Transcript for:
Introduction to Hibernate

so welcome back aliens this is Robin ready from today's learnings and in this video we'll talk about hibernet now think about this world so we are living in a world of information right or you can call it as data right so when you talk about this data and when you talk about this software World in software world we always talk about languages right we have C language we have C plus plus we have Java we also but let's say if you talk about this Java world we have a concept of oops right which is object so in Java everything is an object that means if you want to make and make a software you have to think about objects right so it deals with the concept of Ops which is inheritance abstraction uh then we have polymorphism so if we talk about all this thing when it comes to object right but hold on when you want to store a data now how do you store the data so normally when you say you want to store the data you might be storing that in a file which is your txt files uh you might be storing your data inside maybe uh XLS file and who use that you might be storing your data in Doc or CSV file the problem is if you are storing your data in all this format it is very difficult to fetch very difficult to process and that's why we have this amazing person we used to have I mean we have this amazing scientist Dr Cod right I mean that's a respect so yeah Dr core given those 12 rules golden rules which I don't remember now uh so due to those rules we have this concept of relational databases right so we have we have on the on the one side we have object model and the on the other side we have relational model right so we process data we do we do all those uh software stuff with the help of objects and we stored our data in a relational part that means if we are living in this world and if you want to connect your softwares or your applications which works on objects with the relations you have to connect them right now is it that simple to connect uh we have done that right let's say you you have our dbms which is your MySQL and you have Java on this side so how do you connect your Java and MySQL so we have we have this concept of jdbc which is Java database connectivity so using this you can connect your Java application and you can connect your mask here the problem starts when you say you want to connect them in a efficient way when you say efficient way what it means think about us think about developers now let's imagine I'm a developer here it is my job to write an application and all those data should be saved on the tables right okay when you say save it also means persist so we use this amazing word for this persist so we want to achieve persistence we want to store our data which is in the application into the database because in application we use variables right so we normally store our data inside variables so we have to make sure that that data goes into table in objects we have classes on the other side in your relation side we have tables there we have a concept of fields right we have we have variables on this side we have those columns right so table columns on this side we have objects and this side we have Rose tacos right now it is easy to map it right we have class we have table we have variables we have uh Fields but but can you implement all those oops concept what about inheritance what about polymorphism how can you achieve that on tables so these people industry people they wanted a a mapping tool where you can map your objects and relational properly and that's why we have a concept of o r m which stands for object relational mapping okay so it's just a concept right so when you say orm is just a concept we wanted a implementation and that's where we have some orm tools so we have a tool which is hibernet we have a tool like jpa and not jpa hibernate I by test we have top link right so we have all this tools and one of the best tool to use is hibernet so as per the ranking the best orm tool is hibernate again there is a big debate on this as well but let's say uh it's hibernate so if you know hibernate you can learn the other other thing as well so what hibernate does is it does the mapping between object world and traditional world now how exactly we do it that will say in the entire series okay so in this entire series will be talking about hibernate hql how to map it and all the stuff so make sure you subscribe the channel and do like this video so that you can you can watch all those all the further videos thank you so much