have you ever wondered why some businesses struggle and other businesses Thrive have you ever wondered why some people it seems like the work that they do in their business is just so easy for them in other people it seems like they live on The Struggle Bus when I first got started in business I lived on The Struggle Bus and then I heard people who were successful talking about um how to succeed and I desired to do the things they were saying but there was some kind of communication gap that would not even allow me to understand what they were saying I heard the words and I knew what the words meant but when they put them in a sentence I didn't cognitively grasp or comprehend the information that they were putting out there and so it just sounded like words that I couldn't apply and so today I want to share with you um how to level up for business success because there are four different levels of business building there's and we talked about this before like often times when we find principles that are true in the earth realm they show up in four cuz four is the number of the earth one is the number Unity two is the number of separation or Holiness three is the number of God four is the number of the earth there are four directions on Earth north south east and west there are four seasons winter spring summer and fall there are four levels of value implementation is the lowest level of value uh unification is the second lowest next to the highest levels communication highest level of values imagination um there are four levels of parenting for four levels of Child Development there are four levels of teaching for four levels of learning and there are four levels of doing business and and what what a lot of people do is they they we I think all of us I think I say a lot of people I think all of us on some to some degree what we do is we think that putting more effort into the current level is the thing that will cause us to level up but it's not about putting more work into what's already not working that works better it's about becoming aware of what would work better and then only working on those things or predominantly working on those things it's it's like um we've heard all our lives you know if you want to be successful work harder well on the four levels of the lowest level of value is implementation so if I Implement more hours in a day believing that that's going to make me more successful I'm going to discover that the only thing is going to do is make me more tired and so what do I have to do I have to become aware of the fact that there is a higher level this is why by the way that businesses that hire employees make more generate more Revenue than businesses that don't why because unification using management skills to manage other people doing the work is a higher spiritual activity than doing the work yourself and so um in the four levels of business growth or four levels of Business Development um building a business the lowest level so we're going to look we're going to do it just like we do the four levels of value we're going to look at four levels of building a business and the lowest level of building a business is transactional transactional and and and it's interesting how on the transactional level of doing business there are levels to the four levels of transa there levels to a four levels of business building if you're going to if your business is predominantly business building you're either FOC you're focused on one of these three things number one I need money I need to make some money and so because you need to make some money you're focused on creating a transaction that will make you some money but what you don't realize is focusing on the transaction so you can make the money is the thing that's keeping you from making the money because if you're think if you think about like doing a sales transaction if okay from the standpoint of okay if I could just get them to pay me like if that's how you're thinking about it the problem with that is they can feel that they can feel that you just want their money and when they feel that you just want their money they have no desire to do business with you so if you're transactional predominantly transactional because you're hyperfocused on your needs the focus that you have on your needs is the thing that keeps you from getting your needs met isn't that so paradoxical like people start a business and they say well you got to make S I'm in business now I got to make sales I'm in business now I got to get clients and then attempting to get clients is what keeps you from getting clients which is why when I'm teaching sales I teach that it's like if you want to if you want to do a lot of business if you want to do big business it's not about um it's not about like going out and finding a bunch of people who will give you money it's about realizing that there are a bunch of people out there with a problem and if you figure out an efficient and elegant solution for their problem they will happily pay you and so like it's not about obsessing over your needs and then attempting to get other people to do the same but that's what most literally that's what most people do that's why most people are broke because most people are so self-absorbed and they're so self-conscious and self-aware of the things they need for themselves that when they're talking to other people all of their energy is from them back into the person who desires the outcome and so what I have to do is I have to let go of my need to make money and I have to just become aware that making money is the result of something and then if I can focus on figure out what the making money is the result of and I can focus on that thing then I can have that result a lot more effectively a lot more efficiently a lot more rapidly a lot more expeditiously than if I'm so focused on man how do I get this money how do I get this money how do I get this money I don't allow myself to ask the question how I how can I get this money how can I make how can I make how can I make these sales how can I get these people to buy I don't allow myself to ask that question when in conversations with people about business when people say my what's your elevator speech here's my elevator speech what floor are you going to say what does that mean that like what it means is it means if I meet somebody on an elevator I'm not trying to do a business transaction it's not there's not enough