Transcript for:
Understanding Resilience and Coping Strategies

[Music] all Allah all all ald this is module 20 focusing on stress hardiness and resilience let's look at the reflective activity for module 20 these include what is a relationship between coping and cultural belief Define the concept of resilience identify the concept of res resilience identify the strength underpinning resilience why is resilience so important how can resilience be developed what psychological and environmental factors contribute to resilience what's the difference between coping and resilience how do you teach resilience to Children how you develop resilience in adolescent what is hardiness discuss the component of hardiness how do you improve hardiness examine resilience from an Islamic perspective understand the transactional nature of coping and resilience process differentiate key culturally based aspect of coping and resilience examine coping strategies that increase resilience and hardiness to promote productive and Healthy Living list the five keys to spiritual and emotional resilience let's have a summary of the key points of module 19 there are many ways of coping with stress the coping Effectiveness depends on the type of stressor the personality of the individual and the context of the stressor or the circumstances fulman and Lazaro's definition of coping which include is a constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage both internal or external demand coping requires effort and is learned as one encounter situation and coping is an effort to manage by conceptualizing coping strategy we understand that there are a number of component the biological or physiological relate that how the body natural tendency of coping with stress this is the fight and flight reaction the cognitive component refers how our mental process and how we perceive the situation and how we think about the situation because how we think leads us to behavior a number of models have been developed there are the laus model of stress and coping response to stress model motivational model of coping the Community stress prevention model there are two type of coping or ma major categories of cop what we call problem Focus coping and emotion Focus coping problem Focus coping involve is used when we feel we have control of the situation thus we can manage the source of the problem emotion Focus scoping gener refers to coping effort directed inward in order to strengthen the emotional response to the stress this type of coping is further delineated by denial or avoidance distraction or minimization wishful thinking s contr control of feeling seeking meaning self-blame and expressing or sharing feeling let's now focus on module 20 what a connection between culture and coping and individualism and collectiv ISM crosscultural research stress the importance of considering both Universal and culture specific aspect the majority of research on coping has been based on a western conceptualization of adaptation with little consideration of the cultural context this mean that most of research has been based on a eurocentric conceptualization of adaptive which take little account of the cultural influence in relation to coping skills and strategies now there's a typology that differentiate two different type of societies individualistic Society collectivistic societies stress and coping researchers have now began examining adaptation according behavioral values and Norms using this particular typ ology for example relation Focus coping has been linked with nonwestern collectivistic cultures such as those in Africa Asia and Latin America generally western or eurocentric or individualistic cultures Value Independence and uniqueness common direct coping strategies would include assertiveness self-disclosure confrontation open expression of personal thought and feeling consistent with problem focus and emotion Focus coping in contrast collectivist culture like Islam might Place greater value and emphasis on relational coping strategies such as seeking help seeking help and support from the family from friends from the Masid from the Imam than engagement inal support such as counseling and medication another coping Behavior among collectivistic culture is forbearance forance is a minimization of concealment of concern in an effort to avoid burden others this will include avoidance of expressing intense emotion to others and forance has been associated with spirituality a notion of acceptance of EV EV in the environment which can contribute to a sense of control and calmness let's look a bit more in at aspect of culture coping and resilience coping and cultural belief one way to try to understand differences in coping strategies or approach is to consider cultural differences in people L theories or fa theories about the world and how these differences are manifested which mean having a world view one is utility of effort that mean that people who believe in the utility of effort assume that many outcome in life are controlled by one own exertion of energy for example Good Deeds are reward belief that effort make a difference differentiate cultural group but for example in some Eastern tradition they teach value of perseverance in the face of difficulty the same as in Islam Islam teaches to be persevere in the face of calamities difficulties trial and tribulation belief in utility effort contribute to persistence in response to failure which mean we develop a certain sense of resilience religious belief some religious coping include having a sense that one is asking God in solving a problem however in some cases Muslim for example May interpret trauma as a sin or as a Divine punishment and this is associated sometimes with different types of