Effects of Drugs on Brain Function

Oct 8, 2024

Understanding How Drugs Affect the Brain


  • Most people will use some form of medication in their lifetime.
  • Drugs impact our physical feelings, thoughts, and behaviors by altering brain cell communication.

Drug Intake Methods

  • Oral: Slowest, absorbed via digestive system.
  • Inhalation: Faster absorption into bloodstream.
  • Injection: Fastest, directly into the blood.

Blood-Brain Barrier

  • Drugs must cross this barrier to affect the brain.
  • Requires specific chemical compositions to "unlock" the barrier.

Effects on Brain Function

  • Drugs target neurons and synapses in the brain.
  • Neurons: Brain cells with nucleus, dendrites, axon.
  • Synapses: Allow electrochemical signal exchange via neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitter Functions

  • Play roles in behavior, emotion, cognition.
  • Function by either inhibiting or exciting neurons.
  • Excess neurotransmitters are degraded or reabsorbed.

Drug Mechanism

  • Drugs manipulate synaptic transmissions, altering neurotransmitter spread.

Examples of Drug Effects

  • Antidepressants (SSRIs): Inhibit serotonin reabsorption, increasing mood modulation.
  • Painkillers (Morphine): Elevate serotonin and noradrenaline, affecting energy, alertness, pleasure, and pain perception.
  • Tranquilizers: Increase GABA, reducing neural activity -> sedation.

Impact of Illicit Drugs

  • Crystal Meth/Amphetamine: Prolonged dopamine release, activates noradrenaline -> increased heart rate, fight-or-flight response.
  • Cocaine: Blocks dopamine and serotonin reuptake -> increased energy, euphoria, appetite suppression.
  • Hallucinogens (LSD, Mescaline, DMT): Blocks serotonin release, affects perception and behavior regulation.

Risks and Considerations

  • Drugs can permanently alter brain chemistry with repeated use.
  • Potential impact on decision-making, learning, memory.
  • Controlled due to powerful and sometimes harmful effects.


  • Much is still unknown about the effects of drugs.
  • Ongoing research aims to turn knowledge into effective treatments.
  • Growing understanding could lead to solutions for complex medical issues.