time it's like say so it's like like what's your elevator pitch in my opinion I could be wrong but it's not likely on with regard to what I'm talking about right now like what's your elevator pitches like saying hey if you met somebody on the elevator and you really wanted to marry him what would you say well there's no good answer to that question right and so so you're either focused on um I need to make money or you're focused on the fact that I have a great product and guess what nobody cares and it could be product it could be service it could be opportunity if you are focused on the fact that I have a great product and then okay so have you ever noticed that when you talk to people the only way they feel like they can be engaged in the conversation is if they disagree have you ever noticed that so if you say to somebody it's a really beautiful day out like watch how many PE just go do it today watch how many people say yeah but we really need the rain right if you if it's raining and you say man isn't this rain wonderful oh man I can't oh I can't wait till Sun starts shining again or or if it's cold outside oh my goodness this is nice brisk air yeah but man I can't wait for summertime oh isn't it beautiful outside today oh it's so hot I can't wait for winter time like people feel like they have to disagree with you in order to engage in the conversation so if you say to somebody or if the energy of your message is I have a great product in order for them to even engage in the conversation or feel like they can engage in a conversation they have to disagree with you it's just human nature and so I don't ever try to get people to believe I have a great product or a great service or a great opportunity why because I know it's a waste of of time instead of me in fact I don't really have a desire for people to know anything about me when I'm dealing with them other than the fact that I am here to serve you I am here to like if I can make your life better then that makes me happy right and I it's hard for us to do that because we think to ourselves but if that's all I think about how am I ever going to get what's how am I ever going to get mine right well that's the best way to get yours because Jesus was not wrong when he said he who will be greatest among you let him be servant of all okay so so I have a great they're thinking I have a great product and so if you're thinking if you're thinking I need to make money or I have a great product or I am the most qualified right because what they do is they try to justify with validation like I've been in business for X number of years I have this degree I have this certificate I and you can tell what people care about so when you first start talking to I'm going to take this jacket off cuz I'm hot um but you can tell what people are focused on when you're talking to them by what they tell you first about themselves like meet people and you say how you doing great I'm great so what do you do for a living well I'm a John Maxwell certified coach there's nothing wrong with being a John Maxwell certified coach but what they're looking for what they're saying is I am the most qualified or I am a qualified person I so what there or I have a certification in and then they name whatever they have a certification in right or I'm doctor so and so right and and what happens is people believe that if if they believe that I'm the most qualified or if they believe that I'm qualified then they'll do business with me and I can get a transaction but I'm going to tell you something what if transactions which are how you get the money right and they get your product or your service your opportunity what if transactions were just the natural outcome of providing value for them and then what if the only way that you could provide value for them would be to ask them enough questions to find out what they value and then when you talk to them you only talk to them about stuff they value instead of about stuff you value and which they would value because you value it is what I'm saying making sense everybody and so so what I do I I I'm like okay I don't want to be a transactional entrepreneur because transactional entrepreneurs are stuck at a very low income level number one but they don't get to impact the World in a great way because people will resist doing transactional business with transactional business people so the next level is educational educational and when you operate from an educational level um the lowest level of educational level is I need you to think I know and it's amazing how many people operate from this place I need like I need you to believe that I know right and so everything is about them it's interesting like I watch some YouTube channels and I watch them and what they do is um like they'll ask people questions and then they'll just lambas those people's answers just kind of like just just no that's crazy you can't and and I'm thinking to myself these people don't I mean yeah you know but your need for other people to know that you know is not good for your business it may feel like it's good because people will go along with see here's what I discovered When leaders do things people who are followers will go along with what leaders do because the leader did it even if it's not the right thing it's just the way it's just human nature right and so so um I I remember and I'm I'm not talking badly about people I'm just telling you what I observed like when I I used to ride to work with my brother when we lived in Gary Indiana we' go to Chicago and he loved listening to Dr Laura Slinger and people would call her and they would ask her stupid questions and she would just let them know Well you are the biggest dummy in the world right maybe that's not what she said but that's how it felt like that's what like and I listen to her answer people's question and she just lay them out and I'm thinking to myself there's no Universe in which ever I'd ever call this woman and ask her a question ever or Russ limbal same thing like and I'm I'm not talking bad about Russia I'm just I'm saying there are people who need you to know they know and they take great pride in the fact that other people know they know and other people know they know more than most people know right but if that's your thing yeah you're there are people in the world who will do business with you because you need them to know you know and they'll believe that you know because you