencies distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen we shall begin this auspicious occasion by kindly inviting the vice minister of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia his excellency mr mahendra siregar to deliver his opening speech please by mahendra subscribe thank you very much uh my good friend ambassador juan camilo valencia gonzalez my very good friend ambassador prio is director general his excellency mr igrading my good friend head of uh policy analysis and development agency dr siswa pramono professor dr ahmad fosee our director of university director of universidad externado di colombia distinguished speakers and participants to this webinar a very good morning in indonesia and wellness yes to our colleagues brothers and sisters in colombia first of all i'd like to commend the participants of this international webinar no huge time difference between our two countries but we still see strong enthusiasm and i believe this reflects the significance of our relationship beyond geographical distance for 40 years of cooperation and collaboration the relations between indonesia and colombia have been growing even stronger and spans a wide range of areas last decade the total trade value between the two countries has been growing from only 37 million us dollars in 2001 to 153 million u.s dollars last year colombia investment indonesia has also increasing by six-fold in the last five years indonesia and colombia have been working very hard to increase people-to-people contact there are 66 indonesian students in various columbia universities nowadays the number of colombian tourists to indonesia has increased recently from about four over four thousand in 2017 to more than six thousand last year in agricultural sector indonesia and colombia have been developing developing very close relations on palm oil and also developing research and development on cocoa and floriculture both countries uh also have technical cooperation and various fields and particularly on palm oil i know very well because we have been in very good and close relations and contacts with our colleagues from colombia especially from federer palmer and it is something that we look forward to continue increasing our relationships including our look forward to welcoming colombia to the full member of the countries of palm oil producers shipowsi the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations creates the momentum for indonesia and colombia to bring forward the bilateral ties to the next level indonesia has the largest economy in southeast asia with uh purchasing power parity gdp of close to three trillion dollars and of course uh going hopefully to become the fifth largest economy in the world by 2030 onward meanwhile colombia is the fourth largest economy in latin america in terms of ppp gdp which is 328 billion u.s dollars and projected to become the second largest in the region by 2030. today the challenge is how indonesia and colombia can formulate practical cooperation to recover from the current economic crisis triggered by the coffee 19 pandemic according to the statistics indonesia economy is contracted by 5.3 percent in the second quarter of this year and colombia by 7.8 but nevertheless many forecasts projected that both countries respectively would grow close to five percent next year and this is certainly an opportunity for economic recovery as well as aligning and increasing our bilateral relations from indonesian perspective there are many products that are already competitive and we would like to promote them further in colombia among others we see some electronic products tires motor cars textile products as well as motorcycles on the other hand we also find some colombian products that are competitive and available in indonesian markets including vehicle products paper and paper board iron and steel machinery and also rubbers perhaps this is an indication for the prospective intensification of bilateral trade in the near future i'm also pleased to note that during these difficult times of coffee 19 pandemic both governments are still committed to push forward bilateral cooperation last month we witnessed minister retno marsudi and minister claudia bloom de barbari virtually signed fisa wafer agreement for holders of ordinary passports and mou on political consultation the two ministers agreed to work closely in promoting health cooperation trade and investment minister bloom also praised the cooperation on the return of 366 colombians from asian countries using humanitarian flight of garuda indonesia in may 2020 and i'm aware about this because it was my good friend ambassador juan camilo that made this event an activity possible education is another cooperation to be intensified we welcome the signing of the mou between university veteran of east java and universidad externado de colombia i'm also proud to inform that we have two research studies dedicated to latin america region attached to the attached to two universities university of mustafo mustopo in jakarta and the newly formed center in university of veteran in east jaffa before i conclude my remarks i would like to convey gratitude to all parties involved in making this international webinar possible and there is a an old phrase and a wise sentence in indonesian called which means you can be far in distance [Music] physically but you are very close in hearts but of course uh with regard to indonesia and colombia it is no longer far away in distance because as you can see with the spiritual communication we are both close on eyesight as well as closer in our hearts so no more reason and excuses for anybody not to improve and increase our bilateral relations closer in the coming future thank you very much i declare this webinar official open and i wish you all productive and fruitful discussion thank you thank you his excellency mr mahindra sreger just a little bit information to all the participants that uh we have seen multinus interpreter english and spanish channel so you can kindly revert to that option now i would like to invite the director general of american and european affairs ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia his excellency mr muraswajaya to deliver his keynote speech thank you thank you very much it's excellency ambassador mahendra sirigar vice minister for foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia his excellency francisco es berilara vice minister for foreign affairs of the republic of colombia his excellency mr prior iswanto ambassador republic of indonesia to the republic of colombia his excellency juan camilo valencia gonzalez ambassador republic of colombia to the republic of indonesia the other participants i note that there is also director of university of mauna national veteran is java professor ahmad fawzi the chief of the policy analysis and development agencies distinguished participants friends here in indonesia jakarta as well as in colombia let me echo what minister fast minister mahindra sirigar mentioned earlier i think this is true with the technology although we are far away apart but we are very close to our hearts and we see the enthusiasm that we have in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the bilateral relations between indonesia and colombia but i think our job now is how to make the close feeling as well as the joint spirit that we have into a concrete reality in concrete collaborations between the two countries as well as the two people let me also express my essential appreciation to the policy analysis and development agency ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia for organizing this webinar and also for the kind invitation for me to speak at the events to commemorate the 40th anniversary of indonesia colombia diplomatic relations i will prevent myself not to repeat what vice minister mahindra mentioned earlier but let me underline that our meeting today indeed represents a strong testament of a solid commitment of both indonesia and colombia to continue working together enhancing our bilateral cooperation despite the challenging time we all experience caused by the coffee 19 pandemic both our foreign ministers as mentioned by vice minister mahendra have also met virtually and signed important documents that bring our collaboration to the next level as the second largest economy the pacific alliance and indonesia is the largest economy in asean we agreed to enhance further our economic cooperation which at present we have to acknowledge remain does not reflect the strong potential that both countries could offer therefore this commemoration of the 40th anniversary of bilateral relation should be ceased as a strong momentum toward that end beyond increasing economic relations our common interest converts from global issues such as security environment as well as our common effort to improve the welfare of the peoples of both countries through sustainable development i think this has already been discussed at length by the two foreign ministers during their meeting during their last meeting as the two countries are blessed with natural abundant natural resources and young demographic with great desire for innovation there are many similarities we could learn from each other or even complement each other therefore there are enormous potential that we could pursue through closure partnership and therefore we count on ambassador siso no ambassador uh prio in bogota and our good friend here the colombian ambassador in jakarta to really bring this collaboration into concrete activities currently the two countries have identified various potential sectors we wish to pursue to collaborate vice minister mahendra siriga have mentioned also earlier and i don't want to dwell on that further excellencies ladies and gentlemen the unprecedented challenges posed by coffee 19 have impacted both the public health as well as economies in those in our two countries therefore it is timely for both of us to start looking at how we can closely collaborate particularly on healthcare sectors as well as to explore innovative strategies to help economic recovery in both countries for the post-fundament situation bilateral trade is one of the sectors that we must identify where we could complement each other so as both countries could utilize each other potential as a gateway for our respective bigger regional markets as mentioned also by vice minister mayan brazil regard earlier that our trade values is also decreasing in the past years and the trade values still represent far below the potentials that both countries can certainly promote we therefore should find innovative ways in promoting further our bilateral trade and overcome some of the country constraint that may exist as vice minister mayan rashid mentioned earlier distance should not be an excuse now on investment colombia was our second biggest source of foreign direct investment from south america region and also the largest among the pacific alliance countries but the value is also still represent far below the potentials that both bilateral investment can uh promote it therefore one of our strategies is among others is to identify possibility to develop a bilateral preferential trade agreement i'm very pleased to note that the two countries will conduct joint feasibility study on future preferential trade agreements and in this regard it is my hope that a bilateral trade agreement could be started to be negotiated soon where the two countries could mutually benefit from such an agreement and our trade and investment potential can certainly could be increased after that as coffee 19 pandemic have disrupted trade and investment we should identify potential so as to ensure we could also complement each other's by utilizing every potential cooperation particu take for example here on healthcare on medical supplies even on food products i think the next that many countries all over the world that need to ensure is food security and therefore i think uh collaboration on on this regard is uh is essential for both countries to develop on investment both countries could utilize each other as production base for the largest respective regional markets indonesia is keen to host colombian companies to invest in indonesia as part of their global supply chains in the region and indonesia is also interested to promote outbound investment to utilize market access to colombia and the neighboring countries in the region on education and culture i think we have uh vice minister mentioned earlier and therefore i think we would like to underline again that we we will need to continue the exchange of students the exchange of scholarship including here dharmasiswa scholarship which we cannot do this year yet because of the coffee pandemic and we hope that it will be resumed sooner when the situation is under control so this program are essential in the context of the people-to-people exchanges and in the end it would contribute to better mutual understanding and then it will unlock the potentials for both countries to collaborate we also would like to appreciate colombia's continued commitment to conduct short courses for indonesians who wish to learn spanish language in colombia as well as dispatching a spanish language teacher from colombia to indonesia therefore i wish to also take this opportunity to congratulate the recently signed mou between the universitas puenelica national vetran of east java and the external university of colombia i hope this cooperation could provide greater opportunities for indonesians and colombians to interact and to engage both among the scholars and academia that could also be facilitated by these three universities excellencies ladies and gentlemen i recall that the first future bilateral meeting between our four ministers in the 5th of august 2020 the two ministers have discussed in depth four main issues first enhancing bilateral mechanism as a strategic vehicle to take stock on the status of our relation and chart the way forward for enhancing our bilateral cooperation second strengthening economic partnership by bolstering trade investment as well as tourism cooperation by increasing direct contacts between business sectors of both countries third strengthening regional cooperation through asean and the pacific alliance indonesia and colombia are forging a closer regional relation through the accession of colombia into the treaty of american cooperation in asean and indonesia's intention to become an associate member of the pacific alliance and fourth on the maintenance of peace and security through u.n bodies which is in line with indonesia's continued support for the implementation of peace agreement between the government colombia and the farc during the meeting both foreign ministers assigned to important bilateral invest bilateral instruments namely an agreement on visa exemption for holders of ordinary passport i think this will facilitate more interactions between the people of those uh or two countries as well as the emo and political consultation i think this is also very important for us to understand each other's situations of diplomatic relations between indonesia and colombia where the government must work closer together to develop innovation beneficial collaboration for the benefit of the people of the two countries when both countries leadership agreed to enhance our partnership cooperation immediately identified what are the low hanging fruits or the quick wins in our bilateral lesson to make it possible to contribute of the two countries indonesia latin america and the caribbean business known as business on the coming days and weeks the website is foreign future in november 2020 ladies and gentlemen of the speakers who are going to speak uh after after the hotel [Music] investments last but not least we are also trying to develop the uh indonesia and latin america colombia carib and the caribbean chamber of commerce here in jakarta so as to allow to provide platform for businesses of both countries in indonesia and colombia to again interact with each other so finally let me extend once again our appreciation to the policy analysis and development agency of the ministry of foreign affairs of indonesia for organizing this webinar and also to thank for the kind words as well as insightful remarks by our foreign minister ambassador mahindra siragar and also looking forward to hear the ideas and innovation that we could put into actions so as to enable us to bring the bilateral collaboration by using this momentum for the 40th anniversary to the next level thank you very much and gracias thank you is excellency mr murad gracias excelencia now i would like to invite the director professor doctor in senior ahmad fauzi please professor ahmad fawzi the floor is yours he's still on is it still muted please unmute unmute ahmed foresee please director cannot unmute himself so please someone unmute him you're still muted we are not listening we are not listening please the host from pustic uh and mute yes we can the host can only ask to unmute but not unmute directly [Music] the honorable guest his excellency mr mayindra sergeant vice minister for foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia um dr cesaro ramona head of policy analysis and development agency ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia mr aikidora director general of american and european affairs ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia the excellency mr prio esvanto ambassador of uh indonesia to colombia and the excellency mr juan camilo valencia gonzalez ambassador of colombia to indonesia my friend dr director of center for policy analysis and development of american and european union mr darianto harsano director of american affairs ii of indonesia his excellency joanne alfredo pinto former ambassador of columbia to indonesia professor dr chuan carlos enough director of unified [Music] president of the colombian federation of logistic agent in international trade board of director dr safiyah fifi muhibad from center for strategic and international studies master punjabi noor production and marketing director peter enoki miss astra nipah from um city of indonesia dr ignatya martha at a flattened america study center of ubn federance and all participants vision in the virtual room i saw participants in almost from all over indonesia [Music] sumatra center kalimantan and other countries awake i am proud of you last but not least our participant of this extraordinary moment the webinar on the 14th anniversary of indonesia colombia diplomatic relations taking indonesia and columbia racing to the next level striving for economic potential and dynamic relationship assalamu good morning good evening nice to see all alhamdulillah praise god today despite the pandemic we are all still have the opportunity together here for commemorating the 14th anniversary of diplomatic relations between republic and asia and colombia to elevate the relation to the next level to seek economic potential and dynamic relationship in this extraordinary moment i would like to thank you the ministry of foreign affairs indonesia with us allowed indonesia uber fedranja timur to manage the center of latin america studies my deepest gratitude to doctors is the policy analysis and development agency ministry for foreign affairs the republic of indonesia and director of center for policy analysis and development of american and european region dr ben perkasad thank you for facilitating the establishment of the center of latin america studies of open fed ranjadimur my appreciation is also the excellency mr pio esswanto the ambassador of india to colombia who has initiated and facilitated the mou between ube and federance and external colombia drug destination [Applause] of the center of latin america studies of uganda and the mou petrino and expected to bring heightened diplomatic relationship between indonesia and colombia especially in the field of economic society culture and education the location of the establishment of the center of latin america studies abu bakr and federal jadimur in surabaya is very appropri appropriate because