Transcript for:
Google Shadowban: Detection and Analysis

Google shadowban Dei detected let me see what he says sup guys I'm kutus and well I I made a post on Twitter earlier today and one of the comments was this redit thread it really drwn my attention I know I decided to make a video immediately immediately after I saw it this is going to be the first time right now I'm like 80 to 90% sure it's happening the 10 to 20% is that Google does work algorithmically with something that's called search engine optimization or SEO so there is a chance that the website just doesn't get a lot of traffic but the pages about the website do that's the only thing that I could think of but I don't know I'll take a look at this they get pushed up yeah they get pushed up let's take a quick read it's from RIT uh kotak action which is a great name by the way the cactus pie Google sensor di detect Googling for the detected no longer shows any results why used to look okay so Googling de detected. comom okay so let's give it a try de I try myself. uh yeah it chose no you searched something different CU and there you didn't search let me try it with this I just Googled Google deid detected. comom yeah no he's right he's right bro like yeah that's no it's happening try Bing okay well I I even without it's number one and with with with it it's also number one I mean the literally searching for like that's like doesn't result in giving a search for like cuz you you can like I I I AG like I think now I'm like 2% that it's not on purpose because like a do is a website search explicitly that's an explicit website search and not just a term search add site only so I would type it like this I've never done this before so I would do it like this zero results and if I go see this this might not show okay no it's fine um yeah Jack Ass lighting no no I mean like no I I you know again the the fundamental of the of the scientific method is a null hypothesis if you're not working to disprove your own conclusion you're not doing yourself a favor I want to try everything to disprove this before I think it's true oh uh it shows my but that's everything I can think of it show yes it has a a link but it's a steam community link that you know um redirect redirect to my website this is because I have this under my uh Creator page so if you click it right here of course it's going to take you to the website there is the the thread itself right here Google CD I detected what's this there's this guy this CH oh talking about about my interview video it it's not it it that's not that's not the website though Twitter profile I guess on Twitter page why is it a big deal that it's censored uh well I mean it means that Google is it's another point on the graph as if we needed another one that Google is actively like curating the search results for things based off of whether Google approves of them or not this is one thing you have to understand is that Google is a tool people want Google to be a tool to perform a function so if the tool doesn't perform the function then the tool is bad it's that simple so this is the same for AI if you buy a hammer and the hammer has like some sort of like magnetic [ __ ] detector that you're building a dog house because this Hammer is only meant to make cat houses and not dog houses and it like holds the hammer back so you can't nail nails with a hammer when you make a dogghouse nobody would ever buy that [ __ ] Hammer because people don't want tools to make decisions for them people want to make the decision to use a tool and then use what they want to use with the tool that's the way it works so this is I think it's a very big deal it's a huge deal that you have one of the biggest websites in the world that's deciding what people can and can't see it is it's huge like how how do you not think that's huge that's gigantic oh it's cuz I it's cuz I linked the website in my post oh yeah dude and it's like also like here's the other thing is that Google enjoy somebody brought up section 230 that's a really good point Google enjoys a lot of privileges that the government provides to it because Google agrees to be a platform and not a publisher so Google is actively basically enjoying a number of privileges that it has that's granted to it by the government while simultaneously not behaving in the way that it's implied to to to behave I think that's a very big issue so I have no problem with Google do if Google wants to do this that's their website that's their right but I don't want to start giving them Privileges and you know like exceptions and you know like making go arounds for rules like oh Google doesn't have to follow this rule because it's special no it's not it's doing the same thing like that's fine if you want to be the same as everybody else do it but then don't go and expect privileges at the same time that you do the thing that the Privileges are supposed to enable you not to do that's really it it's gone it's gone I've checked it like two days ago fine let let's check Duck Duck Go um the I detected Boom the first result right there I doubt Google is actively censoring the guy they don't care enough but okay so but they are accidentally censoring him right like they're like we all okay let's assume that they're accidentally censoring him so like like I I feel like this is a [ __ ] again 98% chance not 100 hey hey it's not 100 there could be something weird isn't that even worse no it's not because uh intentional Behavior implies a pattern whereas accidental Behavior doesn't it's totally different it's Common Sense H okay let's see what the threat says I can confir the not Google can try searching why is not Lisa is unclear there are some pretty NY website question content that dude this is crazy I mean maybe it's cause no the elections are is hitting up in the United States maybe that's why because