Earth Circa 4100 BC the wild animals were friendly in those days good and safe food was abundant and all around and getting older didn't mean getting slower or involve any aches and pains very soon all of Father's children will be back to living in the conditions that he wanted for us in the first place a life like Eden the Bible says that in the days to come every man shall sit under his Vine and under his fig tree and None Shall make them afraid his people will enjoy the work of their hands and we will live forever with God Among Us that is what's coming but first father has some business he needs to settle one day in this land became this day in our land sun goes down from east to west and my heart still with you we sing for okay so welcome to uh the next episode here and we call this Adam and the Nephilim yes is that correct now uh before we start I I want to make it clear here at original Hebrew we are children of the Lord uh and we are as many you might call it spirit filled or led by the spirit and uh when you when you walk in that type of walk uh there ain't too much you're afraid of so uh when we talk about Nephilim here it's not like uh the books you hear nowadays sensationalize the Nephilim they paint them different colors lots of scary cover pictures on the videos about a lot of uh mysterious mysticism around them uh we're not going to look at them that way it's our history and uh what our forefather father's went through yeah and there is a blessing if you if you hear from the book of hanuk so we're we're looking for the blessing and there's a blessing if you share it so may uh May father bless us and we hope you're taking note up there that we're trying to uh Feed the Children yes right so uh here we go uh if you're alive today this is your history so our history begins with Adam and and it's written that father formed Adam or Adam as we would call him in Hebrew from the ad from the ground could we have those uh those letters in paleo sure sure So Adam would be Olive doet me excellent and he formed Adam from the ad from the ground and he placed him in the Garden of Eden to serve to be a servant and to be a guard and some of the the translations of Genesis they say that he was put there to till the ground implying that that God made him to be a farmer which is something that that you take issue with I well if you put a seed in the ground during these days uh isn't there like a scripture that says that uh you put no long no sooner you put a seed in and here comes the Harvesters right behind you so in in the days to come in in Millennium it's basically going to be you plant a seed you're going to get whatever whatever you think you you ought to get from a seed according to how things work right now you're going to get 10 times that or 100 times that it's very very little effort there is no no work now we have a scripture that that says the says something along those lines that's no sooner you put a seed in here comes the Harvesters right behind you yes yes that's going to be a beautiful time so we we believe that that's uh that Eden was a model of that and absolutely you've got you've got ground a perfect ground a perfect world um so presumably watered by father himself watered by himself you've got a Mist coming from the ground um not much not much farming work you see that was my whole point is not much farming needed so we could see what else does it mean besides farmer besides so the the uh the more common translation of the word used where uh in Genesis where it says to till the ground is actually the word abod which means to serve there we go so I always uh when you look at the root word and actually what the letters say it means to serve and uh he needed someone to do his his will this is a righteous line that he uh he made all the way to the ultimate ser Yeshua our Messiah yeah so uh I I don't really believe he needed a farmer yeah and uh early in my days when I would have Bible study I would say yeah and he needed a servant they go uh doesn't it isn't it a farmer a tiller of the ground I go he needs a tiller of ground like like he needs a hole in the head no the ground is perfect just fact you even have to plant it just drop it and watch it grow no no it's it doesn't take much fer but uh but father knowing what's coming and knowing everything uh watch he knows everything all the way to the end even before began so knowing that the ground gives fruit of itself so he needs a servant and Adam is included among the the righteous in hano's uh in the 10 week prophecy 10 week 10 week prophecies if you take a look at the video so servant not not tiller So Adam was a servant father's servant in the Garden of Eden amen and under his care was the Tree of Life a tree that a man could eat from and live forever amen um but Adam eventually got cast out of the garden and where he he was put there to be a Shamar a guard of the garden father cast him out and he set a new Shamar in front of the garden to make sure that no man could go back in there and eat of that tree least to live forever yeah exactly so what happened so well we we were we were thinking of making a video about a dinner with the hash for those you have seeno our paleo series uh he had dinner he was told whatever you do do not have dinner with Nash the snake in so many words yes so those you who don't know who nahash is that means snake in Hebrew yeah so or original so uh he was told do not have dinner with Nash what's what what's the first thing he did he had dinner with the he had dinner with Nash so father uh father had to uh had to make a way uh for uh for a servant and he did repent and he was placed among