this university is one of the best public universities in this affair it's the second largest day of the capital city jakarta surabaya is one of indonesia's most driving and progressive city another reason why it is appropriate is that ishafa is one of initial profitable prophecy for economy and business with this advantage we believe that the hope for achieving the goal of cooperating between indonesia and colombia to bring the two countries more development and prosperous wilson we achieve eventually impacting the citizens very far and globally releasing this unique goal is certainly not easy the school would be achieved only with hardwood uh shaving and excellency cooperation with the race between related institutions therefore a sector where the center of latin american studies has been establishment i will be realization of the school we expect uh direction from the two foreign ministry throughout the nation and colombian ambassador regarding the center of latin american studies development and achievement without assistance guiding attention serious cooperation and supervision from the foreign ministry and related agency this collaboration will not achieve its purpose school throughout ebu martha as the head of the center of latin american studies the first and only center for latin american southern indonesia i hope the center can become a sharp spare head i expect that the center can work together to penetrate a ferrous national and international institutions to achieve the lovely ideal namely elevating the nation and colombian economic and trade for what countries will forward i mean i do increase in intensive cooperation between indonesia and colombia and indonesia and latin america nation the center of latin america studies has prepared several online on offline agenda for the next three months the center will be conducting virus discussion on political election agriculture religion industry comparison small and medium enterprise and diplomatic talk this broad ring can encompass the first aspect of life reflecting indonesia and colombia and latin american diversity i believe that this center will serve will have to excellency for science and technology between indonesia and colombia that will eventually strengthen collaboration and cooperation between the two countries ladies and gentlemen and i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen uh today i am directed and proud to attend and speak in front distinguished case the estimated predecession and policymaker from indonesia and colombia especially in this moment of the 40th anniversary of cooperation between indonesia and colombia we hope that this verdict political moment will become a milestone of the concrete and to the start intensifying cooperation between the two creed country of indonesia and colombia uh honourable guests ladies and gentlemen let us all speak thank you for your kind attention i apologize for the inconvenience during my speak especially concerning my word of sentence this i deliver that i did not do it on purpose thank you for your kind attention and participation mind is even bringing success in making a better life excellency discussion comprises congratulations and happy commemoration of the 14th anniversary in this columbia diplomatic the gang industry and columbia region to the next level striving for economic potential and dynamic relation will come true i mean thank you very much now i would like to invite director of universidad externado de colombia professor dr juan carlos henao to deliver his remarks good morning for you and good night here in colombia your excellency vice minister of the state of indonesia and colombia your excellencies ambassador of indonesia and colombia mr rector and colleague of pemba gunam jabatimur university hamad fawzi good morning for you mr juan alfredo pinto former ambassador of colombia to india and indonesia first of all i do apologize for my english i really don't speak well english and when the organizator invited me to a speech here i told her that was a very danger for you but i will do my best for esternado university of colombia it is an honor to be part of this celebration a celebration which will indicate the friendship between two converging nations and which centers around our democratic values and our tolerance towards diversity today's two nations with interests that are beginning to align in the construction of inclusive integration space in global south and that promote the development of our productive fabrics innovation innovation and effective and sustainable cooperation through out the last decade extranado de colombia university an institution with 133 years of history recognized in duration for his highest standard of education and for his commitment to the social science has been committed to understand in all this dimension a world that is multipolar increasingly interconnected and interdependent for this reason he has said his aid on asia and is regardly studying his emerging emerging powers powers fully aware of the role that such nation will would play our university decide to create a center of a study a study that observed the relationship with india and south asia asia cesica is the name and a center that is studying turkey the cause cassius and central asia in or out in our faculty of government and international relations we have also decided to support the research and systematic study of relation with china japan korea and southeast asia this has allowed a lot this has allowed us to observe the emergence of indonesia with attention why indonesia because the academy cannot ignore 270 million people located in your strategies real geostrategic region because researchers and students cannot fail to analyze the largest democracy in the world nor the most significant muslim population on earth we cannot avoid the study of 70 500 interconnected iceland and definitely we cannot ignore the leading country in the indo-pacific region colombia and indonesia share extraordinary similarities that allow us to enhance opportunity in all areas we are mega diversical equatorial countries with australians in the tourist industries we have faced and overcome long conflict and venture into post-conflict periods and in this regard have learned a lot from from each other experience i just tell you that three years ago i was one of the negotiators of the colombian government with the peace treaty with the gorilla or the farc we practice in export diplomacy with intensity thinking about the future of our young people and we have decided to strengthen our economic diplomacy while thinking about projecting the well-being of our society the memorandum of understanding that we have signed between pen pen national veteran java timur university and university of fernando de colombia has very specific objective enhanced mobility the exchange of a student and professor and above all the australian thinning of research cooperation in those economic and social cultural areas which can help rapidly a strengthen relation between our peoples we sign us the first inter university agreement between colombia and indonesia you can go down if you want a little we signing the first inter university agreement between colombia and indonesia and we will be the first to cement effective and long-lasting academic cooperation relations the future of colombia indonesia relationship is promising information less celebrate for greater integration between our people and to finish excuse me because it's not in the paper i want to show you something i suppose that you can see what is that yes i have been i have been in your country 10 years ago when i was a president of the constitutional court of colombia i only want to finish with asin i love your country i love jakarta i love bali i love the people there because i have i was there for maybe 10 days i i was really happy at that moment so now really to finish i will show you the agreement that we signed it between our two universities here we have all the and here we have also the signature of the two rectors thank you thank you very much thank you professor dr juan carlos now excellencies distinguished participants here's a brief presentation on the mou of the two universities so um [Music] foreign okay that's the end of the slideshow excellencies distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen [Music] to deliver his policy presentation thank you very much thank you very this is really much very wonderful occasion by technology [Music] from my best friend his excellency valencia gonzalez uh we often meet uh one two theaters last year because our office is very close but unfortunately our first foreign event and also thank you very much for the fascination of my best friend in colombia and live in colombia and also my best friend uh his excellency ambassador director general of american and europe and uh professor dr juan carlo uh now director university columbia to present uh some self screen for my presentation this uh this uh this afternoon or this evening can you see my presentation on the screen now okay so uh since i am from the policy analysis and development minister for an affair my talking today will be full with a lot of colors or pictures and first of all uh let me to start with the shift of geopolitics of the world today into asia so this is the first picture i think geopolitical shift the rise of asia so there are a lot of circles over there in the map so every circle actually represents uh the gtp adjusting power parity of particular region so you have you see many many colors so the the the purple one is the situation in 1985 this is the gdp size and then the next is the orange and this is the situation of the gdp processing power parity in the year 2000 and this one is the year 2015 this one is 2021 and more or less today and the blue one is the expectation from 2024. so four years from now uh can you still listen to me uh uh babel yes patrick okay clearly very clear all right so this is the development of gdp processing power parity in in the world today uh country by countries and region by region and this is the situation in asia we have a conglomeration of gdps processing power parity uh in the last 20 years you can see all different colors are reflecting all different years and then you can see that this conglomeration is as such all are located mostly in east asia and that's why we have the rise of asia or the rise of the coming of asean century today now uh [Music] the next just would like to picture a bit on what is this uh inside of every uh region so we have the east asia region here and soon we are going to uh conclude ourselves and ourself is another facilitation in which economic journalism will be even stronger we are talking about a sum of 27 trillion uh 3.5 billion people mostly demographic police or young governments and terminal demographics but yes east asia is largely developing countries so we have still some pregnancy in our experiments accept the case of australia japan korea australia japoni korea but this is now the largest conglomeration of the gdp of the world and asia global trade is about 34 percent and then we also have north america you see all the number in here in north america this is of course uh united states canada and mexico 23 trillion u.s dollar combined in gdp and half billion people and a very stable economist and then we also have european union with all the brexit stuff in there but still we calculate about 60 trillion 60 trillion u.s dollar combined gdp and half billion people aging but if you see the color this is the most stable economic in the world today very advanced and the ranks of the stabilities either they are sustainable or very stable economy so it's also very important market and we have uh the fast growing as well uh latin america and that's why i think ambassador swachara already mentioned that indonesia is very keen to have more relation with pacific alliance countries because we see that uh right the rise of asia is not without problem uh we we have a situation of let's say trade wars and then we have a situation of coffee 19 and this gives us awareness that diversification of market is very important that diversification as well and joining global is very important and latin america provides us with a very potential partners in the future until now is the despite of the race of the rise of asia we have the situation as well and this is the the engine of the rise of asia there are three actually china asean and and india all suffer because of coffee 19. even before the coffee 19 we have a situation in china already that chinese export to the rest of the world is declining not only today because of the coffee not only because of the trade war but even for far before the trade war so you can see from the map from the 2018 the already declining of chinese export to various regions to latin america to africa to europe even to asia and north america you can see the curve is sloping down like this and then a sharp turning uh during the coffee situation so since china produced for the world declining export from china has quite a problematic tutorial as well and to the region one of the reason of course is one factor one of the factors is the declining foreign direct investment in china this is the map you can see there's this direct investment fdi crude into china was already in decline from 2009 to 2019. so 10 years ago already almost 10 years ago this is the situation in 2009 the 25 percent of investment in china from foreign investment and now the situation in 2018 only not even half of it yeah why the foreign investment in china is declining because the cost of labor in china is increasing so you can see the perfect match of declining thing and increasing things now this is the situation in china that labor which in china is very expensive so uh this gives us more understanding that diversifying market is important to reach outside world is even more important if you look at indonesia gtp to trade ratio is 40 yeah so uh we because our domestic market is very big so again uh reaching out into latin america is becoming more and more important and uh ambassador the teacher for america and europe already explained many mechanisms that we try to develop with latin america and this also induced the relocation of industry from china to east asia because of the labor is getting more expensive in china so at least 25 percent of the company are thinking the company the foreign company and china to things of relocation outside china but still many is going to stay are going to stay in china now uh the coffee situation that we have today you can see that uh this is from uh who and this is the level of severity you can see this the americans and then this east asia including indonesia we still have a lot of problem to uh to to be tackled yeah for for for the coffee situation now europe uh this is the situation in europe uh and uh middle eastern and this is africa and this is west pacific so the two region americas and southeast asia we still have problem and how to work together uh to tackle our our problem yeah now in in the case of indonesia for instance we apply limitation of social activity at local and relational level this is not locked down it's quite different uh lockdown as you stop everything but in our case we limit some certain activities but on the economic side we still continue to work but with a very tough uh health protocol this is the situation today now i think both colombia and indonesia face the same things and that's why sharing experiences and working together on that is also very important but we also have some hope uh this is development of the faction uh coffee 19 vaccine yeah so manufacturing we are talking actually about 140 kind of protein development all over the world but who already reached the third level quest three clinicals is actually this vaccine yeah so we have one two three four five six seven x 9 about 10 factions that might be already in distributed or product up in production and also usage uh by next year's so this includes astrazeneca but assassinate is being hooked for a while and then gamalia from from russia and then some chinese companies are very progressing on vaccines shinofax for instance and many others german you asked china also had the philips and vaccine australia uh also develop some fractions now indonesia has been in cooperation with many of them yeah but in particular with china uh with the uk with uh uh with uh i saw uh the the uh with korea and south korea united arab emirates and then this is our fraction diplomacy actually to support our plan to have economic recovery next year now on the situation today i think uh [Music] coffee 19 has certain impacts put to indonesia or latin america and this is some uh prediction and also calculation by some institution imf bank and picture i think you can see for instance for the world bank the economic construction of the contraction of the world is minus five indonesia there's some new figures now it's minus five or so it's not zero not uh 0.0 and latin america is uh either minus nine percent or minus seven percent but for sure indonesia is still uh at the present moment is not minus five but we are still struggling to ease the situation so corona fires uh fire fighters actually hit badly but latin american countries and also asean countries now uh but there is also a vice minister already mentioned that some claims on the economy in the coming years uh global economic rebound is expected to be 5.4 percent economic response in indonesia is expected to be nine point one percent five to uh sorry five to six uh percent next years and latin america uh rebound next year is expected uh to be uh about three to four percent yeah so uh we have some hope actually and how to prepare together to rise up again from the calamity of corporate into economic recovery is the common homework that we need all and we all need to do together and we also have checks the the statistic of every part so in my unit we have special persons that i asked them to monitor the activity in the port all over the world yeah and the last 24 hours and we are using marine traffic's uh website because it is provided there so the more vessel coming and going from particular part this is a good indication that the economics of this particular country is already kicking back yeah because the vessel comes means most of most mostly import and then the the vessels going mostly reflects the export side so shanghai is the big hub in east asia you can see here the first departure from shanghai has already reached 1174 departure vessel in the last 24 hours a rifle of vessel and shanghai port is a 1278 so the economics start kicking in the half of uh of east asia hong kong situation is almost the same we support one thousand comes and go every 24 hours the this one hong kong yeah actually almost the same with shanghai even higher actually we are talking about one and in hong kong is that a professor sorry this is singapore yeah singapore sorry this is hong kong and this is singapore singapore is even because the nature of transshipment in singapore uh it's quite different with shanghai but you can see that vessel coming and faster going is morally uh above one one thousand three hundred yeah uh in in singapore higher than shanghai now the port of rotterdam you see the same things it's more than one thousand coming one thousand uh going if you if you compare with the data last month a month ago it's totally different we're still talking about 500 coming 500 going but now it's more than one more than one thousand that means the economy is coming back uh in east asia in europe yeah and america is uh it might take sometimes this is the situation in seattle and this is the situation in latin america yeah katahina uh and then uh parancuila this is most main part but i think we can see development uh some are faster than the others but we see development because we comparing week by week of this data so my point is that there is a hope that the prediction this prediction the coming back of the economy of the world activity and economy is as real because we see now uh physically