I I think that's crazy and I think that stuff like this is the biggest argument for regulation of these internet companies the idea that because the elections are heating up Google is now being more censorious with the different results that's insane that's crazy and again they're a private company and they have every right to do this but what I would argue is that they don't have a right to the Privileges that these websites enjoy if they're not behaving in good faith which they are clearly not clearly not behaving in good faith take away the Privileges then as well I mean even some politicians are talking about the de somebody says [ __ ] yeah I'm more government regulation as you type on your phone that's regulated by the government every single thing in your entire life is regulated by the government this idea that regulation is bad is like a fish that's protesting water everything in your entire life is regulated you're delusional I mean this guy uh rap Matt guy I I I have no idea who this guys is I never heard about this guy official Congressman brought conservatives honor Ser oh he's from Florida Bas state by the way it's it's becoming political it's being it's being used as a political platform by some um politicians Di has no role in our society we must drive it out of corporate boardrooms out of a military damn that the military has the United States military has the you had no idea about this bro they all to drive anybody out of Congress who believes in This Racist garbage # dump the also another component cuz I know that there are some people that are like super conservative that watch and so they're like mindbroken over the fact that I think regulation is good I want to let you know that the current rules are regulation the current way that they behave in and the adherence to these rules is by fundamental a regulation so in fact if I say get rid of these rules I am just changing the regulation from one thing to another if not removing it and wow uh 70 73,000 views thousand repos bunch of people liking bookmarks and this guy's profile is not small bro I mean almost three million followers yeah he's big politician in the United States definitely and dude um this is crazy this is um how far are we getting and of course my my website is literally called the detected even if he's not mentioning the video gaming industry the gaming industry which is um I Main subject right uh soon to be expanded to some other parts of Pop Culture as a whole but still I only talk about video games but it's di di can be everywhere anywhere and this just some other [ __ ] I'll link you all the video you want to watch the rest of it but like this is generally what I I this is what I think is like I think that if Google wants to this actually happens because of regulations with less regulations this wouldn't happen uh regardless of why you think it's happening and like you can extrapolate this one way or another there's the video um I think that the probability that this is happening is like 98% Google has openly stated multiple times that they curate search results it logically tracks that they are curating whenever they were talking about curating search results the people that were talking about it were the people that were Pro Dei I think that you could logically assume that they do this on purpose and it was intentional and even if it's not intentional I think that it is 100% happening and in my opinion 98% intentional there is a probability it exists right that it's just accidental it didn't actually happen Etc but that probability is very low yeah it could be massive reports on the URL um not an active Google decision um yeah yeah and and that's what I'm saying right that's the 98% or sorry that's the 2% sure uh is folks are calling anyone a nonwhite Dei well either way right I'm not talking about like whether you think Dei is good or not uh I think it's very problematic that websites are getting delisted randomly uh I do and I think that if Google wants to act as a tool to list websites and it wants to enjoy the Privileges that it that the government provides it by uh not having to worry about certain types of accountability for Content that's indexed and shown on its platform such as revenge porn and things that are a lot worse than that then I think it should also be accountable for not making decisions like this that are biased so I I think you know it's like you can't have your cake and eat it too like they can enjoy the Privileges but then they have to behave in a way that adheres to what those privileges are supposed to uh uphold but if you're enjoying those Privileges and you're also taking advantage of them well then you're just taking advantage of the people and so the website's literally broken I don't I just I I I think the website is broken because people just like spam went to it but whenever I went to it earlier uh you know it was fine I I literally did this like minutes ago so it's not like it was like you know 3 days ago I checked this and also like if you want to say well that's why they didn't index it there's other websites that like a lot of websites of if a streamer goes to them and like everybody on the chat goes to them it'll crash the website so I don't think you can even extrapolate an argument from that so yeah it's all automated it's not done by a real person um I don't know I'm not sure if it is or not yeah I'm not sure what if they're biased on behalf of the government though I'm not sure you'd have to like really explain what you mean by that rather than just like a theoretical every major website has those uh has those protections you need to regulate all search engines and all social media companies which I agree with but I doubt it'll happen no I think it will 100% happen regulation of the internet will happen a lot more and every year it will happen more there