the the list of righteous in in his in his list of weeks yeah so he repented and now those of you out there who who are having dinner with Nash you you want to repent the word is Shu shoot return yeah return to the house return you know it's uh it's it's getting sketchy out there you know it's getting it's getting if you if you can't see it coming and you can't see what's happening to the world well uh I can't help you but if you see something's wrong well remember father takes care of his servants yeah real easy so he met the hash and and after that uh he was cast out he was cast out we've got the curse that's that's placed on the ground the Sonic the the Thorns theic the thorns you plant and very little will come out yeah and you get one crop per season maybe and if it doesn't rain yeah it's you know hard times yeah you've got pain and and childbirth and it's no longer eternal life it's yeah that the clock is on you're decomposing yeah the the lifespans became greatly shortened but the picture of Adam getting cast out of the garden to me is is a beautiful picture of Yeshua because it says that that when when Adam was cast out and father put cherubim and a flaming sword in front of the garden to Shamar to guard guard the way uh it establishes at the very beginning that there is the way and at the end of the way is eternal life amen in Hebrew the way is ha direct direct the way he established it yeah so the way beginning he established the way that Yeshua could redeem us yes and he tells you at from the very beginning what is the ultimate end of of everything and the goal of everything that that he wants to accomplish he wants to make it so that the people that he created can live forever so Yeshua comes and he tells us I am the way I am the life it's a very good picture right at the beginning of his ministry that's a very very good way of looking at this uh we have Adam Cath passed out and and there is a way made for us already father prepared a way back yeah and you know just one one one quick note in the book of Revelation so written by by John sometime after Yeshua was crucified and resurrected it talks about how Yeshua will give us to eat from the Tree of Life he gives us the right to eat from there and how that tree is going to be in the city of God and it's going to be for the the healing of the nation and it tells us all of these things um but long before Revelation was written Enoch actually talked about those same things he said that the days were coming where the holy and the righteous and the chosen will eat from this tree of eternal life again and that it will be transplanted next to the house of God so let's go on to the next we have a Adam is cast out but then he has a son he has Cain he Cain and Abel K Ena now I've I've always said this uh I've always said this at bible studies you got to throw it in they they got into into a scuffle because uh Cain didn't have his heart right uh but he didn't actually want to kill him he just he just got mad so he's still guilty and father gave him a a seal in his forehead and sent him off to uh to another city now isn't that what happens in uh when two get in a fight and you didn't mean to kill him it was just a fight yeah so that later became part of the law uh where father established Cities of Refuge exactly where people could go if if it was an unintentional killing I've seen it where uh they're having fun and one hits another and it's an accident and didn't mean it but in order for it to be no more blood he send them away to to another city so a City of Refuge and and and we'll find we'll find that father always works the same he he's never changed what he what he tells us he he does it also in the future and he never changes so he sent him off to a City of Refuge and after that we had uh we had Seth uh we have anything to say about Seth so Seth in Hebrew is based off of the word sheath which means appointed and he was named that kind of to commemorate the death of Abel so Eve said you know God has has appointed me another son so she named him Seth Seth okay now we have enosh enosh and then we have Canan and then we have my favorite name Mahal wal L and uh good we're moving on to uh to the days that we came to talk about the days of uh Jared yeah now if you look at uh Jared he he comes about 37 23 BC Jared is born uh for those who don't have a timeline it's at father's go to timeline you'll see our timeline there so Jared is at 3723 BC now something changes uh in these days yes it's written in Genesis Moses records and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose the Book of Enoch gives a lot of details on what was exactly was going on on in these days so the Angels they came down in three waves correct one came down and by himself is yeah so so Enoch says that there was one that came uh first by himself and then later there was a a group of angels that came down 200 that landed on Mount Herman M Herman yeah I'm not sure what you mean by the third wave though let's see maybe maybe there's only two so uh the first one was just one was that a z or we don't know no it doesn't say but we we assume that it may have been a zazil yeah okay we can assume and but it doesn't say now another thing they they taken a a zazel and they made myths and crazy books and and uh wrong teachings about this so and today they have Cults they they say there's a zazel and things like that it's I I could see that uh that even today the the spirit of antichrist the spirit of Satan you know works out in the in the masses cuz they just sensationalized that creature okay so in those days uh 200 Angels came down and they took wives after