we see that port activities and some uh hub in asia and europe and america start kicking back yeah now we have some indication as well that uh a donation export and at least in 32 countries uh today economies and 32 economies uh has been positive that we have uh increasing export actually uh to all 32 economies in the world united states we have the increasing export of 1.2 china our export to china has been increased uh 11 or so during the panda media during the pandemic we are talking about january to july 2020 as compared to january to july 2019 so why oh why yeah so we have all the increasing export and 32 economies here of course there are some big increase for instance and uh uh this one and 185 uh 184 percent increase in uh in slovakia for instance uh with uh with qatar we have an increase almost more than 100 percent and so on it's depend on the commodities yeah uh and and i think this is uh some good indication uh why we impose uh limitation and social activity rather than total total lockdown and we learn from some countries as well it's not our original formula it's not our original recipe but we learned from south korea we don't really learn from japan and many others and uh this is the situation of our trade uh total threat with colombia yeah actually uh situation the trend is good yeah but only during the pandemics we have some uh some tension uh pressure yeah so we have some minus here and our uh total trade and our export and our import and so on this is our challenge now the challenge how to pull things back into before the coffee situation our our trade commodities yeah and and colombia we have a lot of uh uh uh potential to be developed yeah uh this has been mentioned by uh vice minister this morning yeah uh we calculated is based on the trade complementary index between the two countries and the uh constant market share analysis in which we come up with some commodities that have a lot of potential to be developed in the near future yeah but at the same time we also do calculation for colombia and as mentioned by fast minister we also end up with some potential commodity that colombia can export more uh to indonesia which uh this the minister already fires minnesota mentioned and i'm not going to repeat that again now we also use the multilateralism regionalism and even bilateralism for economic recovery and this happened to be some example in which colombia and indonesia are parties non-aligned movement for instance i think the issue of how vaccine can be distributed uh in fair way uh that most of the vaccine must be affordable to people it will be a very uh very relevant topic to be discussed and non-aligned movement in which both countries are our members the sea pupsy we finished already a study and how palm oil actually contribute a lot uh on on sdgs and part of the sdgs uh sustainable development goal are also public health which relate with the pandemic situation today so last year we and colombia hosted uh an international seminar on the crop for peace for instance now is also uh actually it is a time for us to go to colombia but because of the conflict situation we can't do that but still this is a very good project on this on on see how crops can brings more sdgs to the people yeah and peace is part of the sdgs but we're fair and also part of sdgs now indonesia is in the process of completing a study on uh comparing all vegetable oil in the world mostly uh palm oil rapeseed sunflowers and and and see how they contribute to the sdgs pacific alliance uh uh teaching already mentioned that we really would like to have more improvement in our cooperation with pacific alliance and this isn't one uh strategy consideration as i mentioned before indonesia must reach out of the world not our export and import must not be concentrated in into one particular region or countries because now if you see the calculation of our econo structure of our export and import is pretty much concentrated and we need to do more uh uh diversification but uh both for destination and products of our export and import as well and and latin america pacific alliance colombia is already long in our radar just to end up my presentation today and this is this we see the colombia in the next five years it is south america third largest economy and all the potential that we can develop together including since you are also embarked on digital government platform uh e-commerce i think it's one potential that the two countries can develop and indonesia is going to host a g20 meeting in which uh i think e-commerce uh will be high in the agenda if you can see that during the pandemic like this all virtual things or idps connectivity is rising up is very important strategically and i think the e-commerce and idbs economic connectivities uh is also very very important to be developed and consider now today and in the near future and again uh our relation with latin america in particular with colombia has been capitalized is very strategic and important thank you very much i think i had better stop here and and perhaps we can continue with the program thank you very much very interesting we now have the privilege to invite the head of latin america research center universitas dr ignacia to deliver her short breathing on the newly latin america research center at upn fedra in geraldine please ebu thank you vice minister for foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia director general of american and european affairs ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia his excellency mr prior iswanto ambassador of indonesia to colombia his excellency mr juan camilo valencia gonzalez ambassador of colombia to indonesia dr ben barca rajat director of for policy analysis and development of american and european region mofa mr darianto harzono director of american affairs 2 of indonesia his excellency mr alfredo pinto former ambassador of colombia to indonesia professor dr ensignor ahmad fawzi director universitas professor dr juan carlos henao director of universidad excernado de colombia miss dr soraya karu farkas director center for contemporary indian and south asia studies mr guillermo gonzalez larson president of the colombian federation of logistic agents in international trade dr safiyah fifi muhibat from jsis mr bunyaminor production and marketing director peter inuki ms asrafir gyanita from university of indonesia and all participants of this very special moment [Music] diplomatic relations between indonesia and colombia we are officially open on 15 september 1980 diplomatic relations between indonesia and colombia are strengthened with similarities between the two including similar position quarter similarities in the variety of naturals and lifestyle of position on the people and the increasing intensity of cooperation between two countries colombia role in the indonesian economy continues to increase colombia is the second largest economy among the pacific alliance member states fought in the latin american region also one of the countries with the most stable economy in the latin american region particularly for indonesia colombia is in the fifth rank of indonesia export days in asian countries and the eighth place of import origin for indonesia in the latin america region also export and import have been running between the two countries indonesia export to colombia is still low and effort tend to decline this decline is unfortunately considering that colombia has an enormous market potential with the third largest population in latin america with a population of 48.2 million this market potential is also strengthened by the fact that the middle class in colombia continues to experience an increase up to 51.6 percent in line with columbia supporting economic growth it is necessary to strengthen and intensify bilateral relation between the two countries to maximize colombia's potential for the indonesian economy in general bilateral relations between indonesia and colombia are well established in various priority areas the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between indonesia and colombia can be a positive momentum to strengthen cooperation in the political economic social and cultural fields this urgency is in line with indonesia's economic diplomacy priority to diversify into non-traditional market in this case latin america indonesia economic diplomacy strategy in non-traditional market is to open market increase export attract and attractories furthermore this strategy is not only very young in the field of economy and trade but is comprehensive in fario's area of social and community life to be able to focus more on effort to strengthen indonesia's relations with countries in the latin american region center of latin america studies was formed at the universitas national veterans as the first scientific center in indonesia that focuses on latin america studies latin america has a significant meaning for indonesia as indicated by the hydrate value between indonesia and countries in latin america since 2008 large companies and entrepreneurs in indonesia have started to position latin america as one of the strategic for export activities this closeness between indonesia and latin america has led the indonesian government to set foreign policy priorities to focus on opening up market independent economic relations with latin american countries to focus indonesia foreign policy in the form of priority for the new latin american export market is a step that is not easy because of the various challenges that may be faced including the low level of good relation between indonesia and countries in latin america good relations between indonesia and the latin america region can be started by eliminating misconception about latin american countries that have emerged in indonesia or vice versa the hope is that with a good trip between indonesia and latin it will reduce various other challenges such as geographic distance connectivity and tariff monetary barrier in creating a robust economic relationship this good relationship can mainly be done by increasing the indonesian people awareness of the importance of latin america and vice versa the significance of latin america for indonesia being the urgency of creating good relations between indonesia and latin america the center of latin america studies of the en petra timur was formed as the first center for studies to focus on latin america and as a real effort to increase public awareness of the importance of indonesia's relationship with latin america this very special moment i would like to thank you to minister of foreign affairs of indonesia we have given the opportunity to open to manage a center for latin american studies in particular to dr siso pramono head of policy analysis and development against minister of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia director of center for policy analysis and development of american and european region dr who has been facilitating the extra establishment of the center for latin america studies come true [Music] my appreciation is also to his excellency mr caprio is the ambassador of indonesia to colombia has initiated and facilitated the mou between universitas universidad extranado de colombia the center of latin american studies of the universitas was established through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the center for policy analysis and development for america and europe of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia and federance on x april 2020 so far this center has involved in various discussions regarding latin america strategies such as focus group discussion on strategies for improving economic diplomacy between indonesia and colombia discussion on future relations between indonesia and pacific alliance member countries and focus group discussion on free trade area european union mercosur challenges or opportunity for indonesia there are also many discussion with the embassies of latin america the center of latin american studies also prepared for use activities concerning research activities the center is trying to map the development of latin american studies in indonesia these activities ranging from visiting multiple research centers in indonesia and latin america publishing periodicals in the form of journal or scientific magazine and other scientific publications to enrich attending of culture habit and diversity of latin american countries conducting public lectures seminars discussion forum and interactive dialogue in mass media to introduce latin america in indonesia in connection with community service activities the center will carry out various kind of community service activities to introduce [Music] the american culture and consumption preference in indonesia through various socialization education and advocacy in connection with collaborative activities the center will establish academic partnership between universities in indonesia and universities in latin america and established partnership with communities and organizations in latin america concerning educational activities the center will organize spanish language training through the language center of uh the center will also provide consultation regarding cooperation opportunities that can be implemented between indonesia and latin america and organize barrio's training and workshop related to cultural understanding and implementation daily life enlightened america etc last but not least the center also carries out illiteracy activities about latin america through book review open source says and other digital literacy media ladies and gentlemen i think that's all at least of the role about latin american studies center in uben veteran indonesia precisely hopefully through this forum this institution will be able to do better progress and be successful in providing benefits not only to indonesia and latin america but also to the world thank you for your kind attention apologize for any in convenience during my speech please you all the best thank you muchos gracias thank you dr ignacia mata we now have the privilege to invite the director of the center for contemporary indian and south asia studies universidad externado de colombia dr soraya caro vargas to deliver her presentation on the recent mou on cooperation between the upn fedra and jawa timur and universidad external de colombia thank you very much salaam alaikum to all of in you in jakarta and good evening here in colombia good morning and to all of the dignitaries present today it is a honor for me to participate of this important event for indonesian and colombian people because today we are opening a door for our students and researchers to an unknown and complex and exciting cultures this agreement that they requirement to present is the result of eight months of work between the embassy of indonesia in bogota the center of research on india south and southeast asia that i'm representing it is the first center of a studies dedicated to this region in colombia and is supported by the school of finance government and international relations and the area of special projects and research at the university of estonia colombia during these months we enhanced the organization of international events with the embassy like the first meeting of mikta with the academy in colombia and we were aiming to speak about indonesia and its influence in the new global scenarios also we facilitate the approach of our directors around the intention to sign an agreement with emphasis in research particularly [Music] and let me say that we have already started to work in the agenda including in our academic offer for this semester a seminar about indonesia as a rising power in the indo-pacific region we also are planning the design of a project of research to start in 2021 for the identification of real opportunities in commerce and flows of investments among our economics because we believe that business are the key stones of effective integration between countries in the faculty that i represent that i belong to we work with other faculties and centers in our university we have is the best faculty on tourism in the country we have a faculty of human sciences we have a faculty of economy and another very important of law with all of them we can interact in order to close the gap of knowledge that mutually exists about our realities as professor ignacia was explaining i want to congratulate our embassies and our universities for the materialization of this project and celebrate with the countries our for those friendship later i'm going to explain more about the strategy of internationalization of external colombia thank you very much thank you dr soraya carlo vargas excellencies distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen we are now entering the panel discussion taking indonesia and colombia relations to the next level striving for economic potentials and dynamic relationships without further ado i would like to invite the head of department of international relations center for strategy and international studies dr shafiah muhibad to chair the station thank you um a very good morning and so some of you a very good evening to all excellencies ladies and gentlemen participants of this webinar today uh my name is safiya muhibat i have the honor today to moderate uh the panel discussion um that we're going to have um this morning uh and i think we all hope to continue the interesting very interesting topics that have been discussed thus far this morning by our very important keynote speakers um um i'll we'll begin the session um very soon but before that i have a number of um very um simple housekeeping announcements first we will have actually two sessions um in the panel discussion the first one is on future projections of bilateral relations between indonesia and colombia and the second is on enhancing economic cooperation opportunity and challenges but um to take into account our limited time this morning um we will proceed continuously from session one and session two and afterwards we will have about 30 minutes for um questions and comments from all participants who are all of course welcome to post um the questions and comments um and secondly um the webinar organizers have also asked me to remind everyone that we have a language interpretation feature still so um for both english and spanish you will have to use your language interpretation feature in your zoom app which is i think very easy but don't forget to um mute the original um audio before you change or you switch channels in between the languages um thirdly uh participants may ask questions uh or give comments uh using the chat feature in zoom so throughout the session one and session two uh whenever in between you would uh you suddenly have questions or you want to comment just write them down in the chat feature and the webinar organizers uh will help to gather all questions and comments um so that the speakers can address them um um after um um all these all the remarks have been made uh but i do have to i do uh wish to make a disclaimer that we might not have the time to answer all questions or uh respond to all comments but we will try try our best to um at least um you know pick a number of important questions and comments uh and lastly i think to all speakers um you've been assigned about 10 minutes so uh my with apologies beforehand to all our distinguished speakers i will probably give a reminder when you're when your time is up so i'm very sorry for the inconvenience so yes um let's start i think we had a very good start this morning uh with all the keynote um speeches um explaining about the bilateral relations between colombia and indonesia and i don't think we need to repeat about how important it is um the bilateral relations between the two countries and the bright future that we will have um in the years to come in terms of the bilateral relations but we do have four uh very important speakers to explain about the future projections of military relations especially if we think now with the pandemic situation there are challenges in international relations so how do we project our relations um in