Essential Steps for Effective Infographics

Sep 11, 2024

Beginner's Guide to Creating Shareable Infographics (Part 3)


  • Recap of previous episodes:
    • Part 1: What makes a good infographic.
    • Part 2: Types of infographics.
  • Focus of Part 3: Steps to follow before creating an infographic.

Steps to Follow Before Creating an Infographic

1. Define Your Target Audience

  • Establish who you are communicating to:
    • Sales, marketing, corporate community, academics.
  • Tone and presentation depend on the audience.

2. Define Your Goals

  • Determine what you want to achieve with the infographic:
    • Reveal hidden trends, break down complex data, provide guidelines, raise awareness, compare products, tell a story.

3. Define the Medium

  • Determine the platform (web or print):
    • Affects size, height, and resolution.
    • Web: Longer formats, lower resolution.
    • Print: Standard sizes, higher resolution.

4. Choose Your Topic

  • Organize ideas, establish a thesis statement supported by data.
  • Conduct research to back up the thesis.

5. Find the Right Information

  • Repurpose existing content or conduct new research.
  • Use Google, surveys, polls, press releases, interviews.

6. Process Your Data

  • Format the data into an easy-to-use format like CSV.
  • Tools like VisMe can import and manipulate the data.

7. Find Your Story in the Data

  • "Interview" your data to find a story worth telling.
  • Look for patterns and trends.
  • Examples include changes over time, comparisons, compositions, and relationships.

8. Analyze Trends

  • Use visuals like bar charts, line charts to identify trends:
    • Line graphs for changes over time.
    • Comparisons should be consistent (apples to apples).
    • Pie charts for 100% compositions, bar charts for other compositions.
    • Use scatter plots and bubble charts for relationships.

9. Write Copy for Your Infographic

  • Define tone based on the audience.
  • Focus on one big idea, use data to tell the story.
  • Craft a narrative with a climax and resolution.
  • Use maps and figures to create a cohesive visual story.
  • Structure: Title, introduction, body, and footer.
    • Catchy title, concise text, visual support, and source credits in the footer.


  • Summary of nine steps to follow before creating an infographic.
  • Next episode: Design process of the infographic.