[Music] what's going so now you have reversed engineer your vision you figured out what needs to happen for this Vision to become a reality you have put together your action plan so you can break it down into reasonable achievable you can put in place and let's get honest with each other so far everybody's been supporting each other in our weekly interactions our q&as and strategy sessions our coaching I want to thank you for your vulnerability for your compassion for each other for elevating and empowering each other every week and as we go into our last training of this Sprint I want to get intimate with you about your challenges so far what's getting in the way of your next leadership seat I know this is a big question and I need you to get clear on what those challenges are and if you can think about the challenges that are right in front of you because they're work rated that's one aspect the other aspect is what are the challenges in other aspects of my life that could be getting in the way of me going after and fulfilling this desire to claim your next leadership seat now think about what's happening at home how that's impacting you maybe you have a family young kids and maybe there's conflict inside of you about going after your desires and Ambitions as a woman in your career and sacrificing your family I've been there my clients talented High performing women who have families usually go through that as well so my friend you're not alone the question that I have for you is this how will it serve you and always start with you and how will it serve your family if you have a successful career if you have a fulfilling life if you provide the best life that you can provide for them and all that takes is intention and self-awareness it takes intention to know that that's what you want and to set the structure that you need at work that will support that dream and then the same at home to have that self-awareness to ask for the support you need at home from your partner from care providers whatever the case may be for you that will support you with your family as you do both and know that there may be situations where because of the circumstances you may need to ease up on one and pay more attention to the other or vice versa there's so many scenarios of health issues that need to be tended to or of work activities that are really really high priority that need to be tended to and if you don't have anything like this going on at home and you have the support at home and you feel that you can go pedal to the metal on your work and career congratulations what else gets in the way for you if that's the case what's preventing you what are the biggest hurdles what are those leadership skills that you need and how do you plan to acquire them and when you think about acquiring them what is your mindset around them how do you feel about your abilities how confident are you that what you looking to create is possible for you these are simply some ideas of what could be getting in the way when I was starting out in my career my biggest challenge was not knowing English was will I ever be able to communicate with the people around me will I ever be successful as a professional woman can I even graduate college given the fact that I've been in the country for four years those were all question marks in my head however there was one thing that I knew I knew myself and I knew that I was a hard worker and that I was smart and I say that with humbleness and I knew that I learned fast that I was a great learner and that I enjoyed learning so I trusted that to say I am going to work hard to learn what I need to learn and that mentality has really supported me throughout my entire career even when I went after roles that were way above where I was and that were very stretch goals for me and so for you when you think about if you are a non-p people leader yet and you want to go that route what is it going to take if you are a manager and you want to be a senior manager or an associate director and you want to be a director or a director and you want to be a managing director or VP and you want to be a senior VP at your company start looking around to see what qualities those people have because that's going to give you a huge clue as to the skill set that you need to develop and then let's get creative and talk about the resources that you may need to develop those skills that's how we're going to overcome the real challenges ahead of us and then there's the fictitious ones the ones between our ears the good wolf and the bad wolf that we have on our shoulders constantly talking to us the negative selft talk the self-doubt the impostor syndrome we need to squash those and we squash them by anchoring in our strength in our unique value which is where we started week one so whenever you're filling the doubt anchor back into the week one exercises that we did what value do I bring what kind of person am I those are my superpowers and how can I leverage all of that to get to my next leadership seat how can I leverage my coach Dr Jenny to help me with that what kind of coaching do I need what kind of leadership development do I need what are the limiting beliefs the stories that I tell myself and I realize my friends that this is a lot for four weeks trust me I know it is a lot and I want to congratulate you for your willingness to just step out of your comfort zone and play and show up for yourself and bet and invest in yourself and there's more I can teach you everything that I know about claiming your next leadership seat in these four weeks what we're getting is the foundation solid cement Foundation from which you can launch yourself and truly pursue your leadership Vision empowered feeling confident that's what we're doing this week we're slaying those dragons and squashing those fears so that you can move forward with more confidence feeling better about yourself and realizing that whatever it is you think is holding you back that isn't real that's fictitious that we can tackle that with the mindset work that I have prepared for you in the future so that's where I want to end for this particular week I hope you got a lot out of this week and that you are following along with the discussions and the exercises that I'm giving you because they're the ones that are going to help to transform you I am a transformational speaker and Leadership coach and I cannot transform anyone you get to transform yourself and I'm a catalyst to for that transformation that is one of my superpowers just like you have your superpowers so I'm here to support you we're here for you and now we're going to tackle how to strengthen the bridge to get to your destination to get to your point B and to the vision that you have for yourself I want to thank you I want to thank your fiveyear older self for playing full out with us as well I'll see you soon [Music]