the future between the two countries as the first speaker uh we have um his excellency uh uh excellency is uh indonesia's ambassador to colombia uh he has been with the ministry of foreign affairs since 1986 and has been um has had uh previous uh postings for example in rome in caracas in tashkent uh and before that in moscow and he has also served as the assistant deputy for american and european cooperation at the indonesian coordinating ministry for political legal and security affairs so without further ado um excellency uh the floor is yours thank you doctor safiya bhatta good morning in indonesia good evening in colombia buenas noches assalamu alaikum uh let me greet first my good friends excellency uh mahindra regard the vice minister of foreign affairs from the republic of indonesia also my good friends excellency mr murashvadyaya also my good friend dr cesfor promono head of the policy analysis and development agency of the ministry of foreign affairs nicole amigo juan camilo valencia rector dr juan carlos and now the [Music] former ambassador of colombia to indonesia my good friends also director taryando arzono and dr pen percasa all speakers conferences in this webinar ladies and gentlemen distinguidos amigos amigos colombia at the outset i would like to join of course the vice minister the director general and the previous speakers to congratulate all of us here to commemorate the 40 years of our diplomatic relations between indonesia and colombia and on this very momentous occasion we are demonstrating our high enthusiasm to make our relations closer special congratulations to universidad externado and up veteran javatimore for having established the first of its kind university cooperation assisting between colombia and indonesia we hope that the newly founded latin america research center and upn headed by ibu marta and the indonesian study in sashikam universidad externatu will promote better understanding among our peoples i hope people marta that within the next five years we can organize such uh important webinar in spanish thank you to the policy analysis and development agency for organizing this very important event and i believe repeating the same nice song at the same or certain moment is important to understand better the content and the message of the song similar manner on this very remarkable event what i will present here will be a bit of ideas and highlights expressed by the device minister the director general and also under speakers and addressing the topics of our discussion today i would like to underline two key components in our relations namely the future projection which leads us to see in the future and the terminology and the port so i use in the uh presentation uh entitled indonesia colombia the future projection of relations between anti-port countries so i prefer i would like to promote the terminology and the boat as we see in the map which means extremely in the opposite side of exploratorial line to better describe the liquid the location of our two countries reflecting many similarities and sharing common values and interests next slide please the two countries possess creative potentials let's say colombia is the third largest market in latin america after brazil and mexico with 50.3 million population the fourth largest economy in the region after brasilia argentina mexico with the gdp per capita more than six thousand six hundred and fifty us dollars and during this pandemic this year uh well bank predicted the decrease of 5.3 percent and there is also a pessimistic uh calculation of minus eight percent but somehow it is still the moderate number of decrease in the economic growth and it is important to underline that it is projected to rebound in 2021 of 4.7 of economic growth and colombia is also member of oecd indonesia is well recognized as the third biggest democracy upper middle income country the 16th largest economy in the world the fourth populous country with 270 million people which means big markets for colombia in southeast asia and the biggest player in the region and also member of g20 so those are the facts which make our relations closer the state of current relations between the two countries i would categorize it as excellent in the political level reflected that they positioned each other as important partner in the region the two share what spectrum of common interest and global issues the two governments the two countries have demonstrated their solid cooperation in multilateral fora and just uh recently just now dr pramono mentioned about sypopsy and i would say that colombia is the first country outside the founder indonesia and malaysia to join to exit the organization and it's in the final process of ratification and also the relation is amplified recently with the existence of political consultation and also intensified meeting between our two ministers of foreign affairs just less than two years minister marsudi has met twice minister carlos holmes trujillo of colombia in new york on 24 september 2018 and second on 24th uh january 2019 and just recently on the 5th of august minister namaste met virtually with minister claudia bloom to sign two historic documents on bilateral consultation and visa exemption ladies and gentlemen indonesia has enjoyed increasingly positive image in colombia from the facts on our country that i just mentioned earlier plus recently the arrival of garuda indonesia and bogota on the 17th of may to repatriate as many as 366 column institutions from four continents which has received big applause and appreciation from the public and government of colombia exemption visa for colombian citizens also received positive response from the public and we hope that this will increase the number of colombian fellows to visit indonesia in the next years to come last year as many as 6 304 colombian visited indonesia and it means a 16 increase in comparison to the previous year in the uh economic economic field the economic potentials are enormous as indicated by the facts also that i have mentioned already until now up to now there are at least 51 colombian importers which buy goods from indonesia vice minister already mentioned some good indonesian goods exported to colombia more and this textile footwear stainless steel automatic products electronic parts chemical products proper products and main and many other things but uh i'd like to underline here the figure of our relations the threat relations have demonstrated a significant increase since 2017 from the total trade that we reached 138.142 million and in 2018 it reached 159 point million so this is the highest on the at the peak of the total trade that we have so far and then uh decrease again in 2019 to 152.8 so it decreased at around four percent because of the decrease of our import from colombia to indonesia but again if we uh see the figure here until the second quarter of this year our total trade volume with colombia does not decrease significantly and few of the alexis sophia panda make around the world so here we can see until may and the total trade that we have in this year is at the amount of 757.069 in comparison to the previous year 59 so less a decrease less than 2 million us dollars and it means that the decrease of minus 4.1 in comparison to the same period of last year uh i would say that direct investment or the director general also mentioned are still limited and some are present and then the subsidiary companies in the third countries in general it is however important to underline that our economic and relations between our two countries have not reflected our potentials because when we see the uh the facts that we mentioned earlier and the market is big the level of consumption is big the level of buying is also very high and of course it does not reflect our potentials and it is our homework together with ambassador juan camilo and also of course with all of us yes stakeholders to tap our potentials at maximum level from the benefit of our two peoples in the future uh i would say also the main challenges that we are facing now and the first is of course your graphical distance we are separated about 20 000 kilometers away and we have low connectivity which result in the duration of transport and high cost or less competitive cools because of the distance because of the cost of the transportation and secondly is the location of us is beyond our market as we realized that in the past we relied on our traditional markets in asia and in the neighboring countries in europe and also north america and colombia did the same and they they make closer threat relations with the traditional partners before with europe with north america and with neighboring countries in latin america but i agree with the statement of minister claudia bloom and this recently equaled by the vice minister mahendra that our interests are much more important than the distance between our two countries and it is therefore necessary to formulate strategy to boost our future cooperation which i observe there are at least four key elements namely harnessing our potentials in order to increase our interest with the aim to surpass the distance secondly is facilitation by both governments first through visa fisa free arrangement and now on process towards partial threat agreement to make our goods more competitive both officials from the ministry of commerce are now still in the process of uh finalizing the visibility study from both sides and also we have uh banking banking facilitation by lpa eu bank exim indonesia and jungle decks and the third is promoting contact between private sectors i think it's very important to encourage private sectors to communicate to interact each other and i think the tool that we can use is to revive the document of cooperation between the chamber of commerce of puts countries and the fourth it might be long term to realize is to encourage the connectivity pilot bilaterally originally it's difficult when we talk bilaterally because our national carrier garuda indonesia does not match or uh does not belong to the same group as avianca but at least at the regional uh level uh it could be easier to realize it and uh we hope that the connectivity would reduce duration of and cost of transport and uh with the strategy we could strive for future projection to increase our trade volumes by first expanding the number of commodities as well as their quantities as i mentioned earlier now we have here around 51 importers we could expand and the number of importers or maybe expand the quantities of goods to be imported offering potentials of high high tech product such as aviation industry so this a new product with its potential for colombian market aviation industry bicycle pharmaceutical etc colombia has the longest bicycle routes in the world so many people uses many people use a bicycle for transport and i think it is a good product if we can let's say export bicycle to colombia and both countries have strategic position and i observed that votes could be the new home for investment as well as new hubs to the respective region colombia could become [Music] our hub for indonesian products to west coast of latin america and also caribbean countries and vice versa indonesia could become the hub for colombian investment and products to enter the regional market of asean and of course finally promoting more visit by private sectors and also a people in general to increase uh the people to people contact enjoying friebisha and i would i would say i i would like to reaffirm here that colombia is now different colombia is a peaceful and secure country to visit and to develop our bigger cooperation in all fields in the future thank you very much for your attention three makassi muchisimas thank you uh dr safiyah thank you very much um excellency dubas prio for your remarks um very interesting and i think it's true that you know we have bright future projections for the bilateral relations um the next speaker um is his excellency ambassador juan camilo valencia gonzalez who is the ambassador of the republic of colombia to indonesia since february 2019 ambassador valencia has 20 years of experience as advisor legal consultant corporate relations advisor organizational legal strengthening on commercial administrative and business topics and of course um we have been very honored to have him with us here in jakarta so without further ado i would like to ask excellency ambassador valencia um to begin your remarks please the floor is yours thank you dr sofia for your kind watch to me i will good morning indonesia good evening in in colombia i will skip the protocol not to make it so long um but i would like to mention of course my friend mahindra cinegard and my friend bryo thank you very much for your words to colombia and also pak priyo to for be wearing the outfit of my home region antioquia in colombia that i miss so much his excellency also thank you for your kind words siswo paramono ben arianto all of you that are here for us it's very important to have you here and this celebration of course special greeting to my professor orlando garcia principal of director of the university serger which is also here with us today and uh to dr jose andre romero which is director of diane in colombia we're very proud and happy to have you here um of course we are we are you are going to see my presentation um we are celebrating the 40 years anniversary of diplomatic relations but you will see that the ambassador priyo and i have a similar approach in something so i will try to skip some things that already ambassador pu say to you in order to be practical and to to move a little bit faster our our presentation i am glad to have this space to talk about current state and future projection of bilateral relations between colombia and indonesia today i would like to present an overview of our relations share with you the trace the recent instruments we have signed highlight our bilateral cooperation and talk about our potential cooperation in the future next i will refer to the potential trade between colombia and indonesia and finally i would like to make a brief summary and underline some next steps which i consider will contribute to bring us to the next level in our diplomatic relations of course this overview is what what we what we already said before just to underline the importance of the security council in the u.n and the position of indonesia and all the help that we have got from them in our latest process in colombia and of course the pacific alliance and the creative economy resolution which is a thing that colombia and indonesia share together share together of course we have a talk also about the meeting that our foreign ministers held the in in the last august and the and of course we have we plan to hold the first meeting of political consultations and join commission soon and maybe we will do it in october uh and we would like to pray to prepare the presidential visit of president ivan duque in 2021 colombia and indonesia had a very active 2019 in terms of bilateral meetings as uh ambassador p already said i was our ministers of foreign affairs met in new york in january director general of immigration ronnie something visited colombia in march visited colombia also in june and of course director cesaro pramono also were in colombia on june last year again uh we can just mention the the the instruments that we already have just to to to to know we have the joint commission of 2011 we have the visa exemption for diplomatic passports on june 2013 the agriculture cooperation mou on february 2015 the mou between dinar and bnn on fighting on against illicit production and drug trafficking in 2016 and in the last two years we have signed five instruments which is important to mention the uaf and pepe attica indonesia concerning cooperation in the exchange of financial intelligence aiming to contract money laundering in september 2019 the one in health corporation in october the mou between bangkok and exim as ambassador pio already mentioned on october on 2019 also the agreement on visa exemption and the political consultations uh on august 2020 the the the mbn and dinar anti-narcotics police in colombia held their first video conference in february 2019 and in october major general jorge luis ramirez aragon director of anti-narcotics national police visited vnn in indonesia also a a bnn officer participated in the second international anti-drug congress held in barranquilla in october 2019 and finally two officers of dinar in colombia participated in the international training on narcotics enforcement organized by bnn in november this 2020 nine officers from bnn started yesterday yesterday the online international training course on content codec strategics offered by dinar pepe a techa and its partner you have in colombia signed an mou on money land training in september last year and they held the technical meeting in june 2020 the first technical meeting in june 2020 so they are already sharing information and cooperation for this mou after a technical preparatory video conferencing in august 2019 to prepare the third expert group meeting on agriculture our ministers of agriculture finally held the meeting in medan in november 2019. in june this year our ministries held a video conference to do a follow-up on the commitments of medan's meeting colombia is the largest producer of palm oil in latin america as pak mahendra already mentioned and again we are in the process to access the cpo pc and our accession is currently being considered by the congress of colombia and we hope that the congress of colombia will fast discuss the the inclusion of colombia into the cpo pc but nevertheless we have been particularly participating in the discussion regarding the palm oil negative campaign we also participated in the palm oil workshops organized by the policy analysis and development agency in 2017 and 18. in addition in november 2019 colombia participated with a delegation as speakers in the international workshop corrupts for peace held in jakarta and riau in 2020 we have been working in the concept node towards a crops for b certification sharing a common belief that agriculture based economic development is the bridge to peace and the achievement of sustainable development goals supported within of a strong international cooperation colombia teaches spanish in indonesia to share the colombian culture in 2009 two teachers totally dedicated delivered a course of spanish in dempazar and in jakarta and the directorate general of immigration for three months and it reached more than 90 students also 13 students of indonesia received scholarships to learn spanish in bogota for three months and in this 2020 the course will be online and there are 60 people registered to take a course from center from latin american studies and the on and the ministry of foreign affairs in technical cooperation colombia and indonesia developed some specific projects the coral triangle initiative on coral reefs fisheries and food security management and prevent prevention of disasters and sustainable tourism the complex moment that we are living globally through the coffee 19 has showed us that we must adapt innovate transform and be ready to move over to overcome and help to recover our economies having said that we identify potential cooperation and find that this is the momentum to pave the way to be ready to further our relationships um our potential cooperation in the near future with we hope it's an mou on diplomatic capacity an mou on creative economy which we're already negotiating an mou on maritime efforts and fisheries and an mou between bipom and in bima which are the national regulatory authority for drugs and foods that we hope that we can have it very fast and it could promote trade in drugs and a food sector about trade and investment opportunities i would not refer to figures as session 2 will cover them i would like to mention some opportunities that we identify and that they potentially will help to the post-pandemic economy recovery of course we are negotiating a pta right now as a as a vice minister mahindra already mentioned