that there's three classifications of uh beings that don't belong on Earth is that correct so Enoch says that that this occurred in the days of Jared that they came down to to Mount Herman they took wives um in Enoch's description of The Offspring that they produced it's written in the Ethiopian version of Enoch which is the only full copy of Enoch that we have these days that we know of it's translated as their height was 3,000 L's which a lot of early translators of the Book of Enoch assumed to mean 3,000 cubits now okay 3,000 cubits is about the height of the the mountain that we are living on right now so that is incredibly tall but more modern transl lators have looked at that verse and they believe that it was a scribal error that was done by the Ethiopians who were copying the book and that what the text originally said is that the women bore to them meaning to the angels great Giants and the Giants begot Nephilim and to the Nephilim were born eliud so instead of three instead of the Giants being 3,000 cubits they believe that the original uh scripture said there were three types of of offspring that they had so first the Giants and then the Nephilim and then something called the elude so that to me that makes more sense I don't believe we had uh Giants back in those days that were as tall as a mountain and I've taken a look at the Aramaic fragments that we have of the Book of Enoch from the Dead Sea Scrolls and that particular part is not in there so that that would be helpful if we could take a look at it in you know the the 2300 year old copy that we but it it's just not there so to get the final answer on what the actual translation of that one verse is we will have to as you always say wait for the prophets to tell us or maybe find a copy of maybe maybe find an older copy find older copy perhaps in the Dead Sea Scrolls yeah so until then we'll leave we leave our piece there on that we don't know we know for sure that the Angels Came and had uh children with women and they were called Nephilim and the nephlim had uh children with themselves or with women we don't know that either but whatever they did they had what's the name again so it was Giants Nephilim and elud elud yeah and I think just for Simplicity sake All The Offspring of the angels and women whether it's the first generation or the second generation um we tend to just refer to all of them as Nephilim just Nephilim yeah correct now uh one thing about these angels coming down and causing this they did uh bring teachings with them that a man wanted because men were already sinning is this correct yeah so it's written a couple times in the Book of Enoch that there was information that men were striving to learn and there were secrets that men were seeking out so it wasn't just that the Angels Came I mean it would have been bad enough the Angels coming and mingling with with humans in a way that father never authorized um but they also came with a lot of knowledge that father didn't want men to have at all and some knowledge that father didn't want men to have yet yet amen so here's here's a few we have uh they came with charms and enchantments The Cutting of roots that means uh that means uh drugs knowledge of of plants swords knives Shields breastplates all the blows of death uh how how to kill weapons of death abortion oh my goodness a wicked smiting of spirits and demons the blows that attack the soul the bite of the serpent I mean that's just some that's a long list you know yeah no but it's it's worth it's worth it's worth reading I think okay keep going after that um because it father says that it was through the knowledge that Earth was ruined and destroyed so you know just reading the list I'm going like so I'm sorry folks not not too professional but uh so they they also taught the knowledge of the medals of the earth and the Art of working them so gold silver uh the invention of money essentially coloring dyes coloring dyes different ways of be men beautifying themselves women beautifying themselves cly Stones costly Stones bracelets ornaments astrology the constellations knowledge of the clouds signs of the Earth signs of the Sun the course of the Moon the bitter and the sweet and writing writing no it's interesting about writing because in the Book of Enoch it says say that men were not originally intended to write and that through the knowledge that has been shared through people writing lies essentially people perished and they are perishing to this day look at that so nevertheless father took the art of writing and he has used it for his own good purpose so we've got words that are his that have and the prophets that have been preserved through the centuries for us today but it wasn't his intention for that to Adam didn't have a didn't have a writing Adam didn't have a writings now it was by these things the things that the Angels taught men which men were already striving to learn that father says the Earth was shakat it was destroyed destroyed now we always go over this because he's he he he has his will that will be performed puts his Spirit on someone he put his Spirit on on hanuk to uh to pray that there be a ren to go through and here we are because of that yeah and so it's written that that he looked on Noah and that Noah was perfect in his Generations um and in the first episode we talked about the definition of a generation and how it's not a set number of years but rather when father talks about a generation he's speaking of a man's descendants so when it says that Noah was perfect in his Generations if you read the context of it he's he's basically telling you that his kids were not