what's up you bushy-tailed little unicorn a really important video if you've ever struggled with fat loss and specifically if you've ever been on point with your nutrition you've been exercising but your weight isn't going down the way you'd expect it to or your the way you think it should a lot of times people are on point with our nutrition they're hitting their exercise hard but the weight it's not just going down a lot of times it'll fluctuate it up or it will spike up and it won't go down as quickly as you think it should and I want to tell you why and I've spoken about this before I've spoken about how just because your weight fluctuated upward or spiked upward doesn't mean you're gaining fat but recently I've been posting a lot about my weight on Instagram I've been in the middle of this 90-day challenge and people have seen my weight spiking up even though I've been losing fat and they're like well how do you know you're losing fat well how do you know it you're making progress if your weight isn't going down what I spoke about was three really common patterns that I've found in people over the years in regard to weight loss spikes over time and because the reality is when you're measuring progress day to day with the weight your weight will go up and down but if you look at it from the long-term perspective you'll see that even though there's spikes along the way the trend is downward and that's really what's important to focus on and I've found three really common weight loss trends in over thousands and thousands of people that are the most common ways and the most common patterns in which people spiked and so I've named them we have Dumbledore's ladder we've got horse Slughorn's downfall and the mughals beware and these are all the three most common patterns that I've seen I'm gonna break each one down specifically with you in this video so you can see which pattern you fall into and when you're losing fat and you end up spiking up or your weight isn't going down you can see like oh this is very similar to Dumbledore's ladder or this is very similar to the moguls beware and that's the one that you fall into so you don't lose motivation so you don't get tricked into thinking you're not losing fat when you actually are so you can stick with this for the long term and keep making progress but really quick I want to congratulate Bryce and Gina you guys are the two winners from the last video you want a free side fitness t-shirt I'm gonna ship them directly to your front door and if you want me to do another giveaway for a t-shirt or for a free phone call or for something I'm give away for something make sure that you like this video give it a thumbs up because if this video gets three hundred and fifty thumbs up in the next video I'm gonna do another giveaway and if you want to be entered into it subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when that video comes out alright so now we're gonna dive into it and I'm going to explain Dumbledore's ladder horse Slughorn's downfall and moguls beware separately before we get into it though I want to explain why your weight is spiking why does it fluctuate why does sometimes it's spiked up randomly why does it stay at the same weight for a while why isn't just going down well you've been hitting your nutrition on point while you've been exercising why isn't it going the way we'd expect it to go there are many reasons why many many many reasons I've outlined the seven most common right here starting with salt sodium intake and not just a lot of sodium intake but an abnormally high amount for you this is all relative to the individual and what happens is if you eat more salt than you normally do in a given day your body's gonna hold on to water that's what happens when you eat more salt than usual your body's gonna hold on to water so you'll weigh more on the scale but because you weigh more that doesn't necessarily mean you've gained fat it just means you're weighing more in the same way that if you just held a bottle of water in your hand and stepped on the scale you would weigh more because you are holding on to more weight on the other end of the spectrum and this is really important I haven't heard many people talk about this if you eat less salt than normal on any given day the next morning you might weigh in less because you aren't holding on to as much water as you normally do in which case you have to be aware the weight fluctuation downwards isn't necessarily a true weight in that the next day if you have a normal amount of salt again you'll go back up and it's important to be aware these fluctuations up and down it's not just fat a lot of it's water and it has to do with your sodium intake so just be aware of that another one is carbs again if you eat more carbs than you normally do in a day your body will hold on to more water because the carbs sort of act like a sponge so if you eat more carbs than normal they're gonna soak them up and if you eat less carbs than usual you'll flush it out you won't hold on to as much water is one of the reasons why when people start a diet like the ketogenic diet they'll lose weight very very rapidly because all of a sudden they remove carbs from their diet or all must remove them it's not necessarily a zero cars