Simplifying Life Through Python Automation

Aug 22, 2024

Automating Life with Python Scripts


  • Automating tasks with Python scripts can simplify and enhance your daily life.
  • These projects are not only practical but also good for demonstrating skills to potential employers.
  • Building such projects enhances your GitHub portfolio.
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship by Intel and their oneAPI tools.

Project 1: Converting PDF to Audio

  • Objective: Convert a PDF document into an MP3 audio file.
  • Tools Required:
    • Python
    • pyttsx3: A text-to-speech conversion library.
    • PyPDF2: A Python library to work with PDF files.
  • Setup:
    1. Ensure Python is installed.
    2. Set up a virtual environment in VS Code.
    3. Install necessary packages: pyttsx3 and PyPDF2.
  • Coding Steps:
    1. Open the PDF file using PyPDF2.
    2. Use pyttsx3 to convert text to speech.
    3. Save the speech as an MP3 file.
  • Outcome: Creates a simple yet powerful automation for converting study materials into audio format.
  • Note: This script can be expanded to handle larger PDFs or specific pages.

Project 2: Cleaning Downloads Folder

  • Objective: Automate the deletion of specific file types in the downloads folder.
  • Tools Required:
    • Python
    • os module: To interact with the operating system.
  • Setup:
    • Use the same virtual environment from Project 1.
  • Coding Steps:
    1. Import os module.
    2. Specify the file path for the downloads folder.
    3. Check if the file exists and delete.
    4. Print confirmation of deletion or a message if the file does not exist.
  • Customization:
    • The script can be modified to delete specific file types or all files.


  • Both projects are beginner-friendly and show initiative when added to a developer's portfolio.
  • Encouragement to build upon these projects and share on GitHub.
  • Invitation for suggestions on what to automate next.

  • Resources:
    • Links provided for the code and related resources.
    • Encouragement to explore other automation possibilities using Python.