will be good things that come out of it and there will also be bad things that come out of it but I think that regulation is in in some cases necessary uh in some cases very unnecessary but I think that it's inevitable regardless so yeah automation doesn't exclude human intervention yeah and also if something is automated that doesn't mean that it's necessarily completely absolved of guilt right so that's the way I see it like any regulation yeah exactly people WR automation there isn't a chain where at some point people were involved I don't know that like it's impossible to know whether that's true or not but I think that this does seem to align with what Google has said uh like publicly in the past with like you know like their values and stuff so you know big surprise this happens like I I don't know like I would immediately assume this is what's happening I I I don't know like I think that if you were to assume this wasn't happening if I was to I I'm not going to say it's happening 100% like I said but if I had to say is it happening or not it is it is like if I had to guess one way or another I bet it's happening on purpose I do I don't think it's intentional versale their dos protection or something it's pred uh it's preventing indexing and there's stuff about it on stack Overflow you don't think it's intentional well maybe you should find a few other websites that are you know controversial and very small in scope and then see if those would also show that are of different political leaning and then I think it would be a better way to show that because like you can say that right but like that you're making like an abstract argument like for me I want to see an actual like an effect of this like I want to see like you say this is happening let's let's let's see it happen right like that's why I wanted to test it and see it for myself you can talk about oh yeah this is some indexing thing but like with this specific example I don't think so is that trust me uh uh trust me uh pick up it's intentional uh it's bad development I'm a web developer pick me up what do you mean what are you talking about this you can explain okay explain it go ahead bro it's not Google's fart the website is badly configured okay well no I mean I I'll listen to what he has to say why not let's listen to what he's saying do you see that the website doesn't have uh don't has robots.txt I don't know what that means this file is for crawl this file is for Google search engine console how do you know that that file is required for Google to index a website how do you know that it's not right because you could logically find another website with that file and then probably be able to find it on Google right so it's not okay if you develop a website badly and you don't have this file properly configured your website will never be index in can you find another example of a website of the similar size that has the same issue because I don't believe this I I don't think this is true because like so this is the reason why I don't think that it's true I think that probably a lot of the other search engines use something that's very similar to how Google indexes search results it's probably probably like 95% similar so why is it that it doesn't show up at all but on the other ones it shows up in first place on every single other one it's first place but on Google it doesn't exist I I I I I can't that doesn't make sense to me sorry Zach I was working at Google at age of 19 I'm 33 right now they're working the same way all these years okay so you worked at Google all right that's good are there websites so let me make sure the file is for Google search engine control are there websites that have the robot.txt file not configured that are still indexed in Google very simple question because that's what your argument is right your argument is that because this file isn't configured then it's not showing up well if somebody else found a website that didn't have an article the the file configured and did show up wouldn't that disprove the argument like logically that's how that's how I would cuz like you can that you remove that variable because you have a control and you do it and that's not how it works right I mean I I I I I don't know what I'm thinking yes ask me okay so so then then there well there's the question right so if there are websites that don't have this file configured then why is this website the reason being the file isn't configured it doesn't make sense they can sure but the rank will be low as hell okay so we'll be almost not in indexable so even inside of your argument almost not is not not so wouldn't wouldn't your argument be disproven immediately if you were able to look directly by looking through the search index specifically by doing site colon Dei detected oh sorry this is on Bing so it doesn't work wouldn't that immediately wouldn't I I feel like that would break it right I think that breaks the argument I could be wrong but that's I'm pretty sure that breaks the argument it's not only the file it's about many variables but in web development is about robots. text m Da rank backlinks I this is one of the situations like I I think I know that this is wrong but I don't think I have enough like I I know a little bit about web development in this but like I know like 1% I don't know enough I I don't know enough to like argue this on a technical level I I can't argue this on a technical level like I I can't but nothing about this makes sense he's kind of right yeah but everything that he's saying like the moment that you nail down a variable like if you can if you find a variable that you think is the reason why it's happening then you could logically look for another website that has the same variable and also expect for it not to be indexed but if it is indexed it imply that that variable is not the