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Key Pediatric Skin Conditions Overview

hey everyone I'm Ashton a family and emergency nurse practitioner and one of the instructors with SM and P reviews I am so excited to talk about a couple of pediatric dermatologic conditions that you'll want to be familiar with not only for practice but also for your certification exam today we're going to review a few Basics but if you want to take a deeper dive into this topic definitely check out one of our review courses also be sure to click that subscribe button so you don't miss out on our latest videos first up let's talk about impetigo this condition is a very contagious superficial bacterial infection of the skin the most common pathogens are stacus oras and strepto cacus pyogenes impetigo is most commonly seen in children specifically ages 2 to 5 years old and is most prevalent in warm humid conditions impetigo is easily spread among individuals in close contact other risk factors include poverty overcrowding even poor hygiene and there are actually two types of Tigo do yall remember what those are yep Bullis and non Bullis intigo and extra exam tip here I would be sure to know how to recognize a picture and description of both Bullis and non-bus intiga in in cases of non-bus Tigo lesions begin as papules that evolve into vesicles these vesicles then become pules that enlarge and break down to form thick honey colored crusted lesions these lesions tend to be localized and are most common on the face and extremities now what about Bolas sympo with this type the vesicles enlarge to form bua with clear yellow fluid which later become dark and eventually rupture most cases of impo can be diagnosed clinically based on the appearance of lesions however a culture or Gram stain may be obtained in more complicated cases to determine the underlying pathogen and to help guide treatment topical therapy such as mup purus and ointment is used for patients with limited skin involvement whereas oral therapy is reserved for patients with numerous widespread lesions some options I'm thinking speak of are sexin also known as klex and dicloxacillin however if methylin resistance staus orius or MRSA is suspected we'll need a heavy hitter antibiotic such as trimethoprim sulfamethoxazol also known as vrum DS clomin which is also known as closin or doxycycline which we also know as viomy next up atopic dermatitis also known as eczema is a chronic partic inflammatory skin disease that occurs most frequently in children this condition is often associated with an elevated serum level of imunoglobulin e or IG risk factors include a personal or family history of atopy and environmental exposures such as climate air pollution and water hardness the Hallmark signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis are dry skin and severe partis however it's important to note that the clinical presentation is highly variable depending upon the patient's age ethnicity and even the severity of the condition a 5-year-old child with a history of asthma and allergic rinitis presents with partic dry arthemius lesions on the face and extensor surfaces what diagnosis should the nurse practitioner be concerned about think for a moment about some of the key words in this question paric dry aitous lesions on the face and extensor surfaces those words immediately make me think of what atopic dermatitis patients with atopic dermatitis May develop what is known as the atopic Triad which is a typical sequence of atopic dermatitis allergic rtis and Asthma that occur at certain ages and as you study for boards I would definitely be familiar with all of the conditions involved in the a topic Triad which we cover extensively in our courses there are several more pediatric dermatologic topics to review for your exams but I hope this video helps you grasp a few of them if you're interested in learning more about pediatric Derm topics and how to pass your boards definitely check out one of our review courses and if you are looking for an amazing free community of students prepping for boards just like you make sure to join our Facebook group and these will be linked in the description and here are our references and image attributions and that's it for this video you are so close to becoming a real deal in PE be sure to check out our other videos and at smnp reviews we truly believe that with the right preparation you can totally pass boards We are rooting for you