but usually 100 grams or less per day and if you remove them or almost remove them you're gonna weigh less and lose weight very rapidly but what happens what happens a lot in this specific diet ketogenic diets very low carb diets is that very rapid weight loss comes to a halt because after a certain amount of time you just can't keep losing water a lot of times in those diets people will lose 5 10 15 20 pounds very quickly stop like why isn't it going fast me Laurent because there's not anymore water loss that's gonna happen now it's just gonna be fat loss which will be much much slower got to be aware of that if you eat late if you eat much later than usual not to say that eating late is bad it's not to say that eating late makes you fat it doesn't your energy and take your total calorie intake is what dictates fat loss and fat loss in fat gain let's say for example you usually stop eating around 8 p.m. but one night you eat at 10:30 p.m. and you weigh in at the same time the next morning because you eat later you're gonna be more full you'll have more in you so you'll weigh more in the next morning similarly if you wait in earlier than usual let's say you usually weigh in around 8 a.m. you have to get up early one day you got to get to work earlier you got a trip you got to get a go on you wake up earlier you weigh in at 5:30 that morning you'll have had less time to float that weight off that's what a lot of weight controlled sports call it so I grew up wrestling from 8 years old all the way through high school I wrestled if you watch a lot of UFC fighters a lot of weigh-ins they'll talk about floating weight the night before they weigh in and sometimes they'll go to bed about a pound to two pounds above where they need a weigh in at because they know that their body is just gonna float that weight off overnight and if you have less time to sleep less time to float the weight off then you'll end up weighing in heavier again not because it's fat just because you'll lose weight overnight whether it's through water loss or whatever there's a lot of different reasons but weighing in earlier you'll probably weigh in more and eating later you'll probably weigh anymore again not fat gain just weight gain this is not an ice-cream cone it's a drawing of poop I did it myself and all it means is sometimes if you weigh more than usual you might have to drop a Dookie and that's okay period really quick we're going to bypass stress I want to talk about that more in depth and jump to this which is a picture of a barbell true it myself not the best artist but when you lift weights your body is breaking muscles down in a good way essentially it's causing muscle damage and when your muscles get damaged a lot of times they'll uptake a lot of nutrients uptake glycogen uptake water uptake nutrients which so when you step on the scale in the same way that a sponge will take on a lot of water it's gonna take on water glycogen nutrients you'll weigh more that's why a lot of times especially after a heavy leg day these big powerful muscles they soak up a lot you're gonna weigh more than next day it's really important to keep that in mind and then if you take a rest day where you don't lift weights you'll end up peeing a lot and you'll weigh less weigh less the next day because you're not holding out of that water anymore now stress I really want to hammer home on this one because it's a big one and a lot of marketers really like to take advantage of people to try and manipulate you into buying their programs or believing in their methods by hammering home on stress and they talk about how well if you're stressed out then you're gonna be gaining fat and that's why you need to do this specific diet because it eliminates stress and first of all stress isn't a bad thing stress is very normal we all go through stress a lot of people talk about how likes cortisol is a stress hormone and if cortisol is too high you're going to be gaining fat that's not accurate you don't gain fat from high cortisol you gain fat from eating too many calories if you are very stressed and your cortisol is very high and you do end up stress eating as a result of it then yeah you'll gain fat because you're eating too many calories but it's not that stress is inherently bad for you and it's not that cortisol is inherently bad for you it's not actually both very good for you and we'd probably would die without it but managing it and understanding it that's really where the magic lies so what happens with stress is when cortisol goes up a lot of times your body will hold on to water it's gonna hold on to it really tight doesn't want to let it go sort of a defense mechanism so you'll weigh more on the scale and then a lot of times when you are less stressed water let's go you weigh less and it looks like you lost fat it's really just weight loss in the same way that if you get really stress it looks like you gain fat but you didn't you're just holding on to water a lot of people talk about something called reverse dieting where they all of a sudden added calories back into their program and they lost weight and they're like well how come when I added calories back I lost weight but when I was eating so whew I wasn't losing it's because when you were eating so few calories