Fundamentals of Algorithms and Their Importance

Oct 5, 2024

Introduction to Algorithms Lecture Notes

Course Overview

  • Offered by Treehouse, in collaboration with Free Code Camp.
  • Focus on algorithms, particularly sorting and searching.
  • Designed to dispel fear around algorithms and provide a foundational understanding.

What is an Algorithm?

  • A set of steps or instructions for completing a task.
  • Examples:
    • Recipes
    • Morning routines
    • Driving directions
  • In computer science, refers to the steps a program takes to finish a task.

Importance of Algorithms

  • Knowing about algorithms is crucial for:
    • Evaluating their performance.
    • Understanding efficiency and complexity.
    • Preparing for technical interviews in the industry.

Key Concepts

  • Algorithmic Thinking:
    • Breaking down a problem into distinct steps.
    • Identifying the right data structures and algorithms for a task.
  • Complexity and Efficiency:
    • Understanding how code performs in different situations is critical.
    • Algorithms are often evaluated for their time and space complexity.

Types of Algorithms Covered

Searching Algorithms

  • Linear Search:
    • Iterates through each element until the target is found.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Binary Search:
    • Requires sorted data.
    • Cuts search space in half with each comparison.
    • Time complexity: O(log n)

Sorting Algorithms

  • Selection Sort:
    • Simple but inefficient.
    • Time complexity: O(n²)
  • Merge Sort:
    • A more efficient sorting algorithm.
    • Time complexity: O(n log n)


  • A technique where a function calls itself.
  • Essential for many algorithms, including sorting (e.g., merge sort).
  • Base cases are needed to terminate the recursive calls.

Recursion Example: Sum Function

  • Demonstrated through a function that sums a list of numbers.
  • Base case: when the list is empty.

Implementation Examples


  • Inefficient sorting algorithm; randomizes list until sorted.
  • Time complexity is highly unpredictable and inefficient.

Selection Sort

  • Compares each value to find the minimum.
  • Moves that minimum to the sorted list.
  • Time complexity: O(n²).


  • Picks a pivot and partitions the list into smaller lists based on that pivot.
  • Utilizes recursion to sort these smaller lists.
  • Time complexity: Average case O(n log n), worst case O(n²).

Key Differences Between Sorting Algorithms

  • Efficiency:
    • Quick sort is faster than selection sort and merges sort for larger datasets.
  • Big O Notation:
    • Useful for evaluating algorithm performance as data size increases.


  • Understanding and implementing algorithms are critical for effective programming.
  • Algorithmic thinking will aid in solving complex problems.
  • Preparation for technical interviews can benefit from strong knowledge of algorithms.

Next Steps

  • Explore additional algorithms and data structures.
  • Practical application of the concepts learned in real-world programming scenarios.