The Cycle of Procrastination

Jun 3, 2024

The Cycle of Procrastination


  • Scenario: Realizing a report is due the next day and getting distracted
  • Concept: The cycle of procrastination

What Is Procrastination?

  • Distinguished from responsible time management
  • Defined as avoiding a task for no good reason despite negative consequences

Psychological Explanation

  • Our bodies see some tasks as threatening
  • Amygdala releases hormones causing a fear response
  • Stress-induced panic can overpower the prefrontal cortex
  • Fight, flight, or freeze response leads to task avoidance

Emotional Triggers

  • Tasks that evoke negative feelings (dread, incompetence, insecurity)
  • Studies showing increased perception of difficulty when procrastinating
  • Experiment: Students' stress ratings when studying vs. procrastinating

Individual Susceptibility

  • People with low emotional regulation and low self-esteem more prone
  • Misconception: Procrastinators are lazy.
  • Fear of failure causes procrastination due to high standards

Consequences of Procrastination

  • Anxiety, depression, ongoing shame
  • Higher stress levels and physical ailments
  • Temporary stress relief reinforces procrastination as a coping mechanism

Breaking the Cycle

  • Address negative emotions first
  • Strategies:
    • Break tasks into smaller elements
    • Journal about stressors
    • Remove distractions
    • Cultivate self-compassion
  • Importance of a non-stress perpetuating culture


  • Brief on forgiveness and actionable advice on character building.