Exploring Operating Systems and Turing

Sep 21, 2024

Introduction to Computational Thinking - Lecture on Operating Systems and the Internet


  • Bill Farmer

Key Topics

  • Alan Turing and his contributions
  • Characters in computing (ASCII and Unicode)
  • Operating systems

Alan Turing

  • Background: British mathematician, logician, and computer scientist.
  • Contributions:
    • Developed the Turing machine model of computation.
    • Demonstrated undecidable decision problems with Alonzo Church.
    • Worked on breaking the German Enigma machine code during WWII, crucial for the Allies' victory.
    • Post-war, designed the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE).
    • Developed the Turing Test, a method to measure machine intelligence.
  • Legacy:
    • Turing Award named after him, equivalent to the Nobel Prize in computing.
    • Died by suicide possibly due to persecution for being homosexual.
    • Speculation about connection to Apple's logo, denied by Apple.

Characters in Computing

  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):

    • Based on the English alphabet from old American typewriters.
    • Consists of 128 characters (94 printable, 33 non-printable control characters).
    • Represented by 7 or 8 bits.
  • Unicode:

    • More universal approach, representing graphemes from more than 130,000 characters and 139 writing systems.
    • Represented by 8, 16, or 32 bits.
    • Used for public interaction scenarios.

Operating Systems

  • Definition: Software that controls computer hardware and enables application programs to run.
  • Common Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X (based on Unix), Linux, Google's Android.
  • Components:
    • Kernel: Controls hardware and provides services to application programs.
      • Services include I/O device management, program execution, memory management, and file system management.
    • System Programs: Essential applications provided by the OS.

User Interfaces

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI):

    • User interacts through graphical displays on screens (phones, laptops, desktops).
    • Requires significant computer resources but easy to use.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI):

    • Text-oriented interaction within a terminal.
    • Uses shells (e.g., C shell, bash) for operation.
    • Operates on a read-execute-print loop.
    • Allows creation of shell scripts for complex tasks.
    • Uses fewer resources, offering more power and flexibility but harder for novices to use.


  • End of lecture, continuation on the topic in the next session.