Transcript for:
Male Genital Pain: Causes and Treatments

what is the worst pain you have ever experienced in your genitals I know that's a little bit of an odd question but I think it could be quite the Icebreaker for some future conversations and really there's some very cool and interesting anatomy and clinical information that we can learn from these conditions so in order to help us with this we're going to talk about five major causes of male genital pain and a few of these are a little bit more common and many of you may have experienced some of them but some of the others you really don't want to experience like ever so let's bravely get into this the first one we will discuss is what is known as ponis disease and this is a condition characterized by the development of Scar Tissue on the dorsal side or what many would think of as the top of the penis and the scar tissue leads to Bent or curved erections this curvature can be significant and in different directions again most often in the dorsal Direction and it may result ins significant pain erectile dysfunction difficulty with sexual intercourse and shortening of the penis the exact cause of ponus disease is not entirely understood but in some cases it is thought to be related to trauma or injury to the penis that results in abnormal healing and the formation of the scar tissue Pyon disease can vary from mild to severe and may develop slowly or appear suddenly now as far as what to do or how to treat this for some it can improve on its own without any treatment however for many Min men treatment may be necessary to improve the condition and alleviate the symptoms treatment options include medications injections directly into the scar tissue and traction therapy which would be using a device to stretch or pull on the penis in order to improve the abnormal curve and restore the length and there have been small case studies that have shown some efficacy for this treatment option and if the other treatment options fail surgery is also an option next we have good old-fashioned testicular trauma and this is a bit of an obvious one but it has to be addressed because almost every male has likely experienced some form of this however many people wonder why they feel pain in their lower abdomen so we'll have to address this as well and we also need to say that there is a wide spectrum of events that can cause testicular or genital trauma and I'll actually mention a funny story about how this can occur while working out at the gym but the most common form of genital trauma is when a vicious perpetrator engages their soaz elius and other hip flexor muscles and then forcefully engages their quadricep muscles while simultaneously aiming these forceful muscular contractions towards the victim's genitals this action is also known as a kick to the balls or testicles now this can be quite painful and again there are varying degrees of how severe this can be it is possible to rupture a testicle I don't recommend doing this but luckily for most of us that have been kicked in the testicles the testicles don't typically rupture but anybody who's been kicked here before knows that you get that sharp initial pain right in the area but then you often hear males say that it feels like it's like they have been shoved up into the abdomen which in reality this isn't happening but they do feel the pain in their lower abdomen so why is this well this is an example of referred pain referred pain is when Sensory neurons from different parts of the body converge onto the same segments of the spinal cord so your brain almost thinks the pain is coming from the other area as opposed to the area that is actually being stimulated through pain and in this case it can feel like it's coming from the abdomen now as I previously mentioned I was going to give what we can think of as an honorable mention for genital trauma occurring at the gym earlier last year I was with a family member at the gym and he was racking a 45lb plate on one of those vertical weight plate stackers and instead of slowly lowering the plate down he just dropped it onto the stacker while his pelvis was pushed right up against the next plate down and when he dropped the weight this pinched his gland penis in between the two plates and I did what any good person would do I erupted in laughter but but then I realized I had been trained as a medical provider and I had to act my age and act like according to my profession so I quickly switched gears and offered to examine the area he was in enough pain that he actually considered my offer but then he politely declined so quick gym safety tip pelvis clear then drop weight next we have acute bacterial prostatitis which would be inflammation of the prostate gland due to a bacterial infection and the type of bacteria that most commonly causes this is ecoli but it can also be caused by the same bacteria that cause chlamidia and gonorrhea the signs and symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis are typically not subtle as most men that get this have noticeable pelvic and perinal pain and are acutely ill with spiking fever chills malaise myalgia painful urination as well as increased urinary frequency and urgency urine can also appear cloudy and when the prostate is examined by digital rectal exam it is quite firm swollen and we'll say exquisitly tender the bacteria get up to the prostate by entering the urethra and moving up the urinary tract this can occur from an untreated typical UTI also again from chlamydia and gonorrhea medical procedures such as the use of a catheter or even from bladder Outlet obstruction when the urine can't get out properly and flows backwards or kind of reverse in this Upstream Direction and the treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis is accomplished with the use of antibiotics now with all this talk about genital pain and destruction Jeffrey the skeleton was feeling a little bit left out because as you can tell he no longer has his genital structures so he wanted me to take a quick second to talk about something that he does have like his teeth mostly and how important it is to take care of your teeth with the new wave electric toothbrush from today's sponsor lien this toothbrush is amazing it has some impressive new tech while also having an elegant and high quality design for an unbeatable price and one of the first things I thought when I was about to open this was Apple