need to know you need them to know you know and so everything you do proves to them that you know that's what your whole life is about proving to other people that you know okay or if you're on the educational level um it's because I need them to know because if they know if they understand this thing right here they will know they need this thing right here that I sell right so I need them to know that this that this thing is the best thing for this thing and if that's how I'm if that's how I'm doing business yes I can do some business that way it is in my opinion it is never a good idea to spend too much time talking about your solution if I'm going to be if I'm going to if I have a solution for you and I'm doing a presentation for you then the presentation that I'm doing for you is going to be 80% about you and 20% at the most about me and my stuff why because the thing you care about the most is not me and my stuff but it's you are you tracking go read go read the Bible and notice what Jesus did now Jesus knew that the greatest need of humanity was eternal life he knew that however before he talked to humanity about what he knew we needed he talked to us about what we knew we needed so he would feed people who were hungry before he gave them the gospel even though eternal life is more important than food are y'all tracking and see what we want to do is we want to give people the thing that matters the most first because it matters the most but you can't really hear an eternal life message over a growling stomach are y'all tracking and so so you you're like you're operating from the place that I need them to know or you're operating from the place that now this is the highest level of Education they need to know because when they know their life will get better they need to know so if you're G to build a business based on education then teach them because they need to know teach them because their life will get better because they know not because you need them to know you know not because you need them to know what you know so they'll believe what you believe but just because you know their life will get better it it's interesting to me even on YouTube so as I'm building my YouTube channel and I do YouTube videos I'm fascinated by how many people who've never who've been on YouTube for a year 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years they've been on YouTube for a long time they've never made one video never made one video but they want to leave a comment ledia on one of my videos because they think clearly all of these people who are coming to watch these videos are coming to read their opinion about me it's so fascinating it's like are you like are you really and it doesn't bother me I'm just fascinated that somebody could be that delusional like you've not like you're pretending to believe something so much that you have to write 15 paragraphs in a comment but you don't care enough about it to create one video in 10 years that's fascinating but why do I do why do I why do I why do I do these videos on YouTube because I know that if I create videos on YouTube that bring value to other people and they go do it and their life gets better then they will associate me as somebody when I show up I'm bringing them something good as opposed to I'm showing up looking for something from them that's good it's the exact opposite equation and by the way who could do this anybody could but the hard part of that equation is obsessing over other people's problems long enough to even figure out what they are does that make sense to everybody and so so I've got to get to the place in my life and in my business where where I am no longer where I am no longer just doing business transactionally or just doing business educationally because even though even though the educational even though the educational business model is a good business model because an educated client is going to be the best client when we're educating them we have to educate them in the right way in the right sequence and about the right things right what what do I mean educate them um educate them in the right sequence what does that even mean well we have to teach them the first things first we have to educate them in the right way which means I'm teaching them because they need to know not because I need them to know not because I need them to think I know but I'm teaching them because they need to know your life will get better when you know this like the kind of the kind of concern that we have for our children right we want them to know because uh they know and then um relationally so relational obviously all of our businesses are going to be on some level all of these I just realized is this red I just realized that it's so fun being color blind okay so relational um it's because the lowest level of relational is I need good people in my life and by the way people who hyperfocus on the fact that they need good people in their life have a hard time attracting good people into their life because the people who are good people that you desire to have in your life also desire to have good people in their life and generally speaking we all think of good people in our lives as people who come into our lives to contribute not people who come into our lives to consume can I get a witness right and so it's it's so counterintuitive to the fleshly nature of being a human to show up predominantly to ser serve but if you show up predominantly to serve it will serve you at a high level over a very very long period of time so um I need good people in my life um and then or it's the next level is I need good people to bring good things into my life so so what happens is instead of just I need good people in my life so we get around people and like oh man if I could just meet this person oh if I can just take a selfie with this person oh if I can just get to know this person and so we're attempting to build relationships to get something from the relationship which does not generally lead to building good relationships when I'm building if I desire to build good relationships I have to build good relationships by bringing like seeking to bring good things to the relationship not by seeking to get good things out of the relationship it's it's so it's so counterintuitive it's so paradoxical it's so oxymoronic to think okay I have to do the opposite of my objective in order to reach my objective so I need good people in