outcome entity view of the world in terms of incremental theories incremental Theory assume that the self is malleable there's some flexibility that one can change oneself in contrast other theorists believe that effort to change the itself are totally futile when we expand to this worldview some cultures for example perceived the world as difficult to change was euroamerican or anglosaxon are more likely to see the world as changeable benevolent purpose for event among some groups the Assumption of a charitable or benevolent world is Central to human response to different type of trauma difficulties act human response to trauma trauma calamities trial and tribulation cause people to question this assumption construing benefits from tragedy is a common respond to suffering some Oriental new religion emphasize that attachment to the physical world bring suffering a major goal is to escape this suffering by minimizing our NS or ego and personal desires values in terms of individualism versus collectivism we may have defensive pessimism in response to different spread of epidemics or we may have defensive pism in response to the Ebola virus or the zika virus an intentional PES to avoid disappointment collectivist group focus on standing in versus standing out they avoid drawing attention to the problem and uniqueness some groups cope with silent perseverance they keep to self and enure social support is activated in the form of assistance was Collective coping where there's a group focused to provide practical help to a problem ubiquity of change expectation of change and change in the direction of chain give to those who don't have enough and take away from those who have exess in other words it promote persistence in the phase of hardship utility of personal preparation this mean that individual engage in conscious preventive coping by gathering personal or spiritual resources to assure positive outcome however we need to have more research to evaluate this concept whether our worldview is cultural based on these different components one way to try to understand differences in coping approaches is to consider cultural differences in people L theories or fult theories about the world and how these differences are manifested what about models of collectivistic coping F seven Dimension that differentiate collectivistic from individualistic coping First Family Support those culture that are interdependent pre to seek help from the L family members significant others and solve the problem within the family system Asian cultures and among Muslims see disclosing of personal problem as bringing shame and guilt to the entire family in the case of 9911 Asian-American who was a family member cope with the loss by seeking support and comfort from family members including extended family Mexican Americans and other Latin Americans support notion of seeking support from family is a key source of support Muslim families support respect for the young and for the elders as well sometimes the elders are seen of having wisdom hikma and a good source of support in relation to respect for Authority this relate to the belief in Elders being wiser having more wisdom and seeking help from family and how the individual perceive themselves as part of a group willing to sacrifice personal goals for the group and accepting inequalities within the group so there's a strong relationship between those factors and collectivism the same apply within the Muslim Community the s it's a collectivistic culture where Community obligation f is sometimes or or most of the times more important than individual obligation or in the case of imams between the Muslim Community or ELD are viewed as respected authority figure when we talk about intracultural grouping this involve the use of supportive Network which comprise of ethnically or racially similar individual for example family Network community based social groups Intercultural coping is the idea of collective gr interdependent individuals maintain Tighter and longer bonds with in group members and Tra out group members differently make it unlikely for them to understand the pros and cons of being interde dependent the next concept is relational universality the whole defines the individual individual relies on commun for support sense of belonging reciprocal sharing with others and a sense of identity seeking support advice and guidance from those who are experien or are experiencing similar things may be an especially effective coping strategy having belief that one has control over events is deemphasized in collectivist culture basically here we're talking about external locus of control versus C predestination control resides in the environment and social context this a comfort in their human connection forbearance but it's focus of attention in the social learning relationship and the maintenance of social Harmony Harmony bring enables you to accept adversity as well as diversity social activity within collectivist group use social support far more than individualistic group fatalism secondary control such as denial avoidance and reinterpretation of events is viewed as a strategy when primary control cannot be used well Harmony control refers to an active intentional Endeavor when Harmony control is used individual accept and adjust to their roles and to the events are they were spirituality is closely connected to fatalism or an acceptance of the power or higher power of the environment and social context in order to understand our losses sometimes we use fatalistic belief more on culture in terms of discrimination and stigma erod resilience because discrimination narrow the option for coping up adaptation and this reflect an imbalance of power those who are discriminated against