causal factor in causing it to not be indexed like almost not is not not yes whenever it said zero search results like zero like 0.000000001 is almost zero but it's not zero we got a zero we didn't get a 0000001 we got a literal zero Zach why is it going to lie to you we're almost the same Agee I'm not a kid you know uh avac home was a pirate software Google didn't even ban it they just de-indexed it because of bad intentional development I think that we're having a communication problem because what you're um you're agreeing with me I said it's intentional and then you said Google de-indexed it because it was bad which was intent like I'm not trying to be rude right I mean I I I'm not at all but I I really don't think that what you're saying makes sense uh this is a situation where both things are possible because none are mutually exclusive well it just doesn't make sense to me it's not conspiration it's just bad development plus I can say they use cloud flare and nowadays cloudfare uh SAS is very difficult to configure properly and make it index to Google can you provide me with another example of that not happening like cuz I like you're talking about like theoreticals like I want to see an example like where's an example of this happening cuz I can't I like you you're you making an extrapolation you can't prove that I can't disprove it so I need an example it used to be indexed oh that's a great question that's a great comment yeah have you considered that examples are difficult to actually provide because people usually fix issues like this he doesn't deserve a ban why would I ban him no why would he's not getting why would he get banned no the people that get banned get banned for being like psychotic or [ __ ] aax home is the best example I I I was aware of my last two years career yeah but so I I think that that example is actually very bad example and the reason why I think that it's very bad is that based off of the way that you described uh their relationship with Google you said that Google de-indexed them which implies that Google intentionally took an action to de-index them and if Google intentionally took an action to de-index them that means that logically they were indexed before so if Google intentionally took them off the index that means that Google did it and I'm saying Google did this now your argument could be that Google only did it because of the way that they had badly configured uh the intentional development right that that's that could be your argument I don't think so I don't trust Google enough for that I don't I think that there lying if I I don't trust that but here's the thing is I I feel like right now you have to tell you can tell Google to not to index your website well I mean like so do you think he told Google not to index his website and then he made a video about Google not indexing his website for censorship I mean yeah that's possible right I mean sure uh now I think that's like kind of a conspiracy theory but I mean again it's possible absolutely probably less possible than Google just doing it what's the context argument yeah robot text file doesn't keep Google from indexing your site it just gives info on how to index yeah I I I think that we've gotten to the point to where here's the truth Google is not evil Zach well then why did they get rid of their logo of saying do no evil or don't be evil I mean that sounds something somebody evil would do like I don't know I I look I I mean of all the things not to say that they're not I mean it's weird that they would say that man I I'll listen to index because one thing two probably bad development the other one is the website developers sometimes make these errors intentional because they can index it later to gain better uh rank with backlinks network uh some sites as Fox News use the second part of this technique okay um I don't have an like I don't think what you're saying is the reason why it's happening there's no way that you can prove it to me because we don't know why Google didn't index it they never said anything about it if you can provide an example that could make it make sense that's fine seems like we probably don't have one and it seems like every other example that's being used disproves this I think that you're wrong I think you're totally wrong based off of every type of just Layman's understanding that I'm looking at it everything Google has said over the last 10 years uh like people complaining about Google de-indexing things a long time now you could be right but I think the chances of you being right is like 1 or 2% I think it is much more like that the obvious thing happened that's what I think now pull me up if you qu need a quick demonstration on what's wrong with the website you can you can figure out everything that's wrong with the website but that still doesn't mean the website would be de-indexed this person says they have an example to provide okay go ahead the website is malfunctioning I can demonstrate okay go ahead this will be the last one then I I think that again this is it it's this kind of played out at this point it would be based on Google's tools okay thanks go to the pagee and copy paste the website link the Google tool will tell you that they're experiencing difficulties indexing it okay paste the DI website into it okay seo's 80 crawling and indexing this page has unsuccessful HTTP status code that's on mobile oh you're right same thing here's the reality I don't know enough about this to research this and to know what I'm looking at and to actually an to actually Analyze This properly straight up I don't know enough about this I can go through this and listen to what chat says I think that's not the reason I would be very curious to he to hear somebody who knows more than I do evaluate this because based off of what I see and what I know about Google I