my life and then the highest level of relational is I need to be a good person in others lives in others lives that's that's the that's the relational objective I need to show up as a good person see if if I will show up over and over and over and over again into every Arena that I enter into where people are and I just keep bringing value keep bringing value keep bringing value keep bringing value keep bringing value I don't have to ask for somebody to give value back to me it's just going to automatically happen now granted yes eventually you're going to have to make some offers and make some sales and ask people to buy all of that stuff but that's not the thing that created the the conversion the thing that created the conversion was all the stuff that happened below the soil before you that day ever showed up where you said hey wouldn't you like to buy this it's all the stuff that happened in the background it's like um I texted Zach yesterday morning um and I said hey Zach how many people do we have registered for this challenge that because our challenge starts today and when you're watching this video on YouTube that's not going to be the case because this is recorded but our challenge starts today and so he said we have um 350 so yesterday morning we had 350 people I woke up this morning I checked again we had 30 427 people registered right and then by the time it starts it'll probably be 450 470 480 cuz ticket sales are just coming in all morning all it's just kind of crazy well why is that because I do videos like this where I'm teaching people really cool stuff that they can go and apply and I'm not asking for anything so when I show up people show up to see me people show up to hear me because what they know I'm showing up for them so they show up for them which eventually may or may not and I'm okay with it benefit me but I know enough of them will desire what I have that it will benefit me in the long term anyway so I don't have to think about me while I'm doing it is what I'm saying reson is is it making sense okay because okay good you're tracking so I got one more the highest level of business building is transformational transformational okay transformational transformational when you when you get opera on trans trans transformational level um there are three um and one is the lowest one I think I wrote it backwards hold on a second I want to make sure I got this right um okay so it starts out it's fine it's fine so the lowest level the lowest level is realizing they require a transformation so they require transformation well who desires a who what like what person in the world desires a transformation every person who desires for their life to get better every person who desires for their life to get better is looking for a transformation in something usually the biggest Arenas of sought-after transformation are health wealth and relationships so the question becomes do I have the ability to bring somebody a transformation in their health their wealth or their relationships now it could be something else but those are the big three right and then okay the next after after the uh their their um they require transformation I have found a transformation I have found a transformation when I say I have found a transformation that means I found a transformation for myself I found a transformation in my life I found something that worked for me okay and then that's really really close and a lot of people stop right there they well uh they require transformation so I'll go talk to them about the transformation they require and people still don't buy why because they're listening to somebody who hasn't found the transformation for themselves so before you start going out telling other people just because you realize they require transformation how to have that transformation you might do well to figure out how to have that transformation yourself right like I teach people how to make money because that's something I figured out how to do I figured it out right it took me a long time to figure it out but it was worth a wait okay so I figured it out okay but then just knowing that I figured out is not enough either right like just because I figured it out for me doesn't mean I figured it out for you this is why we have to be like really really hyper intentional when we're listening to what people are saying because Beware of the guru whoever they might be even if I one day turn into a guru be aware of me right Beware of the guru who tells you their way is the only way to do a thing because somebody who tells you their way is the only way to do a thing are seeking to get something from you more than they're seeking to get something to you like I don't even think I could be so bold as to tell you that my ways of doing business are the best ways I think they're really good ways and they work really really well for me and they've worked really really well for my clients but I can't like if I said they were the best ways well this is the best way to make a million dollars this is the best way to build an e figure business this is the best way well how do you know you haven't tried all the ways you haven't even experimented with 10 of them and you're saying this is the best you don't know if it's the best it's the best one you found so far now that could be accurate right and so the highest level is I've figured it out what does that mean I figured out why I was was able to have the transformation and I know I figured it out because I shared it with somebody else and they had the same transformation and then I shared it with another person and they had the same transformation then I share it with another person and they had the same transformation and so if when you're thinking about building your business if you will spend 80% of your business building time here and 20% of your business building time down here cuz this stuff down here is still relatively necessary you still have to teach people stuff you still have to have a transaction but most of your focus if it's transformational and relational what happens is now you have the ability to build a business that can take your life and your family to the next level does that make sense everybody is that helpful cool thank you for watching share this video with somebody if it makes sense to you if it doesn't well I guess you'd have to keep it to yourself in the meantime in between time we'll see you in the next video bye for that