an environment is a system of living things the earth is our environment the capacity of our environment to provide space to produce food and to supply energy are all limited humans thrive on less than seventeen percent of the earth's surface and only about four percent will grow crops we depend on these limited resources for our survival yet we are increasing our population as if they were infinite this fact is at the core of our environmental problems on this map we'll show population growth from the year 1 ce to the present and project our growth into the year 2050 population concentrations will be indicated by dots each of which will represent one million people in areas where people are spread out and don't live in concentrations of one million dots are placed in the middle of their approximate range historical references will be provided by images and text at the bottom of the screen so so so so do so so so our population is expected to grow to 10 billion by the end of the century yet the earth's size remains the same slowing human population growth and lowering our use of natural resources are key to reducing the impact we have on the planet through the decisions we make about our lifestyles our numbers and our consumption we can all help preserve the health and beauty of our home you