Understanding Network Data Transmission and PDUs

Sep 4, 2024

Lecture Notes on Network Data Transmission and Protocol Data Units (PDU)

Introduction to PDUs

  • Protocol Data Unit (PDU): Fundamental unit of data for network transmission.
  • Also referred to as transmission units.
  • Example: Ethernet Frame used to send data from one MAC address to another without concern for the content.

OSI Model Layers

  1. Application Layers (OSI Layers 5-7)

    • Handles data from applications (e.g., web browsers).
    • Application data exists in these layers.
  2. Transport Layer (OSI Layer 4)

    • Uses protocols like TCP/UDP.
    • Encapsulates application data with TCP/UDP headers.
    • Introduces terms like TCP segments and UDP datagrams.
  3. Network Layer (OSI Layer 3)

    • IP addresses are used to send data packets.
    • Uses IP headers for routing packets across networks.
  4. Data Link Layer (OSI Layer 2)

    • Adds DLC frame headers and trailers.
    • Encapsulates the entire packet with necessary addressing (e.g., MAC addresses).

Encapsulation and Decapsulation Process

  • Encapsulation: Adding headers/trailers to data at each layer for transmission.
  • Decapsulation: Removing headers/trailers to retrieve original data at the destination.
  • Involves transitioning data from source to destination by encapsulating through layers.

TCP/IP Headers and Flags

  • Control Flags: Bits in headers that control data processing.
    • SYN: Synchronization of sequence numbers.
    • ACK: Acknowledgment data.
    • PSH: Push data to application without buffering.
    • RST: Reset connection.
    • FIN: Indicates last packet from sender.
  • IP Headers also contain flags, mostly for data fragmentation control.

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

  • MTU: Maximum size of a packet that can be sent without fragmentation.
  • Fragmentation occurs when packets exceed MTU; slows down network.
  • MTU Discovery: Systems try to automatically determine MTU size.
  • ICMP Filtering: Can hinder automatic MTU discovery.

Fragmentation and Its Impacts

  • Fragmentation required if packet size exceeds network's MTU.
  • Example: Sending 44 bytes of data over a network with 16 bytes MTU requires splitting into multiple frames.
  • MTUs are usually stable once set during network creation, unless using tunneling (e.g., VPNs).

Practical MTU Testing

  • Utilize ping command with options to test MTU:

    • -F: Don't fragment.
    • -L: Set length of data.
  • Example: Testing MTU with Google's DNS (

    • Ideal MTU for Ethernet: 1,472 bytes.
    • Use ping -F -L 1472 to confirm MTU compatibility.


  • Understanding PDUs, encapsulation, and MTU are key for efficient networking.
  • Proper configuration and testing ensure optimal network performance and data flow.