neph um his children would not mix with a yeah with the Nephilim or with was the last one uh the Giants the Nephilim or the elute the El the elute probably the the worst whatever they are sounds wor sounds bad yeah so in in Genesis 6 it says these are the generations of Noah Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and Noah walked with God and Noah begat Three Sons Shem ham and japheth and elsewhere in The Book of Enoch it says about Noah that he was Guiltless of the reproach concerning the secrets men had searched out and learned from the Angels amen there you have it stay away from uh stay away from anything unclean to the Lord yeah so I like to go over this you have Angels down here that can't be good but then you got Nephilim that were born unto them and they're really bothering mankind by now it's it's they they're reigning Terror on earth right they're reigning Terror on Earth but we don't hear this happening to any of our forefathers is it because father's protecting them from from these Nephilim from the elud and from the angels I think to this day father protects his people from whether whether it's a spirit whether it's uh a fleshly person that's out to get you whether it's an entity trying to get you amen he protects his children through all of it so yeah you're right we don't we don't hear or read of any stories of of anyone that was in the righteous line of Messiah complaining that you know the neph Nephilim were trying to get him so in no case was uh for example hanuk hanuk was not at all afraid of in fact they were afraid of hanuk the Angels were is that correct why do you say that because uh they had his father Spirit on him and uh and he was about to give him bad news that they're going to get locked up no I don't know that that they were afraid of him but there's no indication that they were causing him any trouble in any way didn't they like attack men eat men do bad things to men yeah it's said they they consumed what men had and eventually they consumed men and then they consumed each other so okay so it was a horrible I think that's what I'm talking about father was protecting them and for some reason they didn't need him because so because of what right yeah yeah we we definitely assume that it was it was father protecting the righteous as he does to this day yeah he put his Spirit on him and and uh put the fear of God in them yeah to not touch him you know so uh in no case do we see the the righteous having to run for it or there's no right that they had to go and hide from these or anything pretty much father kept them out of the way yeah and the same as these days I hid them correct so uh we like father's protection then and now yes Judgment of the of the angels and their offspring before we start on this uh quick Point these creatures didn't belong here they left their estate and then there was there was The Descendant born to them that for sure didn't belong here so what happened to these uh to these creatures and uh in particular the spirit so it was written that the Fallen Angels were to be bound until the Judgment that's coming at the very end okay Judgement Day yeah and that the the offspring of the angels and women would turn into what we call demons and evil spirits today today okay yeah so father didn't authorize these things like you're saying um amen so he said they were born on Earth they're going to stay on Earth he's not taking those to to Heaven there's there's no rest for the wicked right yeah no so he he he set them against each other and caused them to slay each other and their Spirits ended up being becoming like I said what we call demons or evil spirits today um and Enoch says that is the spirits of the Giants would afflict oppress destroy attack do battle and work destruction on the earth and cause trouble well there you have it yeah so when when Yeshua was here on Earth he encountered a lot of these demons and their judgment is put on hold until the end so natur they're saying did you come to uh two minutes before our time before our time yeah because it's not time yet it's not time yet yeah uh they were told by hanuk the time yeah but that that judgment is coming and it's written that those fallen angels and those demons will be destroyed in the final judgment and in particular the angel azazil who was responsible for teaching men Warfare the weapons of war um things related to vanity like the the bracelets the ornaments the beautification and things related to money so the the silver the gold the costly Stones um father said that it was those things in particular that corrupted the Earth amen and for that father said ascribe all sins to a zazo you know uh as we go down the timeline uh there comes a character of mine called Nimrod and it seems he had those three gifts given to him by the Angels After the flood because as as we know in uh the Bible it says Before and After the flood right so it looks to me uh it was just peaceful Villages until uh one of the angels of the Nephilim After the flood gave him those gifts and there you have it you have weapons Armory how to beautify yourself and then the best teach him to use money now you could hire an army so he made the first Army blame it on hisel and even to today yeah it's an act of Father's Mercy that he he said ascribe all sins to isazo it is Mercy nothing but yeah because it's very clear that that it was mankind that was part of sinning they search these things out the Book of Enoch is very clear about that the Bible's very clear about that as well it's not that that you have the devil didn't make you do it you you did it yourself look if if if uh for any reason