Transcript for:
Understanding Python Collections and Data Types

foreign foreign file save us document python folder collection examples duplicate members okay IPO list print type type of yeah foreign up and lastly foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign okay IPO specifications foreign hello there is one two three four five six values okay position either index position zero zero zero one two three four five either index position if zero one two three four five okay zero okay one minute friend okay not print a DOT insert 0 comma eleven position zero zero under positions foreign printers okay foreign a DOT pop up foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign Bill 11 23. a DOT a DOT extend B if people didn't either print is foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign do not allow duplicate duplicate values will be removed foreign in the curly braces sporting Arena ONE comma two comma three comma four comma okay one two three four numbers one two three four okay duplicates will be removed okay in the type of data is we cannot modify the set but we can add our remote sets a of zero equal to Infinity foreign okay I cannot modify removable foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] okay well dictionary dictionary dictionary do not allow duplicate duplicate values will be will overwrite existing value first dictionary a equal to bracket name colon EMC foreign foreign foreign location foreign [Music] uh just students in Buddha subscribe foreign foreign AF h equal to one another marriage is what's up okay update foreign [Music] foreign pop e is foreign foreign okay well python order for collections for collection data types keep practicing bye