your body was a little bit stressed didn't want to let go of the water when you added some calories back oftentimes carbs it got less stressed you peed out and then you weighed less but it's not because eating fewer calories was making you gain fat or gain weight all was simply doing was holding on to a little bit water if you stayed eating that same amount of calories you would have eventually dropped the weight just might have taken a little bit longer not to say that you need to eat very few calories but to say that stress does not make you gain fat sometimes if the scale so flux weights upwards it's just a sign that you're stressed out and the more you can calm down and relax the sooner the way it's going to come off all right so real quick before we go to the next section if your weight really spikes up one day or for a couple days it doesn't mean it's fat game really important remember a lot of times I'd say probably 95% of the time it's coming from one of these seven things look at your salt intake look at your carbs look at the times that you're eating the times that you're weighing in examine your stress think about the last time you pooped think about your weight training schedule if you had a heavy leg day look at all this examine it collect the data don't just jump to an emotional conclusion look at everything that's going on and then examine the facts because a lot of times if you're definitely in a calorie deficit these are probably one of the reasons why your weights fluctuating okay so before we jump into Dumbledore's ladder horror Slughorn's downfall and moguls beware I want to outline what most people want and also why most people end up failing when most people start I was harder to take off and I expected when most people start trying to lose weight getting the calorie deficit they want their weight to do this every day oh nice clean fat loss every day down down down down down if you ask them do they expect that to happen logically I don't think a single person would say yes I think every single person would say well no of course my way it's not gonna go down every day but then when it's practically happening each and every day when they're on point with their nutrition when they're on point with their exercise when they're really all in it mentally and they see that their weight isn't doing this they flip a [ __ ] like well what the why isn't it happening if their friend said hey I'm trying to lose weight but it's not going down everyday they logically be like listen it's okay that's what happens but when they're doing it themselves they freak the [ __ ] out and it's important to be aware of this because you have to treat yourself like you treat a friend you have to look at your weight in the same way that you would look at a friend's weight look at all of the data look at all the progress you're gonna stop being an [ __ ] to yourself stop being judgmental stop letting your emotions dictate your actions and look at everything critically and analytically and that's what we're gonna do with Dumbledore's latter Horace Slughorn downfall and muggles beware we're gonna examine the most common weight loss trends so when it's happening to you you can look at it and see what's actually happening and know that you're not gaining fat you're just in the process okay so I'm gonna reveal Dumbledore's ladder first I want to say it's not the most common I would say each of these are the most common there are other trends as well but out of all of the different trends you could fall into each of these are the three most common Dumbledore's ladder being the first this is how it looks and baseball explain what happens when someone enters a calorie deficit when they first start they'll see quick weight loss this quick weight loss could be over the course of three days it could be over the course of a week it's gonna differ person to person but they'll see quick weight loss followed by a stall from that stall they'll see an increase in weight and a lot of times this right here is where people give up let's say for example this is for the first week they see weight loss for the first week maybe they'll lose three pounds the first day two pounds the second day three pounds the third day a pound the fourth day so on until a week boom stop then they gained three pounds what the [ __ ] they freaked out why is this happening this increase in weight could happen over the course of two three four days it doesn't necessarily mean it happens in one day it could be this short line could be two three four or five days and within that time frame that's when they flip a [ __ ] like this isn't working and then they quit the people who succeed continue in their calorie deficit they don't let this prevent them from keep going and then whether it's a day or two days or three days or a week or two weeks later boom they go down again until another halt and increase in weight again that's where a lot of people quit it's easy to keep going when you're losing weight when you hit that halt and the slight increase again could be a day two days so today's two weeks that's when it's hard to keep going because you're not getting that external feedback of progress that's what you have to keep going stay with it same thing and these increases