of on september 2019 colombia proposed to start the tax towards the pta negotiations and in november we already signed the terms of reference of joint facility study colombia is in the presence of admissibility of mobile meat and fruits and vegetables the this is a process that we began in 2016 in 2019 last year colombia reaffirmed its interest to continue with process and stated it interest in the admissibility of fruits and vegetables in june 2020 the ministries of agriculture of the two countries had a technical meeting to clarify the steps and requirements to obtain the certification of the establishments and in july 2020 colombia submitted to the ministry of agriculture of indonesia the forms of 11 establishments interested in exporting beef to indonesia understanding the importance of diversifying trade and generates spaces of mutual knowledge among the businessmen of colombia and indonesia colombian entrepreneurs invited by the embassy of colombia participated in the first in allah business forum and i and i was glad to witness the signature of mou bangkoldex exim the national banks promoting exports in each country as one of the outcomes of the forum in addition i am pleased that one of the colombian companies participating in the forum signed an mou on the pharmaceutical sector on the sidelines of the forum we hope that the participation in 2020 brings more concrete results in business to business the embassy has facilitated business to business meetings in various sectors including palm oil foods and beverages mining and energy flowers among among others pro colombia the national agency in charge of exports and investments has organized business matchmaking forum virtual business matchmaking and investment workshops on the other hand we find opportunities in the relation with the state-owned enterprises in indonesia in several sectors later director bunjamin noor will further present the actions that we have conducted since 2019 i would like to summarize some points and underline some next steps that will help us to continue growing a relationship of friendship and cooperation in the last decade our bilateral agenda has been enriched by several subjects of mutual interest and in the last two years it has become very dynamic our relationship is becoming stronger through the implementation of the instruments in the in specific topics such as health anti-narcotics agriculture and money laundry the new bilateral mechanism on political consultations is an opportunity to establish regular consultation on various issues of mutual interest on bilateral regional and multilateral level complementing the joint commission on technical cooperation there are opportunities to strengthen the trade between colombia and indonesia the center for latin american studies at eupn surabaya is an open window in the academic cultural and business sector to increase the mutual knowledge and understanding not only with colombia but with the latin american region our dynamic bilateral agenda will bring tangible benefits to the people of the two countries such as boosting tourism as ambassador priyo already mentioned academic and cultural mobility business to business contacts through the entry into the force of the visa exemption agreement for holders of ordinary passports improving the health system of indonesia sharing the experience of colombia in preventive medicine investing in the sector and exchanging experience of indonesia in the buchesmas initiative facilitating trade by advancing towards the negotiation of the pta facilitating process to increase trade of foods and pharmaceutical products from and to colombia strengthening the relationship between the national authorities opening space to further potential cooperation on creative economy strengthening the ties between the diplomats of course of both countries thank you very much gracias very much thank you very much um excellency for uh very insightful remarks especially um we are very interested in the list of issues that you consider as future uh potential cooperation in the future and i think um we might be able to discuss um some points from from from that um next speaker i would like to invite uh mr deriganto but ariento garcon is currently the director for america to affairs of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia uh but ariento has been with the foreign ministry since uh 1995 and has been um had um various postings um i think the last one was in havana and before that was in uh vienna and in paris so without further ado the floor is yours thank you very much dr safiya fifi muhibat your excellency vice minister for foreign affairs of the republic of indonesia his excellency mr mahindra director general of american european affairs success excellency nuraswagaya head of policy analysis development agencies dr siswa pramono ambassador of the of the republic of colombia to republic of indonesia his excellency mr juan camilo valencia gonzalez ambassador of the republic of indonesia to colombia his excellency mr creo suanto distinguished speakers and participants very good morning in indonesia and good evening buenas noches querido amigo in colombia thank you very much first of all before i begin my presentation uh i would like to express my gratitude to dr ben perkasa who organized this event and this 40 years commemoration is often set as a number of maturity it's a symbolized period of testing or evolution of how any relations have worked out and what comes after and in context of indonesia and colombia relation 14 years has clearly shows how extensive relations were okay next slide please let me begin my presentation but briefly explain about the recollection of indonesia in colombia 40 years relationship during the 40 years period there have been a various meeting from [Music] and various at the various level from head of state to a senior officer and then we can note that our presidents ministers and high level officials have met in many occasions and the last meeting between our head of states was in november 2015 when president of indonesia jokowi dodo met with president of colombia at the time juan camilo santos during the cop25 event in paris meanwhile the first meeting between our head of states [Music] president suharto at that time and president ernesto champion was in non-aligned movement summit in colombia long ago in 1995 then followed by the visit that colombian president to indonesia in 1996. in january 2019 minister foreign affairs iburetna maxudi met minister of foreign affairs of colombia at that time carlos almost threw you during the united nations security council events in new york and then also already mentioned by previous speakers the last meeting was uh of of our two ministries two ministers was in september in the 5th of september this uh this year and then meanwhile we also note other bilateral activities and then to name a few i can explain but i can say that a joint commission meeting the first edition was held in bogota in 2013 and then expert group of meeting on agriculture cooperation the third age was held just last year in maidan in indonesia and then also some exchange of visits between indonesia's national narcotic agency with national police of colombia most vision was in october 2019 in indonesia those activities are part of the implementing of implementation of several agreements that has been signed between indonesia and colombia so let's slide this so i know there has been 14 agreements signed between the two countries like already uh juan camilo explained that uh 11 agreements are still in force uh for example in education you can see here in political consultation visual exemption help against illicitra technical cooperation agriculture and so on and then i already mentioned uh before by ambassador camilo that we are now still in the negotiating and some emo us in the alias creative economic and also diplomatic capacity building next please in on our trip tourism and investment relation this is a before coffee 19. i note that the numbers are growing in tourism and investment uh like already mentioned maybe by uh previous speakers this is uh these are the figures of the numbers of trade tourism and investment i don't want to explain more about this and then regarding inbound investment meanwhile in term of trade our current rates has raised only 152.8 millions in 2019 or showing a 3.92 drops from figures in 2018 which reach 159 59 million u.s dollars as the global pandemic hits our economy the numbers will be lower this year but we need to make sure we have to if we have the infrastructure ready to bounce back uh in the pulse pandemic coffee making so in the next so the the year 2000 2020 as we all aware and already mentioned also by previous speakers is a very challenging period in the context of 40 years religion this global pandemic represents the 40 years test the evolution of our relations but i would say in this occasion that after nine months of 2020 we are getting through this test in rather remarkable ways when physical visit is not an option we held a virtual bilateral meeting like i already mentioned our both foreign ministers last month we signed two bilateral instruments also virtually the first time for both indonesia and colombia earlier this year's with the help of garuda indonesia and peter inuki the already mentioned by previous speakers that 366 colombian citizens from asia australia europe and africa were able to return home when commercial flight was unable at the time this year we also will publish a commemorative book and joins time to celebrate 40 years of bilateral relations all these activities adding the proofs that in amidst of global pandemic the strong relations between indonesia and colombia simply cannot be stopped all that is possible because we are able to see through the obstacle and think creatively to turn challenge into possibilities thanks for the hard work of our both embassies ministries universities and other institutions we can get through the 40 years test next now let's talk let us talk about what in what is in the future i have mentioned some agreements we have concluded but the number of cooperation currently negotiated even a double as much we are working on cooperation in the name of views like already mentioned creative industry marine and fisheries food and drug safety and trade agreement as have mentioned previously and further discussed in the next session we put our focus on the future preferential trade agreement between indonesia and colombia we know the economic potential of both countries and we know the trade agreement will be able to translate those potentials into benefits to continue the meeting in november last year we originally targeted for the joint visibility studies to be complement completed by june this year but it was delayed because a global pandemic we hope we will be able to conclude the feasibility study the near future we will also pursue the cooperation on recently signed agreement agreements the mou on health cooperation sign last year is so relevant with the current situation together we should identify avenues of collaboration on addressing the cafe 19 pandemic if possible with true establishment of a working group between the health ministries next slide please now let me talk about the product of trades the main products to export columbia we can see here in 2019 like already uh mentioned before there are vehicles and spare parts rubber goods fibers machinery footwear and the main products to import from colombia there are iron steels cocoa pharmaceutical products organic chemicals and also plastic products according to indonesian exit bank potential products to export to colombia are iron and steel pharmaceutical products textiles and also plastic goods this product shows increasing figure of colombia for import from the world while its production in indonesia is also growing so uh next slide please now in exploring a new possibilities as a highlighted by his excellency vice minister mahendra sligar indonesia and colombia may be different but between those differences there are some sectors that we can cooperate colombia has a strong ever-growing film industry and creative industry in general we acknowledge colombia's excellence through orange economy initiative and we would like to hear more about it in the next session creative industry in indonesia is also on the rise too according to the creative economic agency the most contributors of gdp on this on these sectors are culinary fashion crafts as we can see from the infographic here we are also exploring possibility marine and fisheries sectors next slide please as both countries have a high ocean biodiversity both countries are member of regional initiative for marine conservation indonesia as member of coral triangle initiative on coral reefs marine fisheries and food security in south east asia while colombia is part of the corridor mourinho del pacifico este tropica in eastern pacific we have started the negotiation of draft mou on marine and fisheries between both countries last year and we will explore ways possibilities collaborations in the environmentally sustainable use of marine and coastal area following the repatriation cooperation with garuda we could explore the potential cooperation on commercial air surfaces to increase connectivity through direct flight the two countries are also willing to cooperate in food and drug safety the draft agreement is widgets with the draft agreement is now being reviewed next now for the strategy for the futures to increase our bilateral relations we are pushing of expansion of cooperation especially in the aftermath of the global pandemic we will expand our cooperation in the new sectors which have already explained as well as expanding the actors through people to people contact we welcome the recent signing of mou between lupe and veteran java timur universidad externado de colombia we hope that this mou will bolster the cooperation in education we also appreciate the spanish course by colombian teachers in the near future as well as agreement on fisa exemption before the pandemic colombia tourist to indonesia has increased every year hopefully with the fisa exemption will help to rebound the tourist tourism industry after the pandemic so people pay to people contact is also needed to support trade relations the global pandemic might hit some business capability exports so we need to promote market possibilities between countries with that propose we will conduct the second edition of indonesia latin america and the caribbean business forum also known as imalac business forum on 19 to 11 november this year this forum will will be organized uh virtually and also if possible uh presidentially but it depends on the situation on november but for sure this will be organized virtually to facilitate the people a one-on-one business meeting and as already mentioned by our director general during the business forum we will launch [Music] the inner chambers of commerce as a driving force as a platform to increase the interaction between colombian and indonesian enterpreneurs and also between indonesian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in latin americans in general next so in conclusion next slide please so in conclusion 40 years religion has shown extensive cooperation between indonesia and colombia through numerous visit agreements and activities confidential is a test for our bilateral relations but we have succeeded to turn challenges into possibilities proven by our achievements in 2020 both countries have some cooperation to pursue and areas to be explored in trade health sector creative industry marine fisheries as well as a bilateral relations in the future will be increased through people-to-people contact between academics tourists as well as business person facilitated by the government i think this uh this is uh my presentation dr uh sofia and then thank you very much and muchas gracias thank you thank you very much i think it was very interesting especially because you mentioned very specific um plans uh in the near future uh to pursue further cooperation uh in the bilateral relations um next um the first speaker for our first session uh on the future projection is uh dr astra gianita who is the permanent lecturer uh in the department of international relations faculty of social and political sciences university of indonesia she is also the vice director of the center for international relations studies at the university of indonesia and a researcher at the asean studies center of the university of indonesia so ibu the floor is yours um distinguished speakers and participants i'm very honored to participate in this international webinar on the anniversary of 40 years relations from indonesia and columbia religion i only have 10 minutes here so let me start my presentation but i'm lucky because uh some of my poets actually already mentioned uh by speakers some speakers and kind of speakers but okay let me start uh with my uh slides uh one and two uh the next piece uh for a slide one and a second slide uh actually i um i met some uh brief profile of indonesia and colombia countries some speakers have already mentioned this point but i don't want to talk about it in detail but what i would like to emphasize uh in this uh brief so far is uh what countries has a strategic position both in regional and international level so that's why i put a profile explanation on profile in the regional level international economic profile and international political profile so it means that indonesia and colombia is a leading countries are living countries in regional level and very active in many initiatives so this is a modality to to pursue an uh economic relation or bilateral relations in the future but also important what is so important is what countries has a position in the u.n so that it would be one of driving forces for both countries to collaboration not only in order to benefit for indonesia and colombia but also for the world as i wrote in uh website maybe some peace and conflict resolution program can be conducted within in the cooperation with indonesia and colombia and next please uh and then uh what i would like to explain in this uh slides i would like to identify existing condition of indonesia and colombia relation it explains that indonesia and colombia union have participated in some cooperation however economic cooperation between indonesia and colombia is below it so that's a great of conditions so why it is not happen on uh not only happen in indonesia and colombia but also happen with other american latin american countries so it is uh important to to explore to identify why this has happened so i think we need to more comprehensive analysis on to to make to enhance the relations between indonesia and colombia for the future and then the next one this slide i would like to explain uh that there are some driving forces to enhance indonesia economic design colombia relation for example the graphics cell but the index of globalization of indonesia and colombia is quite good this is one of modality's fossil relations and then the other modal modality is economic growth of both countries which looks very promising if you next week so that both indonesia and colombia have gdp growth rate uh very promising so i think it's also a modality to enhance our relation between indonesia and the other one and the next one which also talk about not only gdp aspect what countries also has positive population growth that means what countries has a young growth population that it will be contributed to percentage of labor forces that we hope also can be an agent in building more different relation between what countries so this is also i think a very very uh point that uh why we should stop into the more different economic relations between indonesia and colombia and next place i think it's also already mentioned before next place okay this part is talking about economic cooperation as i found the data so that the implementation is the basis of economic operation especially in trade we saw that some of indonesia took many poor communities to colombia is like