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Essential Steps for Effective Infographics
Sep 11, 2024
Beginner's Guide to Creating Shareable Infographics (Part 3)
Recap of previous episodes:
Part 1: What makes a good infographic.
Part 2: Types of infographics.
Focus of Part 3: Steps to follow before creating an infographic.
Steps to Follow Before Creating an Infographic
1. Define Your Target Audience
Establish who you are communicating to:
Sales, marketing, corporate community, academics.
Tone and presentation depend on the audience.
2. Define Your Goals
Determine what you want to achieve with the infographic:
Reveal hidden trends, break down complex data, provide guidelines, raise awareness, compare products, tell a story.
3. Define the Medium
Determine the platform (web or print):
Affects size, height, and resolution.
Web: Longer formats, lower resolution.
Print: Standard sizes, higher resolution.
4. Choose Your Topic
Organize ideas, establish a thesis statement supported by data.
Conduct research to back up the thesis.
5. Find the Right Information
Repurpose existing content or conduct new research.
Use Google, surveys, polls, press releases, interviews.
6. Process Your Data
Format the data into an easy-to-use format like CSV.
Tools like VisMe can import and manipulate the data.
7. Find Your Story in the Data
"Interview" your data to find a story worth telling.
Look for patterns and trends.
Examples include changes over time, comparisons, compositions, and relationships.
8. Analyze Trends
Use visuals like bar charts, line charts to identify trends:
Line graphs for changes over time.
Comparisons should be consistent (apples to apples).
Pie charts for 100% compositions, bar charts for other compositions.
Use scatter plots and bubble charts for relationships.
9. Write Copy for Your Infographic
Define tone based on the audience.
Focus on one big idea, use data to tell the story.
Craft a narrative with a climax and resolution.
Use maps and figures to create a cohesive visual story.
Structure: Title, introduction, body, and footer.
Catchy title, concise text, visual support, and source credits in the footer.
Summary of nine steps to follow before creating an infographic.
Next episode: Design process of the infographic.
Full transcript