that's when people give up people rarely give up when the going is good when they're getting that feedback that's why you have to detach your emotions from the scale not let this cause you to be super excited and not let this cause you to get pissed off and say [ __ ] it's not working it's just all part of the process and this is a very common way this is what I call it Dumbledore's ladder that people will lose weight gain lose weight gain lose weight gain all well-being in a calorie deficit is just these seven reasons often causing these slight increases over time now [ __ ] Slughorn's downfall another very common trend what happens here is rather than starting off with a quick weight loss like in dumb doors ladder here there's almost nothing almost nothing happens at all it stays relatively similar I should know and important to be aware just because on this graph that I expertly drew it's a straight line it doesn't mean that it's going to be an exact straight line I have a little bit up a little bit down a little bit up a little bit down but the general trend is straight across and also it's the same here just because this is straight down doesn't mean there's many not many spikes in the middle but this is just the way that I'm trying to get it across with a generally straight line boom sharp drop generally a straight line boom sharp drop and these spots right here are when people quit these areas in which they think well I'm in a plateau that's the word they look I'm in a plateau I'm plateaued that's when they start like what supplements do I take like what exercise should I do to get out of this Plateau I'm plateaued you don't add anything into it you keep doing what the [ __ ] you've been doing stay in a calorie deficit strength train keep doing it stay in it just because you hit this plateau doesn't mean you need to change anything if anything it means you shouldn't change anything you should stay consistent because when you hit this plateau and you don't stay consistent and then you say [ __ ] and you start eating more and stop exercising you just change [ __ ] that's when you stop making progress these two Dumbledore's ladder hor Slughorn's downfall very very common and start tracking your own data so you can see if you fall into one of those this is actually what I tend to fall into and if you look at my data you'll see it here it's sort of a combo of the two you'll see quick weight loss followed by a spike and then stagnation quick weight loss spike stagnation or Plateau if you look at my weight-loss trend over time a lot of times what you'll see is we'll just take this first drop out that's what mine looks like so if you remove this first one what mine looked like first was this and then it dropped and then it went up and then I went across and then it dropped and this is tends to be what I fall into it's really important I've seen a lot of clients a lot of inner circle members have this exact same one I'm seeing thousands of people over the course of my years as a coach these are the three most common ones and anytime there's a spike or a stagnation or a spike or a stagnation or a spike or a stagnation that's where people quit that's where they say it's not working and I always ask how do you know it's not working well I'm plateaued for how long when was the last time you lost weight two days three days a week two weeks cool that's normal you're not gonna lose weight every single day you're not gonna lose weight every single week if you lost a pound a week every single week that'd be 52 pounds at the end of the year not everybody has 52 pounds to lose it's very easy to look at these Instagram transformations look I lost a hundred pounds in three months it's like that's phenomenal for the people who did it amazing congratulations that's not the norm that's not 99 percent of us not to mention and this is equally if not more important a lot of the people who lose that amount of weight that quickly unfortunately gain it back and often more one thing that's really important to me is not how quickly you can lose weight it's about how much you can lose and keep off for the rest of your life and unfortunately it's very common for people to do the extreme methods these very low calories or the completely eliminate carbs or though whatever it is in order to lose weight as quickly as possible it's not sustainable it's not enjoyable the whole point of me doing this 90 day fat loss challenge is to show you that it's possible while still enjoying life well eating pasta eating pizza having the foods you enjoy while still losing fat and showing you that the weight fluctuations upwards they're a part of the process it's not necessarily fat game it's not that you're not making progress it's not that it's not working it's that it's just what happens and as long as you stay consistent and as long as you don't give up you will succeed it's inevitable you just can't quit here can't quit here can't quit here stay consistent because as long as you don't quit you will win I promise you that I hope you note the video if you did please subscribe make sure you hit the bell to get notified the next video comes out again if this video gets 350 likes we're gonna do a giveaway and the next one I love you thank you talk to you soon [Music]