think Google's doing this on purpose and the reason why is that every other website doesn't have a problem with this only Google does Google has already said that they've done you just did this a random chatter you expect me to believe a random chatter about this absolutely not you guys both have points yes I don't know what's happening about this won't me tell you what's happening well yeah yeah absolutely I think this is what's happening if I see something that makes sense based off of everything that I understand and then somebody tells me that's not why it's happening no I'm not going to immediately believe it absolutely not no yeah why would I believe that absolutely you're gasoline you yes and I I don't know enough about this to be able to like actually like yeah if it walks like a duck at quacks like a duck it could be a person pretending to be a duck but it could also just be a [ __ ] duck that's what I would say Google is awful for sure which website you compare with does not matter the issue is that the Dei website is just malfunctioning the dev can probably fix it how can the dev fix okay actually this is a great no no you bringing up a really good point how can the dev fix it because if you're saying that it's a malfunction and then Google will then reindex it based off of the malfunction being fixed then logically if they do that then the website will be reindexed so what do they need to do pull me up I can explain a few things why would I pull somebody up about this you guys like there can be one person who's 14 and the next person who has a PHD in network design or network Administration you look the same you understand you look the same there's no way that I can look and see oh this is what this person has this is what this person knows yeah I I can't decide that so what does he need to do to get reindexed there's no reason why being in duck duck do go can index a site and a bigger search engine like Google can't it makes no sense exactly that like everything about this like nothing about this makes sense to me like I'm sorry but like whenever and and I'm a big believer that when something doesn't make sense that's probably because it's not true that's generally what I think now again I'm not 100% but I think I'm pretty [ __ ] close they need to resolve that numbered error it's not that they can't index it it's automatic but making too many requests is not a good sign generally just a quick check shows that the issue is being related to http requests which appears spamming I'm going to be honest I don't know enough about this to debate debate somebody on this I don't and based off of everything that I've heard from Google I'm not going to believe this until I have it thoroughly explained by somebody who I trust I I I can't debate this to be honest yeah a knowledge 404 yeah I I don't know this nothing about this makes sense to me I think it's being suppressed I think the arguments that are being used don't make sense but I don't know enough about it to completely disprove it that's the way I see it where on the way your artistic viewers debate it out on Reddit yeah like I don't know that's the way I see it they don't make sense yeah it does not make sense at all to me call mudahar Pirate software yeah somebody like I don't know anything about web web hosting or anything like that there's a number of reasons why Google might not automatically index your websites partly proven by the hundreds of websites answering why it might not be it seems like a common issue maybe you're right maybe you're not but uh I'm sure that there will be a lot of people that will give him advice uh there's a lot of people that will give him advice on how to change the indexing and how to fix whatever the perceived problem is so logically if he fixes the perceived observable public problems then he would be reindexed right so if he's not reindexed then it would mean that those problems were not the reason why he was indexed so let's see what happens that's the way I see it let's see what happens hopefully he gets some research about this and he can figure it out I can probably fix their issue in a minute or two then DM them on Twitter I have no idea pull me up I'm a Dev I'll explain how indexing Works you're not a Dev you're a chatter there's no barrier to entry of you saying that you're a Dev you understand that think about it from my perspective how do I know that you know what you're talking about I'm a physician I have no idea all I'm saying is that everything about this points to censorship I think that it makes sense everything about it makes sense and when something makes sense to me I'm going to need some pretty hard [ __ ] evidence to expect that it's not the case okay I think that usually things like this happen for a reason and uh the reason is usually a lot more obvious than it seems so we'll see what happens let's see here Google some of this stuff yourself and check yourself no I'm not going to I I can't go the thing is I can't Google and look it up myself it's like people doing their own research with covid vaccines you can't do that because you need to have a body of knowledge in order to accurately process the knowledge that you're getting it's the same reason why like you don't teach kids about fractions before you teach them about subtraction or like addition because this is information that builds on itself so if I research this and I look into this there's a reason why people go to school for this for a very very long time it's because it's not as as simple as just looking up an article and you know reading a few articles and be like oh well now I know uh that's like you know Terrence Howard right that guy on [ __ ] Joe Rogan like I know that's not how it works never your tribute to malice which has been adequately explained by stupidity um I don't think it can be explained I I don't