manufacturing vehicle products trajectories and others and indonesia men in communities from colombia some of agriculture products i think it is also the basis of economic operation and threat is also good for the good one however i noticed that indonesia and colombia also are awards the top farm oil producer that both countries should suppress assign emphasizing the population on this sector redundant competition so i think there is also a [Music] opportunity for cooperation in the palm oil sectors the other aspects is reason next place okay although the number is increasing but compared to other is still low but i think it is also a modality that if you look at on the data from 2018 and 2019 um there are rising numbers about twenty percent uh in the last two years so it is also promising for the uh for the enhanced a good relation or closer relations between indonesia and colombia but next week but uh when we talk about the potential uh we already talked about the potential of corporations i think we have also to look to the the challenges there are some challenges that i would like to uh explain something the first one is although mahendra has said in the indonesia columbia relations like however geographical distance is disputed as men constrained in building closer relations between indonesia and colombia actually it also happens with other countries in latin american countries as in 2014 i conducted a research on indonesia peru chile and mexico relation and it also happened that geographical distance is still a main constraint in building cluster relation both in economy and social relations so and the other one and the other one is lack of interaction between indonesia and colombia black interaction between indonesia and colombia for example their their rotation of business is still in world looking some business for example in indonesia one businessman is uh satisfied with domestic domestic market so it is also the challenges for both countries for indonesia and colombia to make some opportunity for a business to have an orientation to not only satisfy a domestic market the other one is a connectivity to travel among countries still limited and i think this also i saw that some corporation also already started like other companies and the other one is limited information for example the understanding of this country's respective threat partners including database about business opportunities and partners in both countries so it is important for uh to make a more understanding for a business uh society so to know uh the respective trade partners what kind of sectors what type of partners what can a company that they can uh so this is also i found that it's a very important and very challenging one of challenges because we have no much uh information on that and the other one is a study on indonesia colombia relation is very fairly conducted very i think it is also important to make some more studies comprehensive studies on indonesia columbia education but uh not only columbia indonesia and columbia relation i think uh latina perspective for comparison is also needed to more uh study and comprehensively and the other one at least is very important economic interests and orientation of both countries are still focused on traditional partners it means that there are points of political will of both countries is very important and this is our challenges why i thought about the economic orientation of both countries are still focused on traditional you can say we can show that uh indonesia main import partners still stay on eu china japan thailand and main expo destination like asean eu china usa and while colombia has many partners the united states china mexico brazil germany and man for destination united states china it means that the presence of threat partners is still dominated by uh traditional partners so the way how to build the uh our more uh coastal relation in economics and social and political i think we should happen to pursue our goals to enhance our creation between indonesia and colombia next yeah it's also the data that from indonesian sides we can show that a value of import by countries of origin is still dominated by uh like japan uh student hated our indonesian value of import and also it happens in a value of exports it means that we still have the challenges how to how to change or perceive from the the patterns of our trade from traditional to uh comparison to non-traditional market or partners and then uh next place this is also already i mentioned about the failure of export by destination countries it's also the same we are still focusing on a traditional partner next one still i think it is very important after knowing about the challenges of our relation between indonesia and colombia what i would like to point in this session is one uh one sentence is specified multi-track diplomacy by conducting activities in the level of g2g b2b and p2p g2g i think is very active to activate his already mentioned uh in the morning this morning uh some memories some programs are uh uh initiated by uh what is indonesia and colombia so gpg focus on economic operation including i already said before about the data database on information of business respectively partners so b2b can can go hand in hand to industrial collaboration by knowing what threat partners in the other side of indonesia from indonesia and from colombia so b2b also uh is the one of uh after that which should uh improve the the relation between the business and to business uh relations and the other ones i think i would like to point with this and hearts or not but that's one way that we also mentioned about key to people p2p connectivity to people to people contact i think this is also important like such academic experience during research operations and i would like to point out that the keyword is strengthening relations from below this is one uh i think the keyword that we should put in my in our mind that uh relations when we talk about relations uh um people is one of the main actor on this uh how to build a closer relation to each other so uh i i think by uh offering this keyword it is important to more uh make some programs some activities from uh people to people connected with and people to people is important because i quoted from rouland jurgen 2016 thought that by focus on people-to-people connectivity it can be deepening interdependence each other improving public knowledge and awareness for industrialized cooperation facilitating the emergence of transfer internal tract 2 and treachery dialects and bolstering legitimacy observation so after this after the peer-to-peer connectivity by this uh by pointing this point for people's connectivity it can be we can hope that our lesson will be more uh can divide more smoothly and our goal can be it see this next place okay this is one uh some step of people to people connectivity first step increases people's people's mobility and i think uh now indonesia and colombia is in the first step in the first step increase people's mobility we talk about the number of mobility then we don't we don't move it to the second step now but we hope that the next steps that we can enter in the next steps uh increasing people interaction and then the next step is uh increases people's understanding by uh focus on the three steps of people-to-people connectivity uh and by design some program first step and second second the next steps i think it will be a beneficiary for us for indonesia and colombia in building closer relations and some i thought that this next place some effort to make more uh are implemented to people to people connected to this uh they say uh there are three and make what must best rule and jargon has offering city twining yeah uh and tourism has two strategies or two methods to make people to people connectivity by a mesh base and the other one thread two by importing academics academic academics journalists artists parliamentarians can interact with us and others specialists that can be more uh more from below in in relations and the other one is factory that uh some ngos of a labor union or communities that can hop to be uh to be one track that can have our first wealth relations in indonesia and colombia in the future so i think this is one point that i would like to share in this session uh sorry for this some uh maybe some point uh can we can we can discuss at some point in this uh my presentation thank you thank you thank you i think it was very interesting that you elaborated um in very details about people-to-people connectivity and the method to actually get there so i think that that'll be useful when we think about you know bettering the bilateral relations between indonesia and colombia so uh we have had four speakers for the first session and now so we can enter the second session which will focus specifically on uh enhancing economic cooperation so previously in the first session we are in general projecting the future relations and in this second session um we are going to discuss specifically on uh enhancing economic relate uh cooperation you know looking at the what are the opportunities and what are um the challenges uh i would like to remind all speakers again that you each have um 10 minutes um for your presentation we are already a little bit behind off the schedule so if you could stick to the 10 minutes that would be most um helpful the first speaker uh for the second session is who is currently the the head or director of um center for policy analysis and development of the american and european regions of the ministry of foreign affairs uh previously he was posted um and among others in tokyo and then uh before that in stockholm and uh ben holds a phd in international political economy from the university of hiroshima japan without further ado the floor is your spot thank you very much uh fifi for uh the introduction i think we have some technical problems with the share screen show the right power phone of mine vice minister mahindra sirga dg sis passes ambassador [Music] persona and other participants and distinguished colleagues i would like i'm trying to be very brief on this because i just uh try to introduce some point about economic cooperation and economic potential between indonesia and colombia which have been largely been described by previous speakers but i would like at first to see the potential with referring to what has been said by vice minister and ambassadors indonesia and colombia are potentially stable now currency for for for business slide number three please and uh we have like uh already mentioned by the minister very big potential for indonesia as well as for columbia here you can see it yeah and i just sum up but we also know there's some uh very good regulation here in indonesia very open and the ease of doing business okay relatively good for both of us and colombia is ranked 15 if i'm not mistaken please correct me if i'm wrong but the protection of minority influence are very conducive conducive and indonesia has been taken up robust structurally from to cut and streamlining regulation and labor law here now uh what happened in indonesia is uh by introducing omnibus law if you are following the news and we have also very robust rapid growth with growth for indonesia and we are also uh have a very good uh digital economy business here in indonesia that maybe could be introduced and to operate in colombia yeah we have for unicorns the biggest number in asia yeah including gojek and we have two decacons now already to the capone's project and others one other uh as already mentioned earlier uh the pta between english and colombia is underway and it could provide a very uh good vehicle for our economic cooperation jump to slide number six uh please uh i would like to sum up a little bit about what already mentioned by ambassador prio we could see that uh total free energy and colombia reached one five two point four million in two thousand with the export value as a 139 million dollar and import value is 12 and 7 million years down we are in very huge initiative in very huge uh surplus here uh with the failures in 126.9 million the table also shown the trend of the trade from 2015 to 2019 the trade in four years increased four point zero four percent and [Music] in export two point five eight percent increase furthermore the import trend also shows significant increase by importing from indonesian prefixes respectively in the last of five years however in terms of uh trade balance it only increased very slightly 0.89 percent the potential also happened uh to take place in investment next slide please slide seven the investment agreement within indonesia and colombia tend to flow one way since 2016. colombia increased their investment in indonesia and total investment reach 426 000 years dollar in uh 2019 last year the total project occurred in indonesia also very within two or four projects relatively small in the last four years but there are some uh investor colombian investors indonesia and from the time being for uh as far as outbourne indonesian investment is concerned there is no investor initially invest during colombia yet over here there is a big potential many indonesian commodity are accepted in the colombian market right now so initially investment will be possible in the future next slide please as i already have been mentioned by previous speakers based on the modified tci indonesia have 10 potential products to be exported to columbia such as palm oil telephone processor telephone for cellular networks copper ores motor cars tsnr natural rubber medicaments maze aeroplane cpu chemical with chemical and with power next slide and based on the calculation of cmsa there are 10 products already in colombia indonesian product in colombia that could have an increase of competitiveness such as tire freezer so motor cars other clothes such as chelsea cardigans young motorcycles cyan paper and makeup preparation some of this product has been mentioned by the vice minister mahindra sirika and then we also see the next slide yeah uh how the trade with colombia will open my indonesian markets to latin america so it's already mentioned by ambassador that there is a possibility that we increase trade to colombia and parallel with the increasing trade to other country and colombia regarding tourism uh we see that it's relatively small but we hope that the agreement official exemption which was just a recent design last month will further increase the number of tourists of colombia here next this is the opportunity yeah the opportunity you can see that we have already signed as already mentioned by director perianto tore and joined feasibility study for pta uh mentioned by darien also if i'm not mistaken and the second one is we are also can we are the largest one producer of power mode and we can further operate it in the infrastructure in the future and also from the coffee experience pandemic we can also cooperate to sustain global supply chains and this is but a huge opportunity but for indonesia and colombia the last one is excellent yeah so this is uh the summary my summary my standard summary that we have to increase b2b interaction including active partition at the indonesian latin america and caribbean in a locked business forum that have been introduced by the director general muraswa and director uh and we need massive promotion on tourism sector with the agreement on visa exemption on holiday package honeymoon package and others and the last one is we have to promote enhancing close relation to solve the connectivity problem one of the measure is by opening direction also direct cargo route thank you very much everybody thank you very much we will discuss uh the details uh in the discussion time thank you thank you thank you thank you so much uh ben that was very interesting um it really seems that both countries really have a lot of potentials to actually expand the the economic cooperation especially in terms of trade um for next speaker um we have uh ambassador juan alfredo pinto who is a former former ambassador of the republic of colombia to indonesia uh ambassador juan alfredo quinto has also served as colombian ambassador to turkey and he has also served as the vice minister of industry commerce and tourism vice minister of economic development of the ministry of economic development development in church of the republic of colombia um so um your excellency ambassador pinto uh you have the floor now well thank you very much thank you very much for the invitation and my greetings to of course the ministers directors particularly dr ben ambassadors juan camilo my friend and of course rectors and ladies and gentlemen um hey i will try to avoid the repetition that the very good performances and presentations that we have listened this year in your morning and as in the night time so i am i am trying to go to the to the different approach from my own perspective i i think the the the drama of the relationship between indonesia and colombia is the economic issue the the relation has demonstrated during the four years there is an excellent relationship and the friendship the political convergence the the quali qualitative points of the relationship are all of them very very very good so we have to to try to use and approach less orthodox and to strengthen the relation and to discover the potential and also we have to protect the the traditional exchange but with adding a good innovation process for that so i am going to the points that i consider are they very important in the practical manner first i think that the the the new cycle of the relationship has to be transformative a green and in favor of the fast and smart recovery after covet 19. so we we we need to create another experience of integration breaking the the traditional frame in opposition to the general appreciations has to take advantage of the similarities normally my colleagues the economist used to say no the problem of colombia and [Music] indonesia there are both tropical countries equatorial ones so the export offer is quite similar and they are very far talking about logistic process it's very difficult to increase the facts and figures but i consider that the the is necessary to take the similarities of the resource base and innovate reconvert and productive transformation examples we need to to find different uses and technological possibilities for coal we have to to try to do it getting agreements on on palm and oil we need to try to create a new spaces for coffee cocoa even banana flowers nature tourism crafts and orange economy is it possible just because of colombia for example we lost opportunities that have been taken by ecuador for them our economy is is much more powerful i don't like to do the comparison i have a diplomat but they we are a stronger economy in comparison with ecuador and particularly in this juncture because they are dollarizing the economy so they have not a changing policy mobility so we can take this advantage and display some offers of our brothers from ecuador and we can take space and definitely with innovations in technology we can do new agreements but the problem is that in the conversations between indonesia or colombia always the people who is talking and we are a good example and this even excellent even but it's dominant by a members of the government and now academical sector but we need to put as somebody has spoken face-to-face entrepreneurs face-to-face people who can look and discover the opportunities that we are not in capability and have an availability to to do that second i i i think the the the new scenario is that indonesia became in a more important economy in the world scenario and also has taken advantage in comparison with colombia because the trust the productive transformation of indonesia is faster than in colombia and indonesia has the conditions to to be a more industrialized country in comparison to colombia because the size of domestic market and other elements the phenomenons of electronic commerce and icts in in indonesia is very significant so we have to use that to improve and strengthening the relationship for example electronic