we lived back in those days and we were like we are now no father and we saw an angel that wanted uh to mate oh no way run you know rebuke you in the name of Yeshua get out you know run yeah run but these but these people they actually they actually made it with the with these angels there something let's face it they were uh they were already in sin yeah yeah yeah and they wanted to learn enchantments and they wanted to learn all of these ex so so father says ascribe all sins to aaz aaz and there's actually uh one of the feast days of the Lord is an annual part of it anyway is an annual commemoration of Father ascribing the sins to a ail so if you've ever read about the day of yam kapor or What's called the day of atonement it involves two goats and one of them in English is called the scapegoat but in Hebrew if you were to look at it it's actually a zazel and the ritual that father wanted Israel to do on that day is they take the two goats and they draw lots and one lot Falls for father and the other one Falls for Azazel and the one that falls for father that goat gets sacrificed as a sin offering for the people and the lot that falls on Azazel the the goat that ends up being for zazil the priests go and they they put hands on the goat and they confess all the sins all of the the sins the the iniquity the the trespasses the pesha um all of those things onto the head of the goat for a zazel and then they they take that goat and they cast him off into the Wilderness so it's a picture of of what father did for us back then which is he ascribed all sins to his ail and he cast him out into the desert Wilderness by the hand of the Angels back in the day there we go so so that he could have mercy on on the people Hass yeah H in Hebrew Mercy H yeah if if you hang around long enough uh at fathers our original Hebrew you get to learn uh Hebrew little Hebrew yeah yeah little by little so when Enoch talks about the Judgment that's coming at the end for the angels and The Offspring of the angels He also gives us a prophecy of what's coming for us in Millennium so before we we end this discussion about Adam and the nephlim I wanted to share with you Enoch's words about what's coming for Father's children so it's written that father ordered his good angels to destroy all wrong from the face of the Earth and let every evil work come to an end and let the plant of righteousness and Truth appear and it shall prove a blessing the works of righteousness and truth shall be planted in truth and joy forever more and then shall all the righteous escape and shall live until they beget thousands of children and all the days of their youth and their old age shall they complete in peace and then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessing and all desirable trees shall be planted on it and they shall plant vines on it and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance and as for all the seed which is swn thereon each measure of it shall bear a thousand and each measure of Olives shall yield 10 presses of oil and cleanse thou the Earth from all oppression and from all unrighteousness and from all sin and from all godlessness and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the Earth destroy from off the Earth and all the children of men shall become righteous and All Nations shall offer adoration and shall praise me and All Shall worship me and the Earth shall be cleansed from all defilement and from all sin and from all punishment and from all torment and I will never again send them upon it from generation to generation and forever wow hallelujah hallelujah so we uh we love that blessing now notice it says the righteous escape and they go on to repopulate to Earth so yes uh we we are waiting for uh for his return and we expect to go right through Into the Wilderness where he takes care of us for the for the greater Exodus yeah and right to billennium he's going to take us hide us while he completes his judgment and his work that he once accomplished on this Earth amen yeah may get rid of all of his enemies amen so uh it ends with lamach and Noah we talked about no yeah so days of Jared um Jared was Enoch's father and Enoch we will be talking about through the whole series so Enoch had Methuselah and it was to Methuselah that Enoch gave his writings and told Methuselah to preserve his writings and make sure that they get to generation after generation and all the generations of the world so it's it's it's fair to say Noah had a had a scroll of yes it is very fair to say writings amen yeah so Methuselah had lamech and lamech was the father of Noah so those are the generations in the line of Messiah before the flood so Hallelujah and here we are and this is our history this is our history okay peace unto all father's children and uh may you all be blessed by uh Yeshua Shalom Jerusalem Shalom W and my heart still with you Lord my relas Lord my deliverer keep my heart steady steady for the course Lord my [Music] desire you are my savior behind my rock safe from all [Music] home for the rightous may fall he is not cast down from the Lord for the arm of the Lord PS with his [Music] hand he is not weak his arm is able to keep these Hearts steady move us [Music] alone remove the veil oh Lord in front of [Music] us then we can see and be sure all my life Emmanuel God is with us [Music] Emmanuel you better be sure though you are young though you are old you never seen the righteous forsaken by God though the rightous may fall he is not cast down from the Lord for the arm of the Lord pulls with his hand he is not [Music] weak his arm is a to keep these Hearts steady and move us along