Proper Use of Social Media in Nursing

Jul 25, 2024

Proper Use of Social Media in Nursing

Case Studies

Emily's Case

  • Background: Nursing student in pediatric rotation
  • Incident: Took a photo of a patient, Tommy, and posted it on Facebook
  • Result: Breach of patient confidentiality; expelled from nursing program; program barred from using the pediatric unit

Jason's Case

  • Background: Experienced nurse in hospice care
  • Incident: Posted patient information on a hospital-sponsored online page
  • Result: Breach of confidentiality; self-reported; awaiting disciplinary action

Key Principles

Patient Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Foundation of Trust: Privacy is a cornerstone of effective nurse-patient relationships
  • Legal Obligations: Compliance with federal laws such as HIPAA

Proper Use of Social Media

  • Follow Employer Policies: Especially for taking photos or videos
  • Avoid Personal Devices: Use employer-provided devices for any permissible purposes
  • Consider Full Implications: Think carefully before posting any patient-related information

Risks of Social Media

  • Unintentional Disclosures: Often due to mistaken beliefs about privacy
  • State and Federal Law Violations: Can lead to disciplinary actions by the Board of Nursing
  • Permanence of Online Content: Deleted content might still be accessible or copied

Guidelines for Responsible Use

  • Ethical and Legal Obligations: Always maintain patient privacy
  • Cautious Engagement: Be vigilant about protecting patient information

Final Thoughts

  • Communication Access: Increased through social media but doesn't change the responsibility to protect patient information
  • Coordination of Care: Social media can be used responsibly to improve patient care coordination
  • Additional Resources: Visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing for more information


Understanding the importance of patient confidentiality and the potential pitfalls of social media use is crucial for both nursing students and experienced nurses. Following standardized guidelines and employer policies can help prevent inadvertent disclosures and ensure that patient information remains protected.