commerce for inclusion we have to discover and working together our companies and our institutions can discover where are the opportunities to do i.t innovation for social inclusion and this is very very important that we have a we have the tendency to be unbalanced trade in in a strategic manner you indonesian country might love it you are going to do more industrialization than colombia the scale of your market and the speed of the productive transformation are going in that way so what we have to do to try to get a strategic compensation and balance trade with an investment process both sides but of course the the tendency has to be that the big companies of indonesia invest to colombia have you seen one of the last presentations that we're talking about invest of indonesia in colombia this is not available it is this this an inequality we have to modify how we need indonesian unicorns to invest in colombia when i have listened to four unicorns and two take a coins uh immediately i think oh what about what i one of those unicorns we need to stay in colombia we need to to do telemedicine with them we need to increase our participation and confidence in in e-commerce and and these companies market and of course when you are look at the case of the the the trade war between u.s and china the the importance the remarkable importance of the big operators in the networking and internet services also it's very important that the non-aligned very good friendship countries practice a real cooperation and b2b in with the unicorns and the cacorns of indonesia investing in colombia even i am not very optimistic about the partial trade agreement because according my long experience partially very good proposal and i support and i will fight for them what happened if you check in in developing countries the full partial trade agreements finally at shortlist not sensitive products because the exclusions are the dominant and when you see how much they change the trade balance structure is very very little so i i believe it's more significant to start to talk about the investment agreement the the beep the bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement between indonesia and colombia because as i am talking that the independence the uncompensation in balanced trade will be more and more significant the if we want to have a sustainable relation in economical matters we need an investment agreement to get and stimulate compensations of the strategical and balanced trade in other in other areas to go to finish because it is a very curious midnight conference on economy in our side no uh the the spanish as a third language talking about orange and cultural business and possibilities is a very good option and indonesia is going to be a very big hub in tourism in international tourism one of the points that is clearly identified by you and by our side in the relation and the increasing the numbers of tourists much more than that have been growing year by year is that you need more spanish people more guidance in spanish more people working in spanish and colombia has no reputation is a reality one of the best spanish all over the world so and we have the infrastructure and we have the the the human talent to support and strategy to to try to to collaborate with indonesia became in spanish in the third language in indonesia and and we can work in cultural industries in many other areas for example we can do in location in co-production and and in the total chain of the cinema we can do i i propose that in the future we try to do a relation with latin and indonesia in the in the cinema and performance art sector latin dollywood i propose to create and it is relation in the orthodox manner because it being excellent the presentation that i have listened i couldn't i i have not found a plenty of innovations in in the sphere of the proposals also that we the the diagnosis is very good in this seminar in this encounter but the practical and the going to the concrete possibilities we need a long work to do this is a very good occasion the agreement the mou between the universities to start to do that externally colombia has finalized with pro colombia and and very good one-year research on potential investment and trade between india and colombia and for example motorbikes is is a actually an indian a 100 percent controlled market in colombia with four big big names of indian industry but i i did my hour research about that and my conclusion is that indonesia has a very good possibility in bikes and electrical bikes that has to move very very quickly because in colombia now for by extension of the motorbikes is is increasing the possibility for indian side and i love india too but i know because of that and for example in serasena bikes i have checked this this company is very interesting sido audio electric bikes how how i can find these opportunities and how i can do the measure about that with tocopedia and so if we have a group of researchers of the two universities not working only in theoretical approach no no if they are doing business to business give me the give me the list give me the lease by sectors by regions by potentials by faction figures by numbers and possibilities and do a mission of investment both sides these kind of things is that i have mentioned that they knew after four years plenty of fraternity very successful successful celebration we need to go to the next level next level is less statement more materialized in economical field and what it means for example i need we need to to have to be and to have here carter group for example you know in the food and we can go to invest with a very good set of colombian companies for example in public services water sea waste urban management waste and colombia has a very very good development in that area and could be a very good contribution to improve the quality of life in the urban sector in in indonesia where where i as i know both sides i would say that is that there is a real a real scenario of opportunity so finally i want to say reciprocity is very important but we have a structural imbalance we have to look for joint venture we have to go for reciprocity combine it with an strategy of mutual benefit by investment so reciprocity and joint venture are the key points and my suggestion to start to talk about bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement that could be very right and of course continue the the working on partial trade agreement but the most important i consider the the after the 40 years there is an ethos and it's a very good momentum and it's a very good opportunity okay gary gold by the entrepreneurial missions gary gold to send with the corporative were from indonesia the first investors mission to colombia gotta go to organize the first mission of colombian investors to indonesia gotta go to put face-to-face scenarios of opportunity for the people who do business with the bureaucrats we are not we don't know to do business we we are good for for speak about but the people who who who materialize the business are the com are the people the leaders of the companies and of course now that we start with the academical approach is urging the research looking for the potential in investment and trade between between our two nations celebrate together this beautiful 40th anniversary looking for the economy in perspective together thank you very much thank you thank you so much um ambassador pinto i think there were some really um beautiful words that you said towards the end and i think that's the spirit that we have to keep our last two speakers are i think from the business sectors um the first one is mr guillermo gonzalez larsen who is the president of the colombian federation of logistics agents in international trade board of directors um mr um gonzalez larson has uh recently been appointed by the president of colombia as his permanent delegate in the recently created center for logistics and transportation of colombia which was an unprecedented strategy in the country that manages the solution to uh cause uh to issues caused by the covert 19 pandemic so uh without further ado um i hand over the screen to you mr gonzalez larsen um ten minutes thank you [Music] um hey [Applause] [Music] foreign is [Music] a [Music] is technology [Music] [Music] barcelona indonesia [Music] is [Music] thank you thank you so much uh mr guillermo gonzalez-larsen um last but not least our last speaker for today is mr bunyaminur who is the production and marketing director of tete inuki but the inuki is the the only state-owned enterprise company in nuclear technology industry in indonesia so it'll be interesting to hear what he has to say about you know how this relates to the bilateral relations you have to scream now okay thank you very much the doctor satyathi mukhibats for the opportunity uh in this good morning ladies and gentlemen to the international webinar commenting 40 years of anniversary first discretion on this opportunity i would like to express my sincere appreciation to be able to participate on this special agenda i would like to extend my greeting to his excellency mr mahendra his excellency juan hamelio valencia his excellency mr igring mr darianto harshono his excellency mr priyo iswanto dr ben and also his excellency juan alfredo pinto and the other honorary speaker and guest to this event today i would like to present of the future potential opportunity of an innovation state on enterprise in colombia i have a chance in this momentum agenda to represent other state-owned enterprise company as well where i'm going to present that during my presentation time i don't have a luxuriant luxurious time so i'm going to start it now uh my company pt inuki has been started in the business since 1996 and our business focuses on three business pillars which is radio isotope and radio pharmaceutical products for industrial and medical usage and also uranium nuclear fuel and control assembly for research reactor where we are supplying those uh fuel for the uh one of one of the nuclear reactor in indonesia and also technical surfaces with the nuclear technology for non-destructive tests and uh which is uh the works uh one of the works is aircraft uh skip left join however within this year hopefully pt inuki will join into the holding pharmacies of the state-owned enterprise company where the lead is ptv biopharma so we have the four pillars of business in the near future that we are going to expand our business into oncology center by providing cyclotron and pet city throughout indonesia where in in indonesia currently these facilities for diagnosis of with the cyclotron and opacity is very limited through the strong relationship between indonesia and an embassy of colombia in jakarta the ambassador of colombia already expressed the interest for having our product in radiopharmaceutical to supply to colombia such as an iodine 131 and would like to be the hub a trade half of our product to distribute to other south american countries including pacific alliance it started last year in 2019 where the ambassador juan family valencia requested the product from us and follow up with several agenda that he brought the representative of nuclear pharma a columbia pharmaceutical company to visit inuki facilities and we proceed from then in order to supply to export our product to colombia and we have a plan that we are going to deliver our product actually on the beginning of 2020 before the pandemic and also through our connectivity and connection of this being a spectrum enterprise company we also introduced uh mr ambassador juan chameleo phalanges to one of the biggest fertilizer company in indonesia is petey purpukal team and also to bni bni is one of the state-owned enterprise bank in indonesia which is established in 1946 i will explain about these two companies later with the arrangements and also the opportunity that uh mr juan jamillo already met with the several representative of the state-owned enterprise company i could summarize the opportunity for us being the state-owned enterprise company to aim the market in colombia based on its uh capability for instance like biopharma where the biopharma is producing the fascine would probably subject to the wso approval to supply the fashion of kovite 19 to colombia and also kenya pharma where they produced the pharmaceutical to export to colombia and most important the the company from colombia where it's actually from spain keraldi also approaching crimea pharma for establishing the health care system this is very interesting because uh the health care system that karate brought to indonesia is actually similar to our standard health care system but but uh it it's already implemented implemented well in colombia as well so therefore with during this uh covet 19 pandemic i do believe that the establishment uh communication between karate and kemiya pharma should be discussed in more further and also with the garuda indonesia where in the previous in the previous discus explanation by by mr darianto already expressed that uh gabriela indonesia had already flew to colombia for a refrigeration project on may where if my company inuki and garuda indonesia collaborate together for the services to bring those colombians from uh asia and asia pacific being able to be back home on may 19th and also uh with discipline that and and not to be forgotten with dirgantara indonesia as well for us in order to supply our product radio isotope and radiopharmaceutical we need to have the support from the government of colombia in here in order to get the permit from the colombia minister of mine and energy where it's also act as a nuclear regulatory agency and also with the colombian minister of health and social protection as well i do believe with this strong relationship has been in 14 years uh collaboration our business would be mutual for its country and we will be able to supply our product to colombia and the most important since the distance from in from indonesia especially from jakarta to bogota is quite long distance we have to think about how to bring our good uh as a dangerous good in order to uh to transfer to your country that's also uh one of our topic of discussion needs to be solved in the very near in the very near futures so next uh as i mentioned earlier that we are able to bring the uh 366 colombian citizen back home on may 15 with the garuda there are we managed to bring this colombian back to the country with a happy face smile and we are very glad that this refrigeration project was successfully done and i would like to express my appreciation to mr ambassador and also uh to mr darianto hassano and not to be forgotten to the ceo of garuda uh mr irfan satyabhutra as well for this uh collaboration and as a matter of fact our collaboration is being awarded by the colombian and indonesian ministers certificate of appreciation on uh july 2019 and we and also in here uh i would like to uh bring one of the topics of the success story of uh sending the product of fertilizer uh urea albania to colombia through from the pity publication as a subsidiary of petit public indonesia they were managed to deliver the product on 2019 and also 2020 to colombia and it was such a good news for indonesia and also for colombia that we are able to deliver the fertilizer to for the colombia market the total amount for this export from indonesia was reaching nearly 75 000 in two years in 2009 and also in 2020 2009 approximately 32 000 and 2020 approximately 43 000 there are seven local buyers that already purchased the fertilizer from indonesia and this seven local buyers we as an indonesian spectrum enterprise expecting the continuity of exporting the product to colombia as well and the scheme the benefit for colombia and indonesia especially for purple counting in here is actually for colombia is to getting a reality resource and for football culture is to expand the market to south america there are two ski there are three scheme of agree agreed based on discussion of several opportunities between the ambassador of indonesia ambassador of colombia in indonesia and also with the previous uh ceo of football county mr bakker where he is now act as the ceo of the holding fertilizer company in indonesia where they were agreed up for purchase and sales agreement for urea products products so purple car team will be able to deliver all the products to colombia not only for fertilizer but actually purple calcium also has the value-added surfaces on top of the fertilizer is the uh football cult impressive palm system this is a software system with the digital techno as digital satellite technology to be able to see of each individual trees of what will be the fertilizer needed and hold on yeah and this is the pressure pump is actually will be able to see the to determine the necessity of np and k uh so then they will supply base they will get the fertilizer based on the need of its individual plant we do believe that there is familiarity between colombia and indonesia where the palm trees is actually one of the major uh plans in both countries so that's why football culture and public indonesia will support of this export to colombia so what's next for the purpukal team uh they expect there are some of the main importer for colombia such as yara colombia and etc etc to be able to communicate and then purchase from local culture and the most important is actually to create the strategic cooperation between indonesia and colombia to to left the colombia as all fakers for south of american market so that would be the that would be the target for pupukaltin and in order to do such business for inuki and also for football county and also perhaps for the other state-owned enterprise company uh one of the state-owned enterprise bank which is a bni also would like to support us bni has been established in 1946 and they have a thousand branches including in central singapore hong kong tokyo london and new york they have a correspondent correspondent bang in colombia where they can support for state-owned enterprise businesses for import and also for export so they will facilitate these these businesses between state-owned enterprise who wish to have a business in colombia and also for the colombian company who wish to have a business in indonesia mr juan familia already met with one of the director of bni uh mr bob which is currently he he is the uh human capital uh management director where previously when juan camillo met with him he was the international trade director but however bni is definitely support of any transaction fighters from colombia to indonesia or indonesia to colombia they also have a services for for bni to do the bni mobile remittance where for those indonesian they can transfer the money to colombia from the mobile from their own mobile so for those colombians who are in indonesia and has the bni bank account they could send the money back home from the mobile device this is something that will be beneficiary benefit for colombians who are in indonesia the correspondent bank in uh for them for the global payment network including jp morgan standard chatter deutsche bank and city so that's that's all from me from the inuki where i was i did the presentation not only for for inuki but also for pt uh uh football cultin and also for bni so let's make this 40 anniversary of bilateral residency a milestone for a beneficial future to our countries and iruki will support definitely this religion between colombia and indonesia thank you very much thank you thank you bye-bye thank you so much i mean that was very interesting seeing all the different um collaborations already done by the various um state-owned enterprises in indonesia um along with the counterpart i cannot hear your oh sorry okay um okay is it good i think i think i'm already uh unmuted can you hear me now anyone else could hear a buffy you're clearly no problem okay okay so i think we've done with um all the eight presentations for for the panel discussion so thank you very much again for all the speakers um we have um quite several uh questions and comments from um in in the chat uh function of