do not have access to same options or choices and resources for developing resilience gender constraint are problematic for both sexes cultural sanctions against revealing vulnerability or dependence sometimes block emotional expressiveness and ability to see and give comfort for example in men women combine job and family responsibilities and are increasingly of a burden in time of loss guilt and shame are largely determined by Community hearing the voice of a missing person is normal in many cultures while the same behavior is declared pathological in Western oriented psychology or judeo Christian psychology in terms of meaning it's impossible to know all that is needed about cultural context and religious belief the key is talking more and listening Less in people from cultures that value Mastery and control of Nature and control over one life we see that not knowing about a person well-being and more about is sometime traumatizing help seeking stigma mistrusts sometime ethnic minorities are less likely to seek professional mental health treatment and more inclined to use primary care or infal source of support in some cases immigrants have difficulty communing in English and fear immigration authorities now let's build on what we've discussed about stress and coping and talk about resilience resilience from Latin mean to Le back is the process of adapting well in the facee of trial tribulation adversity trauma tragedy threats or significant sources of stress such as family and relationship problem serious physical or psychological problems or workplace and Financial stresses it means bouncing back from difficult experiences what about definition according to the Journal of health education resilience is a process and experience of being disrupted by change opportunities stresses and adversity and after introspection accessing gifts and strength to grow stronger through disruption research has shown that resilience is ordinary not extraordinary or super skills people commonly demonstrate resilient there are many example where people has been resilient in case of terrorist attacks or Earth quid of tsunami or many other many other catastrophes in the world being resilient doesn't mean a person doesn't experience difficulty or distress em oon pain and sadness are common in people who have suffered major adversity or trauma in their lives in fact the road to resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have it involv resilience involved Behavior thought and action that can be learned and developed in anyone further exploration of resion from the Mariam website dictionary Define resilience as an ability to recover from or adjust easily to Mis for or change or the Inc Define it as speedy recovery from problems the ability to recover quickly from setbacks secondly elasticity the ability of matter to spring back quickly into shape after being bent stretch and deform resilience is a pattern of positive adaptation in the context of past or present [Music] [Music] adversity indeed no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people resilience is often associated with individual who have triumph over adversity they have used great Inner Strength or will to deal with their problematic situation their capacity to deal with a set of circumstances that might defeat others is often admired and held as an example for people to emulate as a good positive role model now there are a lot of factors with strengthened res people have high frustration tolerance being s acceptance have a strong self-belief have a sense of humor seeing different perspective of the same situation being curious are adaptable and flexible and seek meaning in the whole process we can look at other strength and depending resilience in terms of confidence adaptability relationship and purposefulness what about confidence people are more confident when they know what's expected of them especially at work or have the skills or competence to do the job confident competent people really have wellon problem solving skills they know when and how to take action and appreciate the limits of their skills and experience however they do call on other assistance when necessary and use the resources available and they are well placed to help others those who are adaptable is about people being adaptable in their thinking especially in changing circumstances adaptable people view situation from multiple perspective or having different worldviews and challenge their habitual or condition ways of thinking they also can Learners they Keen Learners of new skills and this Ena them to adapt to evolving needs and expectation whether at work or at home one of the most inhibitor of adaptability is people resistant to change relationship is a strength when people feel they are in the context of work they have productive working relationship with colleague and a supportive relationship with their manager trust is an important aspect of good workplace relation ship and an absence of trust can be one of the greatest Inhibitors of residence at work but trust is also an important aspect not only at work but at home with the family and an absence of trust can be detrimental in interpersonal relationship finally purposefulness for people to have a sense of purpose about what they do or the work they need to have clear goals and good understanding of their contribution to the workplace they also need to know whether they are progressing in the ways that they are expected they want to get feedback if they're not doing something right then how they should be doing differently these four areas of strength interact with each other and one can have a positive effect on the others in this way one could build personal or professional or organizational resilience