made a toothbrush because it looks like the exact same clean aesthetically pleasing packaging but even more important than aesthetically pleasing packaging is the incredible performance of this toothbrush with its combined 60° oscillation and 66,000 vibrations per second making it so your teeth will be around long after you're gone kind of like Jeffrey but even better because he didn't have a lyen toothbrush liyen uses a new Servo system with a powerful 6 wat motor giving you consistent brushing while at the same time being very gentle on your gums because it combines this strong cleaning power of oscillation with soft bristles unlike some of the more expensive brands that only use a two wat motor it also has a very high quality ipx7 waterproof design that has a simple clean look and also literally stays clean due to having no gaps for Gunk and other hygiene waste products to build up in it also has a cool magnetic fast charging feature and can charge in Just 2 and 1 half hours and you can easily switch between fully customizable modes using its pressure sensitive button and again one of the best parts of this is the affordable price at $69 and only $10 for a pack of three new brush heads so if you're interested in one of these new wave toothbrushes from lyen be sure to check out the link in the description below now the second to worst one on our list is the testicular torsion a testicular torsion can be a serious medical condition that occurs when a testicle rotates within the scrotum twisting the structure called the spermatic cord and the spermatic cord brings blood to the testes now you could imagine that this could be quite painful I remember vividly the first time I saw this in the emergency department the poor guy was in so much pain and looking at his testicle you could see something wasn't right as the testicle was high riding or elevated as well as oriented more transversely rather than vertically and one thing that this patient was missing or was absent during our physical exam is that the patient did not have what is known as The cremasteric Reflex now the typical reflex that you've likely had tested on yourself in a doctor's office would be the patellar reflex or what you might think of as the knee-jerk reaction where they tap the patellar ligament and your quads reflexively contract however there are many other reflexes that are used in clinical settings and the cremasteric reflex is one of those that you would use if you suspect a testicular torsion and it is done by gently stroking the skin of the inner upper portion of the thigh and this will cause a muscle within the spermatic cord called the creas muscle to reflexively contract and Elevate the testicle on the same side that the skin was stroked and this reflex is most often absent in someone that has a testicular torsion because when the spermatic cord is Twisted this compresses the nerves involved in that reflex and it was really funny when I was back in college and we first learned about this reflex from our professor the next day you could kind of hear this Buzz amongst the guys throughout the room This Whispering if you will and you'd hear this hey did you try it did you try it so if you have access to a scrotum you can try this reflex at home because it definitely works but back to the testicular torsion the twisting of the spermatic cord is such a big problem because it reduces the blood flow to the test and if this is not treated quickly could lead to necrosis and a need to remove the testicle treatment is almost always surgical where they would detor or untwist the test and perform an orchiopexy which is a fancy pants way of saying fixating or attaching the test to the inside of the scrotum and this is important because most people that experience a testicular torsion have a defect in the developmental process where the test doesn't properly fixate or attach to the scrotum testicular torsions are often triggered ins susceptible individuals from trauma strenuous activity and can even occur spontaneously which is also just known as bad luck now you might have caught it when I said that testicular torsions are the second worst thing on our list but what could possibly be worse than a testicular torsion well let's talk about Forni ganging Forni ganging is a rare but serious bacterial infection that affects the Deep soft tissues of the genital structures and the perineum which is the area between the the anus and the genitals and it causes those tissues to die this type of ganger is a form of necrotizing fasciitis you may have heard of this as flesh eating disease and it can spread rapidly and is considered a medical emergency again this is caused by bacteria often a combination of aerobic and anerobic bacteria like eoli staf orius and strep to name a few these bacteria can enter the body through a wound or injury in the genital area or through other areas of the body but it is typically seen in patients who are diabetic that have had a long-standing indwelling urethal catheter have had urethal trauma in the presence of urinary tract infection and are immunal compromised and when someone gets this they often experience sudden severe pain in the genital or perinal areas swelling and redness fever chills foul smelling discharge and even crepitus or in other words a crackling sensation Under the Skin due to the gas that is being produced by the bacteria now treatment of this involves immediate administration of broadspectrum antibiotics to fight the infection plus surgical debent which is the removal of dead and infected tissue to stop the spread of the infection as well as supportive care such as IV fluids and nutrition now again this can be life-threatening but in general the sooner the intervention takes place the better as the prognosis improves significantly with early diagnosis and treatment so hopefully that gave you some new insight on some of the worst genital conditions a man can experience so guys protect yourselves wear a cup when necessary and women don't worry we haven't forgotten about you we'll be doing a very similar video for the worst genital pain that females can experience very soon in the meantime if you want to learn more about some crazy things that can happen to the human body you can check out our video on the craziest things I've found in dead bodies thanks for supporting the channel let us know what you thought of the video in the comments and of course I'll see you soon