zoom uh but i think um almost all of them are within the same um the same line all the questions are within the same line so basically asking you know how we can improve uh relations between the two countries and a lot of interest perhaps in education um in in business but i'd like to pick up one question and one comment um from the audience that like i'd like to highlight here in the in the q our short q a session uh for the question uh there is a very specific question asking about the you know we want to improve relations but now we have challenges presented by the pandemic you know now we have new obstacles new challenges um some of the um people in the audience um are curious about whether or not you know we have already specific plans for cooperation uh in responding to the pandemic perhaps uh health cooperation that's what i can think of right now or they are you know whether the two countries already have um other ideas of how we can cooperate during these tough times and to answer this question perhaps i would like to ask um both excellencies ambassadors ambassador prio and then ambassador valencia uh to perhaps um share some insights on this but before uh your excellencies answer this question i'd like also to pick up uh one comment um from the participant uh among the participants today we have uh ambassador gustavo ayares who is the ambassador of chile to indonesia and asean and i believe still ambassador ayares you are still with us uh if you'd like to um give your comments directly to the audience uh you have the screen now okay thank you very much first my congratulations for the 40th anniversary of the relationship between colombia and indonesia i speak in spanish very brief comment because i think uh i heard many many opinions many uh uh point of view um my own perception is that colombia in particular in latin america in general we're facing now a new reality in normal that will affect the relationship with indonesia in the following way one of the things that we have been perceived in indonesia and maybe the lack of information about latin america in general so that's reason that person-to-person contacts is very important but in the year to come i think would be very difficult to uh to move forward in this field moreover this reason will be very difficult to move around the next two years so my my proposal is maybe in the panel we can discuss how colombia in particular in latin america as an extension could imagine a different perspective of a new model of business because if we pretend to make uh the same things that we have been making before we we are getting the same results in a sense that we have very low trade very difficult or very i mean very poor knowledge of both regions so maybe we can uh get another vision another another perspective so one of the things that that that i would like to put on the on the table is that maybe we must explore different things like digital economy is one of the things that is now on the spot uh i think uh the colombia asset member of pacific alliance and we will next president in 2021 chile now currently is the president of pacific alliance uh and juan camilo that is the best by far the best latin american ambassador in indonesia is very good friend of mine but i would like to recognize as a very good ambassador so and we are partnering crime in this our you know conspiracy uh movement here in indonesia we are making many things together i think we must uh check it out our relationship with in a sense that we need to uh encourage indonesia to explore latin america in colombia mexico chile and peru we have an integrated market we know that indonesia is studying the possibilities to upgrade its status in pacific alliance hopefully we will get new good news soon also i can see it's very important the chamber of commerce that will be launched on november i think it's a good opportunity for us a latin american country to explore new possibilities with the campus in in indonesia i think a global change value had been not a model of business fully um profit from the indonesian companies because and we have a market that will be interested but we feel that maybe we need to encourage indonesian companies to go to latin america as we of course we need to encourage latin american companies coming to indonesia this uh new opportunities unfortunately with the pandemic it's uh it will be very difficult so we need to explore new model of business uh new opportunities uh we need to work for example just just giving ideas because i'm working as ambassador of chile in indonesia what about if we continue growing in some commodities uh trade what about the fetal sanitary you know measures or validations or certifications maybe to be to make it doing that in person will be very difficult maybe we need to to explore new possibilities of visual certifications for giving you an example in our case actually is working very hard on halal certification but if we have an agreement later the practice will be what about the inspector go to chile go to colombia maybe it will be difficult so maybe we we need to explore different things so my proposal is first continue growing because of colombia has a beautiful modern university uh service sector is upgrade is one of the models in in latin america so i think it's it is a good uh channel because not we we need to talk about more than trade i think we must propose in a comprehensive relationship because nowadays we have a common problems medical supply is a problem for regularly you know the next pandemic because now we are suffering 19 maybe next week whatever so this is a world to explore so uh congratulations happy to be here the whole morning uh happy to see all friends beautiful people so my warmest regard to juan camilo and his team along my colombian friend and of course my friends in indonesian jakarta thank you very much thank you thank you amaz so now i'd like to turn first to ambassador maybe you can give some response i think the comments from amazon is also within the same line you know uh problems due to pandemic and perhaps we need new models of business uh in the bilateral cooperation um you have the screen now ambassador well thank you thank you uh gustavo ayares to support our arguments and also giving us very clear crystal ideas and opinions you underline the importance of people to people contact and the presence of comprehensive relations between the two countries i think and this is a good suggestion and this is uh what we've been doing uh between me and my friend ambassador juan camilo i hope that uh the the provoke address by ambassador pinto also is very valuable to consider to have a investment uh investment guarantee agreement between two countries and of course it's interesting to underline the the situation in the panamic era since the beginning of the outbreak in march when coffee came for the first time in colombia on the 6th of march we shared our information uh how uh to uh cope with the uh or uh mitigate the panda me and other that we attract uh our interest to boost our cooperation in this case uh i'd like also to inform here to our teams that we have the platform of cooperation between the two ministries of health actually and they have set up a working group to communicate to share the experience to share the expertise and new uh newly uh result of investigation and this but again there is no uh one prescription which is fit for all then what we've been doing so far is sharing our information during our experience uh how uh to mitigate the pandemic in our own country as an example we have been sharing uh the experience from indonesia to our colleagues in the academy national academy of medicine in uh colombia in the uh groupo and uh and groupo and real uh empresarial groups and also interest groups uh which is uh or who is uh responsible uh for uh the uh mitigation of panamic but uh in the future for concrete for concrete cooperation i think if we will be successfully able to produce to develop and produce vaccine i think the the turf for cooperation will be open uh wider between colombia and indonesia but again to answer the questions from and the audience what we've been doing in the uh pandemic situation uh what we're doing is sharing our information and in the hope that in the future we can cooperate uh [Music] concretely in faction supply from indonesia for example because vaccine is highly demand everywhere and of course to to conclude my remarks here i would like to express my appreciation and also i would like to emphasize that the 40 years of our religion has let down solid and mature relations between indonesia and colombia and i think it is timely uh to enhance our relations to the new level uh to materialize the dividend of having a very excellent political relations into a very concrete mutually beneficial economic cooperation in the nearest future thanks dr saifa thank you thank you so much ambassador perhaps now ambassador valencia do you have um some response to the questions uh and comment um thank you very much uh are you hearing me now yes perfect thank you very much um first of all thank you to ambassador or a agiarest for your kind word to me you have been my teacher and my master here in indonesia so i am also following your lead in many things that we are doing together but you mentioned ambassadors one thing that is very important is that we how we see the the the trade in the future is not what we have right now uh i imagine in the new the in the near future uh that you can open in your uh in your cell phone the tokopedia app for instance and you can buy the chill the chilean goods or the colombian goods from tacopedia and it will be very easier easy to trade between indonesians and colombia if we manage to understand that the trade in the future will not be part of big companies only but mostly about people buying goods from other people around the world so the copelia and the other unicorns of indonesia will be the key for us to be able to sell our goods in indonesia and to uh and allow indonesians to buy our goods in in colombia and in chile and if we think a little bit further of that maybe governments in the near future will be negotiating tax not with the other government but with these two type of companies because they will have a big percentage of our trade in their hands they will they will have the opportunity to export our goods to the world and they will have also the opportunity to bring the the good from the world to our countries so maybe they will be the next subjects to negotiate that it's uh with and then that's what we have to see from now uh in the in the near future so we think that colombia and indonesia are in the right path uh starting with the negotiation of the fpta and then we have to think about investment and we have about e-commerce and that's why we how we open the door to modernize the trade between colombia and indonesia and to understand that we have to convince these big companies to go to latin america and to operate from colombia and start to sell everything they have here in our markets and start to see our markets as a supplier to their customers in indonesia and southeast asia so that's the way we see it i don't know if we are going to take five ten twenty years but i we we believe that in the in the future it will be like that so we have to prepare for to be prepared for that moment thank you very much thank you ambassador valencia uh would any of the other panelists like to make brief comments um on the issues of you know um um that we're talking about now um if so um just i might not be able to see you if you're raising your hand so please uh if any of the other panelists would like to make a brief comment uh please just take um please just um do so okay dr safir yes yes please yes okay darian here some brief comments of course first of all let me share my views with the statement of ambassador gustavo irs ambassador and then also ambassador valencia i think we all agree that during the pandemics we have to have a new strategy you you know we are all here uh because of a pandemic we have faced the new normal so we have to change the paradigm so uh in this sense uh in facing a new normal we have to set in our mind to avoid the return to a normal paradigm so i think uh in the sense we should always have a an ad adaptive uh innovative and also a transfer or transformative and relevant uh to see the market uh the market needs so i think i fully agree that we should uh explore together a new uh a formula of the relationship especially in the trade i fully agree that one of the important sectors is the e-commerce sectors i mean the digital technology so i mean we have to explore further the cooperations between indonesia and colombia and also with other latin american countries such as chile to explore further on the cooperation on digital technology and then also like i i already mentioned in my presentations one of our programs activities in november is uh there's also this even using a digital platform in order to facilitate what we call an interaction between the the the indonesian entrepreneurs and latin american entrepreneurs especially in colombia and also in chile i think yes a moment ago i gave a presentation to a webinar in uh cadin in the commemoration of the 67th uh bilateral relation with indonesia and brazil and this uh occasion on this occasion i also mentioned that we should work together to increase what we know awareness among the indonesian entrepreneurs and also latin americans entrepreneurs because i miss the coffee this is also a chance for us to increase the interaction virtually not necessarily to physically come to indonesia or go to a latin america but here we are ready hand in hand to cooperate in facilitating the interaction between entrepreneurs from both regions i think that's my comment thank you thank you any other responses to the comments if any from the other uh panelists um if not um then you know i'm not going to make any conclusion to what has been discussed i think we have had a very rich um panel discussion uh my sincere thank you to all of the um very distinguished panelists um that have given their their insights today ambassador amazon valencia uh thank you um to all the speakers for today and i think we can all agree that you know we all seek for the the improvement and the always flattering of the bilateral relations between indonesia and colombia uh and i think it's it's high time with all um you know with all the challenges that we are facing at the moment with the pandemic i think um there's always a way to to always improve the bilateral relations between the two countries and with this i'd like to um thank you all again for the attention and i'd like to head back to the emcee please may i give any comments before we close the uh this agenda um okay sorry um yeah i okay can i hand back to the emcee first and then maybe she will continue the the um if there are any more comments yes please okay maybe very short comment please of me yes okay well well uh ever since we have a a business opportunity for the company like us not only for inuki but also we would like to have a strong support from the governments of colombia as well for us for it inuki is actually for uh the certification of uh other of the products where some sorts of uh certification from uh food drug administration if possible and also from nuclear regulatory agencies and also for football team is to understand more about the colombian market where they have given a supply from the mr ambassador of juan family but we would like to see the real opportunity on ground perhaps with this opportunity we as an indonesian entrepreneur from the staton enterprise company will be able to enter to columbia market even though during the pandemic time we we we can deliver our product at any time that's all from me and hopefully our relationship will be strong and stronger again and thank you for the opportunity for me to deliver my last comment on this agenda thank you very much okay thank you very much bob jamino for uh the comment is have a possibility to ask you okay uh thank you ebu uh dr xavier fifi for sharing the station very very wonderfully excellencies distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen as we have come to the end of the meeting i would like to invite the director of the center for policy analysis and development of american and european regions dr ben perkasa to deliver his closing remarks please thank you very much excellency vice minister director general ambassadors directors directors distinguished speakers moderator participants ladies and gentlemen good afternoon in jakarta and maybe good morning in bogota in colombia already morning there it's a time to end our event now it has been more than four and a half hour longest webinar i've ever had this year and also the biggest number of speakers we have here 17 and 18 with the amazon irs for the last four and a half hours we are here i really appreciate those speakers and participants who are still here at the very moment and it is indeed on behalf of the organizing committee and on behalf of our ministry of foreign affairs indonesia both in the policy analyst development agency and directorate general for american and european affairs to have opportunity to speak here in the nsage in the ending of the international webinar to commemorate the forces 40th anniversary of indonesia and columbia diplomatic relations i would like to express my sincere appreciation and very high thank gratitude to all speakers the fabulous moderator ibu fifi and mc mutyara all the participants for your fellow contribution today is important occasion it is very encouraging of course to hear the productive discussion and outcomes of this important event related to the fourth uh anniversary of first 40 years of the indonesia columbia diplomatic relation during the opening address we also already heard from his excellency mahendra syria the vice minister of for the affair of indonesia on the achievements of indonesia columbia relations as well as the potential sector of cooperation to strengthen the bilateral relation from this address and also address from director general mura and director general sisu we also heard how important colombia is is as a partner of indonesia especially in latin america region the small stakeholder forum like this has managed to bring together government private sector academia and civil society from both countries to hear their fused challenge and projection of indonesian colombia economic military relation nevertheless we do we do realize that there are huge potential and also a number of challenges that we are finishing in the near future i do believe that the outcome of this forum will also beneficial for the overall indonesian colombia future cooperation finally i would like to thank an additional thank to ambassador ambassador juan camilla valencia gonzalez my best friend my friends and colleagues from both pada and director generals of american and european affairs of course my friends from the embassy of the republic of colombia in jakarta my friends from embassy of the republic of indonesia and colombia under excellent leadership of ambassador prayer and of course it will be remiss for me if not mention director of university the whole personnel from the [Music] center for latin american study and universities external colombia for their excellent cooperation and support and especially i would like to appreciate and put a high appreciation for mr golermo who has been arranging the translation uh with a complicated translation but in the end very good and up very good and for everybody else i must mention will make today even a success let us now with this continued success from this point to the bilateral to the better bilateral ties to the next level as ambassador prevention and further contribute to promote economic free in both countries from the current amphibious pandemic with that i declare this webinar close thank you very much muchas gracias adios hasta luego thank you [Music] good morning good afternoon have a nice night foreign [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] um